/** * Copyright (c) 2013, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file session_data.cc */ #include #include #include "session_data.hh" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/fs_util.hh" #include "base/isc.hh" #include "base/opt_util.hh" #include "base/paths.hh" #include "command_executor.hh" #include "config.h" #include "lnav.hh" #include "lnav_util.hh" #include "log_format_ext.hh" #include "logfile.hh" #include "service_tags.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "tailer/tailer.looper.hh" #include "yajlpp/yajlpp.hh" #include "yajlpp/yajlpp_def.hh" using namespace std; struct session_data_t session_data; static const char* LOG_METADATA_NAME = "log_metadata.db"; static const char* BOOKMARK_TABLE_DEF = R"( CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS bookmarks ( log_time datetime, log_format varchar(64), log_hash varchar(128), session_time integer, part_name text, access_time datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, comment text DEFAULT '', tags text DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (log_time, log_format, log_hash, session_time) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS time_offset ( log_time datetime, log_format varchar(64), log_hash varchar(128), session_time integer, offset_sec integer, offset_usec integer, access_time datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (log_time, log_format, log_hash, session_time) ); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS recent_netlocs ( netloc text, access_time datetime DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, PRIMARY KEY (netloc) ); )"; static const char* BOOKMARK_LRU_STMT = "DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE access_time <= " " (SELECT access_time FROM bookmarks " " ORDER BY access_time DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 50000)"; static const char* NETLOC_LRU_STMT = "DELETE FROM recent_netlocs WHERE access_time <= " " (SELECT access_time FROM bookmarks " " ORDER BY access_time DESC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 10)"; static const char* UPGRADE_STMTS[] = { R"(ALTER TABLE bookmarks ADD COLUMN comment text DEFAULT '';)", R"(ALTER TABLE bookmarks ADD COLUMN tags text DEFAULT '';)", }; static const size_t MAX_SESSIONS = 8; static const size_t MAX_SESSION_FILE_COUNT = 256; static std::vector marked_session_lines; static std::vector offset_session_lines; int bind_to_sqlite(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int index, const struct timeval& tv) { char timestamp[64]; sql_strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), tv, 'T'); return sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, index, timestamp, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int bind_to_sqlite(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int index, const char* str) { return sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, index, str, -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int bind_to_sqlite(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int index, intern_string_t ist) { return sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, index, ist.get(), ist.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int bind_to_sqlite(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int index, const string& str) { return sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, index, str.c_str(), str.size(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } int bind_to_sqlite(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, int index, int64_t i) { return sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, index, i); } template int bind_values_helper(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, std::index_sequence idxs, Args... args) { int rcs[] = {bind_to_sqlite(stmt, Idx + 1, args)...}; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < idxs.size(); lpc++) { if (rcs[lpc] != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("Failed to bind column %d in statement: %s", lpc, sqlite3_sql(stmt)); return rcs[lpc]; } } return SQLITE_OK; } template int bind_values(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, Args... args) { return bind_values_helper( stmt, std::make_index_sequence(), args...); } static bool bind_line(sqlite3* db, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, content_line_t cl, time_t session_time) { logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; shared_ptr lf; lf = lss.find(cl); if (lf == nullptr) { return false; } sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); auto line_iter = lf->begin() + cl; auto read_result = lf->read_line(line_iter); if (read_result.isErr()) { return false; } auto line_hash = read_result .map([cl](auto sbr) { return hasher() .update(sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()) .update(cl) .to_string(); }) .unwrap(); return bind_values(stmt, lf->original_line_time(line_iter), lf->get_format()->get_name(), line_hash, session_time) == SQLITE_OK; } struct session_file_info { session_file_info(int timestamp, string id, string path) : sfi_timestamp(timestamp), sfi_id(std::move(id)), sfi_path(std::move(path)){}; bool operator<(const session_file_info& other) const { if (this->sfi_timestamp < other.sfi_timestamp) { return true; } if (this->sfi_path < other.sfi_path) { return true; } return false; }; int sfi_timestamp; string sfi_id; string sfi_path; }; static void cleanup_session_data() { static_root_mem session_file_list; std::list session_info_list; map session_count; auto session_file_pattern = lnav::paths::dotlnav() / "*-*.ts*.json"; if (glob( session_file_pattern.c_str(), 0, nullptr, session_file_list.inout()) == 0) { for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < session_file_list->gl_pathc; lpc++) { const char* path = session_file_list->gl_pathv[lpc]; char hash_id[64]; int timestamp; const char* base; base = strrchr(path, '/'); if (base == nullptr) { continue; } base += 1; if (sscanf(base, "file-%63[^.].ts%d.json", hash_id, ×tamp) == 2) { session_count[hash_id] += 1; session_info_list.emplace_back(timestamp, hash_id, path); } if (sscanf(base, "view-info-%63[^.].ts%d.ppid%*d.json", hash_id, ×tamp) == 2) { session_count[hash_id] += 1; session_info_list.emplace_back(timestamp, hash_id, path); } } } session_info_list.sort(); size_t session_loops = 0; while (session_info_list.size() > MAX_SESSION_FILE_COUNT) { const session_file_info& front = session_info_list.front(); session_loops += 1; if (session_loops < MAX_SESSION_FILE_COUNT && session_count[front.sfi_id] == 1) { session_info_list.splice(session_info_list.end(), session_info_list, session_info_list.begin()); } else { if (remove(front.sfi_path.c_str()) != 0) { log_error("Unable to remove session file: %s -- %s", front.sfi_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } session_count[front.sfi_id] -= 1; session_info_list.pop_front(); } } session_info_list.sort(); while (session_info_list.size() > MAX_SESSION_FILE_COUNT) { const session_file_info& front = session_info_list.front(); if (remove(front.sfi_path.c_str()) != 0) { log_error("Unable to remove session file: %s -- %s", front.sfi_path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } session_count[front.sfi_id] -= 1; session_info_list.pop_front(); } } void init_session() { lnav_data.ld_session_time = time(nullptr); lnav_data.ld_session_id.clear(); } static nonstd::optional compute_session_id() { bool has_files = false; hasher h; for (auto& ld_file_name : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names) { if (!ld_file_name.second.loo_include_in_session) { continue; } has_files = true; h.update(ld_file_name.first); } if (!has_files) { return nonstd::nullopt; } return h.to_string(); } nonstd::optional scan_sessions() { static_root_mem view_info_list; char view_info_pattern_base[128]; cleanup_session_data(); const auto session_id = compute_session_id(); if (!session_id) { return nonstd::nullopt; } std::list& session_file_names = lnav_data.ld_session_id[session_id.value()]; session_file_names.clear(); snprintf(view_info_pattern_base, sizeof(view_info_pattern_base), "view-info-%s.*.json", session_id.value().c_str()); auto view_info_pattern = lnav::paths::dotlnav() / view_info_pattern_base; if (glob(view_info_pattern.c_str(), 0, nullptr, view_info_list.inout()) == 0) { for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < view_info_list->gl_pathc; lpc++) { const char* path = view_info_list->gl_pathv[lpc]; int timestamp, ppid, rc; const char* base; base = strrchr(path, '/'); if (base == nullptr) { continue; } base += 1; if ((rc = sscanf(base, "view-info-%*[^.].ts%d.ppid%d.json", ×tamp, &ppid)) == 2) { ppid_time_pair_t ptp; ptp.first = (ppid == getppid()) ? 1 : 0; ptp.second = timestamp; session_file_names.emplace_back(ptp, path); } } } session_file_names.sort(); while (session_file_names.size() > MAX_SESSIONS) { const std::string& name = session_file_names.front().second; if (remove(name.c_str()) != 0) { log_error("Unable to remove session: %s -- %s", name.