/** * Copyright (c) 2022, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "session.export.hh" #include "base/injector.hh" #include "bound_tags.hh" #include "lnav.hh" #include "sqlitepp.client.hh" #include "sqlitepp.hh" #include "textview_curses.hh" struct log_message_session_state { int64_t lmss_time_msecs; std::string lmss_format; bool lmss_mark; nonstd::optional lmss_comment; nonstd::optional lmss_tags; nonstd::optional lmss_annotations; std::string lmss_hash; }; template<> struct from_sqlite { inline log_message_session_state operator()(int argc, sqlite3_value** argv, int argi) { return { from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 0), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 1), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 2), from_sqlite>()(argc, argv, argi + 3), from_sqlite>()(argc, argv, argi + 4), from_sqlite>()(argc, argv, argi + 5), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 6), }; } }; struct log_filter_session_state { std::string lfss_name; bool lfss_enabled; std::string lfss_type; std::string lfss_language; std::string lfss_pattern; }; template<> struct from_sqlite { inline log_filter_session_state operator()(int argc, sqlite3_value** argv, int argi) { return { from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 0), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 1), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 2), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 3), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 4), }; } }; struct log_file_session_state { std::string lfss_content_id; std::string lfss_format; int64_t lfss_time_offset; }; template<> struct from_sqlite { inline log_file_session_state operator()(int argc, sqlite3_value** argv, int argi) { return { from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 0), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 1), from_sqlite()(argc, argv, argi + 2), }; } }; namespace lnav { namespace session { static nonstd::optional find_container_dir(ghc::filesystem::path file_path) { if (!ghc::filesystem::exists(file_path)) { return nonstd::nullopt; } nonstd::optional dir_with_last_readme; while (file_path.has_parent_path() && file_path != file_path.root_directory()) { auto parent = file_path.parent_path(); bool has_readme_entry = false; std::error_code ec; for (const auto& entry : ghc::filesystem::directory_iterator(parent, ec)) { if (!entry.is_regular_file()) { continue; } auto entry_filename = tolower(entry.path().filename().string()); if (startswith(entry_filename, "readme")) { has_readme_entry = true; dir_with_last_readme = parent; } } if (!has_readme_entry && dir_with_last_readme) { return dir_with_last_readme; } file_path = parent; } return nonstd::nullopt; } static std::string replace_home_dir(std::string path) { auto home_dir_opt = getenv_opt("HOME"); if (!home_dir_opt) { return path; } const auto* home_dir = home_dir_opt.value(); if (startswith(path, home_dir)) { auto retval = path.substr(strlen(home_dir)); if (retval.front() != '/') { retval.insert(0, "/"); } retval.insert(0, "$HOME"); return retval; } return path; } Result export_to(FILE* file) { static auto& lnav_db = injector::get(); static const char* BOOKMARK_QUERY = R"( SELECT log_time_msecs, log_format, log_mark, log_comment, log_tags, log_annotations, log_line_hash FROM all_logs WHERE log_mark = 1 OR log_comment IS NOT NULL OR log_tags IS NOT NULL OR log_annotations IS NOT NULL )"; static const char* FILTER_QUERY = R"( SELECT view_name, enabled, type, language, pattern FROM lnav_view_filters )"; static const char* FILE_QUERY = R"( SELECT content_id, format, time_offset FROM lnav_file WHERE format IS NOT NULL AND time_offset != 0 )"; static constexpr const char HEADER[] = R"(#!lnav -Nf # This file is an export of an lnav session. You can type # '|/path/to/this/file' in lnav to execute this file and # restore the state of the session. ;SELECT raise_error('This session export was made with a newer version of lnav, please upgrade to ' || {0} || ' or later') WHERE lnav_version() < {0} COLLATE naturalcase # The files loaded into the session were: )"; static constexpr const char LOG_DIR_INSERT[] = R"( # Set