/** * Copyright (c) 2021, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include "base/humanize.network.hh" #include "base/lnav_log.hh" #include "base/paths.hh" #include "tailer.looper.hh" #include "tailer.looper.cfg.hh" #include "tailer.h" #include "tailerpp.hh" #include "lnav.hh" #include "service_tags.hh" #include "line_buffer.hh" #include "tailerbin.h" using namespace std::chrono_literals; static const auto HOST_RETRY_DELAY = 1min; static void read_err_pipe(const std::string &netloc, auto_fd &err, std::vector &eq) { line_buffer lb; file_range pipe_range; bool done = false; log_info("stderr reader started..."); lb.set_fd(err); while (!done) { auto load_res = lb.load_next_line(pipe_range); if (load_res.isErr()) { done = true; } else { auto li = load_res.unwrap(); pipe_range = li.li_file_range; if (li.li_file_range.empty()) { done = true; } else { lb.read_range(li.li_file_range).then([netloc, &eq](auto sbr) { auto line_str = string_fragment(sbr.get_data(), 0, sbr.length()); line_str.trim("\n"); if (eq.size() < 10) { eq.template emplace_back(line_str.to_string()); } log_debug("%.*s", line_str.length(), line_str.data()); }); } } } } void tailer::looper::loop_body() { auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); std::vector to_erase; for (auto& qpair : this->l_netlocs_to_paths) { auto& netloc = qpair.first; auto& rpq = qpair.second; if (now < rpq.rpq_next_attempt_time) { continue; } if (this->l_remotes.count(netloc) == 0) { auto create_res = host_tailer::for_host(netloc); if (create_res.isErr()) { report_error(netloc, create_res.unwrapErr()); if (std::any_of(rpq.rpq_new_paths.begin(), rpq.rpq_new_paths.end(), [](const auto& pair) { return !pair.second.loo_tail; })) { rpq.send_synced_to_main(netloc); to_erase.push_back(netloc); } else { rpq.rpq_next_attempt_time = now + HOST_RETRY_DELAY; } continue; } auto ht = create_res.unwrap(); this->l_remotes[netloc] = ht; this->s_children.add_child_service(ht); rpq.rpq_new_paths.insert(rpq.rpq_existing_paths.begin(), rpq.rpq_existing_paths.end()); rpq.rpq_existing_paths.clear(); } if (!rpq.rpq_new_paths.empty()) { log_debug("%s: new paths to monitor -- %s", netloc.c_str(), rpq.rpq_new_paths.begin()->first.c_str()); this->l_remotes[netloc]->send( [paths = rpq.rpq_new_paths](auto &ht) { for (const auto &pair : paths) { log_debug("adding path to tailer -- %s", pair.first.c_str()); ht.open_remote_path(pair.first, pair.second); } }); rpq.rpq_existing_paths.insert(rpq.rpq_new_paths.begin(), rpq.rpq_new_paths.end()); rpq.rpq_new_paths.clear(); } } for (const auto& netloc : to_erase) { this->l_netlocs_to_paths.erase(netloc); } } void tailer::looper::add_remote(const network::path &path, logfile_open_options options) { auto netloc_str = fmt::format("{}", path.home()); this->l_netlocs_to_paths[netloc_str].rpq_new_paths[path.p_path] = std::move(options); } void tailer::looper::load_preview(int64_t id, const network::path& path) { auto netloc_str = fmt::format("{}", path.home()); auto iter = this->l_remotes.find(netloc_str); if (iter == this->l_remotes.end()) { auto create_res = host_tailer::for_host(netloc_str); if (create_res.isErr()) { auto msg = create_res.unwrapErr(); isc::to() .send([id, msg](auto& mlooper) { if (lnav_data.ld_preview_generation != id) { return; } lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_cylon(false) .clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(msg); }); return; } auto ht = create_res.unwrap(); this->l_remotes[netloc_str] = ht; this->s_children.add_child_service(ht); } this->l_remotes[netloc_str]->send([id, file_path = path.p_path](auto &ht) { ht.load_preview(id, file_path); }); } void tailer::looper::complete_path(const network::path& path) { auto netloc_str = fmt::format("{}", path.home()); auto iter = this->l_remotes.find(netloc_str); if (iter == this->l_remotes.end()) { auto create_res = host_tailer::for_host(netloc_str); if (create_res.isErr()) { return; } auto ht = create_res.unwrap(); this->l_remotes[netloc_str] = ht; this->s_children.add_child_service(ht); } this->l_remotes[netloc_str]->send([file_path = path.p_path](auto &ht) { ht.complete_path(file_path); }); } static std::vector create_ssh_args_from_config(const std::string& dest) { auto& cfg = injector::get(); std::vector retval; retval.emplace_back(cfg.c_ssh_cmd); if (!cfg.c_ssh_flags.empty()) { if (startswith(cfg.c_ssh_flags, "-")) { retval.emplace_back(cfg.c_ssh_flags); } else { retval.emplace_back(fmt::format("-{}", cfg.c_ssh_flags)); } } for (const auto& pair : cfg.c_ssh_options) { if (pair.second.empty()) { continue; } retval.emplace_back(fmt::format("-{}", pair.first)); retval.emplace_back(pair.second); } for (const auto& pair : cfg.c_ssh_config) { if (pair.second.empty()) { continue; } retval.emplace_back(fmt::format( "-o{}={}", pair.first, pair.second)); } retval.emplace_back(dest); return retval; } Result, std::string> tailer::looper::host_tailer::for_host(const std::string& netloc) { log_debug("tailer(%s): transferring tailer to remote", netloc.c_str()); auto& cfg = injector::get(); auto tailer_bin_name = fmt::format("tailer.bin.{}", getpid()); auto rp = humanize::network::path::from_str(netloc).value(); auto ssh_dest = rp.p_locality.l_hostname; if (rp.p_locality.l_username.has_value()) { ssh_dest = fmt::format("{}@{}", rp.p_locality.l_username.value(), rp.p_locality.l_hostname); } { auto in_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDIN_FILENO)); auto out_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDOUT_FILENO)); auto err_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDERR_FILENO)); auto child = TRY(lnav::pid::from_fork()); in_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); out_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); err_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); if (child.in_child()) { auto arg_strs = create_ssh_args_from_config(ssh_dest); std::vector args; arg_strs.emplace_back(fmt::format( "cat > {} && chmod ugo+rx ./{}", tailer_bin_name, tailer_bin_name)); fmt::print(stderr, "tailer({}): executing -- {}\n", netloc, fmt::join(arg_strs, " ")); for (const auto& arg : arg_strs) { args.push_back((char *) arg.data()); } args.push_back(nullptr); execvp(cfg.c_ssh_cmd.c_str(), args.data()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } std::vector error_queue; log_debug("starting err reader"); std::thread err_reader([netloc, err = std::move(err_pipe.read_end()), &error_queue]() mutable { log_set_thread_prefix(fmt::format("tailer({})", netloc)); read_err_pipe(netloc, err, error_queue); }); log_debug("writing to child"); auto sf = tailer_bin[0].to_string_fragment(); ssize_t total_bytes = 0; while (total_bytes < sf.length()) { log_debug("attempting to write %d", sf.length() - total_bytes); auto rc = write(in_pipe.write_end(), sf.data(), sf.length() - total_bytes); log_debug("wrote %d", rc); if (rc < 0) { break; } total_bytes += rc; } in_pipe.write_end().reset(); while (true) { char buffer[1024]; auto rc = read(out_pipe.read_end(), buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rc < 0) { break; } if (rc == 0) { break; } log_debug("tailer(%s): transfer output -- %.*s", netloc.c_str(), rc, buffer); } auto finished_child = std::move(child).wait_for_child(); err_reader.join(); if (!finished_child.was_normal_exit() || finished_child.exit_status() != EXIT_SUCCESS) { auto error_msg = error_queue.empty() ? "unknown" : error_queue.back(); return Err(fmt::format("failed to ssh to host: {}", error_msg)); } } auto in_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDIN_FILENO)); auto out_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDOUT_FILENO)); auto err_pipe = TRY(auto_pipe::for_child_fd(STDERR_FILENO)); auto child = TRY(lnav::pid::from_fork()); in_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); out_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); err_pipe.after_fork(child.in()); if (child.in_child()) { auto arg_strs = create_ssh_args_from_config(ssh_dest); std::vector args; arg_strs.emplace_back(fmt::format( "./{}", tailer_bin_name, tailer_bin_name)); fmt::print(stderr, "tailer({}): executing -- {}\n", netloc, fmt::join(arg_strs, " ")); for (const auto& arg : arg_strs) { args.push_back((char *) arg.data()); } args.push_back(nullptr); execvp(cfg.c_ssh_cmd.c_str(), args.data()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } return Ok(std::make_shared( netloc, std::move(child), std::move(in_pipe.write_end()), std::move(out_pipe.read_end()), std::move(err_pipe.read_end()) )); } ghc::filesystem::path tailer::looper::host_tailer::tmp_path() { auto local_path = lnav::paths::workdir() / "remotes"; ghc::filesystem::create_directories(local_path); auto_mem resolved_path; resolved_path = realpath(local_path.c_str(), nullptr); if (resolved_path.in() == nullptr) { return local_path; } return resolved_path.in(); } static std::string scrub_netloc(const std::string& netloc) { const static std::regex TO_SCRUB(R"([^\w\.