You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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.. include:: kbd.rst
.. _commands:
Commands provide access to some of the more advanced features in **lnav**, like
filtering and "search tables". You can activate the command prompt by
pressing the |ks| : |ke| key. At the prompt, you can start typing in the
desired command and/or double-tap |ks| TAB |ke| to activate auto-completion
and show the available commands. To guide you in the usage of the commands,
a help window will appear above the command prompt with an explanation of the
command and its parameters (if it has any). For example, the screenshot below
shows the help for the :code:`:open` command:
.. figure:: open-help.png
:align: center
Screenshot of the online help for the :code:`:open` command.
In addition to online help, many commands provide a preview of the effects that
the command will have. This preview will activate shortly after you have
finished typing, but before you have pressed |ks| Enter |ke| to execute the
command. For example, the :code:`:open` command will show a preview of the
first few lines of the file given as its argument:
.. figure:: open-preview.png
:align: center
Screenshot of the preview shown for the :code:`:open` command.
The :code:`:filter-out` command is another instance where the preview behavior
can help you craft the correct command-line. This command takes a PCRE regular
expression that specifies the log messages that should be filtered out of the
view. The preview for this command will highlight the portion of the log
messages that match the expression in red. Thus, you can be certain that the
regular expression is matching the log messages you are interested in before
committing the filter. The following screenshot shows an example of this
preview behavior for the string "launchd":
.. figure:: filter-out-preview.png
:align: center
Screenshot showing the preview for the :code:`:filter-out launchd` command.
Any errors detected during preview will be shown in the status bar right above
the command prompt. For example, an attempt to open an unknown file will show
an error message in the status bar, like so:
.. figure:: open-error.png
:align: center
Screenshot of the error shown when trying to open a non-existent file.
.. tip::
Note that almost all commands support TAB-completion for their arguments.
So, if you are in doubt as to what to type for an argument, you can double-
tap the |ks| TAB |ke| key to get suggestions. For example, the
TAB-completion for the :code:`filter-in` command will suggest words that are
currently displayed in the view.
.. note:: The following commands can be disabled by setting the ``LNAVSECURE``
environment variable before executing the **lnav** binary:
- :code:`:open`
- :code:`:pipe-to`
- :code:`:pipe-line-to`
- :code:`:write-*-to`
This makes it easier to run **lnav** in restricted environments without the
risk of privilege escalation.
.. include:: ../../src/internals/cmd-ref.rst