/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "yajlpp.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "log_format.hh" #include "log_vtab_impl.hh" #include "ptimec.hh" using namespace std; /* * Supported formats: * generic * syslog * apache * tcpdump * strace * vstrace * csv (?) * file system (?) * plugins * vmstat * iostat */ string_attr_type logline::L_PREFIX; string_attr_type logline::L_TIMESTAMP; string_attr_type logline::L_FILE; string_attr_type logline::L_PARTITION; const char *logline::level_names[LEVEL__MAX + 1] = { "unknown", "trace", "debug", "info", "warning", "error", "critical", "fatal", NULL }; static pcrepp LEVEL_RE( "(?i)(TRACE|VERBOSE|DEBUG|INFO|WARN(?:ING)?|ERROR|CRITICAL|SEVERE|FATAL)"); static int strncasestr_i(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t len) { return strcasestr(s1, s2) == NULL; } logline::level_t logline::string2level(const char *levelstr, ssize_t len, bool exact) { logline::level_t retval = logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN; if (len == (size_t)-1) { len = strlen(levelstr); } if (((len == 1) || ((len > 1) && (levelstr[1] == ' '))) && (retval = abbrev2level(levelstr, len)) != LEVEL_UNKNOWN) { return retval; } pcre_input pi(levelstr, 0, len); pcre_context_static<10> pc; if (LEVEL_RE.match(pc, pi)) { retval = abbrev2level(pi.get_substr_start(pc.begin()), 1); } return retval; } logline::level_t logline::abbrev2level(const char *levelstr, ssize_t len) { if (levelstr[0] == '\0') { return LEVEL_UNKNOWN; } switch (toupper(levelstr[0])) { case 'T': return LEVEL_TRACE; case 'D': return LEVEL_DEBUG; case 'I': return LEVEL_INFO; case 'W': return LEVEL_WARNING; case 'E': return LEVEL_ERROR; case 'C': return LEVEL_CRITICAL; case 'S': return LEVEL_CRITICAL; case 'F': return LEVEL_FATAL; default: return LEVEL_UNKNOWN; } } int logline::levelcmp(const char *l1, ssize_t l1_len, const char *l2, ssize_t l2_len) { return abbrev2level(l1, l1_len) - abbrev2level(l2, l2_len); } const char *logline_value::value_names[VALUE__MAX] = { "null", "text", "int", "float", "bool", "json" }; logline_value::kind_t logline_value::string2kind(const char *kindstr) { if (strcmp(kindstr, "string") == 0) { return VALUE_TEXT; } else if (strcmp(kindstr, "integer") == 0) { return VALUE_INTEGER; } else if (strcmp(kindstr, "float") == 0) { return VALUE_FLOAT; } else if (strcmp(kindstr, "boolean") == 0) { return VALUE_BOOLEAN; } else if (strcmp(kindstr, "json") == 0) { return VALUE_JSON; } else if (strcmp(kindstr, "quoted") == 0) { return VALUE_QUOTED; } return VALUE_UNKNOWN; } vector log_format::lf_root_formats; vector &log_format::get_root_formats(void) { return lf_root_formats; } static bool next_format(const std::vector &patterns, int &index, int &locked_index) { bool retval = true; if (locked_index == -1) { index += 1; if (index >= (int)patterns.size()) { retval = false; } } else if (index == locked_index) { retval = false; } else { index = locked_index; } return retval; } bool log_format::next_format(pcre_format *fmt, int &index, int &locked_index) { bool retval = true; if (locked_index == -1) { index += 1; if (fmt[index].name == NULL) { retval = false; } } else if (index == locked_index) { retval = false; } else { index = locked_index; } return retval; } const char *log_format::log_scanf(const char *line, size_t len, pcre_format *fmt, const char *time_fmt[], struct exttm *tm_out, struct timeval &tv_out, ...) { int curr_fmt = -1; const char * retval = NULL; bool done = false; pcre_input pi(line, 0, len); pcre_context_static<128> pc; va_list args; while (!done && next_format(fmt, curr_fmt, this->lf_fmt_lock)) { va_start(args, tv_out); if (!fmt[curr_fmt].pcre.match(pc, pi)) { retval = NULL; } else { pcre_context::capture_t *ts = pc["timestamp"]; for (pcre_context::iterator iter = pc.begin(); iter != pc.end(); ++iter) { pcre_context::capture_t *cap = va_arg( args, pcre_context::capture_t *); *cap = *iter; } retval = this->lf_date_time.scan( pi.get_substr_start(ts), ts->length(), NULL, tm_out, tv_out); if (retval) { this->lf_fmt_lock = curr_fmt; done = true; } } va_end(args); } return retval; } void log_format::check_for_new_year(std::vector &dst, const struct timeval &log_tv) { if (dst.empty()) { return; } time_t diff = dst.back().get_time() - log_tv.tv_sec; if (diff > (5 * 60)) { int off_year = 0, off_month = 0, off_day = 0, off_hour = 0; std::vector::iterator iter; if (diff > (60 