You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1363 lines
49 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, University of Cincinnati, developed by Henry Schreiner
// under NSF AWARD 1414736 and by the respective contributors.
// All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
#pragma once
// [CLI11:public_includes:set]
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
// [CLI11:public_includes:end]
#include "Error.hpp"
#include "Macros.hpp"
#include "Split.hpp"
#include "StringTools.hpp"
#include "Validators.hpp"
namespace CLI {
// [CLI11:option_hpp:verbatim]
using results_t = std::vector<std::string>;
/// callback function definition
using callback_t = std::function<bool(const results_t &)>;
class Option;
class App;
using Option_p = std::unique_ptr<Option>;
/// Enumeration of the multiOption Policy selection
enum class MultiOptionPolicy : char {
Throw, //!< Throw an error if any extra arguments were given
TakeLast, //!< take only the last Expected number of arguments
TakeFirst, //!< take only the first Expected number of arguments
Join, //!< merge all the arguments together into a single string via the delimiter character default('\n')
TakeAll, //!< just get all the passed argument regardless
Sum //!< sum all the arguments together if numerical or concatenate directly without delimiter
/// This is the CRTP base class for Option and OptionDefaults. It was designed this way
/// to share parts of the class; an OptionDefaults can copy to an Option.
template <typename CRTP> class OptionBase {
friend App;
/// The group membership
std::string group_ = std::string("Options");
/// True if this is a required option
bool required_{false};
/// Ignore the case when matching (option, not value)
bool ignore_case_{false};
/// Ignore underscores when matching (option, not value)
bool ignore_underscore_{false};
/// Allow this option to be given in a configuration file
bool configurable_{true};
/// Disable overriding flag values with '=value'
bool disable_flag_override_{false};
/// Specify a delimiter character for vector arguments
char delimiter_{'\0'};
/// Automatically capture default value
bool always_capture_default_{false};
/// Policy for handling multiple arguments beyond the expected Max
MultiOptionPolicy multi_option_policy_{MultiOptionPolicy::Throw};
/// Copy the contents to another similar class (one based on OptionBase)
template <typename T> void copy_to(T *other) const {
// setters
/// Changes the group membership
CRTP *group(const std::string &name) {
if(!detail::valid_alias_name_string(name)) {
throw IncorrectConstruction("Group names may not contain newlines or null characters");
group_ = name;
return static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
/// Set the option as required
CRTP *required(bool value = true) {
required_ = value;
return static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
/// Support Plumbum term
CRTP *mandatory(bool value = true) { return required(value); }
CRTP *always_capture_default(bool value = true) {
always_capture_default_ = value;
return static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
// Getters
/// Get the group of this option
const std::string &get_group() const { return group_; }
/// True if this is a required option
bool get_required() const { return required_; }
/// The status of ignore case
bool get_ignore_case() const { return ignore_case_; }
/// The status of ignore_underscore
bool get_ignore_underscore() const { return ignore_underscore_; }
/// The status of configurable
bool get_configurable() const { return configurable_; }
/// The status of configurable
bool get_disable_flag_override() const { return disable_flag_override_; }
/// Get the current delimiter char
char get_delimiter() const { return delimiter_; }
/// Return true if this will automatically capture the default value for help printing
bool get_always_capture_default() const { return always_capture_default_; }
/// The status of the multi option policy
MultiOptionPolicy get_multi_option_policy() const { return multi_option_policy_; }
// Shortcuts for multi option policy
/// Set the multi option policy to take last
CRTP *take_last() {
auto self = static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
return self;
/// Set the multi option policy to take last
CRTP *take_first() {
auto self = static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
return self;
/// Set the multi option policy to take all arguments
CRTP *take_all() {
auto self = static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
return self;
/// Set the multi option policy to join
CRTP *join() {
auto self = static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
return self;
/// Set the multi option policy to join with a specific delimiter
CRTP *join(char delim) {
auto self = static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
self->delimiter_ = delim;
return self;
/// Allow in a configuration file
CRTP *configurable(bool value = true) {
configurable_ = value;
return static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
/// Allow in a configuration file
CRTP *delimiter(char value = '\0') {
delimiter_ = value;
return static_cast<CRTP *>(this);
/// This is a version of OptionBase that only supports setting values,
/// for defaults. It is stored as the default option in an App.