\@])"); return std::regex_replace(netloc, TO_SCRUB, "_"); } tailer::looper::host_tailer::host_tailer(const std::string &netloc, auto_pid child, auto_fd to_child, auto_fd from_child, auto_fd err_from_child) : isc::service(netloc), ht_netloc(netloc), ht_local_path(tmp_path() / scrub_netloc(netloc)), ht_error_reader([ netloc, err = std::move(err_from_child), &eq = this->ht_error_queue]() mutable { read_err_pipe(netloc, err, eq); }), ht_state(connected{ std::move(child), std::move(to_child), std::move(from_child), {} }) { } void tailer::looper::host_tailer::open_remote_path(const std::string& path, logfile_open_options loo) { this->ht_state.match( [&](connected& conn) { conn.c_desired_paths[path] = std::move(loo); send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_OPEN_PATH, TPPT_STRING, path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); }, [&](const disconnected& d) { log_warning("disconnected from host, cannot tail: %s", path.c_str()); }, [&](const synced& s) { log_warning("synced with host, not tailing: %s", path.c_str()); } ); } void tailer::looper::host_tailer::load_preview(int64_t id, const std::string &path) { this->ht_state.match( [&](connected& conn) { send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_LOAD_PREVIEW, TPPT_STRING, path.c_str(), TPPT_INT64, id, TPPT_DONE); }, [&](const disconnected& d) { log_warning("disconnected from host, cannot preview: %s", path.c_str()); auto msg = fmt::format("error: disconnected from {}", this->ht_netloc); isc::to() .send([=](auto& mlooper) { if (lnav_data.ld_preview_generation != id) { return; } lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_cylon(false) .set_value(msg); }); }, [&](const synced& s) { require(false); } ); } void tailer::looper::host_tailer::complete_path(const std::string &path) { this->ht_state.match( [&](connected& conn) { send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_COMPLETE_PATH, TPPT_STRING, path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); }, [&](const disconnected& d) { log_warning("disconnected from host, cannot preview: %s", path.c_str()); }, [&](const synced& s) { require(false); } ); } void tailer::looper::host_tailer::loop_body() { if (!this->ht_state.is()) { return; } auto& conn = this->ht_state.get(); pollfd pfds[1]; pfds[0].fd = conn.ht_from_child.get(); pfds[0].events = POLLIN; pfds[0].revents = 0; auto ready_count = poll(pfds, 1, 100); if (ready_count > 0) { auto read_res = tailer::read_packet(conn.ht_from_child); if (read_res.isErr()) { log_error("read error: %s", read_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } auto packet = read_res.unwrap(); this->ht_state = packet.match( [&](const tailer::packet_eof &te) { log_debug("all done!"); auto finished_child = std::move(conn).close(); if (finished_child.exit_status() != 0 && !this->ht_error_queue.empty()) { report_error(this->ht_netloc, this->ht_error_queue.back()); } return state_v{disconnected()}; }, [&](const tailer::packet_log &pl) { log_debug("%s\n", pl.pl_msg.c_str()); return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_error &pe) { log_debug("Got an error: %s -- %s", pe.pe_path.c_str(), pe.pe_msg.c_str()); auto desired_iter = conn.c_desired_paths.find(pe.pe_path); if (desired_iter != conn.c_desired_paths.end()) { report_error(this->get_display_path(pe.pe_path), pe.pe_msg); if (!desired_iter->second.loo_tail) { conn.c_desired_paths.erase(desired_iter); } } else { auto child_iter = conn.c_child_paths.find(pe.pe_path); if (child_iter != conn.c_child_paths.end() && !child_iter->second.loo_tail) { conn.c_child_paths.erase(child_iter); } } auto remote_path = ghc::filesystem::absolute( ghc::filesystem::path(pe.pe_path)).relative_path(); auto local_path = this->ht_local_path / remote_path; log_debug("removing %s", local_path.c_str()); this->ht_active_files.erase(local_path); ghc::filesystem::remove_all(local_path); if (conn.c_desired_paths.empty() && conn.c_child_paths.empty()) { log_info("tailer(%s): all desired paths synced", this->ht_netloc.c_str()); return state_v{synced{}}; } return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_offer_block &pob) { log_debug("Got an offer: %s %lld - %lld", pob.pob_path.c_str(), pob.pob_offset, pob.pob_length); logfile_open_options loo; if (pob.pob_path == pob.pob_root_path) { auto root_iter = conn.c_desired_paths.find(pob.pob_path); if (root_iter == conn.c_desired_paths.end()) { log_warning("ignoring unknown root: %s", pob.pob_root_path.c_str()); return std::move(this->ht_state); } loo = std::move(root_iter->second); } else { auto child_iter = conn.c_child_paths.find(pob.pob_path); if (child_iter == conn.c_child_paths.end()) { auto root_iter = conn.c_desired_paths.find(pob.pob_root_path); if (root_iter == conn.c_desired_paths.end()) { log_warning("ignoring child of unknown root: %s", pob.pob_root_path.c_str()); return std::move(this->ht_state); } conn.c_child_paths[pob.pob_path] = std::move(root_iter->second); child_iter = conn.c_child_paths.find(pob.pob_path); } loo = std::move(child_iter->second); } auto remote_path = ghc::filesystem::absolute( ghc::filesystem::path(pob.pob_path)).relative_path(); auto local_path = this->ht_local_path / remote_path; auto fd = auto_fd(::open(local_path.c_str(), O_RDONLY)); if (this->ht_active_files.count(local_path) == 0) { this->ht_active_files.insert(local_path); auto custom_name = this->get_display_path(pob.pob_path); isc::to() .send([local_path, custom_name, loo](auto &mlooper) { auto &active_fc = lnav_data.ld_active_files; auto lpath_str = local_path.string(); if (active_fc.fc_file_names.count(lpath_str) > 0) { log_debug("already in fc_file_names"); return; } if (active_fc.fc_closed_files.count(custom_name) > 0) { log_debug("in closed"); return; } file_collection fc; fc.fc_file_names[lpath_str] .with_filename(custom_name) .with_source(logfile_name_source::REMOTE) .with_tail(loo.loo_tail); update_active_files(fc); }); } if (fd == -1) { log_debug("file not found, sending need block"); send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_NEED_BLOCK, TPPT_STRING, pob.pob_path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); return std::move(this->ht_state); } struct stat st; if (fstat(fd, &st) == -1 || !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { log_debug("path changed, sending need block"); ghc::filesystem::remove_all(local_path); send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_NEED_BLOCK, TPPT_STRING, pob.pob_path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); return std::move(this->ht_state); } auto_mem buffer; buffer = (char *) malloc(pob.pob_length); auto bytes_read = pread(fd, buffer, pob.pob_length, pob.pob_offset); if (bytes_read == pob.pob_length) { tailer::hash_frag thf; calc_sha_256(thf.thf_hash, buffer, bytes_read); if (thf == pob.pob_hash) { log_debug("local file block is same, sending ack"); send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_ACK_BLOCK, TPPT_STRING, pob.pob_path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); return std::move(this->ht_state); } log_debug("local file is different, sending need block"); } else if (bytes_read == -1) { log_debug("unable to read file, sending need block -- %s", strerror(errno)); ghc::filesystem::remove_all(local_path); } send_packet(conn.ht_to_child.get(), TPT_NEED_BLOCK, TPPT_STRING, pob.pob_path.c_str(), TPPT_DONE); return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_tail_block &ptb) { auto remote_path = ghc::filesystem::absolute( ghc::filesystem::path(ptb.ptb_path)).relative_path(); auto local_path = this->ht_local_path / remote_path; log_debug("writing tail to: %lld/%ld %s", ptb.ptb_offset, ptb.ptb_bits.size(), local_path.c_str()); ghc::filesystem::create_directories(local_path.parent_path()); auto fd = auto_fd( ::open(local_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, 0600)); if (fd == -1) { log_error("open: %s", strerror(errno)); } else { ftruncate(fd, ptb.ptb_offset); pwrite(fd, ptb.ptb_bits.data(), ptb.ptb_bits.size(), ptb.ptb_offset); } return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_synced &ps) { if (ps.ps_root_path == ps.ps_path) { auto iter = conn.c_desired_paths.find(ps.ps_path); if (iter != conn.c_desired_paths.end()) { if (!iter->second.loo_tail) { log_info("synced desired path: %s", iter->first.c_str()); conn.c_desired_paths.erase(iter); } } } else { auto iter = conn.c_child_paths.find(ps.ps_path); if (iter != conn.c_child_paths.end()) { if (!iter->second.loo_tail) { log_info("synced child path: %s", iter->first.c_str()); conn.c_child_paths.erase(iter); } } } if (conn.c_desired_paths.empty() && conn.c_child_paths.empty()) { log_info("tailer(%s): all desired paths synced", this->ht_netloc.c_str()); return