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { off_year = 1; } else if (diff > (15 * 24 * 60 * 60)) { off_month = 1; } else if (diff > (12 * 60 * 60)) { off_day = 1; } else { off_hour = 1; } for (iter = dst.begin(); iter != dst.end(); iter++) { time_t ot = iter->get_time(); struct tm *otm; otm = gmtime(&ot); otm->tm_year -= off_year; otm->tm_mon -= off_month; otm->tm_yday -= off_day; otm->tm_hour -= off_hour; iter->set_time(tm2sec(otm)); } } } /* * XXX This needs some cleanup. */ struct json_log_userdata { json_log_userdata() : jlu_sub_line_count(1) { }; external_log_format *jlu_format; const logline *jlu_line; logline *jlu_base_line; int jlu_sub_line_count; yajl_handle jlu_handle; const char *jlu_line_value; size_t jlu_sub_start; }; struct json_field_cmp { json_field_cmp(external_log_format::json_log_field type, const std::string &name) : jfc_type(type), jfc_field_name(name) { }; bool operator()(const external_log_format::json_format_element &jfe) const { return (this->jfc_type == jfe.jfe_type && this->jfc_field_name == jfe.jfe_value); }; external_log_format::json_log_field jfc_type; const std::string &jfc_field_name; }; static int read_json_field(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len); static int read_json_null(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } return 1; } static int read_json_bool(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, int val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } return 1; } static int read_json_int(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, long long val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->lf_timestamp_field) { long long divisor = jlu->jlu_format->elf_timestamp_divisor; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = val / divisor; tv.tv_usec = (val % divisor) * (1000000.0 / divisor); jlu->jlu_base_line->set_time(tv); } else if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } return 1; } static int read_json_double(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, double val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->lf_timestamp_field) { double divisor = jlu->jlu_format->elf_timestamp_divisor; struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = val / divisor; tv.tv_usec = fmod(val, divisor) * (1000000.0 / divisor); jlu->jlu_base_line->set_time(tv); } else if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } return 1; } static int json_array_start(void *ctx) { yajlpp_parse_context *ypc = (yajlpp_parse_context *)ctx; json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; if (ypc->ypc_path_index_stack.size() == 2) { string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } jlu->jlu_sub_start = yajl_get_bytes_consumed(jlu->jlu_handle) - 1; } return 1; } static int json_array_end(void *ctx) { yajlpp_parse_context *ypc = (yajlpp_parse_context *)ctx; json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; if (ypc->ypc_path_index_stack.size() == 1) { string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); size_t sub_end = yajl_get_bytes_consumed(jlu->jlu_handle); tmp_shared_buffer tsb(&jlu->jlu_line_value[jlu->jlu_sub_start], sub_end - jlu->jlu_sub_start); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back( logline_value(field_name, tsb.tsb_ref)); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.back().lv_kind = logline_value::VALUE_JSON; } return 1; } static struct json_path_handler json_log_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("^/\\w+$"). add_cb(read_json_null). add_cb(read_json_bool). add_cb(read_json_int). add_cb(read_json_double). add_cb(read_json_field), json_path_handler() }; static int rewrite_json_field(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len); static int rewrite_json_null(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name)); return 1; } static int rewrite_json_bool(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, int val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name, (bool)val)); return 1; } static int rewrite_json_int(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, long long val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name, (int64_t)val)); return 1; } static int rewrite_json_double(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, double val) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name, val)); return 1; } static struct json_path_handler