class OptionDefaults : public OptionBase<OptionDefaults> {
OptionDefaults() = default;
// Methods here need a different implementation if they are Option vs. OptionDefault
/// Take the last argument if given multiple times
OptionDefaults *multi_option_policy(MultiOptionPolicy value = MultiOptionPolicy::Throw) {
multi_option_policy_ = value;
return this;
/// Ignore the case of the option name
OptionDefaults *ignore_case(bool value = true) {
ignore_case_ = value;
return this;
/// Ignore underscores in the option name
OptionDefaults *ignore_underscore(bool value = true) {
ignore_underscore_ = value;
return this;
/// Disable overriding flag values with an '=<value>' segment
OptionDefaults *disable_flag_override(bool value = true) {
disable_flag_override_ = value;
return this;
/// set a delimiter character to split up single arguments to treat as multiple inputs
OptionDefaults *delimiter(char value = '\0') {
delimiter_ = value;
return this;
class Option : public OptionBase<Option> {
friend App;
/// @name Names
/// A list of the short names (`-a`) without the leading dashes
std::vector<std::string> snames_{};
/// A list of the long names (`--long`) without the leading dashes
std::vector<std::string> lnames_{};
/// A list of the flag names with the appropriate default value, the first part of the pair should be duplicates of
/// what is in snames or lnames but will trigger a particular response on a flag
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> default_flag_values_{};
/// a list of flag names with specified default values;
std::vector<std::string> fnames_{};
/// A positional name
std::string pname_{};
/// If given, check the environment for this option
std::string envname_{};
/// @name Help
/// The description for help strings
std::string description_{};
/// A human readable default value, either manually set, captured, or captured by default
std::string default_str_{};
/// If given, replace the text that describes the option type and usage in the help text
std::string option_text_{};
/// A human readable type value, set when App creates this
/// This is a lambda function so "types" can be dynamic, such as when a set prints its contents.
std::function<std::string()> type_name_{[]() { return std::string(); }};
/// Run this function to capture a default (ignore if empty)
std::function<std::string()> default_function_{};
/// @name Configuration
/// The number of arguments that make up one option. max is the nominal type size, min is the minimum number of
/// strings
int type_size_max_{1};
/// The minimum number of arguments an option should be expecting
int type_size_min_{1};
/// The minimum number of expected values
int expected_min_{1};
/// The maximum number of expected values
int expected_max_{1};
/// A list of Validators to run on each value parsed
std::vector<Validator> validators_{};
/// A list of options that are required with this option
std::set<Option *> needs_{};
/// A list of options that are excluded with this option
std::set<Option *> excludes_{};
/// @name Other
/// link back up to the parent App for fallthrough
App *parent_{nullptr};
/// Options store a callback to do all the work
callback_t callback_{};
/// @name Parsing results
/// complete Results of parsing
results_t results_{};
/// results after reduction
results_t proc_results_{};
/// enumeration for the option state machine
enum class option_state : char {
parsing = 0, //!< The option is currently collecting parsed results
validated = 2, //!< the results have been validated
reduced = 4, //!< a subset of results has been generated
callback_run = 6, //!< the callback has been executed
/// Whether the callback has run (needed for INI parsing)
option_state current_option_state_{option_state::parsing};
/// Specify that extra args beyond type_size_max should be allowed
bool allow_extra_args_{false};
/// Specify that the option should act like a flag vs regular option
bool flag_like_{false};
/// Control option to run the callback to set the default
bool run_callback_for_default_{false};
/// flag indicating a separator needs to be injected after each argument call
bool inject_separator_{false};
/// flag indicating that the option should trigger the validation and callback chain on each result when loaded
bool trigger_on_result_{false};
/// flag indicating that the option should force the callback regardless if any results present
bool force_callback_{false};
/// Making an option by hand is not defined, it must be made by the App class
Option(std::string option_name, std::string option_description, callback_t callback, App *parent)
: description_(std::move(option_description)), parent_(parent), callback_(std::move(callback)) {
