/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/string_util.hh" #include "lnav.hh" #include "lnav_config.hh" #include "lnav_util.hh" #include "auto_mem.hh" #include "log_data_table.hh" #include "log_data_helper.hh" #include "lnav_commands.hh" #include "session_data.hh" #include "command_executor.hh" #include "url_loader.hh" #include "readline_curses.hh" #include "readline_callbacks.hh" #include "readline_possibilities.hh" #include "relative_time.hh" #include "log_search_table.hh" #include "field_overlay_source.hh" #include "shlex.hh" #include "sysclip.hh" #include "yajl/api/yajl_parse.h" #include "db_sub_source.hh" #include "papertrail_proc.hh" #include "yajlpp/json_op.hh" #include "yajlpp/yajlpp.hh" #include "sqlite-extension-func.hh" using namespace std; static string remaining_args(const string &cmdline, const vector &args, size_t index = 1) { size_t start_pos = 0; require(index > 0); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < index; lpc++) { start_pos += args[lpc].length(); } size_t index_in_cmdline = cmdline.find(args[index], start_pos); require(index_in_cmdline != string::npos); return cmdline.substr(index_in_cmdline); } static string refresh_pt_search() { string retval; if (!lnav_data.ld_cmd_init_done) { return ""; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL for (const auto &lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { if (startswith(lf->get_filename(), "pt:")) { lf->close(); } } lnav_data.ld_curl_looper.close_request("papertrailapp.com"); if (lnav_data.ld_pt_search.empty()) { return "info: no papertrail query is active"; } unique_ptr pt(new papertrail_proc( lnav_data.ld_pt_search.substr(3), lnav_data.ld_pt_min_time, lnav_data.ld_pt_max_time)); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names[lnav_data.ld_pt_search] .with_fd(pt->copy_fd()); lnav_data.ld_curl_looper.add_request(pt.release()); ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]); retval = "info: opened papertrail query"; #else retval = "error: lnav not compiled with libcurl"; #endif return retval; } static Result com_adjust_log_time(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("line-time"); } else if (lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_inner_height() == 0) { return ec.make_error("no log messages"); } else if (args.size() >= 2) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; struct timeval top_time, time_diff; struct timeval new_time = { 0, 0 }; content_line_t top_content; date_time_scanner dts; vis_line_t top_line; struct exttm tm; std::shared_ptr lf; relative_time rt; struct relative_time::parse_error pe; top_line = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_top(); top_content = lss.at(top_line); lf = lss.find(top_content); logline &ll = (*lf)[top_content]; top_time = ll.get_timeval(); dts.set_base_time(top_time.tv_sec); args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if (rt.parse(args[1], pe)) { new_time = rt.add(top_time).to_timeval(); } else if (dts.scan(args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), NULL, &tm, new_time) != NULL) { // nothing to do } else { return ec.make_error("could not parse timestamp -- {}", args[1]); } timersub(&new_time, &top_time, &time_diff); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { char buffer[1024]; snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "info: log timestamps will be adjusted by %ld.%06ld seconds", time_diff.tv_sec, (long) time_diff.tv_usec); retval = buffer; } else { lf->adjust_content_time(top_content, time_diff, false); lss.set_force_rebuild(); retval = "info: adjusted time"; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting new time value"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_unix_time(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "error: "; if (args.empty()) { } else if (args.size() >= 2) { char ftime[128] = ""; bool parsed = false; struct tm log_time; time_t u_time; size_t millis; char * rest; u_time = time(NULL); log_time = *localtime(&u_time); log_time.tm_isdst = -1; args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if ((millis = args[1].find('.')) != string::npos || (millis = args[1].find(',')) != string::npos) { args[1] = args[1].erase(millis, 4); } if (((rest = strptime(args[1].c_str(), "%b %d %H:%M:%S %Y", &log_time)) != NULL && (rest - args[1].c_str()) >= 20) || ((rest = strptime(args[1].c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &log_time)) != NULL && (rest - args[1].c_str()) >= 19)) { u_time = mktime(&log_time); parsed = true; } else if (sscanf(args[1].c_str(), "%ld", &u_time)) { log_time = *localtime(&u_time); parsed = true; } if (parsed) { int len; strftime(ftime, sizeof(ftime), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z %Z", localtime(&u_time)); len = strlen(ftime); snprintf(ftime + len, sizeof(ftime) - len, " -- %ld\n", u_time); retval = string(ftime); } else { return ec.make_error("invalid unix time -- {}", args[1]); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a unix time value"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_current_time(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { char ftime[128]; struct tm localtm; string retval; time_t u_time; size_t len; memset(&localtm, 0, sizeof(localtm)); u_time = time(NULL); strftime(ftime, sizeof(ftime), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z %Z", localtime_r(&u_time, &localtm)); len = strlen(ftime); snprintf(ftime + len, sizeof(ftime) - len, " -- %ld\n", u_time); retval = string(ftime); return Ok(retval); } static Result com_goto(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("move-time"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { string all_args = remaining_args(cmdline, args); textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); auto ttt = dynamic_cast(tc->get_sub_source()); int line_number, consumed; date_time_scanner dts; struct relative_time::parse_error pe; relative_time rt; struct timeval tv; struct exttm tm; float value; nonstd::optional dst_vl; if (rt.parse(all_args, pe)) { if (ttt != nullptr) { struct timeval tv = ttt->time_for_row(tc->get_top()); vis_line_t vl = tc->get_top(), new_vl; bool done = false; if (rt.is_relative()) { lnav_data.ld_last_relative_time = rt; } do { struct exttm tm = rt.add(tv); tv = tm.to_timeval(); new_vl = vis_line_t(ttt->row_for_time(tv)); if (new_vl == 0_vl || new_vl != vl || !rt.is_relative()) { vl = new_vl; done = true; } } while (!done); dst_vl = vl; if (!ec.ec_dry_run && !rt.is_absolute() && lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value( HELP_MSG_2(r, R, "to move forward/backward the same amount of time")); } } else { return ec.make_error("relative time values only work in a time-indexed view"); } } else if (dts.scan(args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), nullptr, &tm, tv) != nullptr) { if (ttt != nullptr) { dst_vl = vis_line_t(ttt->row_for_time(tv)); } else { return ec.make_error("time values only work in a time-indexed view"); } } else if (sscanf(args[1].c_str(), "%f%n", &value, &consumed) == 1) { if (args[1][consumed] == '%') { line_number = (int) ((double)tc->get_inner_height() * (value / 100.0)); } else { line_number = (int)value; if (line_number < 0) { line_number = tc->get_inner_height() + line_number; } } dst_vl = vis_line_t(line_number); } else { return ec.make_error("expecting line number/percentage, timestamp, or relative time"); } dst_vl | [&ec, tc, &retval] (auto new_top) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = "info: will move to line " + to_string((int) new_top); } else { tc->get_sub_source()->get_location_history() | [new_top] (auto lh) { lh->loc_history_append(new_top); }; tc->set_top(new_top); retval = ""; } }; } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_relative_goto(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "error: "; if (args.empty()) { } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); int line_offset, consumed; float value; if (sscanf(args[1].c_str(), "%f%n", &value, &consumed) == 1) { if (args[1][consumed] == '%') { line_offset = (int) ((double)tc->get_inner_height() * (value / 100.0)); } else { line_offset = (int)value; } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = "info: shifting top by " + to_string(line_offset) + " lines"; } else { tc->shift_top(vis_line_t(line_offset), true); retval = ""; } } else { return ec.make_error("invalid line number -- {}", args[1]); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting line number/percentage"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_mark(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty() || lnav_data.ld_view_stack.vs_views.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); lnav_data.ld_last_user_mark[tc] = tc->get_top(); tc->toggle_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_USER, vis_line_t(lnav_data.ld_last_user_mark[tc])); tc->reload_data(); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_goto_mark(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("mark-type"); } else { textview_curses *tc = get_textview_for_mode(lnav_data.ld_mode); string type_name = "user"; if (args.size() > 1) { type_name = args[1]; } bookmark_type_t *bt = bookmark_type_t::find_type(type_name); if (bt == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("unknown bookmark type"); } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { if (args[0] == "next-mark") { moveto_cluster(&bookmark_vector::next, bt, search_forward_from(tc)); } else { previous_cluster(bt, tc); } lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_goto_location(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top() | [&args] (auto tc) { tc->get_sub_source()->get_location_history() | [tc, &args] (auto lh) { return args[0] == "prev-location" ? lh->loc_history_back(tc->get_top()) : lh->loc_history_forward(tc->get_top()); } | [tc] (auto new_top) { tc->set_top(new_top); }; }; } return Ok(retval); } static bool csv_needs_quoting(const string &str) { return (str.find_first_of(",\"") != string::npos); } static string csv_quote_string(const string &str) { static pcrecpp::RE csv_column_quoter("\""); string retval = str; csv_column_quoter.GlobalReplace("\"\"", &retval); retval.insert(0, 1, '\"'); retval.append(1, '\"'); return retval; } static void csv_write_string(FILE *outfile, const string &str) { if (csv_needs_quoting(str)) { string quoted_str = csv_quote_string(str); fprintf(outfile, "%s", quoted_str.c_str()); } else { fprintf(outfile, "%s", str.c_str()); } } static void yajl_writer(void *context, const char *str, size_t len) { FILE *file = (FILE *)context; fwrite(str, len, 1, file); } static void json_write_row(yajl_gen handle, int row) { db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; yajlpp_map obj_map(handle); for (size_t col = 0; col < dls.dls_headers.size(); col++) { obj_map.gen(dls.dls_headers[col].hm_name); if (dls.dls_rows[row][col] == db_label_source::NULL_STR) { obj_map.gen(); continue; } db_label_source::header_meta &hm = dls.dls_headers[col]; switch (hm.hm_column_type) { case SQLITE_FLOAT: case SQLITE_INTEGER: yajl_gen_number(handle, dls.dls_rows[row][col], strlen(dls.dls_rows[row][col])); break; case SQLITE_TEXT: switch (hm.hm_sub_type) { case 74: { auto_mem parse_handle(yajl_free); const unsigned char *err; json_ptr jp(""); json_op jo(jp); jo.jo_ptr_callbacks = json_op::gen_callbacks; jo.jo_ptr_data = handle; parse_handle.reset(yajl_alloc(&json_op::ptr_callbacks, nullptr, &jo)); const unsigned char *json_in = (const unsigned char *) dls.dls_rows[row][col]; switch (yajl_parse(parse_handle.in(), json_in, strlen((const char *) json_in))) { case yajl_status_error: case yajl_status_client_canceled: err = yajl_get_error(parse_handle.in(), 0, json_in, strlen((const char *) json_in)); log_error("unable to parse JSON cell: %s", err); obj_map.gen(dls.dls_rows[row][col]); return; default: break; } switch (yajl_complete_parse(parse_handle.in())) { case yajl_status_error: case yajl_status_client_canceled: err = yajl_get_error(parse_handle.in(), 0, json_in, strlen((const char *) json_in)); log_error("unable to parse JSON cell: %s", err); obj_map.gen(dls.dls_rows[row][col]); return; default: break; } break; } default: obj_map.gen(dls.dls_rows[row][col]); break; } break; default: obj_map.gen(dls.dls_rows[row][col]); break; } } } static void write_line_to(FILE *outfile, const attr_line_t &al) { const auto& al_attrs = al.get_attrs(); auto lr = find_string_attr_range(al_attrs, &SA_ORIGINAL_LINE); const auto& line_meta = find_string_attr(al_attrs, &logline::L_META); if (lr.lr_start > 1) { // If the line is prefixed with some extra information, include that // in the output. For example, the log file name or time offset. lr = line_range{0, -1}; } fwrite(lr.substr(al.get_string()), 1, lr.sublen(al.get_string()), outfile); fwrite("\n", 1, 1, outfile); if (line_meta != al_attrs.end()) { auto bm = static_cast(line_meta->sa_value.sav_ptr); if (!bm->bm_comment.empty()) { fprintf(outfile, " // %s\n", bm->bm_comment.c_str()); } if (!bm->bm_tags.empty()) { fmt::print(outfile, " -- {}\n", fmt::join(bm->bm_tags, " ")); } } } static Result com_save_to(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { FILE *outfile = nullptr, *toclose = nullptr; const char *mode = ""; string fn, retval; bool to_term = false; int (*closer)(FILE *) = fclose; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filename"); return Ok(string()); } if (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_SECURE_MODE) { return ec.make_error("{} -- unavailable in secure mode", args[0]); } if (args.size() < 2) { return ec.make_error("expecting file name or '-' to write to the terminal"); } fn = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); vector split_args; shlex lexer(fn); scoped_resolver scopes = { &ec.ec_local_vars.top(), &ec.ec_global_vars, }; if (!lexer.split(split_args, scopes)) { return ec.make_error("unable to parse arguments"); } if (split_args.size() > 1) { return ec.make_error("more than one file name was matched"); } if (args[0] == "append-to") { mode = "a"; } else { mode = "w"; } textview_curses * tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); bookmark_vector &bv = tc->get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_USER]; db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; db_overlay_source &dos = lnav_data.ld_db_overlay; if (args[0] == "write-csv-to" || args[0] == "write-json-to" || args[0] == "write-jsonlines-to" || args[0] == "write-cols-to") { if (dls.dls_headers.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no query result to write, use ';' to execute a query"); } } else if (args[0] != "write-raw-to" && args[0] != "write-screen-to") { if (bv.