Edited 07_payment_channels.asciidoc with Atlas code editor

kristen@oreilly.com 3 years ago
parent ecb8c8635e
commit 67b87be709

@ -637,11 +637,11 @@ As soon as Bob has given this secret to Alice, he *must not* ever broadcast that
Once Alice has received the +revoke_and_ack+ from Bob she can be sure that Bob cannot broadcast the old commitment without being penalized. She now has the keys necessary to create a penalty transaction if Bob broadcasts an old commitment.
==== Cheating and penalty in practice
In practice, both Alice and Bob have to monitor for "cheating". They are monitoring the Bitcoin blockchain for any commitment transactions related to any of the channels they are operating. If they see a commitment transaction confirmed on-chain they will check to see if it is the most recent commitment. If it is an "old" commitment, they must immediately construct and broadcast a penalty transaction. The penalty transaction spends *both* the +to_local+ and +to_remote+ outputs, closing the channel and sending both balances to the "cheated" channel partner.
In order to more easily allow both sides to keep track of the commitment numbers of the passed revoke commitments, each commitment actually _encodes_ the number of the commitment within the lock time and sequence fields in a transition. Within the protocol, this special encoding is referred to as "state hints". Assuming a party knows the current commitment number, they're able to use the state hints to easily recognize if a broadcasted commitment was a revoked one, and if so, which commitment number was breached, as that number is used to easily look up which revocation secret should be used in the revocation secret tree (shachain).
Rather than encode the state hint in plain sight, an _obfuscated_ state hint is used in its place. This obfuscation is achieved by first XOR'ing the current commitment number with a set of random bytes generated deterministically using the funding public keys of both sides of the channel. A total of 6 bytes across the lock time and sequence (24 bits of the locktime and 24 bits of the sequence) are used to encode the state hint within the commitment transaction, so 6 random bytes are needed to use for XOR'ing. To obtain these 6 bytes, both sides obtain the SHA-256 hash of the initiator's funding key concatenated to the responder's funding key. Before encoding the current commitment height, the integer is XOR'd with this state hint obfuscater, and then encoded in the lower 24 bits of the locktime, and the upper 64 bits of the sequence.