std::tie(snames_, lnames_, pname_) = detail::get_names(detail::split_names(option_name));
/// @name Basic
Option(const Option &) = delete;
Option &operator=(const Option &) = delete;
/// Count the total number of times an option was passed
std::size_t count() const { return results_.size(); }
/// True if the option was not passed
bool empty() const { return results_.empty(); }
/// This bool operator returns true if any arguments were passed or the option callback is forced
explicit operator bool() const { return !empty() || force_callback_; }
/// Clear the parsed results (mostly for testing)
void clear() {
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
/// @name Setting options
/// Set the number of expected arguments
Option *expected(int value) {
if(value < 0) {
expected_min_ = -value;
if(expected_max_ < expected_min_) {
expected_max_ = expected_min_;
allow_extra_args_ = true;
flag_like_ = false;
} else if(value == detail::expected_max_vector_size) {
expected_min_ = 1;
expected_max_ = detail::expected_max_vector_size;
allow_extra_args_ = true;
flag_like_ = false;
} else {
expected_min_ = value;
expected_max_ = value;
flag_like_ = (expected_min_ == 0);
return this;
/// Set the range of expected arguments
Option *expected(int value_min, int value_max) {
if(value_min < 0) {
value_min = -value_min;
if(value_max < 0) {
value_max = detail::expected_max_vector_size;
if(value_max < value_min) {
expected_min_ = value_max;
expected_max_ = value_min;
} else {
expected_max_ = value_max;
expected_min_ = value_min;
return this;
/// Set the value of allow_extra_args which allows extra value arguments on the flag or option to be included
/// with each instance
Option *allow_extra_args(bool value = true) {
allow_extra_args_ = value;
return this;
/// Get the current value of allow extra args
bool get_allow_extra_args() const { return allow_extra_args_; }
/// Set the value of trigger_on_parse which specifies that the option callback should be triggered on every parse
Option *trigger_on_parse(bool value = true) {
trigger_on_result_ = value;
return this;
/// The status of trigger on parse
bool get_trigger_on_parse() const { return trigger_on_result_; }
/// Set the value of force_callback
Option *force_callback(bool value = true) {
force_callback_ = value;
return this;
/// The status of force_callback
bool get_force_callback() const { return force_callback_; }
/// Set the value of run_callback_for_default which controls whether the callback function should be called to set
/// the default This is controlled automatically but could be manipulated by the user.
Option *run_callback_for_default(bool value = true) {
run_callback_for_default_ = value;
return this;
/// Get the current value of run_callback_for_default
bool get_run_callback_for_default() const { return run_callback_for_default_; }
/// Adds a Validator with a built in type name
Option *check(Validator validator, const std::string &validator_name = "") {
return this;
/// Adds a Validator. Takes a const string& and returns an error message (empty if conversion/check is okay).
Option *check(std::function<std::string(const std::string &)> Validator,
std::string Validator_description = "",
std::string Validator_name = "") {
validators_.emplace_back(Validator, std::move(Validator_description), std::move(Validator_name));
return this;
/// Adds a transforming Validator with a built in type name
Option *transform(Validator Validator, const std::string &Validator_name = "") {
validators_.insert(validators_.begin(), std::move(Validator));
return this;
/// Adds a Validator-like function that can change result
Option *transform(const std::function<std::string(std::string)> &func,
std::string transform_description = "",
std::string transform_name = "") {
[func](std::string &val) {
val = func(val);
return std::string{};
return this;
/// Adds a user supplied function to run on each item passed in (communicate though lambda capture)
Option *each(const std::function<void(std::string)> &func) {
[func](std::string &inout) {
return std::string{};
return this;
/// Get a named Validator
Validator *get_validator(const std::string &Validator_name = "") {
for(auto &Validator : validators_) {
if(Validator_name == Validator.get_name()) {
return &Validator;
if((Validator_name.empty()) && (!validators_.empty())) {
return &(validators_.front());
throw OptionNotFound(std::string{"Validator "} + Validator_name + " Not Found");
/// Get a Validator by index NOTE: this may not be the order of definition
Validator *get_validator(int index) {
// This is an signed int so that it is not equivalent to a pointer.