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no lines marked to write, use 'm' to mark lines"); } } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { outfile = tmpfile(); toclose = outfile; } else if (split_args[0] == "-" || split_args[0] == "/dev/stdout") { auto ec_out = ec.get_output(); if (!ec_out) { outfile = stdout; nodelay(lnav_data.ld_window, 0); endwin(); struct termios curr_termios; tcgetattr(1, &curr_termios); curr_termios.c_oflag |= ONLCR|OPOST; tcsetattr(1, TCSANOW, &curr_termios); setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); to_term = true; fprintf(outfile, "\n---------------- Press any key to exit lo-fi display " "----------------\n\n"); } else { outfile = *ec_out; } if (outfile == stdout) { lnav_data.ld_stdout_used = true; } } else if (split_args[0] == "/dev/clipboard") { toclose = outfile = open_clipboard(CT_GENERAL); closer = pclose; if (!outfile) { alerter::singleton().chime(); return ec.make_error("Unable to copy to clipboard. " "Make sure xclip or pbcopy is installed."); } } else if ((outfile = fopen(split_args[0].c_str(), mode)) == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("unable to open file -- {}", split_args[0]); } else { toclose = outfile; } int line_count = 0; if (args[0] == "write-csv-to") { std::vector >::iterator row_iter; std::vector::iterator iter; std::vector::iterator hdr_iter; bool first = true; for (hdr_iter = dls.dls_headers.begin(); hdr_iter != dls.dls_headers.end(); ++hdr_iter) { if (!first) { fprintf(outfile, ","); } csv_write_string(outfile, hdr_iter->hm_name); first = false; } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); for (row_iter = dls.dls_rows.begin(); row_iter != dls.dls_rows.end(); ++row_iter) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && distance(dls.dls_rows.begin(), row_iter) > 10) { break; } first = true; for (iter = row_iter->begin(); iter != row_iter->end(); ++iter) { if (!first) { fprintf(outfile, ","); } csv_write_string(outfile, *iter); first = false; } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); line_count += 1; } } else if (args[0] == "write-cols-to") { attr_line_t header_line; dos.list_value_for_overlay(lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB], 0, 1, 0_vl, header_line); fputs(header_line.get_string().c_str(), outfile); fputc('\n', outfile); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < dls.text_line_count(); lpc++) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && lpc > 10) { break; } string line; dls.text_value_for_line(lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB], lpc, line, text_sub_source::RF_RAW); fputs(line.c_str(), outfile); fputc('\n', outfile); line_count += 1; } } else if (args[0] == "write-json-to") { yajlpp_gen gen; yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_beautify, 1); yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_print_callback, yajl_writer, outfile); { yajlpp_array root_array(gen); for (size_t row = 0; row < dls.dls_rows.size(); row++) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && row > 10) { break; } json_write_row(gen, row); line_count += 1; } } } else if (args[0] == "write-jsonlines-to") { yajlpp_gen gen; yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_beautify, 0); yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_print_callback, yajl_writer, outfile); for (size_t row = 0; row < dls.dls_rows.size(); row++) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && row > 10) { break; } json_write_row(gen, row); yajl_gen_reset(gen, "\n"); line_count += 1; } } else if (args[0] == "write-screen-to") { bool wrapped = tc->get_word_wrap(); vis_line_t orig_top = tc->get_top(); tc->set_word_wrap(to_term); vis_line_t top = tc->get_top(); vis_line_t bottom = tc->get_bottom(); vector rows(bottom - top + 1); tc->listview_value_for_rows(*tc, top, rows); for (auto &al : rows) { write_line_to(outfile, al); line_count += 1; } tc->set_word_wrap(wrapped); tc->set_top(orig_top); } else if (args[0] == "write-raw-to") { if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]) { std::vector >::iterator row_iter; std::vector::iterator iter; for (row_iter = dls.dls_rows.begin(); row_iter != dls.dls_rows.end(); ++row_iter) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && distance(dls.dls_rows.begin(), row_iter) > 10) { break; } for (iter = row_iter->begin(); iter != row_iter->end(); ++iter) { fputs(*iter, outfile); } fprintf(outfile, "\n"); line_count += 1; } } else { bool wrapped = tc->get_word_wrap(); auto tss = tc->get_sub_source(); tc->set_word_wrap(to_term); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < tss->text_line_count(); lpc++) { string line; tss->text_value_for_line(*tc, lpc, line, text_sub_source::RF_RAW); fprintf(outfile, "%s\n", line.c_str()); line_count += 1; } tc->set_word_wrap(wrapped); } } else { vector rows(1); bookmark_vector::iterator iter; size_t count = 0; string line; for (iter = bv.begin(); iter != bv.end(); iter++, count++) { if (ec.ec_dry_run && count > 10) { break; } tc->listview_value_for_rows(*tc, *iter, rows); write_line_to(outfile, rows[0]); line_count += 1; } } fflush(outfile); if (to_term) { cbreak(); getch(); refresh(); nodelay(lnav_data.ld_window, 1); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { rewind(outfile); char buffer[32 * 1024]; size_t rc = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), outfile); attr_line_t al(string(buffer, rc)); lnav_data.ld_preview_source .replace_with(al) .set_text_format(detect_text_format(al.get_string())) .truncate_to(10); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("First lines of file: %s", fn.c_str()); } else { retval = "Wrote " + to_string(line_count) + " rows to " + split_args[0]; } if (toclose != nullptr) { closer(toclose); } outfile = nullptr; return Ok(retval); } static Result com_pipe_to(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filename"); return Ok(string()); } if (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_SECURE_MODE) { return ec.make_error("{} -- unavailable in secure mode", args[0]); } if (args.size() < 2) { return ec.make_error("expecting command to execute"); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } textview_curses * tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); bookmark_vector &bv = tc->get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_USER]; bool pipe_line_to = (args[0] == "pipe-line-to"); string cmd = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); auto_pipe in_pipe(STDIN_FILENO); auto_pipe out_pipe(STDOUT_FILENO); in_pipe.open(); out_pipe.open(); pid_t child_pid = fork(); in_pipe.after_fork(child_pid); out_pipe.after_fork(child_pid); switch (child_pid) { case -1: return ec.make_error("unable to fork child process -- {}", strerror(errno)); case 0: { const char *args[] = { "sh", "-c", cmd.c_str(), NULL, }; auto path_v = ec.ec_path_stack; string path; dup2(STDOUT_FILENO, STDERR_FILENO); path_v.emplace_back(dotlnav_path() / "formats/default"); if (pipe_line_to && tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; log_data_helper ldh(lss); char tmp_str[64]; ldh.parse_line(ec.ec_top_line, true); auto format = ldh.ldh_file->get_format(); set source_path = format->get_source_path(); path_v.insert(path_v.end(), source_path.begin(), source_path.end()); snprintf(tmp_str, sizeof(tmp_str), "%d", (int) ec.ec_top_line); setenv("log_line", tmp_str, 1); sql_strftime(tmp_str, sizeof(tmp_str), ldh.ldh_line->get_timeval()); setenv("log_time", tmp_str, 1); setenv("log_path", ldh.ldh_file->get_filename().c_str(), 1); for (auto &ldh_line_value : ldh.ldh_line_values) { setenv(ldh_line_value.lv_name.get(), ldh_line_value.to_string().c_str(), 1); } auto iter = ldh.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.begin(); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < ldh.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.size(); lpc++, ++iter) { std::string colname = ldh.ldh_parser->get_element_string( iter->e_sub_elements->front()); colname = ldh.ldh_namer->add_column(colname); string val = ldh.ldh_parser->get_element_string( iter->e_sub_elements->back()); setenv(colname.c_str(), val.c_str(), 1); } } setenv("PATH", build_path(path_v).c_str(), 1); execvp(args[0], (char *const *) args); _exit(1); break; } default: bookmark_vector::iterator iter; string line; in_pipe.read_end().close_on_exec(); in_pipe.write_end().close_on_exec(); lnav_data.ld_children.push_back(child_pid); future reader; if (out_pipe.read_end() != -1) { reader = ec.ec_pipe_callback(ec, cmdline, out_pipe.read_end()); } if (pipe_line_to) { if (tc->get_inner_height() == 0) { // Nothing to do } else if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; content_line_t cl = lss.at(tc->get_top()); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); shared_buffer_ref sbr; lf->read_full_message(lf->message_start(lf->begin() + cl), sbr); if (write(in_pipe.write_end(), sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()) == -1) { return ec.make_error("Unable to write to pipe -- {}", strerror(errno)); } log_perror(write(in_pipe.write_end(), "\n", 1)); } else { tc->grep_value_for_line(tc->get_top(), line); if (write(in_pipe.write_end(), line.c_str(), line.size()) == -1) { return ec.make_error("Unable to write to pipe -- {}", strerror(errno)); } log_perror(write(in_pipe.write_end(), "\n", 1)); } } else { for (iter = bv.begin(); iter != bv.end(); iter++) { tc->grep_value_for_line(*iter, line); if (write(in_pipe.write_end(), line.c_str(), line.size()) == -1) { return ec.make_error("Unable to write to pipe -- {}", strerror(errno)); } log_perror(write(in_pipe.write_end(), "\n", 1)); } } in_pipe.write_end().reset(); if (reader.valid()) { retval = reader.get(); } else { retval = ""; } break; } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_redirect_to(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filename"); return Ok(string()); } if (args.size() == 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string("info: redirect will be cleared")); } ec.ec_output_stack.back() = nonstd::nullopt; return Ok(string("info: cleared redirect")); } string fn = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); vector split_args; shlex lexer(fn); scoped_resolver scopes = { &ec.ec_local_vars.top(), &ec.ec_global_vars, }; if (!lexer.split(split_args, scopes)) { return ec.make_error("unable to parse arguments"); } if (split_args.size() > 1) { return ec.make_error("more than one file name was matched"); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok("info: output will be redirected to -- " + split_args[0]); } FILE *file = fopen(split_args[0].c_str(), "w"); if (file == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("unable to open file -- {}", split_args[0]); } ec.ec_output_stack.back() = file; return Ok("info: redirecting output to file -- " + split_args[0]); } static Result com_highlight(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filter"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); auto &hm = tc->get_highlights(); const char *errptr; auto_mem code; int eoff; args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if (hm.find({highlight_source_t::INTERACTIVE, args[1]}) != hm.end()) { return ec.make_error("highlight already exists -- {}", args[1]); } else if ((code = pcre_compile(args[1].c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &errptr, &eoff, NULL)) == NULL) { return ec.make_error("{}", errptr); } else { highlighter hl(code.release()); attr_t hl_attrs = view_colors::singleton().attrs_for_ident(args[1]); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { hl_attrs |= A_BLINK; } hl.with_attrs(hl_attrs); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { hm[{highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}] = hl; lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("Matches are highlighted in the view"); retval = ""; } else { hm[{highlight_source_t::INTERACTIVE, args[1]}] = hl; if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility( LNM_COMMAND, "highlight", args[1]); } retval = "info: highlight pattern now active"; } tc->reload_data(); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a regular expression to highlight"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_clear_highlight(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("highlight"); } else if (args.size() > 1 && args[1][0] != '$') { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); auto &hm = tc->get_highlights(); args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); auto hm_iter = hm.find({highlight_source_t::INTERACTIVE, args[1]}); if (hm_iter == hm.end()) { return ec.make_error("highlight does not exist -- {}", args[1]); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { hm.erase(hm_iter); retval = "info: highlight pattern cleared"; tc->reload_data(); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->rem_possibility( LNM_COMMAND, "highlight", args[1]); } } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting highlight expression to clear"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_help(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) {} else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_HELP]); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_enable_filter(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args); static Result com_filter(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filter"); return Ok(string()); } auto tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); auto tss = tc->get_sub_source(); if (!tss->tss_supports_filtering) { return ec.make_error("{} view does not support filtering", lnav_view_strings[tc - lnav_data.ld_views]); } else if (args.size() > 1) { text_sub_source *tss = tc->get_sub_source(); filter_stack &fs = tss->get_filters(); const char *errptr; auto_mem code; int eoff; args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if (fs.get_filter(args[1]) != NULL) { return com_enable_filter(ec, cmdline, args); } else if (fs.full()) { return ec.make_error("filter limit reached, try combining " "filters with a pipe symbol (e.g. foo|bar)"); } else if ((code = pcre_compile(args[1].c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &errptr, &eoff, nullptr)) == NULL) { return ec.make_error("{}", errptr); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { if (args[0] == "filter-in" && !fs.