Wrote the following two sections under Gossip Announcements
- How does a peer announce a new channel to the network?
- How do nodes verify a channel announcement? Why should they verify one in the first place?
I used Bolt 7 as a reference. I went for a simple approach, but it might be too simplistic. Feel free to add more relevant detail. In particular two things I wasn't sure about it:
1. The exact structure of the signatures in the `channel_announcement` message. Not sure if my explanation is 100% technically correct.
2. Attack vector for fake channel announcements. While I understand that having a network graph with fake channels is a problem, how exactly could an attacker exploit this?
I'd like to also credit Gabriel Comtefor this contribution as his medium article helped me write this section on Zombie channels. Specifically the points on Zombie channels being a burden on the network, and losing your funds even if you have a channel.backup are taken from his article below.