if(index >= 0 && index < static_cast<int>(validators_.size())) {
return &(validators_[static_cast<decltype(validators_)::size_type>(index)]);
throw OptionNotFound("Validator index is not valid");
/// Sets required options
Option *needs(Option *opt) {
if(opt != this) {
return this;
/// Can find a string if needed
template <typename T = App> Option *needs(std::string opt_name) {
auto opt = static_cast<T *>(parent_)->get_option_no_throw(opt_name);
if(opt == nullptr) {
throw IncorrectConstruction::MissingOption(opt_name);
return needs(opt);
/// Any number supported, any mix of string and Opt
template <typename A, typename B, typename... ARG> Option *needs(A opt, B opt1, ARG... args) {
return needs(opt1, args...);
/// Remove needs link from an option. Returns true if the option really was in the needs list.
bool remove_needs(Option *opt) {
auto iterator = std::find(std::begin(needs_), std::end(needs_), opt);
if(iterator == std::end(needs_)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Sets excluded options
Option *excludes(Option *opt) {
if(opt == this) {
throw(IncorrectConstruction("and option cannot exclude itself"));
// Help text should be symmetric - excluding a should exclude b
// Ignoring the insert return value, excluding twice is now allowed.
// (Mostly to allow both directions to be excluded by user, even though the library does it for you.)
return this;
/// Can find a string if needed
template <typename T = App> Option *excludes(std::string opt_name) {
auto opt = static_cast<T *>(parent_)->get_option_no_throw(opt_name);
if(opt == nullptr) {
throw IncorrectConstruction::MissingOption(opt_name);
return excludes(opt);
/// Any number supported, any mix of string and Opt
template <typename A, typename B, typename... ARG> Option *excludes(A opt, B opt1, ARG... args) {
return excludes(opt1, args...);
/// Remove needs link from an option. Returns true if the option really was in the needs list.
bool remove_excludes(Option *opt) {
auto iterator = std::find(std::begin(excludes_), std::end(excludes_), opt);
if(iterator == std::end(excludes_)) {
return false;
return true;
/// Sets environment variable to read if no option given
Option *envname(std::string name) {
envname_ = std::move(name);
return this;
/// Ignore case
/// The template hides the fact that we don't have the definition of App yet.
/// You are never expected to add an argument to the template here.
template <typename T = App> Option *ignore_case(bool value = true) {
if(!ignore_case_ && value) {
ignore_case_ = value;
auto *parent = static_cast<T *>(parent_);
for(const Option_p &opt : parent->options_) {
if(opt.get() == this) {
auto &omatch = opt->matching_name(*this);
if(!omatch.empty()) {
ignore_case_ = false;
throw OptionAlreadyAdded("adding ignore case caused a name conflict with " + omatch);
} else {
ignore_case_ = value;
return this;
/// Ignore underscores in the option names
/// The template hides the fact that we don't have the definition of App yet.
/// You are never expected to add an argument to the template here.
template <typename T = App> Option *ignore_underscore(bool value = true) {
if(!ignore_underscore_ && value) {
ignore_underscore_ = value;
auto *parent = static_cast<T *>(parent_);
for(const Option_p &opt : parent->options_) {
if(opt.get() == this) {
auto &omatch = opt->matching_name(*this);
if(!omatch.empty()) {
ignore_underscore_ = false;
throw OptionAlreadyAdded("adding ignore underscore caused a name conflict with " + omatch);
} else {
ignore_underscore_ = value;
return this;
/// Take the last argument if given multiple times (or another policy)
Option *multi_option_policy(MultiOptionPolicy value = MultiOptionPolicy::Throw) {
if(value != multi_option_policy_) {
if(multi_option_policy_ == MultiOptionPolicy::Throw && expected_max_ == detail::expected_max_vector_size &&
expected_min_ > 1) { // this bizarre condition is to maintain backwards compatibility
// with the previous behavior of expected_ with vectors
expected_max_ = expected_min_;
multi_option_policy_ = value;
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
return this;
/// Disable flag overrides values, e.g. --flag=<value> is not allowed
Option *disable_flag_override(bool value = true) {
disable_flag_override_ = value;
return this;
/// @name Accessors
/// The number of arguments the option expects
int get_type_size() const { return type_size_min_; }
/// The minimum number of arguments the option expects
int get_type_size_min() const { return type_size_min_; }
/// The maximum number of arguments the option expects
int get_type_size_max() const { return type_size_max_; }