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("Match preview for :filter-in only works if there are no other filters"); retval = ""; } else { auto &hm = tc->get_highlights(); highlighter hl(code.release()); int color; if (args[0] == "filter-out") { color = COLOR_RED; } else { color = COLOR_GREEN; } hl.with_attrs( view_colors::ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLACK, color) | A_BLINK); hm[{highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}] = hl; tc->reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value( "Matches are highlighted in %s in the text view", color == COLOR_RED ? "red" : "green"); retval = ""; } } else { text_filter::type_t lt = (args[0] == "filter-out") ? text_filter::EXCLUDE : text_filter::INCLUDE; auto filter_index = fs.next_index(); if (!filter_index) { return ec.make_error("too many filters"); } auto pf = make_shared(lt, args[1], *filter_index, code.release()); log_debug("%s [%d] %s", args[0].c_str(), pf->get_index(), args[1].c_str()); fs.add_filter(pf); tss->text_filters_changed(); tc->reload_data(); retval = "info: filter now active"; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a regular expression to filter"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_delete_filter(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("all-filters"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); text_sub_source *tss = tc->get_sub_source(); filter_stack &fs = tss->get_filters(); args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (fs.delete_filter(args[1])) { retval = "info: deleted filter"; tss->text_filters_changed(); } else { return ec.make_error("unknown filter -- {}", args[1]); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a filter to delete"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_enable_filter(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("disabled-filter"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); text_sub_source *tss = tc->get_sub_source(); filter_stack &fs = tss->get_filters(); shared_ptr lf; args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); lf = fs.get_filter(args[1]); if (lf == NULL) { return ec.make_error("no such filter -- {}", args[1]); } else if (lf->is_enabled()) { retval = "info: filter already enabled"; } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { fs.set_filter_enabled(lf, true); tss->text_filters_changed(); retval = "info: filter enabled"; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting disabled filter to enable"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_disable_filter(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("enabled-filter"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); text_sub_source *tss = tc->get_sub_source(); filter_stack &fs = tss->get_filters(); shared_ptr lf; args[1] = remaining_args(cmdline, args); lf = fs.get_filter(args[1]); if (lf == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("no such filter -- {}", args[1]); } else if (!lf->is_enabled()) { retval = "info: filter already disabled"; } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { fs.set_filter_enabled(lf, false); tss->text_filters_changed(); retval = "info: filter disabled"; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting enabled filter to disable"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_filter_expr(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filter-expr-syms"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :filter-expr command only works in the log view"); } auto expr = remaining_args(cmdline, args); args[1] = fmt::format("SELECT 1 WHERE {}", expr); auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); #ifdef SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT auto retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v3(lnav_data.ld_db.in(), args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), SQLITE_PREPARE_PERSISTENT, stmt.out(), nullptr); #else auto retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v2(lnav_data.ld_db.in(), args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), stmt.out(), nullptr); #endif if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) { const char *errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); return ec.make_error("{}", errmsg); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_preview_sql_filter(stmt.release()); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("Matches are highlighted in the text view"); } else { lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_preview_sql_filter(nullptr); lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_sql_filter(expr, stmt.release()); } lnav_data.ld_log_source.text_filters_changed(); tc->reload_data(); } else { return ec.make_error("expecting an SQL expression"); } return Ok(retval); } static string com_filter_expr_prompt(exec_context &ec, const string &cmdline) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ""; } return fmt::format("{} {}", trim(cmdline), trim(lnav_data.ld_log_source.get_sql_filter_text())); } static Result com_clear_filter_expr(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else { if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_sql_filter("", nullptr); lnav_data.ld_log_source.text_filters_changed(); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_enable_word_wrap(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].set_word_wrap(true); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_TEXT].set_word_wrap(true); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_PRETTY].set_word_wrap(true); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_disable_word_wrap(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].set_word_wrap(false); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_TEXT].set_word_wrap(false); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_PRETTY].set_word_wrap(false); } return Ok(retval); } static std::set custom_logline_tables; static Result com_create_logline_table(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) {} else if (args.size() == 2) { textview_curses &log_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; if (log_view.get_inner_height() == 0) { return ec.make_error("no log data available"); } else { vis_line_t vl = log_view.get_top(); content_line_t cl = lnav_data.ld_log_source.at_base(vl); auto ldt = std::make_shared( lnav_data.ld_log_source, *lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager, cl, intern_string::lookup(args[1])); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { attr_line_t al(ldt->get_table_statement()); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("The following table will be created:"); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(al) .set_text_format(text_format_t::TF_SQL); return Ok(string()); } else { string errmsg; errmsg = lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager->register_vtab(ldt); if (errmsg.empty()) { custom_logline_tables.insert(args[1]); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "custom-table", args[1]); } retval = "info: created new log table -- " + args[1]; } else { return ec.make_error("unable to create table -- {}", errmsg); } } } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a table name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_delete_logline_table(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("custom-table"); } else if (args.size() == 2) { if (custom_logline_tables.find(args[1]) == custom_logline_tables.end()) { return ec.make_error("unknown logline table -- {}", args[1]); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } string rc = lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager->unregister_vtab( intern_string::lookup(args[1])); if (rc.empty()) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->rem_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "custom-table", args[1]); } retval = "info: deleted logline table"; } else { return ec.make_error("{}", rc); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a table name"); } return Ok(retval); } static std::set custom_search_tables; static Result com_create_search_table(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (args.size() >= 2) { std::shared_ptr lst; auto_mem code; const char *errptr; string regex; int eoff; if (args.size() >= 3) { regex = remaining_args(cmdline, args, 2); } else { regex = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_last_search(); } if ((code = pcre_compile(regex.c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &errptr, &eoff, NULL)) == NULL) { return ec.make_error("{}", errptr); } try { lst = std::make_shared( regex.c_str(), intern_string::lookup(args[1])); } catch (pcrepp::error &e) { return ec.make_error("unable to compile regex -- {}", regex); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { textview_curses *tc = &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; auto &hm = tc->get_highlights(); view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); highlighter hl(code.release()); hl.with_attrs( vc.ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_CYAN) | A_BLINK); hm[{highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}] = hl; tc->reload_data(); attr_line_t al(lst->get_table_statement()); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("The following table will be created:"); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(al) .set_text_format(text_format_t::TF_SQL); return Ok(string()); } string errmsg; errmsg = lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager->register_vtab(lst); if (errmsg.empty()) { custom_search_tables.insert(args[1]); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "search-table", args[1]); } retval = "info: created new search table -- " + args[1]; } else { return ec.make_error("unable to create table -- {}", errmsg); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a table name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_delete_search_table(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("search-table"); } else if (args.size() == 2) { if (custom_search_tables.find(args[1]) == custom_search_tables.end()) { return ec.make_error("unknown search table -- {}", args[1]); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } string rc = lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager->unregister_vtab( intern_string::lookup(args[1])); if (rc.empty()) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->rem_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "search-table", args[1]); } retval = "info: deleted search table"; } else { return ec.make_error("{}", rc); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a table name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_session(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) {} else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (args.size() >= 2) { /* XXX put these in a map */ if (args[1] != "highlight" && args[1] != "enable-word-wrap" && args[1] != "disable-word-wrap" && args[1] != "filter-in" && args[1] != "filter-out" && args[1] != "enable-filter" && args[1] != "disable-filter") { return ec.make_error( "only the highlight, filter, and word-wrap commands are supported"); } else if (getenv("HOME") == NULL) { return ec.make_error("the HOME environment variable is not set"); } else { auto saved_cmd = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); auto old_file_name = dotlnav_path() / "session"; auto new_file_name = dotlnav_path() / "session.tmp"; ifstream session_file(old_file_name.string()); ofstream new_session_file(new_file_name.string()); if (!new_session_file) { return ec.make_error("cannot write to session file"); } else { bool added = false; string line; if (session_file.is_open()) { while (getline(session_file, line)) { if (line == saved_cmd) { added = true; break; } new_session_file << line << endl; } } if (!added) { new_session_file << saved_cmd << endl; log_perror(rename(new_file_name.c_str(), old_file_name.c_str())); } else { log_perror(remove(new_file_name.c_str())); } retval = "info: session file saved"; } } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a command to save to the session file"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_open(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("filename"); return Ok(string()); } else if (lnav_data.ld_flags & LNF_SECURE_MODE) { return ec.make_error("{} -- unavailable in secure mode", args[0]); } else if (args.size() < 2) { return ec.make_error("expecting file name to open"); } vector word_exp; size_t colon_index; string pat; pat = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); vector split_args; shlex lexer(pat); scoped_resolver scopes = { &ec.ec_local_vars.top(), &ec.ec_global_vars, }; if (!lexer.split(split_args, scopes)) { return ec.make_error("unable to parse arguments"); } map file_names; vector> files_to_front; vector closed_files; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < split_args.size(); lpc++) { string fn = split_args[lpc]; int top = 0; if (startswith(fn, "pt:")) { if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_pt_search = fn; refresh_pt_search(); } continue; } if (access(fn.c_str(), R_OK) != 0 && (colon_index = fn.rfind(':')) != string::npos) { if (sscanf(&fn.c_str()[colon_index + 1], "%d", &top) == 1) { fn = fn.substr(0, colon_index); } } auto file_iter = lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files.begin(); for (; file_iter != lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files.end(); ++file_iter) { auto lf = *file_iter; if (lf->get_filename() == fn) { if (lf->get_format() != NULL) { retval = "info: log file already loaded"; break; } else { files_to_front.emplace_back(fn, top); retval = ""; break; } } } if (file_iter == lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files.end()) { auto_mem abspath; struct stat st; if (is_url(fn.c_str())) { #ifndef HAVE_LIBCURL retval = "error: lnav was not compiled with libcurl"; #else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { auto ul = make_unique(fn); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names[fn] .with_fd(ul->copy_fd()); lnav_data.ld_curl_looper.add_request(ul.release()); lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.emplace_back(fn, top); retval = "info: opened URL"; } else { retval = ""; } #endif } else if (is_glob(fn.c_str())) { file_names.emplace(fn, logfile_open_options()); retval = "info: watching -- " + fn; } else if (stat(fn.c_str(), &st) == -1) { return ec.make_error("cannot stat file: {} -- {}", fn, strerror(errno)); } else if (is_dev_null(st)) { return ec.make_error("cannot open /dev/null"); } else if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) { auto_fd fifo_fd; if ((fifo_fd = open(fn.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) == -1) { return ec.make_error("cannot open FIFO: {} -- {}", fn, strerror(errno)); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { auto fifo_piper = make_shared( fifo_fd.release(), false, open_temp_file(ghc::filesystem::temp_directory_path() / "lnav.fifo.XXXXXX") .then([](auto pair) { ghc::filesystem::remove(pair.first); }) .expect("Cannot create temporary file for FIFO") .second); auto fifo_out_fd = fifo_piper->get_fd(); char desc[128]; snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "FIFO [%d]", lnav_data.ld_fifo_counter++); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names[desc] .with_fd(fifo_out_fd); lnav_data.ld_pipers.push_back(fifo_piper); } } else if ((abspath = realpath(fn.c_str(), nullptr)) == nullptr) { return ec.make_error("cannot find file -- {}", fn); } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { string dir_wild(abspath.in()); if (dir_wild[dir_wild.size() - 1] == '/') { dir_wild.resize(dir_wild.size() - 1); } file_names.emplace(dir_wild + "/*", logfile_open_options()); retval = "info: watching -- " + dir_wild; } else if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { return ec.make_error("not a regular file or directory -- {}", fn); } else if (access(fn.c_str(), R_OK) == -1) { return ec.make_error("cannot read file {} -- {}", fn, strerror(errno)); } else { fn = abspath.in(); file_names.emplace(fn, logfile_open_options()); retval = "info: opened -- " + fn; files_to_front.emplace_back(fn, top); closed_files.push_back(fn); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value(HELP_MSG_1( X, "to close the file")); } } } } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); if (!file_names.empty()) { auto iter = file_names.begin(); string fn = iter->first; auto_fd preview_fd; if (is_glob(fn.c_str())) { static_root_mem gl; if (glob(fn.c_str(), GLOB_NOCHECK, nullptr, gl.inout()) == 0) { attr_line_t al; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < gl->gl_pathc && lpc < 10; lpc++) { al.append(gl->gl_pathv[lpc]) .append("\n"); } if (gl->gl_pathc > 10) { al.append(" ... ") .append(to_string(gl->gl_pathc - 10), &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_BOLD) .append(" files not shown ..."); } lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("The following files will be loaded:"); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(al); } else { return ec.make_error("failed to evaluate glob -- {}", fn); } } else if ((preview_fd = open(fn.