/** * Copyright (c) 2020, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include "textfile_sub_source.hh" #include #include "base/ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "base/attr_line.builder.hh" #include "base/fs_util.hh" #include "base/injector.hh" #include "base/itertools.hh" #include "base/map_util.hh" #include "base/math_util.hh" #include "bound_tags.hh" #include "config.h" #include "lnav.events.hh" #include "md2attr_line.hh" #include "scn/scn.h" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "sqlitepp.hh" using namespace lnav::roles::literals; size_t textfile_sub_source::text_line_count() { size_t retval = 0; if (!this->tss_files.empty()) { auto lf = this->current_file(); auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter == this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { if (lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { auto fsize = lf->get_stat().st_size; retval = fsize / 16; if (fsize % 16) { retval += 1; } } else { auto* lfo = (line_filter_observer*) lf->get_logline_observer(); if (lfo != nullptr) { retval = lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size(); } } } else { retval = rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->text_line_count(); } } return retval; } void textfile_sub_source::text_value_for_line(textview_curses& tc, int line, std::string& value_out, text_sub_source::line_flags_t flags) { if (this->tss_files.empty() || line < 0) { value_out.clear(); return; } const auto lf = this->current_file(); auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->text_value_for_line( tc, line, value_out, flags); return; } if (lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { this->tss_hex_line.clear(); attr_line_builder alb(this->tss_hex_line); auto fsize = lf->get_stat().st_size; auto fr = file_range{line * 16}; fr.fr_size = std::min((file_ssize_t) 16, fsize - fr.fr_offset); auto read_res = lf->read_range(fr); if (read_res.isErr()) { log_error("%s: failed to read range %lld:%lld -- %s", lf->get_filename().c_str(), fr.fr_offset, fr.fr_size, read_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); return; } auto sbr = read_res.unwrap(); auto sf = sbr.to_string_fragment(); { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_FILE_OFFSET)); alb.appendf(FMT_STRING("{: >16x} "), fr.fr_offset); } auto byte_off = size_t{0}; for (auto ch : sf) { if (byte_off == 8) { alb.append(" "); } nonstd::optional ro; if (ch == '\0') { ro = role_t::VCR_NULL; } else if (isspace(ch) || iscntrl(ch)) { ro = role_t::VCR_ASCII_CTRL; } else if (!isprint(ch)) { ro = role_t::VCR_NON_ASCII; } auto ag = ro.has_value() ? alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(ro.value())) : alb.with_default(); alb.appendf(FMT_STRING(" {:0>2x}"), ch); byte_off += 1; } for (; byte_off < 16; byte_off++) { if (byte_off == 8) { alb.append(" "); } alb.append(" "); } alb.append(" "); byte_off = 0; for (auto ch : sf) { if (byte_off == 8) { alb.append(" "); } if (ch == '\0') { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_NULL)); alb.append("\u22c4"); } else if (isspace(ch)) { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_ASCII_CTRL)); alb.append("_"); } else if (iscntrl(ch)) { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_ASCII_CTRL)); alb.append("\u2022"); } else if (isprint(ch)) { this->tss_hex_line.get_string().push_back(ch); } else { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_NON_ASCII)); alb.append("\u00d7"); } byte_off += 1; } auto alt_row_index = line % 4; if (alt_row_index == 2 || alt_row_index == 3) { this->tss_hex_line.with_attr_for_all( VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_ALT_ROW)); } value_out = this->tss_hex_line.get_string(); return; } auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (lfo == nullptr || line >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { value_out.clear(); return; } auto ll = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[line]; auto read_result = lf->read_line(ll); this->tss_line_indent_size = 0; if (read_result.isOk()) { value_out = to_string(read_result.unwrap()); for (const auto& ch : value_out) { if (ch == ' ') { this->tss_line_indent_size += 1; } else if (ch == '\t') { do { this->tss_line_indent_size += 1; } while (this->tss_line_indent_size % 8); } else { break; } } if (lf->has_line_metadata() && this->tas_display_time_offset) { auto relstr = this->get_time_offset_for_line(tc, vis_line_t(line)); value_out = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{: >12}|{}"), relstr, value_out); } } } void textfile_sub_source::text_attrs_for_line(textview_curses& tc, int row, string_attrs_t& value_out) { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (lf == nullptr) { return; } struct line_range lr; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = -1; auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->text_attrs_for_line( tc, row, value_out); } else if (lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { value_out = this->tss_hex_line.get_attrs(); } else { auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (lfo != nullptr && row >= 0 && row < lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { auto ll = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[row]; value_out.emplace_back(lr, SA_LEVEL.value(ll->get_msg_level())); if (lf->has_line_metadata() && this->tas_display_time_offset) { auto time_offset_end = 13; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = time_offset_end; shift_string_attrs(value_out, 0, time_offset_end); value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_OFFSET_TIME)); value_out.emplace_back(line_range(12, 13), VC_GRAPHIC.value(ACS_VLINE)); role_t bar_role = role_t::VCR_NONE; switch (this->get_line_accel_direction(vis_line_t(row))) { case log_accel::A_STEADY: break; case log_accel::A_DECEL: bar_role = role_t::VCR_DIFF_DELETE; break; case log_accel::A_ACCEL: bar_role = role_t::VCR_DIFF_ADD; break; } if (bar_role != role_t::VCR_NONE) { value_out.emplace_back(line_range(12, 13), VC_ROLE.value(bar_role)); } } auto meta_opt = lnav::map::find(this->tss_doc_metadata, lf->get_filename()); if (meta_opt) { auto ll_next_iter = ll + 1; auto end_offset = (ll_next_iter == lf->end()) ? lf->get_index_size() - 1 : ll_next_iter->get_offset() - 1; const auto& meta = meta_opt.value().get(); meta.ms_metadata.m_section_types_tree.visit_overlapping( lf->get_line_content_offset(ll), end_offset, [&value_out, &ll, &lf, end_offset](const auto& iv) { auto ll_offset = lf->get_line_content_offset(ll); auto lr = line_range{0, -1}; if (iv.start > ll_offset) { lr.lr_start = iv.start - ll_offset; } if (iv.stop < end_offset) { lr.lr_end = iv.stop - ll_offset; } else { lr.lr_end = end_offset - ll_offset; } auto role = role_t::VCR_NONE; switch (iv.value) { case lnav::document::section_types_t::comment: role = role_t::VCR_COMMENT; break; case lnav::document::section_types_t:: multiline_string: role = role_t::VCR_STRING; break; } value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_ROLE.value(role)); }); for (const auto& indent : meta.ms_metadata.m_indents) { if (indent < this->tss_line_indent_size) { auto guide_lr = line_range{ (int) indent, (int) (indent + 1), line_range::unit::codepoint, }; if (this->tas_display_time_offset) { guide_lr.shift(0, 13); } value_out.emplace_back( guide_lr, VC_BLOCK_ELEM.value(block_elem_t{ L'\u258f', role_t::VCR_INDENT_GUIDE})); } } } } } value_out.emplace_back(lr, logline::L_FILE.value(this->current_file())); } size_t textfile_sub_source::text_size_for_line(textview_curses& tc, int line, text_sub_source::line_flags_t flags) { size_t retval = 0; if (!this->tss_files.empty()) { std::shared_ptr lf = this->current_file(); auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter == this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { auto* lfo = dynamic_cast( lf->get_logline_observer()); if (lfo == nullptr || line < 0 || line >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { } else { retval = lf->message_byte_length( lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[line]) .mlr_length; } } else { retval = rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->text_size_for_line( tc, line, flags); } } return retval; } void textfile_sub_source::to_front(const std::shared_ptr& lf) { auto iter = std::find(this->tss_files.begin(), this->tss_files.end(), lf); if (iter != this->tss_files.end()) { this->tss_files.erase(iter); } else { iter = std::find( this->tss_hidden_files.begin(), this->tss_hidden_files.end(), lf); if (iter != this->tss_hidden_files.end()) { this->tss_hidden_files.erase(iter); } } this->tss_files.push_front(lf); this->set_time_offset(false); this->tss_view->reload_data(); } void textfile_sub_source::rotate_left() { if (this->tss_files.size() > 