json_log_rewrite_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("^/\\w+$"). add_cb(rewrite_json_null). add_cb(rewrite_json_bool). add_cb(rewrite_json_int). add_cb(rewrite_json_double). add_cb(rewrite_json_field), json_path_handler() }; bool external_log_format::scan(std::vector &dst, off_t offset, shared_buffer_ref &sbr) { if (this->jlf_json) { auto_mem handle(yajl_free); yajlpp_parse_context &ypc = *(this->jlf_parse_context); logline ll(offset, 0, 0, logline::LEVEL_INFO); json_log_userdata jlu; bool retval = false; handle = yajl_alloc(&this->jlf_parse_context->ypc_callbacks, NULL, this->jlf_parse_context.get()); ypc.reset(json_log_handlers); ypc.ypc_userdata = &jlu; ypc.ypc_ignore_unused = true; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_start_array = json_array_start; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_start_map = json_array_start; jlu.jlu_format = this; jlu.jlu_base_line = ≪ jlu.jlu_line_value = sbr.get_data(); jlu.jlu_handle = handle; if (yajl_parse(handle.in(), (const unsigned char *)sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()) == yajl_status_ok && yajl_complete_parse(handle.in()) == yajl_status_ok) { for (int lpc = 0; lpc < jlu.jlu_sub_line_count; lpc++) { ll.set_sub_offset(lpc); if (lpc > 0) { ll.set_level((logline::level_t) (ll.get_level() | logline::LEVEL_CONTINUED)); } dst.push_back(ll); } retval = true; } return retval; } pcre_input pi(sbr.get_data(), 0, sbr.length()); pcre_context_static<128> pc; bool retval = false; int curr_fmt = -1; while (::next_format(this->elf_pattern_order, curr_fmt, this->lf_fmt_lock)) { pcrepp *pat = this->elf_pattern_order[curr_fmt]->p_pcre; if (!pat->match(pc, pi)) { continue; } if (this->lf_fmt_lock == -1) { this->lf_timestamp_field_index = pat->name_index( this->lf_timestamp_field); this->elf_level_field_index = pat->name_index( this->elf_level_field); } pcre_context::capture_t *ts = pc[this->lf_timestamp_field_index]; pcre_context::capture_t *level_cap = pc[this->elf_level_field_index]; const char *ts_str = pi.get_substr_start(ts); const char *last; struct exttm log_time_tm; struct timeval log_tv; logline::level_t level = logline::LEVEL_INFO; if ((last = this->lf_date_time.scan(ts_str, ts->length(), NULL, &log_time_tm, log_tv)) == NULL) { continue; } if (level_cap != NULL && level_cap->c_begin != -1) { pcre_context_static<128> pc_level; pcre_input pi_level(pi.get_substr_start(level_cap), 0, level_cap->length()); for (std::map::iterator iter = this->elf_level_patterns.begin(); iter != this->elf_level_patterns.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.lp_pcre->match(pc_level, pi_level)) { level = iter->first; break; } } } this->check_for_new_year(dst, log_tv); dst.push_back(logline(offset, log_tv, level)); this->lf_fmt_lock = curr_fmt; retval = true; break; } return retval; } void external_log_format::annotate(shared_buffer_ref &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { pcre_context_static<128> pc; pcre_input pi(line.get_data(), 0, line.length()); struct line_range lr; pcre_context::capture_t *cap; if (this->jlf_json) { values = this->jlf_line_values; sa = this->jlf_line_attrs; return; } pattern &pat = *this->elf_pattern_order[this->lf_fmt_lock]; if (!pat.p_pcre->match(pc, pi)) { return; } cap = pc[this->lf_timestamp_field_index]; lr.lr_start = cap->c_begin; lr.lr_end = cap->c_end; sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP)); cap = pc[this->elf_body_field_index]; if (cap != NULL && cap->c_begin != -1) { lr.lr_start = cap->c_begin; lr.lr_end = cap->c_end; } else { lr.lr_start = line.length(); lr.lr_end = line.length(); } sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &textview_curses::SA_BODY)); view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < pat.p_value_by_index.size(); lpc++) { const value_def &vd = pat.p_value_by_index[lpc]; const struct scaling_factor *scaling = NULL; pcre_context::capture_t *cap = pc[vd.vd_index]; shared_buffer_ref field; if (vd.vd_unit_field_index >= 0) { pcre_context::iterator unit_cap = pc[vd.vd_unit_field_index]; if (unit_cap != NULL && unit_cap->c_begin != -1) { std::string unit_val = pi.get_substr(unit_cap); std::map::const_iterator unit_iter; unit_iter = vd.vd_unit_scaling.find(unit_val); if (unit_iter != vd.vd_unit_scaling.end()) { const struct scaling_factor &sf = unit_iter->second; scaling = &sf; } } } field.subset(line, cap->c_begin, cap->length()); values.push_back(logline_value(vd.vd_name, vd.vd_kind, field, vd.vd_identifier, scaling, vd.vd_column, cap->c_begin, cap->c_end)); if (pc[vd.vd_index]->c_begin != -1 && vd.vd_identifier) { lr.lr_start = pc[vd.vd_index]->c_begin; lr.lr_end = pc[vd.vd_index]->c_end; sa.push_back(string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, vc.attrs_for_ident(pi.get_substr_start(pc[vd.vd_index]), lr.length()))); } } } static int read_json_field(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; vector &line_format = jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_format; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); struct exttm tm_out; struct timeval tv_out; if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->lf_timestamp_field) { jlu->jlu_format->lf_date_time.scan((const char *)str, len, NULL, &tm_out, tv_out); jlu->jlu_base_line->set_time(tv_out); } else if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->elf_level_field) { jlu->jlu_base_line->set_level(logline::string2level((const char *)str, len, true)); } else { if (find_if(line_format.begin(), line_format.end(), json_field_cmp(external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE, field_name)) == line_format.end()) { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < len; lpc++) { if (str[lpc] == '\n') { jlu->jlu_sub_line_count += 1; } } } return 1; } static int rewrite_json_field(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { json_log_userdata *jlu = (json_log_userdata *)ypc->ypc_userdata; string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(0); if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->lf_timestamp_field) { char time_buf[64]; sql_strftime(time_buf, sizeof(time_buf), jlu->jlu_line->get_timeval(), 'T'); tmp_shared_buffer tsb(time_buf); jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name, tsb.tsb_ref)); } else { tmp_shared_buffer tsb((const char *)str, len); if (field_name == jlu->jlu_format->elf_body_field) { jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value("body", tsb.tsb_ref)); } jlu->jlu_format->jlf_line_values.push_back(logline_value(field_name, tsb.tsb_ref)); } return 1; } void external_log_format::get_subline(const logline &ll, shared_buffer_ref &sbr) { if (!this->jlf_json) { return; } if (this->jlf_cached_offset != ll.get_offset()) { auto_mem handle(yajl_free); yajlpp_parse_context &ypc = *(this->jlf_parse_context); view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); json_log_userdata jlu; this->jlf_share_manager.invalidate_refs(); this->jlf_cached_line.clear(); this->jlf_line_values.clear(); this->jlf_line_offsets.clear(); this->jlf_line_attrs.clear(); handle = yajl_alloc(&this->jlf_parse_context->ypc_callbacks, NULL, this->jlf_parse_context.get()); ypc.reset(json_log_rewrite_handlers); ypc.ypc_userdata = &jlu; ypc.ypc_ignore_unused = true; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_start_array = json_array_start; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_end_array = json_array_end; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_start_map = json_array_start; ypc.ypc_alt_callbacks.yajl_end_map = json_array_end; jlu.jlu_format = this; jlu.jlu_line = ≪ jlu.jlu_handle = handle; jlu.jlu_line_value = sbr.get_data(); yajl_status parse_status = yajl_parse(handle.in(), (const unsigned char *)sbr.get_data(), sbr.length()); if (parse_status == yajl_status_ok && yajl_complete_parse(handle.in()) == yajl_status_ok) { std::vector::iterator lv_iter; std::vector::iterator iter; bool used_values[this->jlf_line_values.size()]; struct line_range lr; ostringstream lines; memset(used_values, 0, sizeof(used_values)); for (lv_iter = this->jlf_line_values.begin(); lv_iter != this->jlf_line_values.end(); ++lv_iter) { map::iterator vd_iter; vd_iter = this->elf_value_defs.find(lv_iter->lv_name); if (vd_iter != this->elf_value_defs.end()) { lv_iter->lv_identifier = vd_iter->second.vd_identifier; lv_iter->lv_column = vd_iter->second.vd_column; } } for (iter = this->jlf_line_format.begin(); iter != this->jlf_line_format.end(); ++iter) { switch (iter->jfe_type) { case JLF_CONSTANT: lines << iter->jfe_default_value; break; case JLF_VARIABLE: lv_iter = find_if(this->jlf_line_values.begin(), this->jlf_line_values.end(), logline_value_cmp(&iter->jfe_value)); if (lv_iter != this->jlf_line_values.end()) { string str = lv_iter->to_string(); size_t nl_pos = str.find('\n'); lr.lr_start = lines.tellp(); lines << str; if (nl_pos == string::npos) lr.lr_end = lines.tellp(); else lr.lr_end = lr.lr_start + nl_pos; if (lv_iter->lv_name == this->lf_timestamp_field) { this->jlf_line_attrs.push_back( string_attr(lr, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP)); } else if (lv_iter->lv_name == this->elf_body_field) { this->jlf_line_attrs.push_back( string_attr(lr, &textview_curses::SA_BODY)); } else if (lv_iter->lv_identifier) { this->jlf_line_attrs.push_back( string_attr(lr, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, vc.attrs_for_ident(str.c_str(), lr.length()))); } lv_iter->lv_origin = lr; used_values[distance(this->jlf_line_values.begin(), lv_iter)] = true; } else if (iter->jfe_value == "__timestamp__") { struct line_range lr; char ts[64]; sql_strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), ll.get_timeval(), 'T'); lr.lr_start = lines.tellp(); lines << ts; lr.lr_end = lines.tellp(); this->jlf_line_attrs.push_back( string_attr(lr, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP)); } else { lines << iter->jfe_default_value; } break; } } lines << endl; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->jlf_line_values.size(); lpc++) { logline_value &lv = this->jlf_line_values[lpc]; if (used_values[lpc] || lv.lv_name == this->lf_timestamp_field || lv.lv_name == "body" || lv.lv_name == this->elf_level_field) { continue; } const std::string str = lv.to_string(); size_t curr_pos = 0, nl_pos, line_len = -1; lv.lv_origin.lr_start = lines.tellp(); do { nl_pos = str.find('\n', curr_pos); if (nl_pos != std::string::npos) { line_len = nl_pos - curr_pos; } lines << " " << lv.lv_name << ": " << str.substr(curr_pos, line_len) << endl; curr_pos = nl_pos + 1; line_len = -1; } while (nl_pos != std::string::npos && nl_pos < str.size()); lv.lv_origin.lr_end = lines.tellp(); } this->jlf_cached_line = lines.str(); this->jlf_line_offsets.push_back(0); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->jlf_cached_line.size(); lpc++) { if (this->jlf_cached_line[lpc] == '\n') { this->jlf_line_offsets.push_back(lpc); } } this->jlf_line_offsets.push_back(this->jlf_cached_line.size()); } this->jlf_cached_offset = ll.get_offset(); } off_t this_off = 0, next_off = 0; if (!this->jlf_line_offsets.empty()) { this_off = this->jlf_line_offsets[ll.get_sub_offset()]; if (this->jlf_cached_line[this_off] == '\n') { this_off += 1; } next_off = this->jlf_line_offsets[ll.get_sub_offset() + 1]; } sbr.share(this->jlf_share_manager, (char *)this->jlf_cached_line.c_str() + this_off, next_off - this_off); } void external_log_format::build(std::vector &errors) { try { this->elf_filename_pcre = new pcrepp(this->elf_file_pattern.c_str()); } catch (const pcrepp::error &e) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ".file-pattern:" + e.what()); } for (std::map::iterator iter = this->elf_patterns.begin(); iter != this->elf_patterns.end(); ++iter) { try { iter->second.p_pcre = new pcrepp(iter->second.p_string.c_str()); } catch (const pcrepp::error &e) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ".regex[]" + ":" + e.what()); continue; } for (pcre_named_capture::iterator name_iter = iter->second.p_pcre->named_begin(); name_iter != iter->second.p_pcre->named_end(); ++name_iter) { std::map::iterator value_iter; value_iter = this->elf_value_defs.find(std::string(name_iter->pnc_name)); if (value_iter != this->elf_value_defs.end()) { value_def &vd = value_iter->second; vd.vd_index = name_iter->index(); vd.vd_unit_field_index = iter->second.p_pcre->name_index(vd.vd_unit_field.c_str()); if (vd.vd_column == -1) { vd.vd_column = this->elf_column_count++; } iter->second.p_value_by_index.push_back(vd); } } stable_sort(iter->second.p_value_by_index.begin(), iter->second.p_value_by_index.end()); this->elf_pattern_order.push_back(&iter->second); } if (this->jlf_json) { if (!this->elf_patterns.empty()) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ": JSON logs cannot have regexes"); } if (this->jlf_json) { this->jlf_parse_context.reset(new yajlpp_parse_context(this->elf_name)); } } else { if (this->elf_patterns.empty()) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ": no regexes specified for format"); } } for (std::map::iterator iter = this->elf_level_patterns.begin(); iter != this->elf_level_patterns.end(); ++iter) { try { iter->second.lp_pcre = new pcrepp(iter->second.lp_regex.c_str()); } catch (const pcrepp::error &e) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ".level:" + e.what()); } } for (std::map::iterator iter = this->elf_value_defs.begin(); iter != this->elf_value_defs.end(); ++iter) { std::vector::iterator act_iter; if (iter->second.vd_column == -1) { iter->second.vd_column = this->elf_column_count++; } for (act_iter = iter->second.vd_action_list.begin(); act_iter != iter->second.vd_action_list.end(); ++act_iter) { if (this->lf_action_defs.find(*act_iter) == this->lf_action_defs.end()) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":" + iter->first + ": cannot find action -- " + (*act_iter)); } } } if (!this->jlf_json && this->elf_samples.empty()) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":no sample logs provided, all formats must have samples"); } for (std::vector::iterator iter = this->elf_samples.begin(); iter != this->elf_samples.end(); ++iter) { pcre_context_static<128> pc; pcre_input pi(iter->s_line); bool found = false; for (std::vector::iterator pat_iter = this->elf_pattern_order.begin(); pat_iter != this->elf_pattern_order.end() && !found; ++pat_iter) { pattern &pat = *(*pat_iter); if (!pat.p_pcre) continue; if (pat.p_pcre->name_index(this->lf_timestamp_field) < 0) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":timestamp field '" + this->lf_timestamp_field + "' not found in pattern -- " + pat.p_string); continue; } if (pat.p_pcre->match(pc, pi)) { const char *ts = pi.get_substr_start( pc[this->lf_timestamp_field]); ssize_t ts_len = pc[this->lf_timestamp_field]->length(); date_time_scanner dts; struct timeval tv; struct exttm tm; found = true; if (ts_len == -1 || dts.scan(ts, ts_len, NULL, &tm, tv) == NULL) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":invalid sample -- " + iter->s_line); errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":unrecognized timestamp format -- " + ts); for (int lpc = 0; PTIMEC_FORMATS[lpc].pf_fmt != NULL; lpc++) { off_t off = 0; PTIMEC_FORMATS[lpc].pf_func(&tm, ts, off, ts_len); errors.push_back(" format: " + string(PTIMEC_FORMATS[lpc].pf_fmt) + "; matched: " + string(ts, off)); } } } } if (!found) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":invalid sample -- " + iter->s_line); for (std::vector::iterator pat_iter = this->elf_pattern_order.begin(); pat_iter != this->elf_pattern_order.end(); ++pat_iter) { pattern &pat = *(*pat_iter); if (!pat.p_pcre) continue; std::string line_partial = iter->s_line; while (!line_partial.empty()) { pcre_input pi_partial(line_partial); if (pat.p_pcre->match(pc, pi_partial, PCRE_PARTIAL)) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":partial sample matched -- " + line_partial); break; } line_partial = line_partial.substr(0, line_partial.size() - 1); } if (line_partial.empty()) { errors.push_back("error:" + this->elf_name + ":no partial match found"); } } } } } class external_log_table : public log_vtab_impl { public: external_log_table(const external_log_format &elf) : log_vtab_impl(elf.get_name()), elt_format(elf) { }; void get_columns(vector &cols) { std::map::const_iterator iter; const external_log_format &elf = this->elt_format; cols.resize(elf.elf_value_defs.size()); for (iter = elf.elf_value_defs.begin(); iter != elf.elf_value_defs.end(); ++iter) { const external_log_format::value_def &vd = iter->second; int type; switch (vd.vd_kind) { case logline_value::VALUE_NULL: case logline_value::VALUE_TEXT: case logline_value::VALUE_JSON: case logline_value::VALUE_QUOTED: type = SQLITE3_TEXT; break; case logline_value::VALUE_FLOAT: type = SQLITE_FLOAT; break; case logline_value::VALUE_BOOLEAN: case logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER: type = SQLITE_INTEGER; break; case logline_value::VALUE_UNKNOWN: case logline_value::VALUE__MAX: ensure(0); break; } cols[vd.vd_column].vc_name = vd.vd_name.c_str(); cols[vd.vd_column].vc_type = type; cols[vd.vd_column].vc_collator = vd.vd_collate.c_str(); } }; void get_foreign_keys(std::vector &keys_inout) { std::map::const_iterator iter; log_vtab_impl::get_foreign_keys(keys_inout); for (iter = this->elt_format.elf_value_defs.begin(); iter != this->elt_format.elf_value_defs.end(); ++iter) { if (iter->second.vd_foreign_key) { keys_inout.push_back(iter->first); } } }; const external_log_format &elt_format; }; log_vtab_impl *external_log_format::get_vtab_impl(void) const { return new external_log_table(*this); } /* XXX */ #include "log_format_impls.cc"