state_v{synced{}}; } return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_link &pl) { auto remote_path = ghc::filesystem::absolute( ghc::filesystem::path(pl.pl_path)).relative_path(); auto local_path = this->ht_local_path / remote_path; auto remote_link_path = ghc::filesystem::path(pl.pl_link_value); std::string link_path; if (remote_path.is_absolute()) { auto local_link_path = this->ht_local_path / remote_link_path.relative_path(); link_path = local_link_path.string(); } else { link_path = remote_link_path.string(); } log_debug("symlinking %s -> %s", local_path.c_str(), link_path.c_str()); ghc::filesystem::create_directories(local_path.parent_path()); ghc::filesystem::remove_all(local_path); if (symlink(link_path.c_str(), local_path.c_str()) < 0) { log_error("symlink failed: %s", strerror(errno)); } return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_preview_error &ppe) { isc::to() .send([ppe](auto& mlooper) { if (lnav_data.ld_preview_generation != ppe.ppe_id) { log_debug("preview ID mismatch: %lld != %lld", lnav_data.ld_preview_generation, ppe.ppe_id); return; } lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_cylon(false) .clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(ppe.ppe_msg); }); return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_preview_data &ppd) { isc::to() .send([netloc = this->ht_netloc, ppd](auto& mlooper) { if (lnav_data.ld_preview_generation != ppd.ppd_id) { log_debug("preview ID mismatch: %lld != %lld", lnav_data.ld_preview_generation, ppd.ppd_id); return; } std::string str(ppd.ppd_bits.begin(), ppd.ppd_bits.end()); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_cylon(false) .set_value("For file: %s:%s", netloc.c_str(), ppd.ppd_path.c_str()); lnav_data.ld_preview_source .replace_with(str) .set_text_format(detect_text_format(str)); }); return std::move(this->ht_state); }, [&](const tailer::packet_possible_path &ppp) { log_debug("possible path: %s", ppp.ppp_path.c_str()); auto full_path = fmt::format("{}{}", this->ht_netloc, ppp.ppp_path); isc::to() .send([full_path](auto& mlooper) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( LNM_COMMAND, "remote-path", full_path); }); return std::move(this->ht_state); } ); if (!this->ht_state.is()) { this->s_looping = false; } } } std::chrono::milliseconds tailer::looper::host_tailer::compute_timeout(mstime_t current_time) const { return 0s; } void tailer::looper::host_tailer::stopped() { if (this->ht_state.is()) { this->ht_state = disconnected(); } if (this->ht_error_reader.joinable()) { this->ht_error_reader.join(); } } std::string tailer::looper::host_tailer::get_display_path(const std::string& remote_path) const { return fmt::format("{}{}", this->ht_netloc, remote_path); } void *tailer::looper::host_tailer::run() { log_set_thread_prefix(fmt::format("tailer({})", this->ht_netloc)); return service_base::run(); } auto_pid tailer::looper::host_tailer::connected::close() && { this->ht_to_child.reset(); this->ht_from_child.reset(); return std::move(this->ht_child).wait_for_child(); } void tailer::looper::child_finished(std::shared_ptr child) { auto child_tailer = std::static_pointer_cast(child); for (auto iter = this->l_remotes.begin(); iter != this->l_remotes.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second != child_tailer) { continue; } if (child_tailer->is_synced()) { log_info("synced with netloc '%s', removing", iter->first.c_str()); auto netloc_iter = this->l_netlocs_to_paths.find(iter->first); if (netloc_iter != this->l_netlocs_to_paths.end()) { netloc_iter->second.send_synced_to_main(netloc_iter->first); this->l_netlocs_to_paths.erase(netloc_iter); } } this->l_remotes.erase(iter); return; } } void tailer::looper::remote_path_queue::send_synced_to_main(const std::string& netloc) { std::set synced_files; for (const auto& pair : this->rpq_new_paths) { if (!pair.second.loo_tail) { synced_files.emplace(fmt::format("{}{}", netloc, pair.first)); } } for (const auto& pair : this->rpq_existing_paths) { if (!pair.second.loo_tail) { synced_files.emplace(fmt::format("{}{}", netloc, pair.first)); } } isc::to() .send([file_set = std::move(synced_files)](auto& mlooper) { file_collection fc; fc.fc_synced_files = file_set; update_active_files(fc); }); } void tailer::looper::report_error(std::string path, std::string msg) { isc::to() .send([=](auto& mlooper) { file_collection fc; fc.fc_name_to_errors[path] = msg; update_active_files(fc); }); }