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.. _faq:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I copy & paste without decorations?
:Answer: There are a few ways to do this:
* Use the :ref:`bookmark<hotkeys_bookmarks>` hotkeys to mark lines and then
press :kbd:`c` to copy to the local system keyboard.
* Press :kbd:`CTRL` + :kbd:`l` to temporarily switch to "lo-fi"
mode where the contents of the current view are printed to the terminal.
This option is useful when you are logged into a remote host.
Q: How can I force a format for a file?
:Answer: The log format for a file is automatically detected and cannot be
:Solution: Add some of the log file lines to the :ref:`sample<format_sample>`
array and then startup lnav to get a detailed explanation of where the format
patterns are not matching the sample lines.
:Details: The first lines of the file are matched against the
:ref:`regular expressions defined in the format definitions<format_regex>`.
The order of the formats is automatically determined so that more specific
formats are tried before more generic ones. Therefore, if the expected
format is not being chosen for a file, then it means the regular expressions
defined by that format are not matching the first few lines of the file.
See :ref:`format_order` for more information.
Q: Why isn't my log file highlighted correctly?
Q: Why isn't a file being displayed?
:Answer: Plaintext files are displayed separately from log files in the TEXT
:Solution: Press the :kbd:`t` key to switch to the text view. Or, open the
files configuration panel by pressing :kbd:`TAB` to cycle through the
panels, and then press :kbd:`/` to search for the file you're interested in.
If the file is a log, a new :ref:`log format<log_formats>` will need to be
created or an existing one modified.
:Details: If a file being monitored by lnav does not match a known log file
format, it is treated as plaintext and will be displayed in the TEXT view.