/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file logfile_sub_source.hh */ #ifndef __logfile_sub_source_hh #define __logfile_sub_source_hh #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lnav_log.hh" #include "log_accel.hh" #include "strong_int.hh" #include "logfile.hh" #include "bookmarks.hh" #include "chunky_index.hh" #include "textview_curses.hh" STRONG_INT_TYPE(uint64_t, content_line); class line_filter_observer : public logline_observer { public: line_filter_observer(filter_stack &fs, logfile *lf) : lfo_filter_stack(fs), lfo_filter_state(lf) { }; void logline_restart(const logfile &lf) { for (filter_stack::iterator iter = this->lfo_filter_stack.begin(); iter != this->lfo_filter_stack.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->revert_to_last(this->lfo_filter_state); } }; void logline_new_line(const logfile &lf, logfile::const_iterator ll, shared_buffer_ref &sbr) { long offset = std::distance(lf.begin(), ll); require(&lf == this->lfo_filter_state.tfs_logfile); this->lfo_filter_state.resize(lf.size()); if (!this->lfo_filter_stack.empty()) { if (lf.get_format() != NULL) { lf.get_format()->get_subline(*ll, sbr); } for (filter_stack::iterator iter = this->lfo_filter_stack.begin(); iter != this->lfo_filter_stack.end(); ++iter) { if (offset >= this->lfo_filter_state.tfs_filter_count[(*iter)->get_index()]) { (*iter)->add_line(this->lfo_filter_state, ll, sbr); } } } }; void logline_eof(const logfile &lf) { for (filter_stack::iterator iter = this->lfo_filter_stack.begin(); iter != this->lfo_filter_stack.end(); ++iter) { (*iter)->end_of_message(this->lfo_filter_state); } }; bool excluded(uint32_t filter_in_mask, uint32_t filter_out_mask, size_t offset) const { bool filtered_in = (filter_in_mask == 0) || ( this->lfo_filter_state.tfs_mask[offset] & filter_in_mask) != 0; bool filtered_out = ( this->lfo_filter_state.tfs_mask[offset] & filter_out_mask) != 0; return !filtered_in || filtered_out; }; size_t get_min_count(size_t max) const { size_t retval = max; for (filter_stack::iterator iter = this->lfo_filter_stack.begin(); iter != this->lfo_filter_stack.end(); ++iter) { retval = std::min(retval, this->lfo_filter_state.tfs_filter_count[(*iter)->get_index()]); } return retval; }; filter_stack &lfo_filter_stack; logfile_filter_state lfo_filter_state; }; /** * Delegate class that merges the contents of multiple log files into a single * source of data for a text view. */ class logfile_sub_source : public text_sub_source { public: static bookmark_type_t BM_ERRORS; static bookmark_type_t BM_WARNINGS; static bookmark_type_t BM_FILES; virtual void text_filters_changed(); logfile_sub_source(); virtual ~logfile_sub_source(); void toggle_scrub(void) { this->lss_flags ^= F_SCRUB; this->clear_line_size_cache(); }; void toggle_time_offset(void) { this->lss_flags ^= F_TIME_OFFSET; this->clear_line_size_cache(); }; void set_time_offset(bool enabled) { if (enabled) this->lss_flags |= F_TIME_OFFSET; else this->lss_flags &= ~F_TIME_OFFSET; this->clear_line_size_cache(); }; bool is_time_offset_enabled(void) const { return (bool) (this->lss_flags & F_TIME_OFFSET); }; logline::level_t get_min_log_level(void) const { return this->lss_min_log_level; }; void set_min_log_level(logline::level_t level) { if (this->lss_min_log_level != level) { this->lss_min_log_level = level; } }; size_t text_line_count() { return this->lss_filtered_index.size(); }; bool empty() const { return this->lss_filtered_index.empty(); }; void text_value_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int row, std::string &value_out, bool raw); void text_attrs_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int row, string_attrs_t &value_out); size_t text_size_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int row, bool raw) { size_t index = row % LINE_SIZE_CACHE_SIZE; if (this->lss_line_size_cache[index].first != row) { std::string