/// Return the inject_separator flag
int get_inject_separator() const { return inject_separator_; }
/// The environment variable associated to this value
std::string get_envname() const { return envname_; }
/// The set of options needed
std::set<Option *> get_needs() const { return needs_; }
/// The set of options excluded
std::set<Option *> get_excludes() const { return excludes_; }
/// The default value (for help printing)
std::string get_default_str() const { return default_str_; }
/// Get the callback function
callback_t get_callback() const { return callback_; }
/// Get the long names
const std::vector<std::string> &get_lnames() const { return lnames_; }
/// Get the short names
const std::vector<std::string> &get_snames() const { return snames_; }
/// Get the flag names with specified default values
const std::vector<std::string> &get_fnames() const { return fnames_; }
/// Get a single name for the option, first of lname, pname, sname, envname
const std::string &get_single_name() const {
if(!lnames_.empty()) {
return lnames_[0];
if(!pname_.empty()) {
return pname_;
if(!snames_.empty()) {
return snames_[0];
return envname_;
/// The number of times the option expects to be included
int get_expected() const { return expected_min_; }
/// The number of times the option expects to be included
int get_expected_min() const { return expected_min_; }
/// The max number of times the option expects to be included
int get_expected_max() const { return expected_max_; }
/// The total min number of expected string values to be used
int get_items_expected_min() const { return type_size_min_ * expected_min_; }
/// Get the maximum number of items expected to be returned and used for the callback
int get_items_expected_max() const {
int t = type_size_max_;
return detail::checked_multiply(t, expected_max_) ? t : detail::expected_max_vector_size;
/// The total min number of expected string values to be used
int get_items_expected() const { return get_items_expected_min(); }
/// True if the argument can be given directly
bool get_positional() const { return pname_.length() > 0; }
/// True if option has at least one non-positional name
bool nonpositional() const { return (snames_.size() + lnames_.size()) > 0; }
/// True if option has description
bool has_description() const { return description_.length() > 0; }
/// Get the description
const std::string &get_description() const { return description_; }
/// Set the description
Option *description(std::string option_description) {
description_ = std::move(option_description);
return this;
Option *option_text(std::string text) {
option_text_ = std::move(text);
return this;
const std::string &get_option_text() const { return option_text_; }
/// @name Help tools
/// \brief Gets a comma separated list of names.
/// Will include / prefer the positional name if positional is true.
/// If all_options is false, pick just the most descriptive name to show.
/// Use `get_name(true)` to get the positional name (replaces `get_pname`)
std::string get_name(bool positional = false, ///< Show the positional name
bool all_options = false ///< Show every option
) const {
return {}; // Hidden
if(all_options) {
std::vector<std::string> name_list;
/// The all list will never include a positional unless asked or that's the only name.
if((positional && (!pname_.empty())) || (snames_.empty() && lnames_.empty())) {
if((get_items_expected() == 0) && (!fnames_.empty())) {
for(const std::string &sname : snames_) {
name_list.push_back("-" + sname);
if(check_fname(sname)) {
name_list.back() += "{" + get_flag_value(sname, "") + "}";
for(const std::string &lname : lnames_) {
name_list.push_back("--" + lname);
if(check_fname(lname)) {
name_list.back() += "{" + get_flag_value(lname, "") + "}";
} else {
for(const std::string &sname : snames_)
name_list.push_back("-" + sname);
for(const std::string &lname : lnames_)
name_list.push_back("--" + lname);
return detail::join(name_list);
// This returns the positional name no matter what
return pname_;
// Prefer long name
return std::string(2, '-') + lnames_[0];
// Or short name if no long name
return std::string(1, '-') + snames_[0];
// If positional is the only name, it's okay to use that
return pname_;
/// @name Parser tools
/// Process the callback
void run_callback() {
if(force_callback_ && results_.empty()) {
if(current_option_state_ == option_state::parsing) {
current_option_state_ = option_state::validated;
if(current_option_state_ < option_state::reduced) {
_reduce_results(proc_results_, results_);
current_option_state_ = option_state::reduced;
