Copy from ch03

Andreas M. Antonopoulos 4 years ago
parent 7f367838ad
commit 547a14531b

@ -12,3 +12,25 @@ Relevant questions to answer:
* What information can be sent to intermediate and the final node aside from the critical routing data?
* What are multi-hop locks? What addition privacy and security guarantees to they offer?
* How can the flexible onion space be used to enabled packet switching in the network?
==== Finding a path
Payments on the Lightning Network are forwarded along a path of channels from one participant to another.
Thus, a path of payment channels has to be selected.
If we knew the exact channel balances of every channel we could easily compute a payment path using any of the standard path finding algorithms taught in any computer science program.
This could even be done in a way to optimize the fees that would have to be paid by the payer to the nodes that kindly forward the payment.
However, as discussed the balance information of all channels is and cannot be available to all participants of the network.
Thus, we need to have one or more innovative path finding strategy.
These strategies must relate closely to the routing algorithm that is used.
As we will see in the next section, the Lightning Network uses a source based onion routing protocol for routing payments.
This means in particular that the sender of the payment has to find a path through the network.
With only partial information about the network topology available this is a real challenge and active research is still being conducted into optimizing this part of the Lightning Network implementations.
The fact that the path finding problem is not fully solved for the case of the Lightning Network is a major point of criticism towards the technology.
The path finding strategy currently implemented in Lightning nodes is to probe paths until one is found that has enough liquidity to forward the payment.
While this is not optimal and certainly can be improved, it should be noted that even this simplistic strategy works well.
This probing is done by the Lightning node or wallet and is not directly seen by the user of the software.
The user might only realize that probing is taking place if the payment is not going through instantly.
The algorithm currently also does not necessarily result in the path with the lowest fees.
