Extracting Data =============== **Note**: This feature is still in **BETA**, you should expect bugs and incompatible changes in the future. Log messages contain a good deal of useful data, but it's not always easy to get at. The log parser built into **lnav** is able to extract data as described by log formats as well as discovering data in plain text messages. This data can then be queried and processed using the SQLite front-end that is also incorporated into **lnav**. As an example, the following Syslog message from :cmd:`sudo` will be parsed and several Jul 31 11:42:26 Example-MacBook-Pro.local sudo[87024]: testuser : TTY=ttys004 ; PWD=/Users/testuser/github/lbuild ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/make install Current Time: 2013-07-31T11:42:26.000 Original Time: 2013-07-31T11:42:26.000 Offset: +0.000 Known message fields: ├ log_hostname = Example-MacBook-Pro.local ├ log_procname = sudo ├ log_pid = 87024 Discovered message fields: ├ col_0 = testuser ├ TTY = ttys004 ├ PWD = /Users/testuser/github/lbuild ├ USER = root └ COMMAND = /usr/bin/make install