diff --git a/node_client.asciidoc b/node_client.asciidoc index 897cd49..02c373e 100644 --- a/node_client.asciidoc +++ b/node_client.asciidoc @@ -699,8 +699,8 @@ go version go1.13.4 linux/amd64 We have 1.13.4, so we're ready to... Go! Next we need to tell any programs where to find the Go code. This is accomplished by setting the environment variable +GOPATH+. Usually the Go code is located in a directory named +gocode+ directly in the user's home directory. With the following two commands we consistently set the +GOPATH+ and make sure your shell adds it to your executable +PATH+. Note that the user's home directory is referred to as +~+ in the shell. ---- -export GOPATH=~/gocode -export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin +$ export GOPATH=~/gocode +$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin ---- To avoid having to set these environment variables every time you open a shell, you can add those two lines to the end of your bash shell configuration file +.bashrc+ in your home directory, using the editor of your choice.