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) == -1) { return ec.make_error("unable to open file: {} -- {}", fn, strerror(errno)); } else { line_buffer lb; attr_line_t al; file_range range; string lines; lb.set_fd(preview_fd); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < 10; lpc++) { auto load_result = lb.load_next_line(range); if (load_result.isErr()) { break; } auto li = load_result.unwrap(); range = li.li_file_range; auto read_result = lb.read_range(range); if (read_result.isErr()) { break; } auto sbr = read_result.unwrap(); lines.append(sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()); } lnav_data.ld_preview_source .replace_with(al.with_string(lines)) .set_text_format(detect_text_format(al.get_string())); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("For file: %s", fn.c_str()); } } } else { lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.insert( lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.end(), files_to_front.begin(), files_to_front.end()); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names.insert(file_names.begin(), file_names.end()); for (const auto &fn : closed_files) { lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_closed_files.erase(fn); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_close(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); string fn; if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_TEXT]) { textfile_sub_source &tss = lnav_data.ld_text_source; if (tss.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no text files are opened"); } else { fn = tss.current_file()->get_filename(); tss.current_file()->close(); if (tss.size() == 1) { lnav_data.ld_view_stack.vs_views.pop_back(); } } } else if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { if (tc->get_inner_height() == 0) { return ec.make_error("no log files loaded"); } else { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; vis_line_t vl = tc->get_top(); content_line_t cl = lss.at(vl); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); fn = lf->get_filename(); lf->close(); } } else { return ec.make_error("close must be run in the log or text file views"); } if (!fn.empty()) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { if (is_url(fn.c_str())) { lnav_data.ld_curl_looper.close_request(fn); } lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_file_names.erase(fn); lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_closed_files.insert(fn); retval = "info: closed -- " + fn; } } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_file_visibility(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { bool make_visible = args[0] == "show-file"; string retval; if (args.size() == 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); shared_ptr lf; if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_TEXT]) { textfile_sub_source &tss = lnav_data.ld_text_source; if (tss.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no text files are opened"); } else { lf = tss.current_file(); } } else if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { if (tc->get_inner_height() == 0) { return ec.make_error("no log files loaded"); } else { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; vis_line_t vl = tc->get_top(); content_line_t cl = lss.at(vl); lf = lss.find(cl); } } else { return ec.make_error( ":{} must be run in the log or text file views", args[0]); } if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_data(lf) | [make_visible](auto ld) { ld->set_visibility(make_visible); }; tc->get_sub_source()->text_filters_changed(); } retval = fmt::format("{} file -- {}", make_visible ? "showing" : "hiding", lf->get_filename()); } else { int text_file_count = 0, log_file_count = 0; auto lexer = shlex(cmdline); lexer.split(args, ec.create_resolver()); args.erase(args.begin()); for (const auto &lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { if (lf.get() == nullptr) { continue; } auto ld_opt = lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_data(lf); if (!ld_opt || ld_opt.value()->ld_visible == make_visible) { continue; } auto find_iter = find_if(args.begin(), args.end(), [&lf](const auto &arg) { return fnmatch(arg.c_str(), lf->get_filename().c_str(), 0) == 0; }); if (find_iter == args.end()) { continue; } if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { ld_opt | [make_visible](auto ld) { ld->set_visibility(make_visible); }; } if (lf->get_format() != nullptr) { log_file_count += 1; } else { text_file_count += 1; } } if (!ec.ec_dry_run && log_file_count > 0) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_sub_source()->text_filters_changed(); } if (!ec.ec_dry_run && text_file_count > 0) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_TEXT].get_sub_source()->text_filters_changed(); } retval = fmt::format("{} {} log files and {} text files", make_visible ? "showing" : "hiding", log_file_count, text_file_count); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_hide_file(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("visible-files"); } else { return com_file_visibility(ec, cmdline, args); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_show_file(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("hidden-files"); } else { return com_file_visibility(ec, cmdline, args); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_comment(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() > 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :comment command only works in the log view"); } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); args[1] = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); tc->set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, tc->get_top(), true); bookmark_metadata &line_meta = bm[lss.at(tc->get_top())]; line_meta.bm_comment = args[1]; retval = "info: comment added to line"; } else { return ec.make_error("expecting some comment text"); } return Ok(retval); } static string com_comment_prompt(exec_context &ec, const string &cmdline) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ""; } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); auto line_meta = bm.find(lss.at(tc->get_top())); if (line_meta != bm.end() && !line_meta->second.bm_comment.empty()) { return trim(cmdline) + " " + trim(line_meta->second.bm_comment); } return ""; } static Result com_clear_comment(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { return Ok(string()); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } else { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :clear-comment command only works in the log view"); } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); auto iter = bm.find(lss.at(tc->get_top())); if (iter != bm.end()) { bookmark_metadata &line_meta = iter->second; line_meta.bm_comment.clear(); if (line_meta.empty()) { bm.erase(iter); tc->set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, tc->get_top(), false); } retval = "info: cleared comment"; } tc->search_new_data(); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_tag(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("tag"); return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() > 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :tag command only works in the log view"); } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); tc->set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, tc->get_top(), true); bookmark_metadata &line_meta = bm[lss.at(tc->get_top())]; for (size_t lpc = 1; lpc < args.size(); lpc++) { string tag = args[lpc]; if (!startswith(tag, "#")) { tag = "#" + tag; } bookmark_metadata::KNOWN_TAGS.insert(tag); line_meta.add_tag(tag); } tc->search_new_data(); retval = "info: tag(s) added to line"; } else { return ec.make_error("expecting one or more tags"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_untag(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("line-tags"); return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() > 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :untag command only works in the log view"); } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); auto iter = bm.find(lss.at(tc->get_top())); if (iter != bm.end()) { bookmark_metadata &line_meta = iter->second; for (size_t lpc = 1; lpc < args.size(); lpc++) { string tag = args[lpc]; if (!startswith(tag, "#")) { tag = "#" + tag; } line_meta.remove_tag(tag); } if (line_meta.empty()) { tc->set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, tc->get_top(), false); } } tc->search_new_data(); retval = "info: tag(s) removed from line"; } else { return ec.make_error("expecting one or more tags"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_delete_tags(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("tag"); return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() > 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { return ec.make_error("The :delete-tag command only works in the log view"); } set &known_tags = bookmark_metadata::KNOWN_TAGS; vector tags; for (size_t lpc = 1; lpc < args.size(); lpc++) { string tag = args[lpc]; if (!startswith(tag, "#")) { tag = "#" + tag; } if (known_tags.find(tag) == known_tags.end()) { return ec.make_error("Unknown tag -- {}", tag); } tags.emplace_back(tag); known_tags.erase(tag); } logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; bookmark_vector &vbm = tc->get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_META]; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); for (auto iter = vbm.begin(); iter != vbm.end();) { content_line_t cl = lss.at(*iter); auto line_meta = bm.find(cl); if (line_meta == bm.end()) { ++iter; continue; } for (const auto &tag : tags) { line_meta->second.remove_tag(tag); } if (line_meta->second.empty()) { size_t off = distance(vbm.begin(), iter); tc->set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, *iter, false); iter = next(vbm.begin(), off); } else { ++iter; } } retval = "info: deleted tag(s)"; } else { return ec.make_error("expecting one or more tags"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_partition_name(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() > 1) { if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { textview_curses &tc = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); args[1] = trim(remaining_args(cmdline, args)); tc.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, tc.get_top(), true); bookmark_metadata &line_meta = bm[lss.at(tc.get_top())]; line_meta.bm_name = args[1]; retval = "info: name set for partition"; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting partition name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_clear_partition(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { return Ok(string()); } else if (args.size() == 1) { textview_curses &tc = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; bookmark_vector &bv = tc.get_bookmarks()[ &textview_curses::BM_META]; std::map &bm = lss.get_user_bookmark_metadata(); vis_line_t part_start; if (binary_search(bv.begin(), bv.end(), tc.get_top())) { part_start = tc.get_top(); } else { part_start = bv.prev(tc.get_top()); } if (part_start == -1) { return ec.make_error("top line is not in a partition"); } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { content_line_t cl = lss.at(part_start); bookmark_metadata &line_meta = bm[cl]; line_meta.bm_name.clear(); if (line_meta.empty()) { tc.set_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_META, part_start, false); } retval = "info: cleared partition name"; } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_pt_time(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("move-time"); retval = ""; } else if (args.size() == 1) { char ftime[64]; if (args[0] == "pt-min-time") { if (lnav_data.ld_pt_min_time == 0) { retval = "info: minimum time is not set, pass a time value to this command to set it"; } else { ctime_r(&lnav_data.ld_pt_min_time, ftime); retval = "info: papertrail minimum time is " + string(ftime); } } if (args[0] == "pt-max-time") { if (lnav_data.ld_pt_max_time == 0) { retval = "info: maximum time is not set, pass a time value to this command to set it"; } else { ctime_r(&lnav_data.ld_pt_max_time, ftime); retval = "info: papertrail maximum time is " + string(ftime); } } } else if (args.size() >= 2) { string all_args = remaining_args(cmdline, args); struct timeval new_time = { 0, 0 }; relative_time rt; struct relative_time::parse_error pe; date_time_scanner dts; struct exttm tm; time_t now; time(&now); dts.dts_keep_base_tz = true; dts.set_base_time(now); if (rt.parse(all_args, pe)) { tm.et_tm = *gmtime(&now); rt.add(tm); new_time.tv_sec = timegm(&tm.et_tm); } else { dts.scan(args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), nullptr, &tm, new_time); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (new_time.tv_sec != 0) { if (args[0] == "pt-min-time") { lnav_data.ld_pt_min_time = new_time.tv_sec; retval = refresh_pt_search(); } if (args[0] == "pt-max-time") { lnav_data.ld_pt_max_time = new_time.tv_sec; retval = refresh_pt_search(); } } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a time value"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_summarize(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("colname"); return Ok(retval); } else if (!setup_logline_table(ec)) { return ec.make_error("no log data available"); } else if (args.size() == 1) { return ec.make_error("no columns specified"); } else { auto_mem query_frag; std::vector other_columns; std::vector num_columns; sql_progress_guard progress_guard(sql_progress, sql_progress_finished, ec.ec_source.top().first, ec.ec_source.top().second); auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); int retcode; string query; query = "SELECT "; for (size_t lpc = 1; lpc < args.size(); lpc++) { if (lpc > 1) query += ", "; query += args[lpc]; } query += " FROM logline "; retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v2(lnav_data.ld_db.in(), query.c_str(), -1, stmt.out(), nullptr); if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) { const char *errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); return ec.make_error("{}", errmsg); } switch (sqlite3_step(stmt.in())) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: { return ec.make_error("no data"); } break; case SQLITE_ROW: break; default: { const char *errmsg; errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); return ec.make_error("{}", errmsg); } break; } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { return Ok(string()); } for (int lpc = 0; lpc < sqlite3_column_count(stmt.in()); lpc++) { switch (sqlite3_column_type(stmt.in(), lpc)) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: case SQLITE_FLOAT: num_columns.push_back(args[lpc + 1]); break; default: other_columns.push_back(args[lpc + 1]); break; } } query = "SELECT"; for (auto iter = other_columns.begin(); iter != other_columns.end(); ++iter) { if (iter != other_columns.begin()) { query += ","; } query_frag = sqlite3_mprintf(" %s as \"c_%s\", count(*) as \"count_%s\"", iter->c_str(), iter->c_str(), iter->c_str()); query += query_frag; } if (!other_columns.empty() && !num_columns.empty()) { query += ", "; } for (auto iter = num_columns.begin(); iter != num_columns.end(); ++iter) { if (iter != num_columns.begin()) { query += ","; } query_frag = sqlite3_mprintf(" sum(\"%s\"), " " min(\"%s\"), " " avg(\"%s\"), " " median(\"%s\"), " " stddev(\"%s\"), " " max(\"%s\") ", iter->c_str(), iter->c_str(), iter->c_str(), iter->c_str(), iter->c_str(), iter->c_str()); query += query_frag; } query += ( " FROM logline " "WHERE (logline.log_part is null or " "startswith(logline.log_part, '.') = 0) "); for (auto iter = other_columns.begin(); iter != other_columns.end(); ++iter) { if (iter == other_columns.begin()) { query += " GROUP BY "; } else{ query += ","; } query_frag = sqlite3_mprintf(" \"c_%s\"", iter->c_str()); query += query_frag; } for (auto iter = other_columns.begin(); iter != other_columns.end(); ++iter) { if (iter == other_columns.begin()) { query += " ORDER BY "; } else{ query += ","; } query_frag = sqlite3_mprintf(" \"count_%s\" desc, \"c_%s\" collate naturalnocase asc", iter->c_str(), iter->c_str()); query += query_frag; } log_debug("query %s", query.c_str()); db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; dls.clear(); retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v2(lnav_data.ld_db.in(), query.c_str(), -1, stmt.out(), nullptr); if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) { const char *errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); return ec.make_error("{}", errmsg); } else if (stmt == nullptr) { retval = ""; } else { bool done = false; while (!done) { retcode = sqlite3_step(stmt.in()); switch (retcode) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: done = true; break; case SQLITE_ROW: ec.ec_sql_callback(ec, stmt.in()); break; default: { const char *errmsg; errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); return ec.make_error("{}", errmsg); } } } if (retcode == SQLITE_DONE) { lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB].reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB].set_left(0); if (dls.dls_rows.size() > 0) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]); } } lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.update_loading(0, 0); lnav_data.ld_status[LNS_BOTTOM].do_update(); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_add_test(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) {} else if (args.size() > 1) { return ec.make_error("not expecting any arguments"); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { } else { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); bookmark_vector &bv = tc->get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_USER]; bookmark_vector::iterator iter; for (iter = bv.begin(); iter != bv.end(); ++iter) { auto_mem file(fclose); char path[PATH_MAX]; string line; tc->grep_value_for_line(*iter, line); line.insert(0, 13, ' '); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/test/log-samples/sample-%s.txt", getenv("LNAV_SRC"), hasher().update(line).to_string().c_str()); if ((file = fopen(path, "w")) == nullptr) { perror("fopen failed"); } else { fprintf(file, "%s\n", line.c_str()); } } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_switch_to_view(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("viewname"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { bool found = false; for (int lpc = 0; lnav_view_strings[lpc] && !found; lpc++) { if (strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), lnav_view_strings[lpc]) == 0) { if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { if (args[0] == "switch-to-view") { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[lpc]); } else { toggle_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[lpc]); } } found = true; } } if (!found) { return ec.make_error("invalid view name -- {}", args[1]); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_toggle_filtering(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { auto tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); auto tss = tc->get_sub_source(); tss->toggle_apply_filters(); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_zoom_to(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("zoomlevel"); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { } else if (args.size() > 1) { bool found = false; for (int lpc = 0; lnav_zoom_strings[lpc] && !found; lpc++) { if (strcasecmp(args[1].c_str(), lnav_zoom_strings[lpc]) == 0) { spectrogram_source &ss = lnav_data.ld_spectro_source; struct timeval old_time; lnav_data.ld_zoom_level = lpc; textview_curses &hist_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_HISTOGRAM]; if (hist_view.get_inner_height() > 0) { old_time = lnav_data.ld_hist_source2.time_for_row( lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_HISTOGRAM].get_top()); rebuild_hist(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_HISTOGRAM].set_top( vis_line_t( lnav_data.ld_hist_source2.row_for_time(old_time))); } textview_curses &spectro_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_SPECTRO]; if (spectro_view.get_inner_height() > 0) { old_time = lnav_data.ld_spectro_source.time_for_row( lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_SPECTRO].get_top()); ss.ss_granularity = ZOOM_LEVELS[lnav_data.ld_zoom_level]; ss.invalidate(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_SPECTRO].set_top( vis_line_t(lnav_data.ld_spectro_source.row_for_time( old_time))); } lnav_data.ld_view_stack.set_needs_update(); found = true; } } if (!found) { return ec.make_error("invalid zoom level -- {}", args[1]); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_reset_session(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { reset_session(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].reload_data(); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_load_session(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { load_session(); lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].reload_data(); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_save_session(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { save_session(); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_set_min_log_level(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("levelname"); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (args.size() == 2) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; log_level_t new_level; new_level = string2level( args[1].c_str(), args[1].size(), false); lss.set_min_log_level(new_level); retval = ("info: minimum log level is now -- " + string(level_names[new_level])); } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a log level name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_toggle_field(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("colname"); } else if (args.size() < 2) { return ec.make_error("Expecting a log message field name"); } else { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc != &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { retval = "error: hiding fields only works in the log view"; } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { // TODO: highlight the fields to be hidden. retval = ""; } else { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; bool hide = args[0] == "hide-fields"; vector found_fields, missing_fields; for (int lpc = 1; lpc < (int)args.size(); lpc++) { intern_string_t name; std::shared_ptr format; size_t dot; if ((dot = args[lpc].find('.')) != string::npos) { const intern_string_t format_name = intern_string::lookup(args[lpc].c_str(), dot); format = log_format::find_root_format(format_name.get()); if (!format) { return ec.make_error("unknown format -- {}", format_name.to_string()); } name = intern_string::lookup(&(args[lpc].c_str()[dot + 1]), args[lpc].length() - dot - 1); } else if (tc->get_inner_height() == 0) { return ec.make_error("no log messages to hide"); } else { content_line_t cl = lss.at(tc->get_top()); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); format = lf->get_format(); name = intern_string::lookup(args[lpc]); } if (format->hide_field(name, hide)) { found_fields.push_back(args[lpc]); if (hide) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value( HELP_MSG_1(x, "to quickly show hidden fields")); } } tc->set_needs_update(); } else { missing_fields.push_back(args[lpc]); } } if (missing_fields.empty()) { auto visibility = hide ? "hiding" : "showing"; retval = fmt::format("info: {} field(s) -- {}", visibility, fmt::join(found_fields, ", ")); } else { return ec.make_error("unknown field(s) -- {}", fmt::join(missing_fields, ", ")); } } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_hide_line(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("move-time"); } else if (args.size() == 1) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { struct timeval min_time, max_time; bool have_min_time = lss.get_min_log_time(min_time); bool have_max_time = lss.get_max_log_time(max_time); char min_time_str[32], max_time_str[32]; if (have_min_time) { sql_strftime(min_time_str, sizeof(min_time_str), min_time); } if (have_max_time) { sql_strftime(max_time_str, sizeof(max_time_str), max_time); } if (have_min_time && have_max_time) { retval = "info: hiding lines before " + string(min_time_str) + " and after " + string(max_time_str); } else if (have_min_time) { retval = "info: hiding lines before " + string(min_time_str); } else if (have_max_time) { retval = "info: hiding lines after " + string(max_time_str); } else { retval = "info: no lines hidden by time, pass an absolute or relative time"; } } else { return ec.make_error("hiding lines by time only works in the log view"); } } else if (args.size() >= 2) { string all_args = remaining_args(cmdline, args); textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; date_time_scanner dts; struct timeval tv; relative_time rt; struct relative_time::parse_error pe; bool tv_set = false; if (rt.parse(all_args, pe)) { if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { if (tc->get_inner_height() > 0) { content_line_t cl; struct exttm tm; vis_line_t vl; logline *ll; vl = tc->get_top(); cl = lnav_data.ld_log_source.at(vl); ll = lnav_data.ld_log_source.find_line(cl); ll->to_exttm(tm); rt.add(tm); tv.tv_sec = timegm(&tm.et_tm); tv.tv_usec = tm.et_nsec / 1000; tv_set = true; } } else { return ec.make_error("relative time values only work in the log view"); } } else if (dts.convert_to_timeval(all_args, tv)) { if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { tv_set = true; } else { return ec.make_error("time values only work in the log view"); } } if (tv_set && !ec.ec_dry_run) { char time_text[256]; string relation; sql_strftime(time_text, sizeof(time_text), tv); if (args[0] == "hide-lines-before") { lss.set_min_log_time(tv); relation = "before"; } else { lss.set_max_log_time(tv); relation = "after"; } retval = "info: hiding lines " + relation + " " + time_text; } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_show_lines(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "info: showing lines"; if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (!args.empty()) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { lss.clear_min_max_log_times(); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_hide_unmarked(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "info: hid unmarked lines"; if (args.empty()) { } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { textview_curses * tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); bookmark_vector &bv = tc->get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_USER]; if (bv.empty()) { return ec.make_error("no lines have been marked"); } else { lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_marked_only(true); } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_show_unmarked(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "info: showing unmarked lines"; if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else { lnav_data.ld_log_source.set_marked_only(false); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_rebuild(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { rebuild_indexes(); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_shexec(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { log_perror(system(cmdline.substr(args[0].size()).c_str())); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_poll_now(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_curl_looper.process_all(); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_redraw(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { } else if (lnav_data.ld_window) { redrawwin(lnav_data.ld_window); } return Ok(string()); } static Result com_echo(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval = "error: expecting a message"; if (args.empty()) { } else if (args.size() >= 1) { bool lf = true; if (args.size() > 2 && args[1] == "-n") { string::size_type index_in_cmdline = cmdline.find(args[1]); lf = false; retval = cmdline.substr(index_in_cmdline + args[1].length() + 1); } else if (args.size() >= 2) { retval = cmdline.substr(args[0].length() + 1); } else { retval = ""; } auto ec_out = ec.get_output(); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("The text to output:"); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(attr_line_t(retval)); retval = ""; } else if (ec_out) { FILE *outfile = *ec_out; if (outfile == stdout) { lnav_data.ld_stdout_used = true; } fprintf(outfile, "%s", retval.c_str()); if (lf) { putc('\n', outfile); } fflush(outfile); retval = ""; } } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_alt_msg(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (args.size() == 1) { if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value(""); } retval = ""; } else { string msg = remaining_args(cmdline, args); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != nullptr) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value(msg); } retval = ""; } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_eval(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("*"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { string all_args = remaining_args(cmdline, args); string expanded_cmd; shlex lexer(all_args.c_str(), all_args.size()); log_debug("Evaluating: %s", all_args.c_str()); if (!lexer.eval(expanded_cmd, { &ec.ec_local_vars.top(), &ec.ec_global_vars, })) { return ec.make_error("invalid arguments"); } log_debug("Expanded command to evaluate: %s", expanded_cmd.c_str()); if (expanded_cmd.empty()) { return ec.make_error("empty result after evaluation"); } if (ec.ec_dry_run) { attr_line_t al(expanded_cmd); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("The command to be executed:"); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(al); return Ok(string()); } string alt_msg; switch (expanded_cmd[0]) { case ':': return execute_command(ec, expanded_cmd.substr(1)); case ';': return execute_sql(ec, expanded_cmd.substr(1), alt_msg); case '|': retval = "info: executed file -- " + expanded_cmd.substr(1) + " -- " + execute_file(ec, expanded_cmd.substr(1)) .orElse(err_to_ok).unwrap(); break; default: return ec.make_error( "expecting argument to start with ':', ';', " "or '|' to signify a command, SQL query, or script to execute"); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a command or query to evaluate"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_config(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("config-option"); } else if (args.size() > 1) { yajlpp_parse_context ypc("input", &lnav_config_handlers); string option = args[1]; lnav_config = rollback_lnav_config; ypc.set_path(option) .with_obj(lnav_config); ypc.ypc_active_paths.insert(option); ypc.update_callbacks(); const json_path_handler_base *jph = ypc.ypc_current_handler; if (jph == nullptr && !ypc.ypc_handler_stack.empty()) { jph = ypc.ypc_handler_stack.back(); } if (jph != nullptr) { yajlpp_gen gen; yajlpp_gen_context ygc(gen, lnav_config_handlers); yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_beautify, 1); ygc.with_context(ypc); if (ypc.ypc_current_handler == nullptr) { ygc.gen(); } else { jph->gen(ygc, gen); } string old_value = gen.to_string_fragment().to_string(); if (args.size() == 2 || ypc.ypc_current_handler == nullptr) { vector errors; lnav_config = rollback_lnav_config; reload_config(errors); if (ec.ec_dry_run) { attr_line_t al(old_value); lnav_data.ld_preview_source .replace_with(al) .set_text_format(detect_text_format(old_value)) .truncate_to(10); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("Value of option: %s", option.c_str()); char help_text[1024]; snprintf(help_text, sizeof(help_text), ANSI_BOLD("%s") " " ANSI_UNDERLINE("%s") " -- %s", jph->jph_property.c_str(), jph->jph_synopsis, jph->jph_description); retval = help_text; } else { retval = "info: " + option + " = " + trim(old_value); } } else { string value = remaining_args(cmdline, args, 2); vector errors; bool changed = false; if (ec.ec_dry_run) { char help_text[1024]; snprintf(help_text, sizeof(help_text), ANSI_BOLD("%s %s") " -- %s", jph->jph_property.c_str(), jph->jph_synopsis, jph->jph_description); retval = help_text; } if (ypc.ypc_current_handler->jph_callbacks.yajl_string) { ypc.ypc_callbacks.yajl_string( &ypc, (const unsigned char *) value.c_str(), value.size()); changed = true; } else if (ypc.ypc_current_handler->jph_callbacks.yajl_boolean) { bool bvalue = false; if (strcasecmp(value.c_str(), "true") == 0) { bvalue = true; } ypc.ypc_callbacks.yajl_boolean(&ypc, bvalue); changed = true; } else { return ec.make_error("unhandled type"); } if (changed) { intern_string_t path = intern_string::lookup(option); lnav_config_locations[path] = { intern_string::lookup(ec.ec_source.top().first), ec.ec_source.top().second }; reload_config(errors); if (!errors.empty()) { lnav_config = rollback_lnav_config; reload_config(errors); return Err("error: " +errors[0]); } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = "info: changed config option -- " + option; rollback_lnav_config = lnav_config; save_config(); } } } } else { return ec.make_error("unknown configuration option -- {}", option); } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a configuration option to read or write"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_reset_config(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("config-option"); } else if (args.size() == 1) { return ec.make_error("expecting a configuration option to reset"); } else { yajlpp_parse_context ypc("input", &lnav_config_handlers); string option = args[1]; lnav_config = rollback_lnav_config; ypc.set_path(option) .with_obj(lnav_config); ypc.ypc_active_paths.insert(option); ypc.update_callbacks(); if (option == "*" || (ypc.ypc_current_handler != nullptr || !ypc.ypc_handler_stack.empty())) { if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { reset_config(option); rollback_lnav_config = lnav_config; save_config(); } if (option == "*") { retval = "info: reset all options"; } else { retval = "info: reset option -- " + option; } } else { return ec.make_error("unknown configuration option -- {}", option); } } return Ok(retval); } class log_spectro_value_source : public spectrogram_value_source { public: log_spectro_value_source(intern_string_t colname) : lsvs_colname(colname), lsvs_begin_time(0), lsvs_end_time(0), lsvs_found(false) { this->update_stats(); }; void update_stats() { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; logfile_sub_source::iterator iter; this->lsvs_begin_time = 0; this->lsvs_end_time = 0; this->lsvs_stats.clear(); for (iter = lss.begin(); iter != lss.end(); iter++) { std::shared_ptr lf = (*iter)->get_file(); if (lf == NULL) { continue; } auto format = lf->get_format(); const logline_value_stats *stats = format->stats_for_value(this->lsvs_colname); if (stats == NULL) { continue; } auto ll = lf->begin(); if (this->lsvs_begin_time == 0 || ll->get_time() < this->lsvs_begin_time) { this->lsvs_begin_time = ll->get_time(); } ll = lf->end(); --ll; if (ll->get_time() > this->lsvs_end_time) { this->lsvs_end_time = ll->get_time(); } this->lsvs_found = true; this->lsvs_stats.merge(*stats); } if (this->lsvs_begin_time) { time_t filtered_begin_time = lss.find_line(lss.at(0_vl))->get_time(); time_t filtered_end_time = lss.find_line(lss.at(vis_line_t(lss.text_line_count() - 1)))->get_time(); if (filtered_begin_time > this->lsvs_begin_time) { this->lsvs_begin_time = filtered_begin_time; } if (filtered_end_time < this->lsvs_end_time) { this->lsvs_end_time = filtered_end_time; } } }; void spectro_bounds(spectrogram_bounds &sb_out) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; if (lss.text_line_count() == 0) { return; } this->update_stats(); sb_out.sb_begin_time = this->lsvs_begin_time; sb_out.sb_end_time = this->lsvs_end_time; sb_out.sb_min_value_out = this->lsvs_stats.lvs_min_value; sb_out.sb_max_value_out = this->lsvs_stats.lvs_max_value; sb_out.sb_count = this->lsvs_stats.lvs_count; }; void spectro_row(spectrogram_request &sr, spectrogram_row &row_out) { logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; vis_line_t begin_line = lss.find_from_time(sr.sr_begin_time); vis_line_t end_line = lss.find_from_time(sr.sr_end_time); vector values; string_attrs_t sa; if (begin_line == -1) { begin_line = 0_vl; } if (end_line == -1) { end_line = vis_line_t(lss.text_line_count()); } for (vis_line_t curr_line = begin_line; curr_line < end_line; ++curr_line) { content_line_t cl = lss.at(curr_line); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); auto ll = lf->begin() + cl; auto format = lf->get_format(); shared_buffer_ref sbr; if (!ll->is_message()) { continue; } lf->read_full_message(ll, sbr); sa.clear(); values.clear(); format->annotate(cl, sbr, sa, values, false); vector::iterator lv_iter; lv_iter = find_if(values.begin(), values.end(), logline_value_cmp(&this->lsvs_colname)); if (lv_iter != values.end()) { switch (lv_iter->lv_kind) { case logline_value::VALUE_FLOAT: row_out.add_value(sr, lv_iter->lv_value.d, ll->is_marked()); break; case logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER: row_out.add_value(sr, lv_iter->lv_value.i, ll->is_marked()); break; default: break; } } } }; void spectro_mark(textview_curses &tc, time_t begin_time, time_t end_time, double range_min, double range_max) { // XXX need to refactor this and the above method textview_curses &log_tc = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; vis_line_t begin_line = lss.find_from_time(begin_time); vis_line_t end_line = lss.find_from_time(end_time); vector values; string_attrs_t sa; if (begin_line == -1) { begin_line = 0_vl; } if (end_line == -1) { end_line = vis_line_t(lss.text_line_count()); } for (vis_line_t curr_line = begin_line; curr_line < end_line; ++curr_line) { content_line_t cl = lss.at(curr_line); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); auto ll = lf->begin() + cl; auto format = lf->get_format(); shared_buffer_ref sbr; if (!ll->is_message()) { continue; } lf->read_full_message(ll, sbr); sa.clear(); values.clear(); format->annotate(cl, sbr, sa, values, false); vector::iterator lv_iter; lv_iter = find_if(values.begin(), values.end(), logline_value_cmp(&this->lsvs_colname)); if (lv_iter != values.end()) { switch (lv_iter->lv_kind) { case logline_value::VALUE_FLOAT: if (range_min <= lv_iter->lv_value.d && lv_iter->lv_value.d <= range_max) { log_tc.toggle_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_USER, curr_line); } break; case logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER: if (range_min <= lv_iter->lv_value.i && lv_iter->lv_value.i <= range_max) { log_tc.toggle_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_USER, curr_line); } break; default: break; } } } }; intern_string_t lsvs_colname; logline_value_stats lsvs_stats; time_t lsvs_begin_time; time_t lsvs_end_time; bool lsvs_found; }; class db_spectro_value_source : public spectrogram_value_source { public: db_spectro_value_source(string colname) : dsvs_colname(colname), dsvs_begin_time(0), dsvs_end_time(0) { this->update_stats(); }; void update_stats() { this->dsvs_begin_time = 0; this->dsvs_end_time = 0; this->dsvs_stats.clear(); db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; stacked_bar_chart &chart = dls.dls_chart; date_time_scanner dts; this->dsvs_column_index = dls.column_name_to_index(this->dsvs_colname); if (!dls.has_log_time_column()) { this->dsvs_error_msg = "no 'log_time' column found or not in ascending order, unable to create spectrogram"; return; } if (this->dsvs_column_index == -1) { this->dsvs_error_msg = "unknown column -- " + this->dsvs_colname; return; } if (!dls.dls_headers[this->dsvs_column_index].hm_graphable) { this->dsvs_error_msg = "column is not numeric -- " + this->dsvs_colname; return; } if (dls.dls_rows.empty()) { this->dsvs_error_msg = "empty result set"; return; } stacked_bar_chart::bucket_stats_t bs = chart.get_stats_for(this->dsvs_colname); this->dsvs_begin_time = dls.dls_time_column.front().tv_sec; this->dsvs_end_time = dls.dls_time_column.back().tv_sec; this->dsvs_stats.lvs_min_value = bs.bs_min_value; this->dsvs_stats.lvs_max_value = bs.bs_max_value; this->dsvs_stats.lvs_count = dls.dls_rows.size(); }; void spectro_bounds(spectrogram_bounds &sb_out) { db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; if (dls.text_line_count() == 0) { return; } this->update_stats(); sb_out.sb_begin_time = this->dsvs_begin_time; sb_out.sb_end_time = this->dsvs_end_time; sb_out.sb_min_value_out = this->dsvs_stats.lvs_min_value; sb_out.sb_max_value_out = this->dsvs_stats.lvs_max_value; sb_out.sb_count = this->dsvs_stats.lvs_count; }; void spectro_row(spectrogram_request &sr, spectrogram_row &row_out) { db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; int begin_row = dls.row_for_time({ sr.sr_begin_time, 0 }); int end_row = dls.row_for_time({ sr.sr_end_time, 0 }); if (begin_row == -1) { begin_row = 0; } if (end_row == -1) { end_row = dls.dls_rows.size(); } for (int lpc = begin_row; lpc < end_row; lpc++) { double value = 0.0; sscanf(dls.dls_rows[lpc][this->dsvs_column_index], "%lf", &value); row_out.add_value(sr, value, false); } }; void spectro_mark(textview_curses &tc, time_t begin_time, time_t end_time, double range_min, double range_max) { }; string dsvs_colname; logline_value_stats dsvs_stats; time_t dsvs_begin_time; time_t dsvs_end_time; int dsvs_column_index; string dsvs_error_msg; }; static Result com_spectrogram(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { string retval; if (args.empty()) { args.emplace_back("numeric-colname"); } else if (ec.ec_dry_run) { retval = ""; } else if (args.size() == 2) { string colname = remaining_args(cmdline, args); spectrogram_source &ss = lnav_data.ld_spectro_source; bool found = false; ss.ss_granularity = ZOOM_LEVELS[lnav_data.ld_zoom_level]; if (ss.ss_value_source != NULL) { delete ss.ss_value_source; ss.ss_value_source = NULL; } ss.invalidate(); if (*lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top() == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]) { unique_ptr dsvs( new db_spectro_value_source(colname)); if (!dsvs->dsvs_error_msg.empty()) { return ec.make_error("{}", dsvs->dsvs_error_msg); } else { ss.ss_value_source = dsvs.release(); found = true; } } else { unique_ptr lsvs( new log_spectro_value_source(intern_string::lookup(colname))); if (!lsvs->lsvs_found) { return ec.make_error("unknown numeric message field -- {}", colname); } else { ss.ss_value_source = lsvs.release(); found = true; } } if (found) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_SPECTRO]); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value( HELP_MSG_2(z, Z, "to zoom in/out")); } retval = "info: visualizing field -- " + colname; } } else { return ec.make_error("expecting a message field name"); } return Ok(retval); } static Result com_quit(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { lnav_data.ld_looping = false; } return Ok(string()); } static void command_prompt(vector &args) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); if (lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG].get_inner_height() > 0) { static const char *MOVE_TIMES[] = { "here", "now", "today", "yesterday", nullptr }; logfile_sub_source &lss = lnav_data.ld_log_source; textview_curses & log_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; content_line_t cl = lss.at(log_view.get_top()); std::shared_ptr lf = lss.find(cl); auto ll = lf->begin() + cl; log_data_helper ldh(lss); lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_top_line = tc->get_top(); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->clear_possibilities(LNM_COMMAND, "numeric-colname"); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->clear_possibilities(LNM_COMMAND, "colname"); ldh.parse_line(log_view.get_top(), true); if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]) { db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; for (auto &dls_header : dls.dls_headers) { if (!dls_header.hm_graphable) { continue; } lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "numeric-colname", dls_header.hm_name); } } else { for (auto &ldh_line_value : ldh.ldh_line_values) { const logline_value_stats *stats = ldh_line_value.lv_format->stats_for_value( ldh_line_value.lv_name); if (stats == nullptr) { continue; } lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "numeric-colname", ldh_line_value.lv_name.to_string()); } } for (auto &cn_name : ldh.ldh_namer->cn_names) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "colname", cn_name); } for (const auto& iter : ldh.ldh_namer->cn_builtin_names) { if (iter == "col") { continue; } lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "colname", iter); } ldh.clear(); readline_curses *rlc = lnav_data.ld_rl_view; rlc->clear_possibilities(LNM_COMMAND, "move-time"); rlc->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "move-time", MOVE_TIMES); rlc->clear_possibilities(LNM_COMMAND, "line-time"); { struct