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } session_file_names.pop_front(); } if (session_file_names.empty()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } return nonstd::make_optional(session_file_names.back()); } void load_time_bookmarks() { logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map& bm_meta = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); auto_mem db; auto db_path = lnav::paths::dotlnav() / LOG_METADATA_NAME; auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); logfile_sub_source::iterator file_iter; bool reload_needed = false; auto_mem errmsg; log_info("loading bookmark db: %s", db_path.c_str()); if (sqlite3_open(db_path.c_str(), db.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { return; } for (const char* upgrade_stmt : UPGRADE_STMTS) { if (sqlite3_exec(db.in(), upgrade_stmt, nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to upgrade bookmark table -- %s", errmsg.in()); } } { if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.in(), "SELECT netloc FROM recent_netlocs", -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { return; } bool done = false; while (!done) { switch (sqlite3_step(stmt.in())) { case SQLITE_ROW: { auto netloc = sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 0); session_data.sd_recent_netlocs.insert((const char*) netloc); break; } default: done = true; break; } } } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2( db.in(), "SELECT log_time, log_format, log_hash, session_time, part_name, " "access_time, comment," " tags, session_time=? as same_session FROM bookmarks WHERE " " log_time between ? and ? and log_format = ? " " ORDER BY same_session DESC, session_time DESC", -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare bookmark select statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } for (file_iter = lnav_data.ld_log_source.begin(); file_iter != lnav_data.ld_log_source.end(); ++file_iter) { shared_ptr lf = (*file_iter)->get_file(); content_line_t base_content_line; if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } base_content_line = lss.get_file_base_content_line(file_iter); auto low_line_iter = lf->begin(); auto high_line_iter = lf->end(); --high_line_iter; if (bind_values(stmt.in(), lnav_data.ld_session_load_time, lf->original_line_time(low_line_iter), lf->original_line_time(high_line_iter), lf->get_format()->get_name()) != SQLITE_OK) { return; } date_time_scanner dts; bool done = false; string line; int64_t last_mark_time = -1; while (!done) { int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt.in()); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: done = true; break; case SQLITE_ROW: { const char* log_time = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 0); const char* log_hash = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 2); const char* part_name = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 4); const char* comment = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 6); const char* tags = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 7); int64_t mark_time = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt.in(), 3); struct timeval log_tv; struct exttm log_tm; if (last_mark_time == -1) { last_mark_time = mark_time; } else if (last_mark_time != mark_time) { done = true; continue; } if (part_name == nullptr) { continue; } if (!dts.scan( log_time, strlen(log_time), NULL, &log_tm, log_tv)) { continue; } auto line_iter = lower_bound(lf->begin(), lf->end(), log_tv); while (line_iter != lf->end()) { struct timeval line_tv = line_iter->get_timeval(); if ((line_tv.tv_sec != log_tv.tv_sec) || (line_tv.tv_usec != log_tv.tv_usec)) { break; } auto cl = content_line_t( std::distance(lf->begin(), line_iter)); auto read_result = lf->read_line(line_iter); if (read_result.isErr()) { break; } auto sbr = read_result.unwrap(); string line_hash = hasher() .update(sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()) .update(cl) .to_string(); if (line_hash == log_hash) { content_line_t line_cl = content_line_t( base_content_line + std::distance(lf->begin(), line_iter)); bool meta = false; if (part_name != nullptr && part_name[0] != '\0') { lss.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, line_cl); bm_meta[line_cl].bm_name = part_name; meta = true; } if (comment != nullptr && comment[0] != '\0') { lss.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, line_cl); bm_meta[line_cl].bm_comment = comment; meta = true; } if (tags != nullptr && tags[0] != '\0') { auto_mem tag_list(yajl_tree_free); char error_buffer[1024]; tag_list = yajl_tree_parse( tags, error_buffer, sizeof(error_buffer)); if (!YAJL_IS_ARRAY(tag_list.in())) { log_error("invalid tags column: %s", tags); } else { lss.