/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "field_overlay_source.hh" #include "base/ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "base/humanize.time.hh" #include "base/snippet_highlighters.hh" #include "config.h" #include "log.annotate.hh" #include "log_format_ext.hh" #include "log_vtab_impl.hh" #include "md2attr_line.hh" #include "readline_highlighters.hh" #include "relative_time.hh" #include "vtab_module.hh" #include "vtab_module_json.hh" using namespace md4cpp::literals; using namespace lnav::roles::literals; json_string extract(const char* str); void field_overlay_source::build_field_lines(const listview_curses& lv, vis_line_t row) { auto& lss = this->fos_lss; auto& vc = view_colors::singleton(); this->fos_lines.clear(); if (lss.text_line_count() == 0) { this->fos_log_helper.clear(); return; } content_line_t cl = lss.at(row); std::shared_ptr file = lss.find(cl); auto ll = file->begin() + cl; auto format = file->get_format(); bool display = false; if (ll->is_time_skewed() || ll->get_msg_level() == log_level_t::LEVEL_INVALID) { display = true; } if (!this->fos_contexts.empty()) { display = display || this->fos_contexts.top().c_show; } this->build_meta_line(lv, this->fos_lines, row); if (!display) { return; } if (!this->fos_log_helper.parse_line(row)) { return; } if (ll->get_msg_level() == LEVEL_INVALID) { for (const auto& sattr : this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_attrs) { if (sattr.sa_type != &SA_INVALID) { continue; } auto emsg = fmt::format( FMT_STRING(" Invalid log message: {}"), sattr.sa_value.get()); auto al = attr_line_t(emsg) .with_attr(string_attr( line_range{1, 2}, VC_GRAPHIC.value(ACS_LLCORNER))) .with_attr(string_attr( line_range{0, 22}, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_INVALID_MSG))); this->fos_lines.emplace_back(al); } } char old_timestamp[64], curr_timestamp[64], orig_timestamp[64]; struct timeval curr_tv, offset_tv, orig_tv, diff_tv = {0, 0}; attr_line_t time_line; auto& time_str = time_line.get_string(); struct line_range time_lr; sql_strftime(curr_timestamp, sizeof(curr_timestamp), ll->get_time(), ll->get_millis(), 'T'); if (ll->is_time_skewed()) { time_lr.lr_start = 1; time_lr.lr_end = 2; time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_GRAPHIC.value(ACS_LLCORNER))); time_str.append(" Out-Of-Time-Order Message"); time_lr.lr_start = 3; time_lr.lr_end = time_str.length(); time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_SKEWED_TIME))); time_str.append(" --"); } time_str.append(" Received Time: "); time_lr.lr_start = time_str.length(); time_str.append(curr_timestamp); time_lr.lr_end = time_str.length(); time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD}))); time_str.append(" -- "); time_lr.lr_start = time_str.length(); time_str.append(humanize::time::point::from_tv(ll->get_timeval()) .with_convert_to_local(true) .as_precise_time_ago()); time_lr.lr_end = time_str.length(); time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD}))); struct line_range time_range = find_string_attr_range( this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_attrs, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP); curr_tv = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line->get_timeval(); if (ll->is_time_skewed() && time_range.lr_end != -1) { const char* time_src = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_values.lvv_sbr.get_data() + time_range.lr_start; struct timeval actual_tv; date_time_scanner dts; struct exttm tm; dts.set_base_time(format->lf_date_time.dts_base_time, format->lf_date_time.dts_base_tm.et_tm); if (format->lf_date_time.scan(time_src, time_range.length(), format->get_timestamp_formats(), &tm, actual_tv, false) || dts.scan( time_src, time_range.length(), nullptr, &tm, actual_tv, false)) { sql_strftime( orig_timestamp, sizeof(orig_timestamp), actual_tv, 'T'); time_str.append("; Actual Time: "); time_lr.lr_start = time_str.length(); time_str.append(orig_timestamp); time_lr.lr_end = time_str.length(); time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_SKEWED_TIME))); timersub(&curr_tv, &actual_tv, &diff_tv); time_str.append("; Diff: "); time_lr.lr_start = time_str.length(); time_str.append( humanize::time::duration::from_tv(diff_tv).to_string()); time_lr.lr_end = time_str.length(); time_line.with_attr( string_attr(time_lr, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD}))); } } offset_tv = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_file->get_time_offset(); timersub(&curr_tv, &offset_tv, &orig_tv); sql_strftime(old_timestamp, sizeof(old_timestamp), orig_tv.tv_sec, orig_tv.tv_usec / 1000, 'T'); if (offset_tv.tv_sec || offset_tv.tv_usec) { time_str.append(" Pre-adjust Time: "); time_str.append(old_timestamp); fmt::format_to(std::back_inserter(time_str), FMT_STRING(" Offset: {:+}.