.. _log-formats: Log Formats =========== Log files are parsed based on formats defined in configuration files. Many formats are already built in to the **lnav** binary and you can define your own using a JSON file. When loading files, each format is checked to see if it can parse the first few lines in the file. Once a match is found, that format will be considered that files format and used to parse the remaining lines in the file. If no match is found, the file is considered to be plain text and can be viewed in the "text" view that is accessed with the **t** key. The following log formats are built into **lnav**: .. csv-table:: :header: "Name", "Table Name", "Description" :widths: 8 5 20 :file: format-table.csv Defining a New Format --------------------- New log formats can be defined by placing JSON configuration files in the :file:`~/.lnav/formats/` directory. The files can be named anything you like, but they must have the '.json' suffix. A sample file containing the builtin configuration will be written to this directory when **lnav** starts up. You can consult that file when writing your own formats or if you need to modify existing ones. The contents of the format configuration should be a JSON object with a field for each format defined by the file. Each field name should be the symbolic name of the format. This value will also be used as the SQL table name for the log. The value for each field should be another object with the following fields: :title: The short and human-readable name for the format. :description: A longer description of the format. :url: A URL to the definition of the format. :regex: :level-field: The name of the regex capture group that contains the log message level. :level: A mapping of error levels to regular expressions. During scanning the contents of the capture group specified by *level-field* will be checked against each of these regexes. Once a match is found, the log message level will set to the corresponding level. The available levels, in order of severity, are: **fatal**, **critical**, **error**, **warning**, **info**, **debug**, **trace**. :value: This object contains the definitions for the values captured by the regexes. :kind: The type of data that was captured **string**, **integer**, **float**. :collate: The collation function for this value. :identifier: A boolean that indicates whether or not this field represents an identifier and should be syntax colored. :foreign-key: A boolean that indicates that this field is a key and should not be graphed. This should only need to be set for integer fields. :sample: A list of objects that contain sample log messages. All formats must include at least one sample and it must be matched by one of the included regexes. Each object must contain the following field: :line: The sample message. Example format:: { "example_log" : { "title" : "Example Log Format", "description" : "Log format used in the documentation example.", "url" : "http://example.com/log-format.html", "regex" : { "basic" : { "value" : "^" } }, "level-field" : "level", "level" : { "error" : "ERROR", "warning" : "WARNING" }, "value" : { "component" : { "kind" : "string", "identifier" : true } }, "sample" : [ { "line" : "" } ] } } Modifying an Existing Format ----------------------------