/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef __db_sub_source_hh #define __db_sub_source_hh #include #include #include #include #include "json_ptr.hh" #include "listview_curses.hh" #include "hist_source.hh" #include "log_vtab_impl.hh" class db_label_source : public text_sub_source { public: db_label_source() { }; ~db_label_source() { }; size_t text_line_count() { return this->dls_rows.size(); }; size_t text_size_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int line, bool raw) { return this->text_line_width(); }; size_t text_line_width() { size_t retval = 0; for (std::vector::iterator iter = this->dls_column_sizes.begin(); iter != this->dls_column_sizes.end(); ++iter) { retval += *iter; } return retval; }; void text_value_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int row, std::string &label_out, bool raw) { /* * start_value is the result rowid, each bucket type is a column value * label_out should be the raw text output. */ label_out.clear(); if (row >= (int)this->dls_rows.size()) { return; } for (int lpc = 0; lpc < (int)this->dls_rows[row].size(); lpc++) { int padding = (this->dls_column_sizes[lpc] - strlen(this->dls_rows[row][lpc]) - 1); if (this->dls_column_types[lpc] != SQLITE3_TEXT) { label_out.append(padding, ' '); } label_out.append(this->dls_rows[row][lpc]); if (this->dls_column_types[lpc] == SQLITE3_TEXT) { label_out.append(padding, ' '); } label_out.append(1, ' '); } }; void text_attrs_for_line(textview_curses &tc, int row, string_attrs_t &sa) { struct line_range lr(0, 0); struct line_range lr2(0, -1); if (row >= (int)this->dls_rows.size()) { return; } for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->dls_column_sizes.size() - 1; lpc++) { if (row % 2 == 0) { sa.push_back(string_attr(lr2, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_BOLD)); } lr.lr_start += this->dls_column_sizes[lpc] - 1; lr.lr_end = lr.lr_start + 1; sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_GRAPHIC, ACS_VLINE)); lr.lr_start += 1; } int left = 0; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->dls_column_sizes.size(); lpc++) { const char *row_value = this->dls_rows[row][lpc]; size_t row_len = strlen(row_value); if (this->dls_headers_to_graph[lpc]) { double num_value; if (sscanf(row_value, "%lf", &num_value) == 1) { this->dls_chart.chart_attrs_for_value(tc, left, this->dls_headers[lpc], num_value, sa); } } if (row_len > 2 && ((row_value[0] == '{' && row_value[row_len - 1] == '}') || (row_value[0] == '[' && row_value[row_len - 1] == ']'))) { json_ptr_walk jpw; if (jpw.parse(row_value, row_len) == yajl_status_ok && jpw.complete_parse() == yajl_status_ok) { for (json_ptr_walk::pair_list_t::iterator iter = jpw.jpw_values.begin(); iter != jpw.jpw_values.end(); ++iter) { double num_value; if (sscanf(iter->second.c_str(), "%lf", &num_value) == 1) { this->dls_chart.chart_attrs_for_value(tc, left, iter->first, num_value, sa); } } } } } } /* TODO: add support for left and right justification... numbers should */ /* be right justified and strings should be left. */ void push_column(const char *colstr) { int index = this->dls_rows.back().size(); if (colstr == NULL) { colstr = NULL_STR; } else { colstr = strdup(colstr); if (colstr == NULL) { throw "out of memory"; } } this->dls_rows.back().push_back(colstr); if (this->dls_rows.back().size() > this->dls_column_sizes.size()) { this->dls_column_sizes.push_back(1); } this->dls_column_sizes[index] = std::max(this->dls_column_sizes[index], strlen(colstr) + 1); }; void push_header(const std::string &colstr, int type, bool graphable) { int index = this->dls_headers.size(); this->dls_headers.push_back(colstr); if (this->dls_headers.size() > this->dls_column_sizes.size()) { this->dls_column_sizes.push_back(1); } this->dls_column_sizes[index] = std::max(this->dls_column_sizes[index], colstr.length() + 1); this->dls_column_types.push_back(type); this->dls_headers_to_graph.push_back(graphable); } void clear(void) { this->dls_chart.clear(); this->dls_headers.clear(); this->dls_headers_to_graph.clear(); this->dls_column_types.clear(); for (size_t row = 0; row < this->dls_rows.size(); row++) { for (size_t col = 0; col < this->dls_rows[row].size(); col++) { if (this->dls_rows[row][col] != NULL_STR) { free((void *)this->dls_rows[row][col]); } } } this->dls_rows.clear(); this->dls_column_sizes.clear(); } long column_name_to_index(const