You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

365 lines
7.6 KiB

#! /bin/bash
run_test ./drive_sql "select startswith('.foo', '.')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column startswith('.foo', '.'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select startswith('foo', '.')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column startswith('foo', '.'): 0
run_test ./drive_sql "select endswith('foo', '.')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column endswith('foo', '.'): 0
run_test ./drive_sql "select endswith('foo.', '.')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column endswith('foo.', '.'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select endswith('foo.txt', '.txt')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column endswith('foo.txt', '.txt'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select endswith('a', '.txt')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column endswith('a', '.txt'): 0
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp('abcd', 'abcd')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp('abcd', 'abcd'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp('bc', 'abcd')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp('bc', 'abcd'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp('[e-z]+', 'abcd')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp('[e-z]+', 'abcd'): 0
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp('[e-z]+', 'ea')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp('[e-z]+', 'ea'): 1
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_replace('test 1 2 3', '\\d+', 'N')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp_replace('test 1 2 3', '\d+', 'N'): test N N N
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_match('abc', 'abc')"
check_error_output "" <<EOF
error: sqlite3_exec failed -- regular expression does not have any captures
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_match(null, 'abc')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column regexp_match(null, 'abc'): (null)
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_match('abc', null) as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: (null)
run_test ./drive_sql "select typeof(result), result from (select regexp_match('(\d*)abc', 'abc') as result)"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column typeof(result): text
Column result:
run_test ./drive_sql "select typeof(result), result from (select regexp_match('(\d*)abc(\d*)', 'abc') as result)"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column typeof(result): text
Column result: {"col_0":"","col_1":""}
run_test ./drive_sql "select typeof(result), result from (select regexp_match('(\d+)', '123') as result)"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column typeof(result): integer
Column result: 123
run_test ./drive_sql "select typeof(result), result from (select regexp_match('a(\d+\.\d+)a', 'a123.456a') as result)"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column typeof(result): real
Column result: 123.456
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_match('foo=(?<foo>\w+); (\w+)', 'foo=abc; 123') as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: {"foo":"abc","col_0":123}
run_test ./drive_sql "select regexp_match('foo=(?<foo>\w+); (\w+\.\w+)', 'foo=abc; 123.456') as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: {"foo":"abc","col_0":123.456}
run_test ./drive_sql "select extract('foo=1') as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: {"foo":1}
run_test ./drive_sql "select extract('foo=1; bar=2') as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: {"foo":1,"bar":2}
run_test ./drive_sql "select extract(null) as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: (null)
run_test ./drive_sql "select extract(1) as result"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column result: {"col_0":1}
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT substr('#foo', range_start) AS value FROM regexp_capture('#foo', '(\w+)') WHERE capture_index = 1"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column value: foo
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar', '\w+ (\w+)')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: foo bar
Row 1:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 5
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: bar
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar', '\w+ \w+')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 1
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: foo bar
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar', '\w+ (?<word>\w+)')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: foo bar
Row 1:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name: word
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 5
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: bar
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar', '(bar)|\w+ (?<word>\w+)')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 3
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: foo bar
Row 1:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 3
Column range_start: 0
Column range_stop: 0
Column content: (null)
Row 2:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 2
Column capture_name: word
Column capture_count: 3
Column range_start: 5
Column range_stop: 8
Column content: bar
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture()"
check_output "" <<EOF
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar')"
check_output "" <<EOF
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo bar', '(')"
check_error_output "" <<EOF
error: sqlite3_exec failed -- Invalid regular expression: missing )
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('1 2 3 45', '(\d+)')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 2
Column content: 1
Row 1:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 2
Column content: 1
Row 2:
Column match_index: 1
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 3
Column range_stop: 4
Column content: 2
Row 3:
Column match_index: 1
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 3
Column range_stop: 4
Column content: 2
Row 4:
Column match_index: 2
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 5
Column range_stop: 6
Column content: 3
Row 5:
Column match_index: 2
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 5
Column range_stop: 6
Column content: 3
Row 6:
Column match_index: 3
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 7
Column range_stop: 9
Column content: 45
Row 7:
Column match_index: 3
Column capture_index: 1
Column capture_name:
Column capture_count: 2
Column range_start: 7
Column range_stop: 9
Column content: 45
run_test ./drive_sql "SELECT * FROM regexp_capture('foo foo', '^foo')"
check_output "" <<EOF
Row 0:
Column match_index: 0
Column capture_index: 0
Column capture_name: (null)
Column capture_count: 1
Column range_start: 1
Column range_stop: 4
Column content: foo