Merge branch 'node_operations_chapter' into develop

Andreas M. Antonopoulos 4 years ago
commit 75f192d6f4

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== Running and Maintaining a Lightning Network Node
== Operating a Lightning Network Node
=== Implications of Configurations
=== Choosing your platform
=== Backups
* Installers/distributions (raspiblitz, mynode)
* Full node backend (bitcoind, btcd) or lightweight backend (neutrino)
* What hardware will you use
* Minimum Hardware requirements
* Storage (HDD, SSD)
* Bandwidth
* Where will you host it (cloud hosting, VPS, own server, your laptop, RPi, MiniPC)
* What OS will you use (Linux variant, Windows, other)
* Docker or direct installation
=== Choose your node implementation
* Which project (LND, eclair, c-lightning, other) will you use
* Language and build-system familiarity
* Integration needs
* Features
* Performance
=== Node startup and configuration
* Startup and headless operation
* Process isolation
* Auto-unlocking
* IBD configuration
* Fine tuning performance
* RPC security and authentication
* Logging
* Process monitoring
=== Node and channel backups
* Difference between Bitcoin wallet (BIP39) backups and LN backups
* Need for backup of channel state
==== Static channel backups
@ -11,21 +45,52 @@
==== Hot wallet risk
==== Sweeping funds
===== On-chain sweep
===== Off-chain sweep
==== Watchtowers
=== Channel management
In order to participate on the Lightning Network you need to have payment channels on your Lighting networknode.
It might be confusing to decide with whom to open channels and which parameters to set for the specific channel policies.
An obvious strategy might be to open channels with shops where you want to buy products.
But what happens if those shops do only accept large channels which are beyond your funds or do not accept public channels at all?
Also if you are not a consumer but a vendor you want to receive payments on the Lightning Network.
Therefore you need others to open channels with you or you need to open channels and use submarine swaps and rebalancing techniques to provide yourself with the ability to receive payments.
Both techniques will be discussed later in this chapter.
==== Autopilots
==== Private vs public channels
==== Manually choosing nodes for outbound channels
==== Autopilot
==== Getting inbound liquidity
==== Submarine swaps
==== Splice-in/Splice-out
=== Routing fees
* Earning fees from routing
* Setting routing fees
* High volume/low cost vs. High cost/low volume
* Zero fee routing
=== Node monitoring
* lndash
* External node monitors (1ml etc.)
=== Channel maintenance
==== Inactive channels and nodes
==== When to force-close
==== Re-balancing channels
==== Rebalancing
=== Running multiple Lightning Network nodes
==== submarine swaps
==== Private channels
==== Topology
==== Fees and Centrality
* Ring topology
* Mesh topology
* Public nodes vs "hidden" private nodes