std::string &name) const { std::vector::const_iterator iter; iter = std::find(this->dls_headers.begin(), this->dls_headers.end(), name); if (iter == this->dls_headers.end()) { return -1; } return std::distance(this->dls_headers.begin(), iter); } stacked_bar_chart dls_chart; std::vector dls_headers; std::vector dls_headers_to_graph; std::vector dls_column_types; std::vector > dls_rows; std::vector dls_column_sizes; static const char *NULL_STR; }; class db_overlay_source : public list_overlay_source { public: db_overlay_source() : dos_active(false), dos_labels(NULL) { }; size_t list_overlay_count(const listview_curses &lv) { size_t retval = 1; if (!this->dos_active || lv.get_inner_height() == 0) { return retval; } view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); vis_line_t top = lv.get_top(); const std::vector &cols = this->dos_labels->dls_rows[top]; unsigned long width; vis_line_t height; lv.get_dimensions(height, width); this->dos_lines.clear(); for (size_t col = 0; col < cols.size(); col++) { const char *col_value = cols[col]; size_t col_len = strlen(col_value); if (!(col_len >= 2 && ((col_value[0] == '{' && col_value[col_len - 1] == '}') || (col_value[0] == '[' && col_value[col_len - 1] == ']')))) { continue; } json_ptr_walk jpw; if (jpw.parse(col_value, col_len) == yajl_status_ok && jpw.complete_parse() == yajl_status_ok) { { const std::string &header = this->dos_labels->dls_headers[col]; this->dos_lines.push_back(" JSON Column: " + header); retval += 1; } stacked_bar_chart chart; int start_line = this->dos_lines.size(); chart.with_stacking_enabled(false) .with_margins(3, 0); for (json_ptr_walk::pair_list_t::iterator iter = jpw.jpw_values.begin(); iter != jpw.jpw_values.end(); ++iter) { this->dos_lines.push_back(" " + iter->first + " = " + iter->second); string_attrs_t &sa = this->dos_lines.back().get_attrs(); struct line_range lr(1, 2); sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_GRAPHIC, ACS_LTEE)); lr.lr_start = 3 + iter->first.size() + 3; lr.lr_end = -1; sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_BOLD)); double num_value = 0.0; if (sscanf(iter->second.c_str(), "%lf", &num_value) == 1) { int attrs = vc.attrs_for_ident(iter->first); chart.add_value(iter->first, num_value); chart.with_attrs_for_ident(iter->first, attrs); } retval += 1; } int curr_line = start_line; for (json_ptr_walk::pair_list_t::iterator iter = jpw.jpw_values.begin(); iter != jpw.jpw_values.end(); ++iter, curr_line++) { double num_value = 0.0; if (sscanf(iter->second.c_str(), "%lf", &num_value) == 1) { string_attrs_t &sa = this->dos_lines[curr_line].get_attrs(); int left = 3; chart.chart_attrs_for_value(lv, left, iter->first, num_value, sa); } } } } if (retval > 1) { this->dos_lines.push_back(""); string_attrs_t &sa = this->dos_lines.back().get_attrs(); struct line_range lr(1, 2); sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_GRAPHIC, ACS_LLCORNER)); lr.lr_start = 2; lr.lr_end = -1; sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_GRAPHIC, ACS_HLINE)); retval += 1; } return retval; }; bool list_value_for_overlay(const listview_curses &lv, vis_line_t y, attr_line_t &value_out) { view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); if (y == 0) { std::string &line = value_out.get_string(); db_label_source *dls = this->dos_labels; string_attrs_t &sa = value_out.get_attrs(); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->dos_labels->dls_column_sizes.size(); lpc++) { int before, total_fill = dls->dls_column_sizes[lpc] - dls->dls_headers[lpc].length(); struct line_range header_range(line.length(), line.length() + dls->dls_column_sizes[lpc]); int attrs = vc.attrs_for_ident(dls->dls_headers[lpc]) | A_UNDERLINE; if (!this->dos_labels->dls_headers_to_graph[lpc]) { attrs = A_UNDERLINE; } sa.push_back(string_attr(header_range, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, attrs)); before = total_fill / 2; total_fill -= before; line.append(before, ' '); line.append(dls->dls_headers[lpc]); line.append(total_fill, ' '); } struct line_range lr(0); sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_BOLD | A_UNDERLINE)); return true; } else if (this->dos_active && y >= 2 && y < (this->dos_lines.size() + 2)) { value_out = this->dos_lines[y - 2]; return true; } return false; }; bool dos_active; db_label_source *dos_labels; std::vector dos_lines; }; #endif