1) { this->tss_files.push_back(this->tss_files.front()); this->tss_files.pop_front(); this->set_time_offset(false); this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->redo_search(); } } void textfile_sub_source::rotate_right() { if (this->tss_files.size() > 1) { this->tss_files.push_front(this->tss_files.back()); this->tss_files.pop_back(); this->set_time_offset(false); this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->redo_search(); } } void textfile_sub_source::remove(const std::shared_ptr& lf) { auto iter = std::find(this->tss_files.begin(), this->tss_files.end(), lf); if (iter != this->tss_files.end()) { this->tss_files.erase(iter); detach_observer(lf); } else { iter = std::find( this->tss_hidden_files.begin(), this->tss_hidden_files.end(), lf); if (iter != this->tss_hidden_files.end()) { this->tss_hidden_files.erase(iter); detach_observer(lf); } } this->set_time_offset(false); } void textfile_sub_source::push_back(const std::shared_ptr& lf) { auto* lfo = new line_filter_observer(this->get_filters(), lf); lf->set_logline_observer(lfo); this->tss_files.push_back(lf); } void textfile_sub_source::text_filters_changed() { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (lf == nullptr || lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { return; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return; } auto* lfo = (line_filter_observer*) lf->get_logline_observer(); uint32_t filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask; lfo->clear_deleted_filter_state(); lf->reobserve_from(lf->begin() + lfo->get_min_count(lf->size())); this->get_filters().get_enabled_mask(filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask); lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.clear(); for (uint32_t lpc = 0; lpc < lf->size(); lpc++) { if (this->tss_apply_filters && lfo->excluded(filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask, lpc)) { continue; } lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.push_back(lpc); } this->tss_view->redo_search(); auto iter = std::lower_bound(lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.begin(), lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.end(), this->tss_content_line); auto vl = vis_line_t( std::distance(lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.begin(), iter)); this->tss_view->set_selection(vl); } void textfile_sub_source::scroll_invoked(textview_curses* tc) { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (lf == nullptr || lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { return; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return; } auto line = tc->get_selection(); auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (lfo == nullptr || line < 0_vl || line >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { return; } this->tss_content_line = lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[line]; } int textfile_sub_source::get_filtered_count() const { std::shared_ptr lf = this->current_file(); int retval = 0; if (lf != nullptr) { auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter == this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { auto* lfo = (line_filter_observer*) lf->get_logline_observer(); retval = lf->size() - lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size(); } } return retval; } int textfile_sub_source::get_filtered_count_for(size_t filter_index) const { std::shared_ptr lf = this->current_file(); if (lf == nullptr) { return 0; } auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); return lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_filter_hits[filter_index]; } text_format_t textfile_sub_source::get_text_format() const { if (this->tss_files.empty()) { return text_format_t::TF_UNKNOWN; } return this->tss_files.front()->get_text_format(); } static attr_line_t to_display(const std::shared_ptr& lf) { attr_line_t retval; if (lf->get_open_options().loo_piper) { if (!lf->get_open_options().loo_piper->is_finished()) { retval.append("\u21bb "_list_glyph); } } retval.append(lf->get_unique_path()); return retval; } void textfile_sub_source::text_crumbs_for_line( int line, std::vector& crumbs) { text_sub_source::text_crumbs_for_line(line, crumbs); if (this->empty()) { return; } auto lf = this->current_file(); crumbs.emplace_back( lf->get_unique_path(), to_display(lf), [this]() { return this->tss_files | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto& lf) { return breadcrumb::possibility{ lf->get_unique_path(), to_display(lf), }; }); }, [this](const