diff --git a/node_client.asciidoc b/node_client.asciidoc index 9fc4258..d232da5 100644 --- a/node_client.asciidoc +++ b/node_client.asciidoc @@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ $ docker exec bitcoind bitcoin-cli -datadir=/bitcoind getblockchaininfo | jq .bl The +jq+ JSON decoder extract the result "189" from the +getblockchaininfo+, which we could use in a subsequent command. -As you will see in the following sections, we can run several containers and then interact with them individually, issuing commands to extract information (such as the Lightning node public key), or to take an action (open a Lightning channel to another node). The +docker run+ and +docker exec+, together with +jq+ for JSON decoding are all we need to build a working Lightning Network that mixes many different node implementations and allows us to try out various experiments, all on our own computer. +As you will see in the following sections, we can run several containers at the same time and then interact with them individually. We can issue commands to extract information such as the Lightning node public key, or to take actions such as opening a Lightning channel to another node. The +docker run+ and +docker exec+ commands together with +jq+ for JSON decoding are all we need to build a working Lightning Network that mixes many different node implementations. This enables us to try out diverse experiments on our own computer. === The c-lightning Lightning node project