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, line_cl); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < tag_list.in()->u.array.len; lpc++) { yajl_val elem = tag_list.in() ->u.array.values[lpc]; if (!YAJL_IS_STRING(elem)) { continue; } bookmark_metadata::KNOWN_TAGS.insert( elem->u.string); bm_meta[line_cl].add_tag( elem->u.string); } } meta = true; } if (!meta) { marked_session_lines.push_back(line_cl); lss.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_USER, line_cl); } reload_needed = true; } ++line_iter; } break; } default: { const char* errmsg; errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); log_error( "bookmark select error: code %d -- %s", rc, errmsg); done = true; } break; } } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } if (sqlite3_prepare_v2( db.in(), "SELECT *,session_time=? as same_session FROM time_offset WHERE " " log_time between ? and ? and log_format = ? " " ORDER BY same_session DESC, session_time DESC", -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare time_offset select statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } for (file_iter = lnav_data.ld_log_source.begin(); file_iter != lnav_data.ld_log_source.end(); ++file_iter) { shared_ptr lf = (*file_iter)->get_file(); content_line_t base_content_line; if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } lss.find(lf->get_filename().c_str(), base_content_line); auto low_line_iter = lf->begin(); auto high_line_iter = lf->end(); --high_line_iter; if (bind_values(stmt.in(), lnav_data.ld_session_load_time, lf->original_line_time(low_line_iter), lf->original_line_time(high_line_iter), lf->get_format()->get_name()) != SQLITE_OK) { return; } date_time_scanner dts; bool done = false; string line; int64_t last_mark_time = -1; while (!done) { int rc = sqlite3_step(stmt.in()); switch (rc) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: done = true; break; case SQLITE_ROW: { const char* log_time = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 0); const char* log_hash = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt.in(), 2); int64_t mark_time = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt.in(), 3); struct timeval log_tv; struct exttm log_tm; if (last_mark_time == -1) { last_mark_time = mark_time; } else if (last_mark_time != mark_time) { done = true; continue; } if (sqlite3_column_type(stmt.in(), 4) == SQLITE_NULL) { continue; } if (!dts.scan(log_time, strlen(log_time), nullptr, &log_tm, log_tv)) { continue; } auto line_iter = lower_bound(lf->begin(), lf->end(), log_tv); while (line_iter != lf->end()) { struct timeval line_tv = line_iter->get_timeval(); if ((line_tv.tv_sec != log_tv.tv_sec) || (line_tv.tv_usec != log_tv.tv_usec)) { break; } if (lf->get_content_id() == log_hash) { int file_line = std::distance(lf->begin(), line_iter); content_line_t line_cl = content_line_t(base_content_line + file_line); struct timeval offset; offset_session_lines.push_back(line_cl); offset.tv_sec = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt.in(), 4); offset.tv_usec = sqlite3_column_int64(stmt.in(), 5); lf->adjust_content_time(file_line, offset); reload_needed = true; } ++line_iter; } break; } default: { const char* errmsg; errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); log_error( "bookmark select error: code %d -- %s", rc, errmsg); done = true; } break; } } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } if (reload_needed) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].reload_data(); } } static int read_files(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, const unsigned char* str, size_t len) { return 1; } static int read_current_search(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, const unsigned char* str, size_t len) { string regex = std::string((const char*) str, len); const char** view_name; int view_index; view_name = find(lnav_view_strings, lnav_view_strings + LNV__MAX, ypc->get_path_fragment(-2)); view_index = view_name - lnav_view_strings; if (view_index < LNV__MAX && !regex.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_views[view_index].execute_search(regex); lnav_data.ld_views[view_index].set_follow_search_for(-1, {}); } return 1; } static int read_top_line(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, long long value) { const char** view_name; int view_index; view_name = find(lnav_view_strings, lnav_view_strings + LNV__MAX, ypc->get_path_fragment(-2)); view_index = view_name - lnav_view_strings; if (view_index < LNV__MAX) { session_data.sd_view_states[view_index].vs_top = value; } return 1; } static int read_word_wrap(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, int value) { const char** view_name; int view_index; view_name = find(lnav_view_strings, lnav_view_strings + LNV__MAX, ypc->get_path_fragment(-2)); view_index = view_name - lnav_view_strings; if (view_index == LNV_HELP) { } else if (view_index < LNV__MAX) { textview_curses& tc = lnav_data.ld_views[view_index]; tc.set_word_wrap(value); } return 1; } static int read_filtering(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, int value) { const char** view_name; int view_index; view_name = find(lnav_view_strings, lnav_view_strings + LNV__MAX, ypc->get_path_fragment(-2)); view_index = view_name - lnav_view_strings; if (view_index == LNV_HELP) { } else if (view_index < LNV__MAX) { textview_curses& tc = lnav_data.ld_views[view_index]; if (tc.get_sub_source() != nullptr) { tc.get_sub_source()->tss_apply_filters = value; } } return 1; } static int read_commands(yajlpp_parse_context* ypc, const unsigned char* str, size_t len) { std::string cmdline = std::string((const char*) str, len); const char** view_name; int view_index; view_name = find(lnav_view_strings, lnav_view_strings + LNV__MAX, ypc->get_path_fragment(-3)); view_index = view_name - lnav_view_strings; bool active = ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[view_index]); execute_command(lnav_data.ld_exec_context, cmdline); if (!active) { lnav_data.ld_view_stack.pop_back(); } return 1; } static struct json_path_container view_def_handlers = {json_path_handler("top_line", read_top_line), json_path_handler("search", read_current_search), json_path_handler("word_wrap", read_word_wrap), json_path_handler("filtering", read_filtering), json_path_handler("commands#", read_commands)}; static struct json_path_container view_handlers = {yajlpp::pattern_property_handler("([^/]+)").with_children( view_def_handlers)}; static struct json_path_container file_state_handlers = { yajlpp::property_handler("visible") .with_description("Indicates whether the file is visible or not") .FOR_FIELD(file_state, fs_is_visible), }; static struct json_path_container file_states_handlers = { yajlpp::pattern_property_handler(R"((?[^/]+))") .with_description("Map of file names to file state objects") .with_obj_provider([](const auto& ypc, auto* root) { auto fn = ypc.get_substr("filename"); return &session_data.sd_file_states[fn]; }) .with_children(file_state_handlers), }; static struct json_path_container view_info_handlers = { yajlpp::property_handler("save-time") .FOR_FIELD(session_data_t, sd_save_time), yajlpp::property_handler("time-offset") .FOR_FIELD(session_data_t, sd_time_offset), json_path_handler("files#", read_files), yajlpp::property_handler("file-states").with_children(file_states_handlers), yajlpp::property_handler("views").with_children(view_handlers), }; void load_session() { load_time_bookmarks(); scan_sessions() | [](const auto pair) { yajl_handle handle; auto_fd fd; lnav_data.ld_session_load_time = pair.first.second; session_data.sd_save_time = pair.first.second; const auto& view_info_path = pair.second; yajlpp_parse_context ypc(view_info_path, &view_info_handlers); ypc.with_obj(session_data); handle = yajl_alloc(&ypc.ypc_callbacks, nullptr, &ypc); load_time_bookmarks(); if ((fd = lnav::filesystem::openp(view_info_path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) { perror("cannot open session file"); } else { unsigned char buffer[1024]; ssize_t rc; log_info("loading session file: %s", view_info_path.c_str()); while ((rc = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { yajl_parse(handle, buffer, rc); } yajl_complete_parse(handle); } yajl_free(handle); bool log_changes = false, text_changes = false; for (auto& lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { auto iter = session_data.sd_file_states.find(lf->get_filename()); if (iter == session_data.sd_file_states.end()) { continue; } log_debug("found state for file: %s %d", lf->get_content_id().c_str(), iter->second.fs_is_visible); lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_data(lf) | [iter](auto ld) { ld->set_visibility(iter->second.fs_is_visible); }; if (!iter->second.fs_is_visible) { if (lf->get_format() != nullptr) { log_changes = true; } else { text_changes = true; } } } if (log_changes) { lnav_data.ld_log_source.text_filters_changed(); } if (text_changes) { lnav_data.ld_text_source.text_filters_changed(); } }; } static void yajl_writer(void* context, const char* str, size_t len) { FILE* file = (FILE*) context; fwrite(str, len, 1, file); } static void save_user_bookmarks(sqlite3* db, sqlite3_stmt* stmt, bookmark_vector& user_marks) { logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map& bm_meta = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); bookmark_vector::iterator iter; for (iter = user_marks.begin(); iter != user_marks.end(); ++iter) { std::map::iterator meta_iter; content_line_t cl = *iter; meta_iter = bm_meta.find(cl); if (!bind_line(db, stmt, cl, lnav_data.ld_session_time)) { continue; } if (meta_iter == bm_meta.end()) { if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 5, "", 0, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind log hash -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } } else { if (meta_iter->second.empty()) { continue; } if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 5, meta_iter->second.bm_name.c_str(), meta_iter->second.bm_name.