Merge branch 'node_operations_chapter' into develop

Andreas M. Antonopoulos 4 years ago
commit 20f95bf519

@ -566,21 +566,23 @@
Once you have the software installed and running, a Loop-Out operation is as simple as running a single command:
$ loop out 1000000 --fast
Max swap fees for 1000000 sat Loop Out: 36046 sat
Fast swap requested.
loop out --amt 501000 --conf_target 400
Max swap fees for 501000 sat Loop Out: 25716 sat
Regular swap speed requested, it might take up to 30m0s for the swap to be executed.
CONTINUE SWAP? (y/n), expand fee detail (x): x
Estimated on-chain sweep fee: 149 sat
Max on-chain sweep fee: 14900 sat
Max off-chain swap routing fee: 20010 sat
Max off-chain prepay routing fee: 36 sat
Max off-chain swap routing fee: 10030 sat
Max no show penalty (prepay): 1337 sat
Max swap fee: 1100 sat
Max off-chain prepay routing fee: 36 sat
Max swap fee: 750 sat
Swap initiated
Run `loop monitor` to monitor progress.
In the example above, we requested a "fast" swap which uses higher on-chain transaction fees to ensure confirmation in a few blocks. If you are using this in an automated way to sweep funds on-chain, you can usually wait and pay less in transaction fees.
==== Watchtowers