if(current_option_state_ >= option_state::reduced) {
current_option_state_ = option_state::callback_run;
if(!(callback_)) {
const results_t &send_results = proc_results_.empty() ? results_ : proc_results_;
bool local_result = callback_(send_results);
throw ConversionError(get_name(), results_);
/// If options share any of the same names, find it
const std::string &matching_name(const Option &other) const {
static const std::string estring;
for(const std::string &sname : snames_)
return sname;
for(const std::string &lname : lnames_)
return lname;
if(ignore_case_ ||
ignore_underscore_) { // We need to do the inverse, in case we are ignore_case or ignore underscore
for(const std::string &sname : other.snames_)
return sname;
for(const std::string &lname : other.lnames_)
return lname;
return estring;
/// If options share any of the same names, they are equal (not counting positional)
bool operator==(const Option &other) const { return !matching_name(other).empty(); }
/// Check a name. Requires "-" or "--" for short / long, supports positional name
bool check_name(const std::string &name) const {
if(name.length() > 2 && name[0] == '-' && name[1] == '-')
return check_lname(name.substr(2));
if(name.length() > 1 && name.front() == '-')
return check_sname(name.substr(1));
if(!pname_.empty()) {
std::string local_pname = pname_;
std::string local_name = name;
if(ignore_underscore_) {
local_pname = detail::remove_underscore(local_pname);
local_name = detail::remove_underscore(local_name);
if(ignore_case_) {
local_pname = detail::to_lower(local_pname);
local_name = detail::to_lower(local_name);
if(local_name == local_pname) {
return true;
if(!envname_.empty()) {
// this needs to be the original since envname_ shouldn't match on case insensitivity
return (name == envname_);
return false;
/// Requires "-" to be removed from string
bool check_sname(std::string name) const {
return (detail::find_member(std::move(name), snames_, ignore_case_) >= 0);
/// Requires "--" to be removed from string
bool check_lname(std::string name) const {
return (detail::find_member(std::move(name), lnames_, ignore_case_, ignore_underscore_) >= 0);
/// Requires "--" to be removed from string
bool check_fname(std::string name) const {
if(fnames_.empty()) {
return false;
return (detail::find_member(std::move(name), fnames_, ignore_case_, ignore_underscore_) >= 0);
/// Get the value that goes for a flag, nominally gets the default value but allows for overrides if not
/// disabled
std::string get_flag_value(const std::string &name, std::string input_value) const {
static const std::string trueString{"true"};
static const std::string falseString{"false"};
static const std::string emptyString{"{}"};
// check for disable flag override_
if(disable_flag_override_) {
if(!((input_value.empty()) || (input_value == emptyString))) {
auto default_ind = detail::find_member(name, fnames_, ignore_case_, ignore_underscore_);
if(default_ind >= 0) {
// We can static cast this to std::size_t because it is more than 0 in this block
if(default_flag_values_[static_cast<std::size_t>(default_ind)].second != input_value) {
} else {
if(input_value != trueString) {
auto ind = detail::find_member(name, fnames_, ignore_case_, ignore_underscore_);
if((input_value.empty()) || (input_value == emptyString)) {
if(flag_like_) {
return (ind < 0) ? trueString : default_flag_values_[static_cast<std::size_t>(ind)].second;
} else {
return (ind < 0) ? default_str_ : default_flag_values_[static_cast<std::size_t>(ind)].second;
if(ind < 0) {
return input_value;
if(default_flag_values_[static_cast<std::size_t>(ind)].second == falseString) {
try {
auto val = detail::to_flag_value(input_value);
return (val == 1) ? falseString : (val == (-1) ? trueString : std::to_string(-val));
} catch(const std::invalid_argument &) {
return input_value;
} else {
return input_value;
/// Puts a result at the end
Option *add_result(std::string s) {
_add_result(std::move(s), results_);
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
return this;
/// Puts a result at the end and get a count of the number of arguments actually added
Option *add_result(std::string s, int &results_added) {
results_added = _add_result(std::move(s), results_);
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
return this;
/// Puts a result at the end
Option *add_result(std::vector<std::string> s) {
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
for(auto &str : s) {
_add_result(std::move(str), results_);
return this;
/// Get the current complete results set
const results_t &results() const { return results_; }
/// Get a copy of the results
