Merge pull request #578 from GustavoRSSilva/feature/minor-misspells-channel-description

Channel description - minor misspels
Andreas M. Antonopoulos 4 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 6ed6712ddd
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ Furthermore, Alice's channel peer can _forward_ payments via other channels furt
Not all channel peers are _good_ peers for routing payments. Well-connected peers will be able to route payements over shorter paths to the destination, increasing the chance of success. Channel peers with ample funds in their other channels will be able to route larger payments.
Not all channel peers are _good_ peers for routing payments. Well-connected peers will be able to route payments over shorter paths to the destination, increasing the chance of success. Channel peers with ample funds in their other channels will be able to route larger payments.
In other words: Alice needs one or more channels that connects her to one or more other nodes on the Lightning Network. She doesn't need a channel to connect her wallet directly to Bob's Cafe in order to send Bob a payment, though she can choose to open a direct channel too. Any node in the Lightning Network can be used for Alice's first channel. The more well-connected a node is the more people Alice can reach. In this example, since we want to also demonstrate payment routing, we won't have Alice open a channel directly to Bob's wallet. Instead, we will have Alice open a channel to a well-connected node and then later use that node to forward her payment, routing it through any other nodes as necessary to reach Bob.

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ If you are new to the topic we highly encourage you to start there first.
If you however already know a fair share about bitcoin script, OP_CODES and protocol design it might be sufficient to skip the previous chapter and start here with us.
This books follows the construction of payment channels as described in BOLT 02 which is titled `peer protocol` and describes how two peers communicate to open, maintain and close a channel.
As stated we will only discuss opening and closing a channel in this chapter and
the operation and maintainance of a channel which means either attempting to make or forward a payment as well as failing or settling such attempts is the normal operation and will be discussed in the next chapter.
the operation and maintenance of a channel which means either attempting to make or forward a payment as well as failing or settling such attempts is the normal operation and will be discussed in the next chapter.
=== Summary of what you (should) know about payment channels and Bitcoin
@ -46,10 +46,10 @@ The private key allows the owner to produce a signature for a transaction that s
Thus 'ownership' of bitcoin can be defined as the ability to spend that bitcoin.
If you have an unpublished but signed transaction from a 2-of-2 multisignature address, where some outputs are sent to an address you own, and additionally you exclusively know one of the private keys of the multisignature address, then you effectively own the bitcoin of that output.
Without your help no other transaction from the 2-of-2 multisignature address can be produced (as only you possesess one of the needed keys to sign a transaction that spends from this address)
Without your help no other transaction from the 2-of-2 multisignature address can be produced (as only you possesses one of the needed keys to sign a transaction that spends from this address)
However, without the help of anybody else you can transfer the funds to an address which you control.
You do that by broadcasting the transaction to the bitcoin network which will accept it as it has valid signatures.
As the funds in this transaction go to a regular address for which you controll the private key you can again move the funds and thus you effectively own them.
As the funds in this transaction go to a regular address for which you control the private key you can again move the funds and thus you effectively own them.
On the Lightning Network ownership of your funds is almost always encoded with you having a pre-signed transaction spending from a 2-of-2 multisignature address.
While your funds on the Lightning Network are called to be "off-chain" they are actually very much on chain and very much owned by you just like you might own other bitcoin.
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ Each channel partner has both signatures for one of the commitment transactions
The split of the capacity is realized by a `to_local` and a `to_remote` output that is part of every commitment transaction.
The `to_local` output goes to an address that is controlled by the peer that holds this fully signed commitment transaction.
`to_local` outputs, which also exist in the second stage HTLC transactions - which we discuss in the routing chapter - have two spending conditions.
The `to_local` output can be spent either at any time with the help of a revocation secret or after a timelock with the secret key that is controled by the peer holding this commitment transaction.
The `to_local` output can be spent either at any time with the help of a revocation secret or after a timelock with the secret key that is controlled by the peer holding this commitment transaction.
The revocation secret is necessary to economically disincentivice peers to publish previous commitment transactions.
Addresses and revokation secretes change with every new pair of commitment transactions that are being negotiated.
The Lightning Network as a protocol defines the communication protocols that are necessary to achieve this.

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ As such, a zombie channel is technically still an open channel, but cannot be us
Zombie channels offer no benefit to the user but have several downsides:
* Any capacity you have locked in the channel is useless for routing payments and could be allocated elsehwere
* Any capacity you have locked in the channel is useless for routing payments and could be allocated elsewhere
* If you lose access to your own node and restore it with only your private key, you will lose access to funds in open zombie channels
* If you lose access to your own node and restore it with your private key and channel backups, you will not be able to contact your channel partner to cooperatively close the channel and may also lose the funds
* Public zombie channels are a burden on the network, as information about them is communicated to the rest of the network, but they cannot be used to route payments
@ -74,13 +74,13 @@ Well, verifying a channel is pretty important.
If Wei tries to forward any payments through a channel that doesn't exist, his payments are going to fail.
Even if the channel does exist, Wei still needs assurances that Bob and Alice actually control the funds inside of it.
Alice and Bob could potentially dupe him by claiming ownership of a channel that actually belongs to someone else.
So Wei will definintely want to verify before he updates his channel graph.
So Wei will definitely want to verify before he updates his channel graph.
Firstly, Wei will check the channel ID to discover which Bitcoin transaction contains the channel funds.
He will then look up this transaction on the Bitcoin blockchain and he should discover a P2WSH bitcoin UTXO that is signed by both Alice and Bob.
Secondly, Wei will verify the signatures in the channel annoucenment message and confirm that the two nodes who signed the channel announcement are actually Alice and Bob.
Secondly, Wei will verify the signatures in the channel announcement message and confirm that the two nodes who signed the channel announcement are actually Alice and Bob.
Once he's done so, he's convinced that the channel is funded and that Alice and Bob are the funders and owners of that channel.
If any of these checks fail, he'll ignore the channel announcement.
Once Wei is satisifed that the channel announcement checks out, he'll update his channel graph.
Once Wei is satisfied that the channel announcement checks out, he'll update his channel graph.
He will also send information about this channel to his peers, and they will verify it for themselves.

@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Then it has included a signature for the entire commitment transaction.
As commitment transactions can have several HTLCs and HTLC success transactions need signatures which might not be provided at the time when they are needed those signatures are all already sent over to Bob.
If all signatures are valid Bob has a new commitment transaction.
At this time he would be able to publish either the old one or the new one without getting a penality as the old one is not yet revoked and invalidated.
However this is safe for Alice as Bob has less money in this old state and is economically not incentivised to publish the old commitment transaction.
However this is safe for Alice as Bob has less money in this old state and is economically not incentivized to publish the old commitment transaction.
Alice on the other side has no problem if Bob publishes the new commitment transaction as she wanted to send him money.
If Bob can provide the preimage he is by their agreement and expectation entitled to claim the HTLC output.
Should Bob decide to sabotage to future steps of the protocol Alice can publish her commitment transaction without Bob being able to punish her.
