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# @synopsis: zk-set-ops
# @description: Set Op IDs for zookeeper-related logs
# Drop the table used to store election starts/finishes
;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zk_elections
# Create a table of the lines where an election is started/finished.
;CREATE TABLE zk_elections AS
SELECT log_line, log_body, log_path,
CASE json_contains(log_tags, '#zk-election-started')
WHEN 1 THEN 'start'
WHEN 0 THEN 'finish'
END AS msg_type
FROM zookeeper_log
WHERE json_contains(log_tags, '#zk-election-started') OR json_contains(log_tags, '#zk-election-finished')
ORDER BY log_line ASC
# Create a table of the start of an election and either the end
# or another start of an election. We'll use these bounds to
# assign opids to election-related log messages.
;DROP TABLE IF EXISTS zk_election_ops
;CREATE TABLE zk_election_ops AS SELECT log_line AS low_mark,
(SELECT zk_finishes.log_line
FROM zk_elections AS zk_finishes
WHERE zk_finishes.log_line > zk_elections.log_line AND zk_finishes.log_path = zk_elections.log_path
ORDER BY log_line ASC
LIMIT 1) AS high_mark,
'zk-election-#' || row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY log_path ORDER BY log_line) || '-' || basename(log_path) AS opid
FROM zk_elections
WHERE msg_type = 'start'
# Use the SQLite `UPDATE FROM` syntax to assign the opids based
# on the table we just created.
;UPDATE zookeeper_log
SET log_opid = zk_ops.opid
FROM (SELECT * FROM zk_election_ops) AS zk_ops
zookeeper_log.log_path = zk_ops.log_path AND
zookeeper_log.log_line IN (zk_ops.low_mark, zk_ops.high_mark)
;UPDATE zookeeper_log
SET log_opid = zk_ops.opid
FROM (SELECT * FROM zk_election_ops) AS zk_ops
zookeeper_log.log_path = zk_ops.log_path AND
zookeeper_log.log_line BETWEEN zk_ops.low_mark AND zk_ops.high_mark AND
(zookeeper_log.log_body LIKE '%Quorum%' OR
zookeeper_log.thread LIKE '%Quorum%' OR
zookeeper_log.logger LIKE '%Quorum%')
# Use the search table that found the creation of the session
# IDs and assign an opid wherever we find the session ID in a
# log message.
;UPDATE all_logs
SET log_opid = session_opid
regexp_match((SELECT printf('(%s)', group_concat(session_id, '|')) FROM zk_session_ids), log_body)) AS session_opid
FROM all_logs
WHERE log_body REGEXP (SELECT printf('(%s)', group_concat(session_id, '|')) FROM zk_session_ids)
) AS zk_session_tab
WHERE all_logs.log_line = zk_session_tab.log_line