this environment variable to override this value or edit this script. ;INSERT OR IGNORE INTO environ (name, value) VALUES ('LOG_DIR_{}', {}) )"; static constexpr const char MARK_HEADER[] = R"( # The following SQL statements will restore the bookmarks, # comments, and tags that were added in the session. ;SELECT total_changes() AS before_mark_changes )"; static constexpr const char MARK_FOOTER[] = R"( ;SELECT {} - (total_changes() - $before_mark_changes) AS failed_mark_changes ;SELECT echoln(printf('%sERROR%s: failed to restore %d bookmarks', $ansi_red, $ansi_norm, $failed_mark_changes)) WHERE $failed_mark_changes != 0 )"; static const char* FILTER_HEADER = R"( # The following SQL statements will restore the filters that # were added in the session. )"; static const char* FILE_HEADER = R"( # The following SQL statements will restore the state of the # files in the session. ;SELECT total_changes() AS before_file_changes )"; static constexpr const char FILE_FOOTER[] = R"( ;SELECT {} - (total_changes() - $before_file_changes) AS failed_file_changes ;SELECT echoln(printf('%sERROR%s: failed to restore the state of %d files', $ansi_red, $ansi_norm, $failed_file_changes)) WHERE $failed_file_changes != 0 )"; static constexpr const char VIEW_HEADER[] = R"( # The following commands will restore the state of the {} view. )"; auto prep_mark_res = prepare_stmt(lnav_db.in(), BOOKMARK_QUERY); if (prep_mark_res.isErr()) { return Err( console::user_message::error("unable to export log bookmarks") .with_reason(prep_mark_res.unwrapErr())); } fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(HEADER), sqlitepp::quote(PACKAGE_VERSION).in()); std::map> file_containers; std::set raw_files; for (const auto& name_pair : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names) { const auto& open_opts = name_pair.second; if (!open_opts.loo_is_visible || !open_opts.loo_include_in_session || open_opts.loo_temp_file || open_opts.loo_source != logfile_name_source::USER) { continue; } auto file_path_str = name_pair.first; auto file_path = ghc::filesystem::path(file_path_str); auto container_path_opt = find_container_dir(file_path); if (container_path_opt) { auto container_parent = container_path_opt.value().parent_path(); auto file_container_path = ghc::filesystem::relative(file_path, container_parent) .string(); file_containers[container_parent.string()].push_back( file_container_path); } else { raw_files.insert(file_path_str); } } for (const auto& file_path_str : raw_files) { fmt::print( file, FMT_STRING(":open {}\n"), replace_home_dir(file_path_str)); } size_t container_index = 0; for (const auto& container_pair : file_containers) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(LOG_DIR_INSERT), container_index, sqlitepp::quote(container_pair.first).in()); for (const auto& file_path_str : container_pair.second) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":open $LOG_DIR_{}/{}\n"), container_index, file_path_str); } container_index += 1; } fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING("\n:rebuild\n")); auto mark_count = 0; auto each_mark_res = prep_mark_res.unwrap().for_each_row( [file, &mark_count](const log_message_session_state& lmss) { if (mark_count == 0) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(MARK_HEADER)); } mark_count += 1; fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(";UPDATE all_logs " "SET log_mark = {}, " "log_comment = {}, " "log_tags = {}, " "log_annotations = {} " "WHERE log_time_msecs = {} AND " "log_format = {} AND " "log_line_hash = {}\n"), lmss.lmss_mark ? "1" : "0", sqlitepp::quote(lmss.lmss_comment).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lmss.lmss_tags).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lmss.lmss_annotations).in(), lmss.lmss_time_msecs, sqlitepp::quote(lmss.lmss_format).