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind part name -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } bookmark_metadata& line_meta = meta_iter->second; if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, 6, meta_iter->second.bm_comment.c_str(), meta_iter->second.bm_comment.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind comment -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } string tags; if (!line_meta.bm_tags.empty()) { yajlpp_gen gen; yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_beautify, false); { yajlpp_array arr(gen); for (const auto& str : line_meta.bm_tags) { arr.gen(str); } } tags = gen.to_string_fragment().to_string(); } if (sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, 7, tags.c_str(), tags.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind tags -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } } if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } marked_session_lines.push_back(cl); sqlite3_reset(stmt); } } static void save_time_bookmarks() { auto_mem db; auto db_path = lnav::paths::dotlnav() / LOG_METADATA_NAME; auto_mem errmsg; auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); if (sqlite3_open(db_path.c_str(), db.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to open bookmark DB -- %s", db_path.c_str()); return; } if (sqlite3_exec( db.in(), BOOKMARK_TABLE_DEF, nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to make bookmark table -- %s", errmsg.in()); return; } if (sqlite3_exec( db.in(), "BEGIN TRANSACTION", nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to begin transaction -- %s", errmsg.in()); return; } { static const char* UPDATE_NETLOCS_STMT = R"(REPLACE INTO recent_netlocs (netloc) VALUES (?))"; std::set netlocs; isc::to().send_and_wait( [&netlocs](auto& tlooper) { netlocs = tlooper.active_netlocs(); }); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2( db.in(), UPDATE_NETLOCS_STMT, -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare recent_netlocs statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } for (const auto& netloc : netlocs) { bind_to_sqlite(stmt.in(), 1, netloc); if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } session_data.sd_recent_netlocs.insert(netlocs.begin(), netlocs.end()); } logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; bookmarks::type& bm = lss.get_user_bookmarks(); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.in(), "DELETE FROM bookmarks WHERE " " log_time = ? and log_format = ? and log_hash = ? " " and session_time = ?", -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare bookmark delete statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } for (auto& marked_session_line : marked_session_lines) { if (!bind_line(db.in(), stmt.in(), marked_session_line, lnav_data.ld_session_time)) { continue; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } marked_session_lines.clear(); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.in(), "REPLACE INTO bookmarks" " (log_time, log_format, log_hash, session_time, " "part_name, comment, tags)" " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", -1, stmt.out(), nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare bookmark replace statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } { logfile_sub_source::iterator file_iter; for (file_iter = lnav_data.ld_log_source.begin(); file_iter != lnav_data.ld_log_source.end(); ++file_iter) { shared_ptr lf = (*file_iter)->get_file(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } content_line_t base_content_line; base_content_line = lss.get_file_base_content_line(file_iter); base_content_line = content_line_t(base_content_line + lf->size() - 1); if (!bind_line(db.in(), stmt.in(), base_content_line, lnav_data.ld_session_time)) { continue; } if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt.in(), 5) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind log hash -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db.in())); return; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } } save_user_bookmarks(db.in(), stmt.in(), bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER]); save_user_bookmarks(db.in(), stmt.in(), bm[&textview_curses::BM_META]); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.in(), "DELETE