results_t reduced_results() const {
results_t res = proc_results_.empty() ? results_ : proc_results_;
if(current_option_state_ < option_state::reduced) {
if(current_option_state_ == option_state::parsing) {
res = results_;
if(!res.empty()) {
results_t extra;
_reduce_results(extra, res);
if(!extra.empty()) {
res = std::move(extra);
return res;
/// Get the results as a specified type
template <typename T> void results(T &output) const {
bool retval;
if(current_option_state_ >= option_state::reduced || (results_.size() == 1 && validators_.empty())) {
const results_t &res = (proc_results_.empty()) ? results_ : proc_results_;
retval = detail::lexical_conversion<T, T>(res, output);
} else {
results_t res;
if(results_.empty()) {
if(!default_str_.empty()) {
// _add_results takes an rvalue only
_add_result(std::string(default_str_), res);
results_t extra;
_reduce_results(extra, res);
if(!extra.empty()) {
res = std::move(extra);
} else {
} else {
res = reduced_results();
retval = detail::lexical_conversion<T, T>(res, output);
if(!retval) {
throw ConversionError(get_name(), results_);
/// Return the results as the specified type
template <typename T> T as() const {
T output;
return output;
/// See if the callback has been run already
bool get_callback_run() const { return (current_option_state_ == option_state::callback_run); }
/// @name Custom options
/// Set the type function to run when displayed on this option
Option *type_name_fn(std::function<std::string()> typefun) {
type_name_ = std::move(typefun);
return this;
/// Set a custom option typestring
Option *type_name(std::string typeval) {
type_name_fn([typeval]() { return typeval; });
return this;
/// Set a custom option size
Option *type_size(int option_type_size) {
if(option_type_size < 0) {
// this section is included for backwards compatibility
type_size_max_ = -option_type_size;
type_size_min_ = -option_type_size;
expected_max_ = detail::expected_max_vector_size;
} else {
type_size_max_ = option_type_size;
if(type_size_max_ < detail::expected_max_vector_size) {
type_size_min_ = option_type_size;
} else {
inject_separator_ = true;
if(type_size_max_ == 0)
required_ = false;
return this;
/// Set a custom option type size range
Option *type_size(int option_type_size_min, int option_type_size_max) {
if(option_type_size_min < 0 || option_type_size_max < 0) {
// this section is included for backwards compatibility
expected_max_ = detail::expected_max_vector_size;
option_type_size_min = (std::abs)(option_type_size_min);
option_type_size_max = (std::abs)(option_type_size_max);
if(option_type_size_min > option_type_size_max) {
type_size_max_ = option_type_size_min;
type_size_min_ = option_type_size_max;
} else {
type_size_min_ = option_type_size_min;
type_size_max_ = option_type_size_max;
if(type_size_max_ == 0) {
required_ = false;
if(type_size_max_ >= detail::expected_max_vector_size) {
inject_separator_ = true;
return this;
/// Set the value of the separator injection flag
void inject_separator(bool value = true) { inject_separator_ = value; }
/// Set a capture function for the default. Mostly used by App.
Option *default_function(const std::function<std::string()> &func) {
default_function_ = func;
return this;
/// Capture the default value from the original value (if it can be captured)
Option *capture_default_str() {
if(default_function_) {
default_str_ = default_function_();
return this;
/// Set the default value string representation (does not change the contained value)
Option *default_str(std::string val) {
default_str_ = std::move(val);
return this;
/// Set the default value and validate the results and run the callback if appropriate to set the value into the
/// bound value only available for types that can be converted to a string
template <typename X> Option *default_val(const X &val) {
std::string val_str = detail::to_string(val);
auto old_option_state = current_option_state_;
results_t old_results{std::move(results_)};
try {
// if trigger_on_result_ is set the callback already ran
if(run_callback_for_default_ && !trigger_on_result_) {
run_callback(); // run callback sets the state, we need to reset it again
current_option_state_ = option_state::parsing;
} else {
current_option_state_ = old_option_state;
} catch(const CLI::Error &) {
// this should be done
results_ = std::move(old_results);
current_option_state_ = old_option_state;
results_ = std::move(old_results);
default_str_ = std::move(val_str);
return this;
/// Get the full typename for this option
std::string get_type_name() const {
std::string full_type_name = type_name_();
if(!validators_.empty()) {