timeval tv = lf->get_time_offset(); char buffer[64]; sql_strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ll->get_time(), ll->get_millis(), 'T'); rlc->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "line-time", buffer); rlc->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "move-time", buffer); sql_strftime(buffer, sizeof(buffer), ll->get_time() - tv.tv_sec, ll->get_millis() - (tv.tv_usec / 1000), 'T'); rlc->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "line-time", buffer); rlc->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "move-time", buffer); } } rollback_lnav_config = lnav_config; lnav_data.ld_doc_status_source.set_title("Command Help"); add_view_text_possibilities(lnav_data.ld_rl_view, LNM_COMMAND, "filter", tc); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_COMMAND, "filter", tc->get_last_search()); add_filter_possibilities(tc); add_mark_possibilities(); add_config_possibilities(); add_env_possibilities(LNM_COMMAND); add_tag_possibilities(); add_file_possibilities(); if (tc == &lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]) { add_filter_expr_possibilities(lnav_data.ld_rl_view, LNM_COMMAND, "filter-expr-syms"); } lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_COMMAND; lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_COMMAND, cget(args, 2).value_or(":"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); } static void script_prompt(vector &args) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); map> &scripts = lnav_data.ld_scripts; lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_EXEC; lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_top_line = tc->get_top(); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->clear_possibilities(LNM_EXEC, "__command"); find_format_scripts(lnav_data.ld_config_paths, scripts); for (const auto &iter : scripts) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_EXEC, "__command", iter.first); } add_view_text_possibilities(lnav_data.ld_rl_view, LNM_EXEC, "*", tc); add_env_possibilities(LNM_EXEC); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_EXEC, cget(args, 2).value_or("|"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Enter a script to execute: (Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)"); } static void search_prompt(vector &args) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_SEARCH; lnav_data.ld_previous_search = tc->get_last_search(); lnav_data.ld_search_start_line = tc->get_top(); add_view_text_possibilities(lnav_data.ld_rl_view, LNM_SEARCH, "*", tc); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_SEARCH, cget(args, 2).value_or("/"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_doc_status_source.set_title("Syntax Help"); rl_set_help(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Search for: " "(Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+J") " to jump to a previous hit and " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)"); } static void search_filters_prompt(vector &args) { lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_SEARCH_FILTERS; lnav_data.ld_filter_view.reload_data(); add_view_text_possibilities(lnav_data.ld_rl_view, LNM_SEARCH_FILTERS, "*", &lnav_data.ld_filter_view); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_SEARCH_FILTERS, cget(args, 2).value_or("/"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Search for: " "(Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+J") " to jump to a previous hit and " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)"); } static void search_files_prompt(vector &args) { static pcrecpp::RE re_escape(R"(([.\^$*+?()\[\]{}\\|]))"); lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_SEARCH_FILES; for (const auto& lf : lnav_data.ld_active_files.fc_files) { auto path = lf->get_unique_path(); re_escape.GlobalReplace(R"(\\\1)", &path); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->add_possibility(LNM_SEARCH_FILES, "*", path); } lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_SEARCH_FILES, cget(args, 2).value_or("/"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Search for: " "(Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+J") " to jump to a previous hit and " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)"); } static void sql_prompt(vector &args) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); textview_curses &log_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_top_line = tc->get_top(); lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_SQL; setup_logline_table(lnav_data.ld_exec_context); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_SQL, cget(args, 2).value_or(";"), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_doc_status_source.set_title("Query Help"); rl_set_help(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.update_loading(0, 0); lnav_data.ld_status[LNS_BOTTOM].do_update(); auto* fos = (field_overlay_source *) log_view.get_overlay_source(); fos->fos_active_prev = fos->fos_active; if (!fos->fos_active) { fos->fos_active = true; tc->reload_data(); } lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Enter an SQL query: (Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)"); } static void user_prompt(vector &args) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_top_line = tc->get_top(); lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_USER; setup_logline_table(lnav_data.ld_exec_context); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->focus(LNM_USER, cget(args, 2).value_or("? "), cget(args, 3).value_or("")); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.update_loading(0, 0); lnav_data.ld_status[LNS_BOTTOM].do_update(); } static Result com_prompt(exec_context &ec, string cmdline, vector &args) { static map&)>> PROMPT_TYPES = { {"command", command_prompt}, {"script", script_prompt}, {"search", search_prompt}, {"search-filters", search_filters_prompt}, {"search-files", search_files_prompt}, {"sql", sql_prompt}, {"user", user_prompt}, }; if (args.empty()) { } else if (!ec.ec_dry_run) { args.clear(); auto lexer = shlex(cmdline); lexer.split(args, ec.create_resolver()); auto alt_flag = std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--alt"); auto is_alt = false; if (alt_flag != args.end()) { args.erase(alt_flag); is_alt = true; } auto prompter = PROMPT_TYPES.find(args[1]); if (prompter == PROMPT_TYPES.end()) { return ec.make_error("Unknown prompt type: {}", args[1]); } prompter->second(args); lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_focus(is_alt); } return Ok(string()); } readline_context::command_t STD_COMMANDS[] = { { "prompt", com_prompt, help_text(":prompt") .with_summary("Open the given prompt") .with_parameter({"type", "The type of prompt -- command, script, search, sql, user"}) .with_parameter(help_text("--alt", "Perform the alternate action for this prompt by default") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("prompt", "The prompt to display") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("initial-value", "The initial value to fill in for the prompt") .optional()) .with_example({ "To open the command prompt with 'filter-in' already filled in", "command : 'filter-in '", }) .with_example({ "To ask the user a question", "user 'Are you sure? '", }) }, { "adjust-log-time", com_adjust_log_time, help_text(":adjust-log-time") .with_summary("Change the timestamps of the top file to be relative to the given date") .with_parameter(help_text("timestamp", "The new timestamp for the top line in the view") .with_format(help_parameter_format_t::HPF_DATETIME)) .with_example({ "To set the top timestamp to a given date", "2017-01-02T05:33:00" }) .with_example({ "To set the top timestamp back an hour", "-1h" }) }, { "unix-time", com_unix_time, help_text(":unix-time") .with_summary("Convert epoch time to a human-readable form") .with_parameter(help_text("seconds", "The epoch timestamp to convert") .with_format(help_parameter_format_t::HPF_INTEGER)) .with_example({ "To convert the epoch time 1490191111", "1490191111" }) }, { "current-time", com_current_time, help_text(":current-time") .with_summary("Print the current time in human-readable form and seconds since the epoch") }, { "goto", com_goto, help_text(":goto") .with_summary("Go to the given location in the top view") .with_parameter(help_text("line#|N%|date", "A line number, percent into the file, or a timestamp")) .with_examples( { { "To go to line 22", "22" }, { "To go to the line 75% of the way into the view", "75%" }, { "To go to the first message on the first day of 2017", "2017-01-01" } }) .with_tags({"navigation"}) }, { "relative-goto", com_relative_goto, help_text(":relative-goto") .with_summary("Move the current view up or down by the given amount") .with_parameter({"line-count|N%", "The amount to move the view by."}) .with_examples( { { "To move 22 lines down in the view", "+22" }, { "To move 10 percent back in the view", "-10%" }, }) .with_tags({"navigation"}) }, { "mark", com_mark, help_text(":mark") .with_summary("Toggle the bookmark state for the top line in the current view") .with_tags({"bookmarks"}) }, { "next-mark", com_goto_mark, help_text(":next-mark") .with_summary("Move to the next bookmark of the given type in the current view") .with_parameter(help_text("type", "The type of bookmark -- error, warning, search, user, file, meta")) .with_example({ "To go to the next error", "error" }) .with_tags({"bookmarks", "navigation"}) }, { "prev-mark", com_goto_mark, help_text(":prev-mark") .with_summary("Move to the previous bookmark of the given type in the current view") .with_parameter(help_text("type", "The type of bookmark -- error, warning, search, user, file, meta")) .with_example({ "To go to the previous error", "error" }) .with_tags({"bookmarks", "navigation"}) }, { "next-location", com_goto_location, help_text(":next-location") .with_summary("Move to the next position in the location history") .with_tags({"navigation"}) }, { "prev-location", com_goto_location, help_text(":prev-location") .with_summary("Move to the previous position in the location history") .with_tags({"navigation"}) }, { "help", com_help, help_text(":help") .with_summary("Open the help text view") }, { "hide-fields", com_toggle_field, help_text(":hide-fields") .with_summary("Hide log message fields by replacing them with an ellipsis") .with_parameter(help_text("field-name", "The name of the field to hide in the format for the top log line. " "A qualified name can be used where the field name is prefixed " "by the format name and a dot to hide any field.") .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To hide the log_procname fields in all formats", "log_procname" }) .with_example({ "To hide only the log_procname field in the syslog format", "syslog_log.log_procname" }) .with_tags({"display"}) }, { "show-fields", com_toggle_field, help_text(":show-fields") .with_summary("Show log message fields that were previously hidden") .with_parameter(help_text("field-name", "The name of the field to show") .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To show all the log_procname fields in all formats", "log_procname" }) .with_opposites({"hide-fields"}) .with_tags({"display"}) }, { "hide-lines-before", com_hide_line, help_text(":hide-lines-before") .with_summary("Hide lines that come before the given date") .with_parameter(help_text("date", "An absolute or relative date")) .with_examples( { { "To hide the lines before the top line in the view", "here" }, { "To hide the log messages before 6 AM today", "6am" }, }) .with_tags({"filtering"}) }, { "hide-lines-after", com_hide_line, help_text(":hide-lines-after") .with_summary("Hide lines that come after the given date") .with_parameter(help_text("date", "An absolute or relative date")) .with_examples( { { "To hide the lines after the top line in the view", "here" }, { "To hide the lines after 6 AM today", "6am" }, }) .with_tags({"filtering"}) }, { "show-lines-before-and-after", com_show_lines, help_text(":show-lines-before-and-after") .with_summary("Show lines that were hidden by the 'hide-lines' commands") .with_opposites({"hide-lines-before", "hide-lines-after"}) .with_tags({"filtering"}) }, { "hide-unmarked-lines", com_hide_unmarked, help_text(":hide-unmarked-lines") .with_summary("Hide lines that have not been bookmarked") .with_tags({"filtering", "bookmarks"}) }, { "show-unmarked-lines", com_show_unmarked, help_text(":show-unmarked-lines") .with_summary("Show lines that have not been bookmarked") .with_opposites({"show-unmarked-lines"}) .with_tags({"filtering", "bookmarks"}) }, { "highlight", com_highlight, help_text(":highlight") .with_summary("Add coloring to log messages fragments that match the given regular expression") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression to match")) .with_tags({"display"}) .with_example({ "To highlight numbers with three or more digits", R"(\d{3,})" }) }, { "clear-highlight", com_clear_highlight, help_text(":clear-highlight") .with_summary("Remove a previously set highlight regular expression") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression previously used with :highlight")) .with_tags({"display"}) .with_opposites({"highlight"}) .with_example({ "To clear the highlight with the pattern 'foobar'", "foobar" }) }, { "filter-in", com_filter, help_text(":filter-in") .with_summary("Only show lines that match the given regular expression in the current view") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression to match")) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_example({ "To filter out log messages that do not have the string 'dhclient'", "dhclient" }) }, { "filter-out", com_filter, help_text(":filter-out") .with_summary("Remove lines that match the given regular expression in the current view") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression to match")) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_example({ "To filter out log messages that contain the string 'last message repeated'", "last message repeated" }) }, { "delete-filter", com_delete_filter, help_text(":delete-filter") .with_summary("Delete the filter created with " ANSI_BOLD(":filter-in") " or " ANSI_BOLD(":filter-out")) .