Edited 02_getting_started.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

kristen@oreilly.com 3 years ago
parent 1c1342615a
commit f7c1b2975c

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ Alice uses an Android device and will use the Google Play Store to download and
.Eclair Mobile in the Google Play Store
image:images/eclair-playstore.png["Eclair wallet in the Google Play Store"]
image::images/eclair-playstore.png["Eclair wallet in the Google Play Store"]
Alice notices a few different elements on this page, that help her ascertain that this is, most likely, the correct "Eclair Mobile" wallet she is looking for. Firstly, the organization "ACINQ" footnote:[ACINQ: Developers of the Eclair Mobile Lightning wallet (https://acinq.co/).] is listed as the developer of this mobile wallet, which Alice knows from her research is the correct developer. Secondly, the wallet has been installed "10,000+" times and has more than 320 positive reviews. It is unlikely this is a rogue app that has snuck into the Play Store. As a third step, she goes to the ACINQ website (https://acinq.co/). She verifies that the webpage is secure by checking that the address begins with HTTPS, or prefixed by a padlock in some browsers. On the website she goes to the Download section or looks for the link to the Google App store. She finds the link and clicks it. She compares that this link brings her to the very same app in the Google App Store. Satisfied by these findings, Alice installs the Eclair app on her mobile device.
@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ When Alice chooses to "Create a New Wallet", she will be shown a screen with her
.New Wallet Mnemonic Phrase
image:images/eclair-mnemonic.png["New Wallet Mnemonic Phrase"]
image::images/eclair-mnemonic.png["New Wallet Mnemonic Phrase"]
In <<eclair-mnemonic>>, we have purposely obscured part of the mnemonic phrase to prevent readers of this book from reusing the mnemonic.
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ Let's assume Alice has found a local Bitcoin ATM and has decided to buy some bit
.A Lamassu Bitcoin ATM
image:images/bitcoin-atm.png["Lamassu Bitcoin ATM"]
image::images/bitcoin-atm.png["Lamassu Bitcoin ATM"]
To receive the bitcoin in her Eclair Lightning wallet, Alice will need to present a _Bitcoin Address_ from the Eclair Lightning wallet to the ATM. The ATM can then send Alice's newly acquired bitcoin to this bitcoin address.
@ -255,7 +255,7 @@ To see a Bitcoin Address on the Eclair wallet, Alice must swipe to the left colu
.Alice's bitcoin address, shown in Eclair
image:images/eclair-receive.png["Eclair bitcoin address QR code"]
image::images/eclair-receive.png["Eclair bitcoin address QR code"]
The QR code contains the same string of letters and numbers as shown below it, in an easy to scan format. This way, Alice doesn't have to type the Bitcoin Address. In the screenshot <<eclair-receive>>, we have purposely blurred both, to prevent readers from inadvertently sending bitcoin to this address.
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ Alice can take her mobile device to the ATM and show it to the built-in camera,
.Bitcoin ATM scans the QR code.
image:images/bitcoin-atm-receive.png["Bitcoin ATM scans the QR code"]
image::images/bitcoin-atm-receive.png["Bitcoin ATM scans the QR code"]
Alice will see the transaction from the ATM in the "TRANSACTION HISTORY" tab of the Eclair wallet. While Eclair will detect the bitcoin transaction in just a few seconds, it will take approximately one hour for the bitcoin transaction to be "confirmed" on the Bitcoin blockchain. As you can see in <<eclair-tx1>>, Alice's Eclair wallet shows "6+ conf" below the transaction, indicating that the transaction has received the required minimum of six confirmations, and her funds are now ready to use.
@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ The number of "confirmations" on a transaction is the number of blocks mined sin
.Alice receives bitcoin
image:images/eclair-tx1-btc.png["Bitcoin transaction received"]
image::images/eclair-tx1-btc.png["Bitcoin transaction received"]
While in this example Alice used an ATM to acquire her first bitcoin, the same basic concepts would apply even if she used one of the other methods in <<acquiring-bitcoin>>. For example, if Alice wanted to sell a product or provide a professional service in exchange for bitcoin, her customers could scan the Bitcoin Address with their wallets and pay her in bitcoin.
@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ At first, there are no open channels, so as we see in <<eclair-channels>>, the "
.Lightning Channels Tab
image:images/eclair-tutorial2.png["Lightning Channels Tab"]
image::images/eclair-tutorial2.png["Lightning Channels Tab"]
Alice presses the plus symbol and is presented with four possible ways to open a channel:
@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ A "node URI" is a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) that identifies a specific
.node URI as a QR code
image:images/node-URI-QR.png["Lightning node URI QR code",width=120]
image::images/node-URI-QR.png["Lightning node URI QR code",width=120]
.node URI
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ Alice allocates 0.018BTC of her 0.020 total to her channel and accepts the defau
.Opening a Lightning Channel
image:images/eclair-open-channel-detail.png["Opening a Lightning Channel"]
image::images/eclair-open-channel-detail.png["Opening a Lightning Channel"]
Once she clicks "OPEN", her wallet constructs the special Bitcoin transaction that opens a Lightning channel, known as the _funding transaction_. The "on-chain" funding transaction is sent to the Bitcoin Network for confirmation.
@ -365,13 +365,13 @@ Alice now has to wait again (see <<eclair-channel-waiting>>) for the transaction
.Waiting for the Funding Transaction to Open the Channel
image:images/eclair-channel-waiting.png["Waiting for the Funding Transaction to Open the Channel"]
image::images/eclair-channel-waiting.png["Waiting for the Funding Transaction to Open the Channel"]
Once the funding transaction is confirmed, Alice's channel to the ACINQ node is open, funded and ready, as shown in <<eclair-channel-open>>:
.Channel is Open
image:images/eclair-channel-open.png["Channel is Open"]
image::images/eclair-channel-open.png["Channel is Open"]
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ On the counter at Bob's Cafe, there is a tablet device showing <<bob-cafe-posapp
.Bob's Point-of-Sale Application
image:images/bob-cafe-posapp.png["Bob's Point-of-Sale Application"]
image::images/bob-cafe-posapp.png["Bob's Point-of-Sale Application"]
==== A Lightning Invoice
@ -406,13 +406,13 @@ Alice selects the "Cafe Latte" option from the screen and is presented with a _L
.Lightning Invoice for Alice's latte
image:images/bob-cafe-invoice.png["BTCPay Server Lightning invoice"]
image::images/bob-cafe-invoice.png["BTCPay Server Lightning invoice"]
To pay the invoice, Alice opens her Eclair wallet and selects the "Send" button (which looks like a right-facing arrow) under the "TRANSACTION HISTORY" tab, as shown in <<alice-send-start>>.
.Alice Send
image:images/alice-send-start.png["Lightning transaction send",width=300]
image::images/alice-send-start.png["Lightning transaction send",width=300]
@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ Alice selects the option to "scan a payment request" and scans the QR code displ
.Alice's Send Confirmation
image:images/alice-send-detail.png["Lightning transaction send confirmation",width=300]
image::images/alice-send-detail.png["Lightning transaction send confirmation",width=300]
Alice presses "PAY," and a second later, Bob's tablet shows a successful payment. Alice has completed her first Lightning Network payment! It was fast, inexpensive, and easy. Now she can enjoy her latte which was purchased using a payment system that is fast, cheap and decentralized. And from now on, whenever Alice feels like drinking a coffee at Bob's Cafe she selects an item on Bob's tablet screen, scans the QR code with her cell phone, clicks pay, and is served a coffee, all within seconds and all without an "on-chain" transaction.