value; this->text_value_for_line(tc, row, value, raw); this->lss_line_size_cache[index].second = value.size(); this->lss_line_size_cache[index].first = row; } return this->lss_line_size_cache[index].second; }; void text_mark(bookmark_type_t *bm, int line, bool added) { content_line_t cl = this->at(vis_line_t(line)); std::vector::iterator lb; if (bm == &textview_curses::BM_USER) { logline *ll = this->find_line(cl); ll->set_mark(added); } lb = std::lower_bound(this->lss_user_marks[bm].begin(), this->lss_user_marks[bm].end(), cl); if (added) { if (lb == this->lss_user_marks[bm].end() || *lb != cl) { this->lss_user_marks[bm].insert(lb, cl); } } else if (lb != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end() && *lb == cl) { require(lb != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end()); this->lss_user_marks[bm].erase(lb); } }; void text_clear_marks(bookmark_type_t *bm) { std::vector::iterator iter; if (bm == &textview_curses::BM_USER) { for (iter = this->lss_user_marks[bm].begin(); iter != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end(); ++iter) { this->find_line(*iter)->set_mark(false); } } this->lss_user_marks[bm].clear(); }; bool insert_file(logfile *lf) { iterator existing; require(lf->size() < MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); existing = std::find_if(this->lss_files.begin(), this->lss_files.end(), logfile_data_eq(NULL)); if (existing == this->lss_files.end()) { if (this->lss_files.size() >= MAX_FILES) { return false; } this->lss_files.push_back(new logfile_data(this->lss_files.size(), this->get_filters(), lf)); } else { (*existing)->set_file(lf); } return true; }; void remove_file(logfile *lf) { iterator iter; iter = std::find_if(this->lss_files.begin(), this->lss_files.end(), logfile_data_eq(lf)); if (iter != this->lss_files.end()) { bookmarks::type::iterator mark_iter; int file_index = iter - this->lss_files.begin(); (*iter)->clear(); for (mark_iter = this->lss_user_marks.begin(); mark_iter != this->lss_user_marks.end(); ++mark_iter) { content_line_t mark_curr = content_line_t( file_index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); content_line_t mark_end = content_line_t( (file_index + 1) * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); bookmark_vector::iterator bv_iter; bookmark_vector & bv = mark_iter->second; while ((bv_iter = std::lower_bound(bv.begin(), bv.end(), mark_curr)) != bv.end()) { if (*bv_iter >= mark_end) { break; } mark_iter->second.erase(bv_iter); } } } }; bool rebuild_index(bool force = false); void text_update_marks(vis_bookmarks &bm); void set_user_mark(bookmark_type_t *bm, content_line_t cl) { this->lss_user_marks[bm].insert_once(cl); }; bookmarks::type &get_user_bookmarks(void) { return this->lss_user_marks; }; std::map &get_user_bookmark_metadata(void) { return this->lss_user_mark_metadata; }; int get_filtered_count() const { return this->lss_index.size() - this->lss_filtered_index.size(); }; logfile *find(const char *fn, content_line_t &line_base); logfile *find(content_line_t &line) { logfile *retval; retval = this->lss_files[line / MAX_LINES_PER_FILE]->get_file(); line = content_line_t(line % MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); return retval; }; logline *find_line(content_line_t line) { logline *retval = NULL; logfile *lf = this->find(line); if (lf != NULL) { logfile::iterator ll_iter = lf->begin() + line; retval = &(*ll_iter); } return retval; }; vis_line_t find_from_time(const struct timeval &start); vis_line_t find_from_time(time_t start) { struct timeval tv = { start, 0 }; return this->find_from_time(tv); }; content_line_t at(vis_line_t vl) { return this->lss_index[this->lss_filtered_index[vl]]; }; content_line_t at_base(vis_line_t vl) { while (this->find_line(this->at(vl))->get_sub_offset() != 0) { --vl; } return this->at(vl); }; log_accel::direction_t get_line_accel_direction(vis_line_t vl); /** * Container for logfile references that keeps of how many lines in the * logfile