for(auto &Validator : validators_) {
std::string vtype = Validator.get_description();
if(!vtype.empty()) {
full_type_name += ":" + vtype;
return full_type_name;
/// Run the results through the Validators
void _validate_results(results_t &res) const {
// Run the Validators (can change the string)
if(!validators_.empty()) {
if(type_size_max_ > 1) { // in this context index refers to the index in the type
int index = 0;
if(get_items_expected_max() < static_cast<int>(res.size()) &&
multi_option_policy_ == CLI::MultiOptionPolicy::TakeLast) {
// create a negative index for the earliest ones
index = get_items_expected_max() - static_cast<int>(res.size());
for(std::string &result : res) {
if(detail::is_separator(result) && type_size_max_ != type_size_min_ && index >= 0) {
index = 0; // reset index for variable size chunks
auto err_msg = _validate(result, (index >= 0) ? (index % type_size_max_) : index);
throw ValidationError(get_name(), err_msg);
} else {
int index = 0;
if(expected_max_ < static_cast<int>(res.size()) &&
multi_option_policy_ == CLI::MultiOptionPolicy::TakeLast) {
// create a negative index for the earliest ones
index = expected_max_ - static_cast<int>(res.size());
for(std::string &result : res) {
auto err_msg = _validate(result, index);
throw ValidationError(get_name(), err_msg);
/** reduce the results in accordance with the MultiOptionPolicy
@param[out] res results are assigned to res if there if they are different
void _reduce_results(results_t &res, const results_t &original) const {
// max num items expected or length of vector, always at least 1
// Only valid for a trimming policy
// Operation depends on the policy setting
switch(multi_option_policy_) {
case MultiOptionPolicy::TakeAll:
case MultiOptionPolicy::TakeLast: {
// Allow multi-option sizes (including 0)
std::size_t trim_size = std::min<std::size_t>(
static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max<int>(get_items_expected_max(), 1)), original.size());
if(original.size() != trim_size) {
res.assign(original.end() - static_cast<results_t::difference_type>(trim_size), original.end());
} break;
case MultiOptionPolicy::TakeFirst: {
std::size_t trim_size = std::min<std::size_t>(
static_cast<std::size_t>(std::max<int>(get_items_expected_max(), 1)), original.size());
if(original.size() != trim_size) {
res.assign(original.begin(), original.begin() + static_cast<results_t::difference_type>(trim_size));
} break;
case MultiOptionPolicy::Join:
if(results_.size() > 1) {
res.push_back(detail::join(original, std::string(1, (delimiter_ == '\0') ? '\n' : delimiter_)));
case MultiOptionPolicy::Sum:
case MultiOptionPolicy::Throw:
default: {
auto num_min = static_cast<std::size_t>(get_items_expected_min());
auto num_max = static_cast<std::size_t>(get_items_expected_max());
if(num_min == 0) {
num_min = 1;
if(num_max == 0) {
num_max = 1;
if(original.size() < num_min) {
throw ArgumentMismatch::AtLeast(get_name(), static_cast<int>(num_min), original.size());
if(original.size() > num_max) {
throw ArgumentMismatch::AtMost(get_name(), static_cast<int>(num_max), original.size());
// this check is to allow an empty vector in certain circumstances but not if expected is not zero.
// {} is the indicator for a an empty container
if(res.empty()) {
if(original.size() == 1 && original[0] == "{}" && get_items_expected_min() > 0) {
} else if(res.size() == 1 && res[0] == "{}" && get_items_expected_min() > 0) {
// Run a result through the Validators
std::string _validate(std::string &result, int index) const {
std::string err_msg;
if(result.empty() && expected_min_ == 0) {
// an empty with nothing expected is allowed
return err_msg;
for(const auto &vali : validators_) {
auto v = vali.get_application_index();
if(v == -1 || v == index) {
try {
err_msg = vali(result);
} catch(const ValidationError &err) {
err_msg = err.what();
return err_msg;
/// Add a single result to the result set, taking into account delimiters
int _add_result(std::string &&result, std::vector<std::string> &res) const {
int result_count = 0;
if(allow_extra_args_ && !result.empty() && result.front() == '[' &&
result.back() == ']') { // this is now a vector string likely from the default or user entry
for(auto &var : CLI::detail::split(result.substr(1), ',')) {
if(!var.empty()) {
result_count += _add_result(std::move(var), res);
return result_count;
if(delimiter_ == '\0') {
} else {
if((result.find_first_of(delimiter_) != std::string::npos)) {
for(const auto &var : CLI::detail::split(result, delimiter_)) {
if(!var.empty()) {
} else {
return result_count;
// [CLI11:option_hpp:end]
} // namespace CLI