You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

228 lines
7.5 KiB

// This software is dual-licensed to the public domain and under the following
// license: you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy, modify,
// publish, and distribute this file as you see fit.
#include <cstring> // memcpy
#include "fts_fuzzy_match.hh"
#include <ctype.h> // ::tolower, ::toupper
#include "config.h"
namespace fts {
// Forward declarations for "private" implementation
namespace fuzzy_internal {
static bool fuzzy_match_recursive(const char* pattern,
const char* str,
int& outScore,
const char* strBegin,
uint8_t const* srcMatches,
uint8_t* newMatches,
int maxMatches,
int nextMatch,
int& recursionCount,
int recursionLimit);
// Public interface
fuzzy_match_simple(char const* pattern, char const* str)
while (*pattern != '\0' && *str != '\0') {
if (tolower(*pattern) == tolower(*str))
return *pattern == '\0' ? true : false;
fuzzy_match(char const* pattern, char const* str, int& outScore)
uint8_t matches[256];
return fuzzy_match(pattern, str, outScore, matches, sizeof(matches));
fuzzy_match(char const* pattern,
char const* str,
int& outScore,
uint8_t* matches,
int maxMatches)
int recursionCount = 0;
int recursionLimit = 10;
return fuzzy_internal::fuzzy_match_recursive(pattern,
// Private implementation
static bool
fuzzy_internal::fuzzy_match_recursive(const char* pattern,
const char* str,
int& outScore,
const char* strBegin,
uint8_t const* srcMatches,
uint8_t* matches,
int maxMatches,
int nextMatch,
int& recursionCount,
int recursionLimit)
// Count recursions
if (recursionCount >= recursionLimit)
return false;
// Detect end of strings
if (*pattern == '\0' || *str == '\0')
return false;
// Recursion params
bool recursiveMatch = false;
uint8_t bestRecursiveMatches[256];
int bestRecursiveScore = 0;
// Loop through pattern and str looking for a match
bool first_match = true;
while (*pattern != '\0' && *str != '\0') {
// Found match
if (tolower(*pattern) == tolower(*str)) {
// Supplied matches buffer was too short
if (nextMatch >= maxMatches)
return false;
// "Copy-on-Write" srcMatches into matches
if (first_match && srcMatches) {
memcpy(matches, srcMatches, nextMatch);
first_match = false;
// Recursive call that "skips" this match
uint8_t recursiveMatches[256];
int recursiveScore;
if (fuzzy_match_recursive(pattern,
str + 1,
// Pick best recursive score
if (!recursiveMatch || recursiveScore > bestRecursiveScore) {
memcpy(bestRecursiveMatches, recursiveMatches, 256);
bestRecursiveScore = recursiveScore;
recursiveMatch = true;
// Advance
matches[nextMatch++] = (uint8_t) (str - strBegin);
// Determine if full pattern was matched
bool matched = *pattern == '\0' ? true : false;
// Calculate score
if (matched) {
const int sequential_bonus = 15; // bonus for adjacent matches
const int separator_bonus
= 30; // bonus if match occurs after a separator
const int camel_bonus
= 30; // bonus if match is uppercase and prev is lower
const int first_letter_bonus
= 15; // bonus if the first letter is matched
const int leading_letter_penalty
= -5; // penalty applied for every letter in str before the first
// match
const int max_leading_letter_penalty
= -15; // maximum penalty for leading letters
const int unmatched_letter_penalty
= -1; // penalty for every letter that doesn't matter
// Iterate str to end
while (*str != '\0')
// Initialize score
outScore = 100;
// Apply leading letter penalty
int penalty = leading_letter_penalty * matches[0];
if (penalty < max_leading_letter_penalty)
penalty = max_leading_letter_penalty;
outScore += penalty;
// Apply unmatched penalty
int unmatched = (int) (str - strBegin) - nextMatch;
outScore += unmatched_letter_penalty * unmatched;
// Apply ordering bonuses
for (int i = 0; i < nextMatch; ++i) {
uint8_t currIdx = matches[i];
if (i > 0) {
uint8_t prevIdx = matches[i - 1];
// Sequential
if (currIdx == (prevIdx + 1))
outScore += sequential_bonus;
// Check for bonuses based on neighbor character value
if (currIdx > 0) {
// Camel case
char neighbor = strBegin[currIdx - 1];
char curr = strBegin[currIdx];
if (::islower(neighbor) && ::isupper(curr))
outScore += camel_bonus;
// Separator
bool neighborSeparator = neighbor == '_' || neighbor == ' ';
if (neighborSeparator)
outScore += separator_bonus;
} else {
// First letter
outScore += first_letter_bonus;
// Return best result
if (recursiveMatch && (!matched || bestRecursiveScore > outScore)) {
// Recursive score is better than "this"
memcpy(matches, bestRecursiveMatches, maxMatches);
outScore = bestRecursiveScore;
return true;
} else if (matched) {
// "this" score is better than recursive
return true;
} else {
// no match
return false;
} // namespace fts