auto& key) { auto lf_opt = this->tss_files | lnav::itertools::find_if([&key](const auto& elem) { return key.template get() == elem->get_unique_path(); }) | lnav::itertools::deref(); if (!lf_opt) { return; } this->to_front(lf_opt.value()); this->tss_view->reload_data(); }); if (lf->size() == 0) { return; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->text_crumbs_for_line(line, crumbs); } if (lf->has_line_metadata()) { auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (line < 0 || line >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { return; } auto ll_iter = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[line]; char ts[64]; sql_strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), ll_iter->get_timeval(), 'T'); crumbs.emplace_back( std::string(ts), []() -> std::vector { return {}; }, [](const auto& key) {}); } auto meta_iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (meta_iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end() || meta_iter->second.ms_metadata.m_sections_tree.empty()) { } else { auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (line < 0 || line >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { return; } auto ll_iter = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[line]; auto ll_next_iter = ll_iter + 1; auto end_offset = (ll_next_iter == lf->end()) ? lf->get_index_size() - 1 : ll_next_iter->get_offset() - 1; const auto initial_size = crumbs.size(); meta_iter->second.ms_metadata.m_sections_tree.visit_overlapping( lf->get_line_content_offset(ll_iter), end_offset, [&crumbs, initial_size, meta = &meta_iter->second.ms_metadata, this, lf](const auto& iv) { auto path = crumbs | lnav::itertools::skip(initial_size) | lnav::itertools::map(&breadcrumb::crumb::c_key) | lnav::itertools::append(iv.value); auto curr_node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta->m_sections_root.get(), path); crumbs.template emplace_back( iv.value, [meta, path]() { return meta->possibility_provider(path); }, [this, curr_node, path, lf](const auto& key) { if (!curr_node) { return; } auto* parent_node = curr_node.value()->hn_parent; if (parent_node == nullptr) { return; } key.template match( [this, parent_node](const std::string& str) { auto sib_iter = parent_node->hn_named_children.find(str); if (sib_iter == parent_node->hn_named_children.end()) { return; } this->set_top_from_off( sib_iter->second->hn_start); }, [this, parent_node](size_t index) { if (index >= parent_node->hn_children.size()) { return; } auto sib = parent_node->hn_children[index].get(); this->set_top_from_off(sib->hn_start); }); }); if (curr_node && curr_node.value()->hn_parent->hn_children.size() != curr_node.value() ->hn_parent->hn_named_children.size()) { auto node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta->m_sections_root.get(), path); crumbs.back().c_expected_input = curr_node.value() ->hn_parent->hn_named_children.empty() ? breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index : breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index_or_exact; crumbs.back().with_possible_range( node | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto hn) { return hn->hn_parent->hn_children.size(); }) | lnav::itertools::unwrap_or(size_t{0})); } }); auto path = crumbs | lnav::itertools::skip(initial_size) | lnav::itertools::map(&breadcrumb::crumb::c_key); auto node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta_iter->second.ms_metadata.m_sections_root.get(), path); if (node && !node.value()->hn_children.empty()) { auto poss_provider = [curr_node = node.value()]() { std::vector retval; for (const auto& child : curr_node->hn_named_children) { retval.template emplace_back(child.first); } return retval; }; auto path_performer = [this, curr_node = node.value()]( const breadcrumb::crumb::key_t& value) { value.template match( [this, curr_node](const std::string& str) { auto child_iter = curr_node->hn_named_children.find(str); if (child_iter != curr_node->hn_named_children.end()) { this->set_top_from_off( child_iter->second->hn_start); } }, [this, curr_node](size_t index) { if (index >= curr_node->hn_children.size()) { return; } auto* child = curr_node->hn_children[index].get(); this->set_top_from_off(child->hn_start); }); }; crumbs.emplace_back("", "\u22ef", poss_provider, path_performer); crumbs.back().c_expected_input = node.value()->hn_named_children.empty() ? breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index : breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index_or_exact; } } } textfile_sub_source::rescan_result_t textfile_sub_source::rescan_files( textfile_sub_source::scan_callback& callback, nonstd::optional deadline) { static auto& lnav_db = injector::get(); file_iterator iter; rescan_result_t retval; size_t files_scanned = 0; if (this->tss_view == nullptr || this->tss_view->is_paused()) { return retval; } std::vector> closed_files; for (iter = this->tss_files.begin(); iter != this->tss_files.end();) { if (deadline && files_scanned > 0 && ui_clock::now() > deadline.value()) { log_info("rescan_files() deadline reached, breaking..."); retval.rr_scan_completed = false; break; } std::shared_ptr lf = (*iter); if (lf->is_closed()) { iter = this->tss_files.erase(iter); this->tss_rendered_files.erase(lf->get_filename()); this->tss_doc_metadata.erase(lf->get_filename()); this->detach_observer(lf); closed_files.template emplace_back(lf); continue; } if (!this->tss_completed_last_scan && lf->size() > 0) { ++iter; continue; } files_scanned += 1; try { const auto& st = lf->get_stat(); uint32_t old_size = lf->size(); auto new_text_data = lf->rebuild_index(deadline); if (lf->get_format() != nullptr) { iter = this->tss_files.erase(iter); this->tss_rendered_files.erase(lf->get_filename()); this->tss_doc_metadata.erase(lf->get_filename()); this->detach_observer(lf); callback.promote_file(lf); continue; } bool new_data = false; switch (new_text_data) { case logfile::rebuild_result_t::NEW_LINES: case logfile::rebuild_result_t::NEW_ORDER: new_data = true; retval.rr_new_data += 1; break; default: break; } callback.scanned_file(lf); if (lf->get_text_format() == text_format_t::TF_MARKDOWN) { auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { if (rend_iter->second.rf_file_size == st.st_size && rend_iter->second.rf_mtime == st.st_mtime) { ++iter; continue; } log_info("markdown file has been updated, re-rendering: %s", lf->get_filename().c_str()); this->tss_rendered_files.erase(rend_iter); } auto read_res = lf->read_file(); if (read_res.isOk()) { static const auto FRONT_MATTER_RE = lnav::pcre2pp::code::from_const( R"((?:^---\n(.*)\n---\n|^\+\+\+\n(.*)\n\+\+\+\n))", PCRE2_MULTILINE | PCRE2_DOTALL); static thread_local auto md = FRONT_MATTER_RE.create_match_data(); auto content = read_res.unwrap(); auto content_sf = string_fragment::from_str(content); std::string frontmatter; text_format_t frontmatter_format{text_format_t::TF_UNKNOWN}; auto cap_res = FRONT_MATTER_RE.capture_from(content_sf) .into(md) .matches() .ignore_error(); if (cap_res) { if (md[1]) { frontmatter_format = text_format_t::TF_YAML; frontmatter = md[1]->to_string(); } else if (md[2]) { frontmatter_format = text_format_t::TF_TOML; frontmatter = md[2]->to_string(); } content_sf = cap_res->f_remaining; } else if (content_sf.startswith("{")) { yajlpp_parse_context ypc( intern_string::lookup(lf->get_filename())); auto handle = yajlpp::alloc_handle(&ypc.ypc_callbacks, &ypc); yajl_config( handle.in(), yajl_allow_trailing_garbage, 1); ypc.with_ignore_unused(true) .with_handle(handle.in()) .with_error_reporter( [&lf](const auto& ypc, const auto& um) { log_error( "%s: failed to parse JSON front matter " "-- %s", lf->get_filename().c_str(), um.um_reason.al_string.c_str()); }); if (ypc.parse_doc(content_sf)) { auto consumed = ypc.ypc_total_consumed; if (consumed < content_sf.length() && content_sf[consumed] == '\n') { frontmatter_format = text_format_t::TF_JSON; frontmatter = string_fragment::from_str_range( content, 0, consumed) .to_string(); content_sf = content_sf.substr(consumed); } } } md2attr_line mdal; mdal.with_source_path(lf->get_actual_path()); auto parse_res = md4cpp::parse(content_sf, mdal); auto& rf = this->tss_rendered_files[lf->get_filename()]; rf.rf_mtime = st.st_mtime; rf.rf_file_size = st.st_size; rf.rf_text_source = std::make_unique(); rf.rf_text_source->set_text_format(lf->get_text_format()); rf.rf_text_source->register_view(this->tss_view); if (parse_res.isOk()) { auto& lf_meta = lf->get_embedded_metadata(); rf.rf_text_source->replace_with(parse_res.unwrap()); if (!frontmatter.empty()) { lf_meta["net.daringfireball.markdown.frontmatter"] = {frontmatter_format, frontmatter}; } lnav::events::publish( lnav_db, lnav::events::file::format_detected{ lf->get_filename(), fmt::to_string(lf->get_text_format()), }); } else { auto view_content = lnav::console::user_message::error( "unable to parse markdown file") .with_reason(parse_res.unwrapErr()) .to_attr_line(); view_content.append("\n").append( attr_line_t::from_ansi_str(content.c_str())); rf.rf_text_source->replace_with(view_content); } } else { log_error("unable to read markdown file: %s -- %s", lf->get_filename().c_str(), read_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); } ++iter; continue; } if (lf->is_indexing() && lf->get_text_format() != text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { auto ms_iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (!new_data && ms_iter != this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { if (st.st_mtime != ms_iter->second.ms_mtime || st.st_size != ms_iter->second.ms_file_size) { log_debug( "text file has changed, invalidating metadata. " "old: {mtime: %d size: %zu}, new: {mtime: %d " "size: %zu}", ms_iter->second.ms_mtime, ms_iter->second.ms_file_size, st.st_mtime, st.st_size); this->tss_doc_metadata.erase(ms_iter); ms_iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.end(); } } if (ms_iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { auto read_res = lf->read_file(); if (read_res.isOk()) { auto content = attr_line_t(read_res.unwrap()); log_info("generating metadata for: %s (size=%zu)", lf->get_filename().c_str(), content.length()); scrub_ansi_string(content.get_string(), &content.get_attrs()); auto text_meta = extract_text_meta( content.get_string(), lf->get_text_format()); if (text_meta) { lf->set_filename(text_meta->tfm_filename); lf->set_include_in_session(true); callback.renamed_file(lf); } this->tss_doc_metadata[lf->get_filename()] = metadata_state{ st.st_mtime, static_cast(lf->get_index_size()), lnav::document::discover_structure( content, line_range{0, -1}, lf->get_text_format()), }; } else { log_error( "%s: unable to read file for meta discover -- %s", lf->get_filename().c_str(), read_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); this->tss_doc_metadata[lf->get_filename()] = metadata_state{ st.st_mtime, static_cast(lf->get_index_size()), {}, }; } } } uint32_t filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask; this->get_filters().get_enabled_mask(filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask); auto* lfo = (line_filter_observer*) lf->get_logline_observer(); for (uint32_t lpc = old_size; lpc < lf->size(); lpc++) { if (this->tss_apply_filters && lfo->excluded(filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask, lpc)) { continue; } lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.push_back(lpc); } } catch (const line_buffer::error& e) { iter = this->tss_files.erase(iter); this->tss_rendered_files.erase(lf->get_filename()); this->tss_doc_metadata.erase(lf->get_filename()); lf->close(); this->detach_observer(lf); closed_files.template emplace_back(lf); continue; } ++iter; } if (!closed_files.empty()) { callback.closed_files(closed_files); } if (retval.rr_new_data) { this->tss_view->search_new_data(); } this->tss_completed_last_scan = retval.rr_scan_completed; return retval; } void textfile_sub_source::set_top_from_off(file_off_t off) { auto lf = this->current_file(); lf->line_for_offset(off) | [this, lf](auto new_top_iter) { auto* lfo = (line_filter_observer*) lf->get_logline_observer(); auto new_top_opt = lfo->lfo_filter_state.content_line_to_vis_line( std::distance(lf->cbegin(), new_top_iter)); if (new_top_opt) { this->tss_view->set_selection(vis_line_t(new_top_opt.value())); } }; } void textfile_sub_source::quiesce() { for (auto& lf : this->tss_files) { lf->quiesce(); } } nonstd::optional textfile_sub_source::row_for_anchor(const std::string& id) { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (!lf || id.empty()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->row_for_anchor(id); } auto iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } const auto& meta = iter->second.ms_metadata; nonstd::optional retval; auto is_ptr = startswith(id, "#/"); if (is_ptr) { auto hier_sf = string_fragment::from_str(id).consume_n(2).value(); std::vector path; while (!hier_sf.empty()) { auto comp_pair = hier_sf.split_when(string_fragment::tag1{'/'}); auto scan_res = scn::scan_value(comp_pair.first.to_string_view()); if (scan_res && scan_res.empty()) { path.emplace_back(scan_res.value()); } else { path.emplace_back(json_ptr::decode(comp_pair.first)); } hier_sf = comp_pair.second; } auto lookup_res = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta.m_sections_root.get(), path); if (lookup_res) { auto ll_opt = lf->line_for_offset(lookup_res.value()->hn_start); if (ll_opt != lf->end()) { retval = vis_line_t(std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll_opt.value())); } } return retval; } lnav::document::hier_node::depth_first( meta.m_sections_root.get(), [lf, &id, &retval](const lnav::document::hier_node* node) { for (const auto& child_pair : node->hn_named_children) { const auto& child_anchor = text_anchors::to_anchor_string(child_pair.first); if (child_anchor != id) { continue; } auto ll_opt = lf->line_for_offset(child_pair.second->hn_start); if (ll_opt != lf->end()) { retval = vis_line_t( std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll_opt.value())); } break; } }); return retval; } static void anchor_generator(std::unordered_set& retval, std::vector& comps, size_t& max_depth, lnav::document::hier_node* hn) { if (hn->hn_named_children.empty()) { if (hn->hn_children.empty()) { if (retval.size() >= 250 || comps.empty()) { } else if (comps.size() == 1) { retval.emplace(text_anchors::to_anchor_string(comps.front())); } else { retval.emplace( fmt::format(FMT_STRING("#/{}"), fmt::join(comps.begin(), comps.end(), "/"))); } max_depth = std::max(max_depth, comps.size()); } else { int index = 0; for (const auto& child : hn->hn_children) { comps.emplace_back(fmt::to_string(index)); anchor_generator(retval, comps, max_depth, child.get()); comps.pop_back(); } } } else { for (const auto& child : hn->hn_named_children) { comps.emplace_back(child.first); anchor_generator(retval, comps, max_depth, child.second); comps.pop_back(); } if (max_depth > 1) { retval.emplace( fmt::format(FMT_STRING("#/{}"), fmt::join(comps.begin(), comps.end(), "/"))); } } } std::unordered_set textfile_sub_source::get_anchors() { std::unordered_set retval; auto lf = this->current_file(); if (!lf) { return retval; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->get_anchors(); } auto iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { return retval; } const auto& meta = iter->second.ms_metadata; if (meta.m_sections_root == nullptr) { return retval; } std::vector comps; size_t max_depth = 0; anchor_generator(retval, comps, max_depth, meta.m_sections_root.get()); return retval; } static nonstd::optional to_vis_line(const std::shared_ptr& lf, file_off_t off) { auto ll_opt = lf->line_for_offset(off); if (ll_opt != lf->end()) { return vis_line_t(std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll_opt.value())); } return nonstd::nullopt; } nonstd::optional textfile_sub_source::adjacent_anchor(vis_line_t vl, text_anchors::direction dir) { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (!lf) { return nonstd::nullopt; } log_debug("adjacent_anchor: %s:L%d:%s", lf->get_filename().c_str(), vl, dir == text_anchors::direction::prev ? "prev" : "next"); auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->adjacent_anchor(vl, dir); } auto iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { log_debug(" no metadata available"); return nonstd::nullopt; } auto& md = iter->second.ms_metadata; auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (vl >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size() || md.m_sections_root == nullptr) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto ll_iter = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[vl]; auto line_offsets = lf->get_file_range(ll_iter, false); log_debug( " range %d:%d", line_offsets.fr_offset, line_offsets.next_offset()); auto path_for_line = md.path_for_range(line_offsets.fr_offset, line_offsets.next_offset()); if (path_for_line.empty()) { log_debug(" no path found"); auto neighbors_res = md.m_sections_root->line_neighbors(vl); if (!neighbors_res) { return nonstd::nullopt; } switch (dir) { case text_anchors::direction::prev: { if (neighbors_res->cnr_previous) { return to_vis_line( lf, neighbors_res->cnr_previous.value()->hn_start); } break; } case text_anchors::direction::next: { if (neighbors_res->cnr_next) { return to_vis_line( lf, neighbors_res->cnr_next.value()->hn_start); } break; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } auto last_key = path_for_line.back(); path_for_line.pop_back(); auto parent_opt = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( md.m_sections_root.get(), path_for_line); if (!parent_opt) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto parent = parent_opt.value(); auto child_hn = parent->lookup_child(last_key); if (!child_hn) { // XXX "should not happen" return nonstd::nullopt; } auto neighbors_res = parent->child_neighbors( child_hn.value(), line_offsets.next_offset() + 1); if (!neighbors_res) { log_debug(" no neighbors found"); return nonstd::nullopt; } log_debug(" neighbors p:%d n:%d", neighbors_res->cnr_previous.has_value(), neighbors_res->cnr_next.has_value()); if (neighbors_res->cnr_previous && last_key.is()) { auto neighbor_sub = neighbors_res->cnr_previous.value()->lookup_child(last_key); if (neighbor_sub) { neighbors_res->cnr_previous = neighbor_sub; } } if (neighbors_res->cnr_next && last_key.is()) { auto neighbor_sub = neighbors_res->cnr_next.value()->lookup_child(last_key); if (neighbor_sub) { neighbors_res->cnr_next = neighbor_sub; } } switch (dir) { case text_anchors::direction::prev: { if (neighbors_res->cnr_previous) { return to_vis_line( lf, neighbors_res->cnr_previous.value()->hn_start); } break; } case text_anchors::direction::next: { if (neighbors_res->cnr_next) { return to_vis_line(lf, neighbors_res->cnr_next.value()->hn_start); } break; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } nonstd::optional textfile_sub_source::anchor_for_row(vis_line_t vl) { auto lf = this->current_file(); if (!lf) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto rend_iter = this->tss_rendered_files.find(lf->get_filename()); if (rend_iter != this->tss_rendered_files.end()) { return rend_iter->second.rf_text_source->anchor_for_row(vl); } auto iter = this->tss_doc_metadata.find(lf->get_filename()); if (iter == this->tss_doc_metadata.end()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); if (vl >= lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index.size()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto& md = iter->second.ms_metadata; auto ll_iter = lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[vl]; auto line_offsets = lf->get_file_range(ll_iter, false); auto path_for_line = md.path_for_range(line_offsets.fr_offset, line_offsets.next_offset()); if (path_for_line.empty()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } if ((path_for_line.size() == 1 || md.m_text_format == text_format_t::TF_MARKDOWN) && path_for_line.back().is()) { return text_anchors::to_anchor_string( path_for_line.back().get()); } auto comps = path_for_line | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto& elem) { return elem.match( [](const std::string& str) { return json_ptr::encode_str(str); }, [](size_t index) { return fmt::to_string(index); }); }); return fmt::format(FMT_STRING("#/{}"), fmt::join(comps.begin(), comps.end(), "/")); } bool textfile_sub_source::to_front(const std::string& filename) { auto lf_opt = this->tss_files | lnav::itertools::find_if([&filename](const auto& elem) { return elem->get_filename() == filename; }); if (!lf_opt) { lf_opt = this->tss_hidden_files | lnav::itertools::find_if([&filename](const auto& elem) { return elem->get_filename() == filename; }); } if (!lf_opt) { return false; } this->to_front(*(lf_opt.value())); return true; } logline* textfile_sub_source::text_accel_get_line(vis_line_t vl) { auto lf = this->current_file(); auto* lfo = dynamic_cast(lf->get_logline_observer()); return (lf->begin() + lfo->lfo_filter_state.tfs_index[vl]).base(); } textfile_header_overlay::textfile_header_overlay(textfile_sub_source* src) : tho_src(src) { } bool textfile_header_overlay::list_static_overlay(const listview_curses& lv, int y, int bottom, attr_line_t& value_out) { if (y != 0) { return false; } auto lf = this->tho_src->current_file(); if (lf == nullptr) { return false; } if (lf->get_text_format() != text_format_t::TF_BINARY) { return false; } { attr_line_builder alb(value_out); { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_TABLE_HEADER)); alb.appendf(FMT_STRING("{:>16} "), "File Offset"); } size_t byte_off = 0; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < 16; lpc++) { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_FILE_OFFSET)); if (byte_off == 8) { alb.append(" "); } alb.appendf(FMT_STRING(" {:0>2x}"), lpc); byte_off += 1; } { auto ag = alb.with_attr(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_TABLE_HEADER)); alb.appendf(FMT_STRING(" {:^17}"), "ASCII"); } } value_out.with_attr_for_all(VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_UNDERLINE})); return true; }