FROM time_offset WHERE " " log_time = ? and log_format = ? and log_hash = ? " " and session_time = ?", -1, stmt.out(), NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare time_offset delete statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } for (auto& offset_session_line : offset_session_lines) { if (!bind_line(db.in(), stmt.in(), offset_session_line, lnav_data.ld_session_time)) { continue; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } offset_session_lines.clear(); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db.in(), "REPLACE INTO time_offset" " (log_time, log_format, log_hash, session_time, " "offset_sec, offset_usec)" " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", -1, stmt.out(), NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not prepare time_offset replace statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } { logfile_sub_source::iterator file_iter; for (file_iter = lnav_data.ld_log_source.begin(); file_iter != lnav_data.ld_log_source.end(); ++file_iter) { shared_ptr lf = (*file_iter)->get_file(); content_line_t base_content_line; if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } base_content_line = lss.get_file_base_content_line(file_iter); if (!bind_values(stmt, lf->original_line_time(lf->begin()), lf->get_format()->get_name(), lf->get_content_id(), lnav_data.ld_session_time)) { continue; } if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt.in(), 5) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind log hash -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db.in())); return; } if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt.in(), 6) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("could not bind log hash -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db.in())); return; } if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } } for (auto& ls : lss) { logfile::iterator line_iter; if (ls->get_file() == nullptr) continue; shared_ptr lf = ls->get_file(); if (!lf->is_time_adjusted()) { continue; } line_iter = lf->begin() + lf->get_time_offset_line(); struct timeval offset = lf->get_time_offset(); auto read_result = lf->read_line(line_iter); if (read_result.isErr()) { return; } bind_values(stmt.in(), lf->original_line_time(line_iter), lf->get_format()->get_name(), lf->get_content_id(), lnav_data.ld_session_time, offset.tv_sec, offset.tv_usec); if (sqlite3_step(stmt.in()) != SQLITE_DONE) { log_error("could not execute bookmark insert statement -- %s", sqlite3_errmsg(db)); return; } sqlite3_reset(stmt.in()); } if (sqlite3_exec(db.in(), "COMMIT", nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to begin transaction -- %s", errmsg.in()); return; } if (sqlite3_exec(db.in(), BOOKMARK_LRU_STMT, nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to delete old bookmarks -- %s", errmsg.in()); return; } if (sqlite3_exec(db.in(), NETLOC_LRU_STMT, nullptr, nullptr, errmsg.out()) != SQLITE_OK) { log_error("unable to delete old netlocs -- %s", errmsg.in()); return; } } static void save_session_with_id(const std::string session_id) { auto_mem file(fclose); yajl_gen handle = nullptr; /* TODO: save the last search query */ log_info("saving session with id: %s", session_id.c_str()); char view_base_name[256]; snprintf(view_base_name, sizeof(view_base_name), "view-info-%s.ts%ld.ppid%d.json", session_id.c_str(), lnav_data.ld_session_time, getppid()); auto view_file_name = lnav::paths::dotlnav() / view_base_name; auto view_file_tmp_name = view_file_name.string() + ".tmp"; if ((file = fopen(view_file_tmp_name.c_str(), "w")) == nullptr) { perror("Unable to open session file"); } else if (nullptr == (handle = yajl_gen_alloc(nullptr))) { perror("Unable to create yajl_gen object"); } else { yajl_gen_config( handle, yajl_gen_print_callback, yajl_writer, file.in()); { yajlpp_map root_map(handle); root_map.gen("save-time"); root_map.gen((long long) time(nullptr)); root_map.gen("time-offset"); root_map.gen(lnav_data.ld_log_source.is_time_offset_enabled()); root_map.gen("files"); { yajlpp_array file_list(handle); for (auto& ld_file_name : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names) { file_list.gen(ld_file_name.first); } } root_map.gen("file-states"); { yajlpp_map file_states(handle); for (auto& lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { auto ld_opt = lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_data(lf); file_states.gen(lf->get_filename()); { yajlpp_map file_state(handle); file_state.gen("visible"); file_state.gen(!ld_opt || ld_opt.value()->ld_visible); } } } root_map.gen("views"); { yajlpp_map top_view_map(handle); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < LNV__MAX; lpc++) { textview_curses& tc = lnav_data.ld_views[lpc]; unsigned long width; vis_line_t height; top_view_map.gen(lnav_view_strings[lpc]); yajlpp_map view_map(handle); view_map.gen("top_line"); tc.get_dimensions(height, width); if (tc.get_top() >= tc.get_top_for_last_row()) { view_map.gen(-1LL); } else { view_map.gen((long long) tc.get_top()); } view_map.gen("search"); view_map.gen(lnav_data.ld_views[lpc].get_current_search()); view_map.gen("word_wrap"); view_map.gen(tc.get_word_wrap()); auto tss = tc.get_sub_source(); if (tss == nullptr) { continue; } view_map.gen("filtering"); view_map.gen(tss->tss_apply_filters); filter_stack& fs = tss->get_filters(); view_map.gen("commands"); yajlpp_array cmd_array(handle); for (const auto& filter : fs) { string cmd = filter->to_command(); if (cmd.empty()) { continue; } cmd_array.gen(cmd); if (!filter->is_enabled()) { cmd_array.gen("disable-filter " + filter->get_id()); } } auto& hmap = lnav_data.ld_views[lpc].get_highlights(); for (auto& hl : hmap) { if (hl.first.first != highlight_source_t::INTERACTIVE) { continue; } cmd_array.gen("highlight " + hl.first.second); } if (lpc == LNV_LOG) { for (const auto& format : log_format::get_root_formats()) { auto* elf = dynamic_cast( format.get()); if (elf == nullptr) { continue; } for (const auto& vd : elf->elf_value_defs) { if (!vd.second->vd_meta.lvm_user_hidden) { continue; } cmd_array.gen("hide-fields " + elf->get_name().to_string() + "." + vd.first.to_string()); } } logfile_sub_source& lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; struct timeval min_time, max_time; bool have_min_time = lss.get_min_log_time(min_time); bool have_max_time = lss.get_max_log_time(max_time); char min_time_str[32], max_time_str[32]; sql_strftime( min_time_str, sizeof(min_time_str), min_time); if (have_min_time) { cmd_array.gen("hide-lines-before " + string(min_time_str)); } if (have_max_time) { sql_strftime( max_time_str, sizeof(max_time_str), max_time); cmd_array.gen("hide-lines-after " + string(max_time_str)); } auto mark_expr = lss.get_sql_marker_text(); if (!mark_expr.empty()) { cmd_array.gen("mark-expr " + mark_expr); } } } } } yajl_gen_clear(handle); yajl_gen_free(handle); fclose(file.release()); log_perror(rename(view_file_tmp_name.c_str(), view_file_name.c_str())); log_info("Saved session: %s", view_file_name.c_str()); } } void save_session() { log_debug("BEGIN save_session"); save_time_bookmarks(); const auto opt_session_id = compute_session_id(); opt_session_id | [](auto& session_id) { save_session_with_id(session_id); }; for (const auto& pair : lnav_data.ld_session_id) { if (opt_session_id && pair.first == opt_session_id.value()) { continue; } save_session_with_id(pair.first); } log_debug("END save_session"); } void reset_session() { log_info("reset session: time=%d", lnav_data.ld_session_time); save_session(); lnav_data.ld_session_time = time(nullptr); session_data.sd_file_states.clear(); for (auto& tc : lnav_data.ld_views) { auto& hmap = tc.get_highlights(); auto hl_iter = hmap.begin(); while (hl_iter != hmap.end()) { if (hl_iter->first.first != highlight_source_t::INTERACTIVE) { ++hl_iter; } else { hmap.erase(hl_iter++); } } } for (const auto& lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { lf->reset_state(); } lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_marked_only(false); lnav_data.ld_log_source.clear_min_max_log_times(); lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_min_log_level(LEVEL_UNKNOWN); lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_sql_filter("", nullptr); lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_sql_marker("", nullptr); lnav_data.ld_log_source.get_user_bookmark_metadata().clear(); for (auto& tc : lnav_data.ld_views) { text_sub_source* tss = tc.get_sub_source(); if (tss == nullptr) { continue; } tss->get_filters().clear_filters(); tss->tss_apply_filters = true; tss->text_filters_changed(); tss->text_clear_marks(&textview_curses::BM_USER); tc.get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_USER].clear(); tss->text_clear_marks(&textview_curses::BM_META); tc.get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_META].clear(); tc.reload_data(); } lnav_data.ld_filter_view.reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_files_view.reload_data(); for (const auto& format : log_format::get_root_formats()) { auto* elf = dynamic_cast(format.get()); if (elf == nullptr) { continue; } for (const auto& vd : elf->elf_value_defs) { vd.second->vd_meta.lvm_user_hidden = false; } } }