You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

114 lines
3.6 KiB

"$schema": "",
"ui": {
"clock-format": "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S %Z",
"dim-text": false,
"default-colors": true,
"keymap": "default",
"theme": "default",
"movement": {
"mode": "cursor"
"log": {
"date-time": {
"convert-zoned-to-local": true
"annotations": {
"com.vmware.vmacore.backtrace": {
"description": "Convert a vmacore backtrace into human-readable text",
"condition": ":log_body LIKE '%[context]%[/context]%'",
"handler": ""
"tuning": {
"archive-manager": {
"min-free-space": 33554432,
"cache-ttl": "2d"
"remote": {
"ssh": {
"command": "ssh",
"config": {
"BatchMode": "yes",
"ConnectTimeout": "10"
"start-command": "bash -c ./{0:}",
"transfer-command": "cat > {0:} && chmod ugo+rx ./{0:}"
"piper": {
"max-size": 10485760,
"rotations": 4,
"ttl": "2d"
"clipboard": {
"impls": {
"MacOS": {
"test": "command -v pbcopy",
"general": {
"write": "pbcopy",
"read": "pbpaste -Prefer txt"
"find": {
"write": "pbcopy -pboard find",
"read": "pbpaste -pboard find -Prefer txt"
"Wayland": {
"test": "test -n \"$WAYLAND_DISPLAY\"",
"general": {
"write": "wl-copy --foreground --type text/plain",
"read": "wl-paste --no-newline"
"X11-xclip": {
"test": "test -n \"$DISPLAY\" && command -v xclip",
"general": {
"write": "xclip -i -selection clipboard",
"read": "xclip -o -selection clipboard"
"tmux": {
"test": "test -n \"$TMUX\" -a -z \"$SSH_CLIENT\"",
"general": {
"write": "tmux load-buffer -",
"read": "tmux save-buffer -"
"NeoVim": {
"test": "command -v win32yank.exe",
"general": {
"write": "win32yank.exe -i --crlf",
"read": "win32yank.exe -o --lf"
"Windows": {
"test": "command -v clip.exe",
"general": {
"write": "clip.exe"
"url-scheme": {
"docker": {
"handler": "docker-url-handler"
"docker-compose": {
"handler": "docker-compose-url-handler"
"journald": {
"handler": "journald-url-handler"
"piper": {
"handler": "piper-url-handler"
"podman": {
"handler": "docker-url-handler"