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression to match")) .with_opposites({"filter-in", "filter-out"}) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_example({ "To delete the filter with the pattern 'last message repeated'", "last message repeated" }) }, { "filter-expr", com_filter_expr, help_text(":filter-expr") .with_summary("Set the filter expression") .with_parameter(help_text( "expr", "The SQL expression to evaluate for each log message. " "The message values can be accessed using column names " "prefixed with a colon")) .with_opposites({"clear-filter-expr"}) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_example({ "To set a filter expression that matched syslog messages from 'syslogd'", ":log_procname = 'syslogd'" }), com_filter_expr_prompt, }, { "clear-filter-expr", com_clear_filter_expr, help_text(":clear-filter-expr") .with_summary("Clear the filter expression") .with_opposites({"filter-expr"}) .with_tags({"filtering"}) }, { "append-to", com_save_to, help_text(":append-to") .with_summary("Append marked lines in the current view to the given file") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to append to")) .with_tags({"io"}) .with_example({ "To append marked lines to the file /tmp/interesting-lines.txt", "/tmp/interesting-lines.txt" }) }, { "write-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-to") .with_summary("Overwrite the given file with any marked lines in the current view") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting"}) .with_example({ "To write marked lines to the file /tmp/interesting-lines.txt", "/tmp/interesting-lines.txt" }) }, { "write-csv-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-csv-to") .with_summary("Write SQL results to the given file in CSV format") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write SQL results as CSV to /tmp/table.csv", "/tmp/table.csv" }) }, { "write-json-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-json-to") .with_summary("Write SQL results to the given file in JSON format") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write SQL results as JSON to /tmp/table.json", "/tmp/table.json" }) }, { "write-jsonlines-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-jsonlines-to") .with_summary("Write SQL results to the given file in JSON Lines format") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write SQL results as JSON Lines to /tmp/table.json", "/tmp/table.json" }) }, { "write-cols-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-cols-to") .with_summary("Write SQL results to the given file in a columnar format") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write SQL results as text to /tmp/table.txt", "/tmp/table.txt" }) }, { "write-raw-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-raw-to") .with_summary("Write the text in the top view to the given file without any formatting") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write the top view to /tmp/table.txt", "/tmp/table.txt" }) }, { "write-screen-to", com_save_to, help_text(":write-screen-to") .with_summary("Write the displayed text or SQL results to the given file without any formatting") .with_parameter(help_text("path", "The path to the file to write")) .with_tags({"io", "scripting", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To write only the displayed text to /tmp/table.txt", "/tmp/table.txt" }) }, { "pipe-to", com_pipe_to, help_text(":pipe-to") .with_summary("Pipe the marked lines to the given shell command") .with_parameter(help_text("shell-cmd", "The shell command-line to execute")) .with_tags({"io"}) .with_example({ "To write marked lines to 'sed' for processing", "sed -e s/foo/bar/g" }) }, { "pipe-line-to", com_pipe_to, help_text(":pipe-line-to") .with_summary("Pipe the top line to the given shell command") .with_parameter(help_text("shell-cmd", "The shell command-line to execute")) .with_tags({"io"}) .with_example({ "To write the top line to 'sed' for processing", "sed -e 's/foo/bar/g'" }) }, { "redirect-to", com_redirect_to, help_text(":redirect-to") .with_summary("Redirect the output of commands to the given file") .with_parameter(help_text( "path", "The path to the file to write." " If not specified, the current redirect will be cleared") .optional()) .with_tags({"io", "scripting"}) .with_example({ "To write the output of lnav commands to the file /tmp/script-output.txt", "/tmp/script-output.txt" }) }, { "enable-filter", com_enable_filter, help_text(":enable-filter") .with_summary("Enable a previously created and disabled filter") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression used in the filter command")) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_opposites({"disable-filter"}) .with_example({ "To enable the disabled filter with the pattern 'last message repeated'", "last message repeated" }) }, { "disable-filter", com_disable_filter, help_text(":disable-filter") .with_summary("Disable a filter created with filter-in/filter-out") .with_parameter(help_text("pattern", "The regular expression used in the filter command")) .with_tags({"filtering"}) .with_opposites({"filter-out", "filter-in"}) .with_example({ "To disable the filter with the pattern 'last message repeated'", "last message repeated" }) }, { "enable-word-wrap", com_enable_word_wrap, help_text(":enable-word-wrap") .with_summary("Enable word-wrapping for the current view") .with_tags({"display"}) }, { "disable-word-wrap", com_disable_word_wrap, help_text(":disable-word-wrap") .with_summary("Disable word-wrapping for the current view") .with_opposites({"enable-word-wrap"}) .with_tags({"display"}) }, { "create-logline-table", com_create_logline_table, help_text(":create-logline-table") .with_summary("Create an SQL table using the top line of the log view as a template") .with_parameter(help_text("table-name", "The name for the new table")) .with_tags({"vtables", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To create a logline-style table named 'task_durations'", "task_durations" }) }, { "delete-logline-table", com_delete_logline_table, help_text(":delete-logline-table") .with_summary("Delete a table created with create-logline-table") .with_parameter(help_text("table-name", "The name of the table to delete")) .with_opposites({"delete-logline-table"}) .with_tags({"vtables", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To delete the logline-style table named 'task_durations'", "task_durations" }) }, { "create-search-table", com_create_search_table, help_text(":create-search-table") .with_summary("Create an SQL table based on a regex search") .with_parameter(help_text("table-name", "The name of the table to create")) .with_parameter(help_text( "pattern", "The regular expression used to capture the table columns. " "If not given, the current search pattern is used.") .optional()) .with_tags({"vtables", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To create a table named 'task_durations' that matches log messages with the pattern 'duration=(?\\d+)'", R"(task_durations duration=(?\d+))" }) }, { "delete-search-table", com_delete_search_table, help_text(":delete-search-table") .with_summary("Create an SQL table based on a regex search") .with_parameter(help_text("table-name", "The name of the table to create")) .with_opposites({"create-search-table"}) .with_tags({"vtables", "sql"}) .with_example({ "To delete the search table named 'task_durations'", "task_durations" }) }, { "open", com_open, help_text(":open") .with_summary( #ifdef HAVE_LIBCURL "Open the given file(s) or URLs in lnav" #else "Open the given file(s) in lnav" #endif ) .with_parameter( help_text{"path", "The path to the file to open"} .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To open the file '/path/to/file'", "/path/to/file" }) }, { "hide-file", com_hide_file, help_text(":hide-file") .with_summary("Hide the given file(s) and skip indexing until it " "is shown again. If no path is given, the current " "file in the view is hidden") .with_parameter(help_text{ "path", "A path or glob pattern that specifies the files to hide"} .zero_or_more()) .with_opposites({"show-file"}) }, { "show-file", com_show_file, help_text(":show-file") .with_summary("Show the given file(s) and resume indexing.") .with_parameter(help_text{ "path", "The path or glob pattern that specifies the files to show"} .zero_or_more()) .with_opposites({"hide-file"}) }, { "close", com_close, help_text(":close") .with_summary("Close the top file in the view") .with_opposites({"open"}) }, { "comment", com_comment, help_text(":comment") .with_summary("Attach a comment to the top log line") .with_parameter(help_text("text", "The comment text")) .with_example({ "To add the comment 'This is where it all went wrong' to the top line", "This is where it all went wrong" }) .with_tags({"metadata"}), com_comment_prompt, }, { "clear-comment", com_clear_comment, help_text(":clear-comment") .with_summary("Clear the comment attached to the top log line") .with_opposites({"comment"}) .with_tags({"metadata"}) }, { "tag", com_tag, help_text(":tag") .with_summary("Attach tags to the top log line") .with_parameter(help_text("tag", "The tags to attach") .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To add the tags '#BUG123' and '#needs-review' to the top line", "#BUG123 #needs-review" }) .with_tags({"metadata"}), }, { "untag", com_untag, help_text(":untag") .with_summary("Detach tags from the top log line") .with_parameter(help_text("tag", "The tags to detach") .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To remove the tags '#BUG123' and '#needs-review' from the top line", "#BUG123 #needs-review" }) .with_opposites({"tag"}) .with_tags({"metadata"}) }, { "delete-tags", com_delete_tags, help_text(":delete-tags") .with_summary("Remove the given tags from all log lines") .with_parameter(help_text("tag", "The tags to delete") .one_or_more()) .with_example({ "To remove the tags '#BUG123' and '#needs-review' from all log lines", "#BUG123 #needs-review" }) .with_opposites({"tag"}) .with_tags({"metadata"}) }, { "partition-name", com_partition_name, help_text(":partition-name") .with_summary("Mark the top line in the log view as the start of a new partition with the given name") .with_parameter(help_text("name", "The name for the new partition")) .with_example({ "To mark the top line as the start of the partition named 'boot #1'", "boot #1" }) }, { "clear-partition", com_clear_partition, help_text(":clear-partition") .with_summary("Clear the partition the top line is a part of") .with_opposites({"partition-name"}) }, { "pt-min-time", com_pt_time, help_text(":pt-min-time"), }, { "pt-max-time", com_pt_time, help_text(":pt-max-time"), }, { "session", com_session, help_text(":session") .with_summary("Add the given command to the session file (~/.lnav/session)") .with_parameter(help_text("lnav-command", "The lnav command to save.")) .with_example({ "To add the command ':highlight foobar' to the session file", ":highlight foobar" }) }, { "summarize", com_summarize, help_text(":summarize") .with_summary("Execute a SQL query that computes the characteristics of the values in the given column") .with_parameter(help_text("column-name", "The name of the column to analyze.")) .with_example({ "To get a summary of the sc_bytes column in the access_log table", "sc_bytes" }) }, { "switch-to-view", com_switch_to_view, help_text(":switch-to-view") .with_summary("Switch to the given view") .with_parameter(help_text("view-name", "The name of the view to switch to.")) .with_example({ "To switch to the 'schema' view", "schema" }) }, { "toggle-view", com_switch_to_view, help_text(":toggle-view") .with_summary("Switch to the given view or, if it is already displayed, " "switch to the previous view") .with_parameter(help_text("view-name", "The name of the view to toggle the display of.")) .with_example({ "To switch to the 'schema' view if it is not displayed or switch back to the previous view", "schema" }) }, { "toggle-filtering", com_toggle_filtering, help_text(":toggle-filtering") .with_summary("Toggle the filtering flag for the current view") .with_tags({"filtering"}) }, { "reset-session", com_reset_session, help_text(":reset-session") .with_summary("Reset the session state, clearing all filters, highlights, and bookmarks") }, { "load-session", com_load_session, help_text(":load-session") .with_summary("Load the latest session state") }, { "save-session", com_save_session, help_text(":save-session") .with_summary("Save the current state as a session") }, { "set-min-log-level", com_set_min_log_level, help_text(":set-min-log-level") .with_summary("Set the minimum log level to display in the log view") .with_parameter(help_text("log-level", "The new minimum log level")) .with_example({ "To set the minimum log level displayed to error", "error" }) }, { "redraw", com_redraw, help_text(":redraw") .with_summary("Do a full redraw of the screen") }, { "zoom-to", com_zoom_to, help_text(":zoom-to") .with_summary("Zoom the histogram view to the given level") .with_parameter(help_text("zoom-level", "The zoom level")) .with_example({ "To set the zoom level to '1-week'", "1-week" }) }, { "echo", com_echo, help_text(":echo") .with_summary("Echo the given message") .with_parameter(help_text("msg", "The message to display")) .with_tags({"scripting"}) .with_example({ "To output 'Hello, World!'", "Hello, World!" }) }, { "alt-msg", com_alt_msg, help_text(":alt-msg") .with_summary("Display a message in the alternate command position") .with_parameter(help_text("msg", "The message to display")) .with_tags({"scripting"}) .with_example({ "To display 'Press t to switch to the text view' on the bottom right", "Press t to switch to the text view" }) }, { "eval", com_eval, help_text(":eval") .with_summary( "Evaluate the given command/query after doing environment variable substitution") .with_parameter(help_text("command", "The command or query to perform substitution on.")) .with_tags({"scripting"}) .with_examples( { { "To output the user's home directory", ":echo $HOME" }, { "To substitute the table name from a variable", ";SELECT * FROM ${table}" } }) }, { "config", com_config, help_text(":config") .with_summary("Read or write a configuration option") .with_parameter({"option", "The path to the option to read or write"}) .with_parameter(help_text("value", "The value to write. If not given, the current value is returned") .optional()) .with_example({ "To read the configuration of the '/ui/clock-format' option", "/ui/clock-format" }) .with_example({ "To set the '/ui/dim-text' option to 'false'", "/ui/dim-text false" }) .with_tags({"configuration"}) }, { "reset-config", com_reset_config, help_text(":reset-config") .with_summary("Reset the configuration option to its default value") .with_parameter(help_text("option", "The path to the option to reset")) .with_example({ "To reset the '/ui/clock-format' option back to the builtin default", "/ui/clock-format" }) .with_tags({"configuration"}) }, { "spectrogram", com_spectrogram, help_text(":spectrogram") .with_summary("Visualize the given message field using a spectrogram") .with_parameter(help_text("field-name", "The name of the numeric field to visualize.")) .with_example({ "To visualize the sc_bytes field in the access_log format", "sc_bytes" }) }, { "quit", com_quit, help_text(":quit") .with_summary("Quit lnav") } }; static unordered_map> aliases = { { "quit", { "q", "q!" } }, }; void init_lnav_commands(readline_context::command_map_t &cmd_map) { for (auto& cmd : STD_COMMANDS) { cmd.c_help.index_tags(); cmd_map[cmd.c_name] = &cmd; auto itr = aliases.find(cmd.c_name); if (itr != aliases.end()) { for (char const * alias: itr->second) { cmd_map[alias] = &cmd; } } } if (getenv("LNAV_SRC") != nullptr) { static readline_context::command_t add_test(com_add_test); cmd_map["add-test"] = &add_test; } if (getenv("lnav_test") != nullptr) { static readline_context::command_t rebuild(com_rebuild), shexec(com_shexec), poll_now(com_poll_now); cmd_map["rebuild"] = &rebuild; cmd_map["shexec"] = &shexec; cmd_map["poll-now"] = &poll_now; } }