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lmss.lmss_hash).in()); return false; }); if (each_mark_res.isErr()) { return Err(console::user_message::error( "failed to fetch bookmark metadata for log message") .with_reason(each_mark_res.unwrapErr().fe_msg)); } if (mark_count > 0) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(MARK_FOOTER), mark_count); } auto prep_filter_res = prepare_stmt(lnav_db.in(), FILTER_QUERY); if (prep_filter_res.isErr()) { return Err(console::user_message::error("unable to export filter state") .with_reason(prep_filter_res.unwrapErr())); } auto added_filter_header = false; auto each_filter_res = prep_filter_res.unwrap().for_each_row( [file, &added_filter_header](const log_filter_session_state& lfss) { if (!added_filter_header) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING("{}"), FILTER_HEADER); added_filter_header = true; } fmt::print( file, FMT_STRING(";REPLACE INTO lnav_view_filters " "(view_name, enabled, type, language, pattern) " "VALUES ({}, {}, {}, {}, {})\n"), sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_name).in(), lfss.lfss_enabled ? 1 : 0, sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_type).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_language).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_pattern).in()); return false; }); if (each_filter_res.isErr()) { return Err(console::user_message::error( "failed to fetch filter state for views") .with_reason(each_filter_res.unwrapErr().fe_msg)); } auto prep_file_res = prepare_stmt(lnav_db.in(), FILE_QUERY); if (prep_file_res.isErr()) { return Err(console::user_message::error("unable to export file state") .with_reason(prep_file_res.unwrapErr())); } auto file_count = 0; auto file_stmt = prep_file_res.unwrap(); auto each_file_res = file_stmt.for_each_row( [file, &file_count](const log_file_session_state& lfss) { if (file_count == 0) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING("{}"), FILE_HEADER); } file_count += 1; fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(";UPDATE lnav_file " "SET time_offset = {} " "WHERE content_id = {} AND format = {}\n"), lfss.lfss_time_offset, sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_content_id).in(), sqlitepp::quote(lfss.lfss_format).in()); return false; }); if (each_file_res.isErr()) { return Err(console::user_message::error("failed to fetch file state") .with_reason(each_file_res.unwrapErr().fe_msg)); } if (file_count > 0) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(FILE_FOOTER), file_count); } for (auto view_index : {LNV_LOG, LNV_TEXT}) { auto& tc = lnav_data.ld_views[view_index]; if (tc.get_inner_height() == 0_vl) { continue; } fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(VIEW_HEADER), lnav_view_titles[view_index]); fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":switch-to-view {}\n"), lnav_view_strings[view_index]); auto* tss = tc.get_sub_source(); auto* lss = dynamic_cast(tss); if (lss != nullptr) { auto min_level = lss->get_min_log_level(); if (min_level != LEVEL_UNKNOWN) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":set-min-log-level {}\n"), level_names[min_level]); } char tsbuf[128]; auto min_time_opt = lss->get_min_log_time(); if (min_time_opt) { sql_strftime(tsbuf, sizeof(tsbuf), min_time_opt.value(), 'T'); fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":hide-lines-before {}\n"), tsbuf); } auto max_time_opt = lss->get_max_log_time(); if (max_time_opt) { sql_strftime(tsbuf, sizeof(tsbuf), max_time_opt.value(), 'T'); fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":hide-lines-after {}\n"), tsbuf); } for (const auto& ld : *lss) { if (ld->is_visible()) { continue; } if (ld->get_file_ptr()->get_open_options().loo_source == logfile_name_source::ARCHIVE) { continue; } auto container_path_opt = find_container_dir(ld->get_file_ptr()->get_path()); if (!container_path_opt) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":hide-file {}\n"), ld->get_file_ptr()->get_path().string()); continue; } auto container_parent = container_path_opt.value().parent_path(); auto file_container_path = ghc::filesystem::relative( ld->get_file_ptr()->get_path(), container_parent); fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":hide-file */{}\n"), file_container_path.string()); } } if (!tc.get_current_search().empty()) { fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING("/{}\n"), tc.get_current_search()); } fmt::print(file, FMT_STRING(":goto {}\n"), (int) tc.get_top()); } return Ok(); } } // namespace session } // namespace lnav