have been indexed. */ struct logfile_data { logfile_data(size_t index, filter_stack &fs, logfile *lf) : ld_file_index(index), ld_filter_state(fs, lf), ld_lines_indexed(0), ld_enabled(true) { lf->set_logline_observer(&this->ld_filter_state); }; void clear(void) { this->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state.clear(); }; void set_enabled(bool enabled) { this->ld_enabled = enabled; } void set_file(logfile *lf) { this->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state.tfs_logfile = lf; lf->set_logline_observer(&this->ld_filter_state); }; logfile *get_file() const { return this->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state.tfs_logfile; }; size_t ld_file_index; line_filter_observer ld_filter_state; size_t ld_lines_indexed; struct { content_line_t ld_start; content_line_t ld_last; } ld_indexing; bool ld_enabled; }; typedef std::vector::iterator iterator; iterator begin() { return this->lss_files.begin(); }; iterator end() { return this->lss_files.end(); }; logfile_data *find_data(content_line_t line, uint64_t &offset_out) { logfile_data *retval; retval = this->lss_files[line / MAX_LINES_PER_FILE]; offset_out = line % MAX_LINES_PER_FILE; return retval; }; content_line_t get_file_base_content_line(iterator iter) { int index = std::distance(this->begin(), iter); return content_line_t(index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); }; static const uint64_t MAX_CONTENT_LINES = (1ULL << 40) - 1; static const uint64_t MAX_LINES_PER_FILE = 256 * 1024 * 1024; static const uint64_t MAX_FILES = ( MAX_CONTENT_LINES / MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); private: static const size_t LINE_SIZE_CACHE_SIZE = 512; enum { B_SCRUB, B_TIME_OFFSET, }; enum { F_SCRUB = (1L << B_SCRUB), F_TIME_OFFSET = (1L << B_TIME_OFFSET), }; struct __attribute__((__packed__)) indexed_content { indexed_content() { }; indexed_content(content_line_t cl) : ic_value(cl) { }; operator content_line_t () const { return content_line_t(this->ic_value); }; uint64_t ic_value : 40; }; struct logline_cmp { logline_cmp(logfile_sub_source & lc) : llss_controller(lc) { }; bool operator()(const content_line_t &lhs, const content_line_t &rhs) const { logline *ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); logline *ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(rhs); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); }; #if 0 bool operator()(const indexed_content &lhs, const indexed_content &rhs) { logline *ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs.ic_value); logline *ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(rhs.ic_value); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); }; #endif bool operator()(const content_line_t &lhs, const time_t &rhs) const { logline *ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); return *ll_lhs < rhs; }; bool operator()(const content_line_t &lhs, const struct timeval &rhs) const { logline *ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); return *ll_lhs < rhs; }; logfile_sub_source & llss_controller; }; /** * Functor for comparing the ld_file field of the logfile_data struct. */ struct logfile_data_eq { logfile_data_eq(logfile *lf) : lde_file(lf) { }; bool operator()(const logfile_data *ld) { return this->lde_file == ld->get_file(); } logfile *lde_file; }; void clear_line_size_cache(void) { memset(this->lss_line_size_cache, 0, sizeof(this->lss_line_size_cache)); this->lss_line_size_cache[0].first = -1; }; unsigned long lss_flags; std::vector lss_files; chunky_index lss_index; std::vector lss_filtered_index; bookmarks::type lss_user_marks; std::map lss_user_mark_metadata; logfile * lss_token_file; std::string lss_token_value; shared_buffer lss_share_manager; int lss_scrub_len; int lss_token_offset; int lss_token_date_end; logfile::iterator lss_token_line; std::pair lss_line_size_cache[LINE_SIZE_CACHE_SIZE]; logline::level_t lss_min_log_level; }; #endif