{:03}"), offset_tv.tv_sec, std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::microseconds(offset_tv.tv_usec)) .count()); } if (format->lf_date_time.dts_fmt_lock != -1) { const auto* ts_formats = format->get_timestamp_formats(); if (ts_formats == nullptr) { ts_formats = PTIMEC_FORMAT_STR; } time_line.append(" Format: ") .append(lnav::roles::symbol( ts_formats[format->lf_date_time.dts_fmt_lock])); } if ((!this->fos_contexts.empty() && this->fos_contexts.top().c_show) || diff_tv.tv_sec > 0) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(time_line); } if (this->fos_contexts.empty() || !this->fos_contexts.top().c_show) { return; } this->fos_known_key_size = LOG_BODY.length(); if (!this->fos_contexts.empty()) { this->fos_known_key_size += this->fos_contexts.top().c_prefix.length(); } this->fos_unknown_key_size = 0; for (auto& ldh_line_value : this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_values.lvv_values) { auto& meta = ldh_line_value.lv_meta; int this_key_size = meta.lvm_name.size(); if (!this->fos_contexts.empty()) { this_key_size += this->fos_contexts.top().c_prefix.length(); } if (meta.lvm_kind == value_kind_t::VALUE_STRUCT) { this_key_size += 9; } if (!meta.lvm_struct_name.empty()) { this_key_size += meta.lvm_struct_name.size() + 11; } this->fos_known_key_size = std::max(this->fos_known_key_size, this_key_size); } for (auto iter = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.begin(); iter != this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.end(); ++iter) { std::string colname = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->get_element_string( iter->e_sub_elements->front()); colname = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_namer->add_column(colname).to_string(); this->fos_unknown_key_size = std::max(this->fos_unknown_key_size, (int) colname.length()); } auto lf = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_file->get_format(); if (!lf->get_pattern_regex(cl).empty()) { attr_line_t pattern_al; std::string& pattern_str = pattern_al.get_string(); pattern_str = " Pattern: " + lf->get_pattern_path(cl) + " = "; int skip = pattern_str.length(); pattern_str += lf->get_pattern_regex(cl); lnav::snippets::regex_highlighter( pattern_al, pattern_al.length(), line_range{skip, (int) pattern_al.length()}); this->fos_lines.emplace_back(pattern_al); } if (this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_values.lvv_values.empty()) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(" No known message fields"); } const log_format* last_format = nullptr; for (auto& lv : this->fos_log_helper.ldh_line_values.lvv_values) { if (!lv.lv_meta.lvm_format) { continue; } auto* curr_format = lv.lv_meta.lvm_format.value(); auto* curr_elf = dynamic_cast(curr_format); const auto format_name = curr_format->get_name().to_string(); attr_line_t al; std::string str, value_str = lv.to_string(); if (curr_format != last_format) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(" Known message fields for table " + format_name + ":"); this->fos_lines.back().with_attr( string_attr(line_range(32, 32 + format_name.length()), VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident(format_name) | text_attrs{A_BOLD}))); last_format = curr_format; } std::string field_name, orig_field_name; if (lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name.empty()) { if (curr_elf && curr_elf->elf_body_field == lv.lv_meta.lvm_name) { field_name = LOG_BODY; } else if (curr_elf && curr_elf->lf_timestamp_field == lv.lv_meta.lvm_name) { field_name = LOG_TIME; } else { field_name = lv.lv_meta.lvm_name.to_string(); } orig_field_name = field_name; if (!this->fos_contexts.empty()) { field_name = this->fos_contexts.top().c_prefix + field_name; } str = " " + field_name; } else { auto_mem jgetter; jgetter = sqlite3_mprintf(" jget(%s, '/%q')", lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name.get(), lv.lv_meta.lvm_name.get()); str = jgetter; } str.append(this->fos_known_key_size - (str.length() - 3), ' '); str += " = " + value_str; al.with_string(str); if (lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name.empty()) { auto prefix_len = field_name.length() - orig_field_name.length(); al.with_attr(string_attr( line_range(3 + prefix_len, 3 + prefix_len + field_name.size()), VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident(orig_field_name)))); } else { al.with_attr(string_attr( line_range(8, 8 + lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name.size()), VC_STYLE.value( vc.attrs_for_ident(lv.lv_meta.lvm_struct_name)))); } this->fos_lines.emplace_back(al); this->add_key_line_attrs(this->fos_known_key_size); if (lv.lv_meta.lvm_kind == value_kind_t::VALUE_STRUCT) { json_string js = extract(value_str.c_str()); al.clear() .append(" extract(") .append(lv.lv_meta.lvm_name.get(), VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident(lv.lv_meta.lvm_name))) .append(")") .append(this->fos_known_key_size - lv.lv_meta.lvm_name.size() - 9 + 3, ' ') .append(" = ") .append( string_fragment::from_bytes(js.js_content.in(), js.js_len)); this->fos_lines.emplace_back(al); this->add_key_line_attrs(this->fos_known_key_size); } } std::map::iterator json_iter; if (!this->fos_log_helper.ldh_json_pairs.empty()) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(" JSON fields:"); } for (json_iter = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_json_pairs.begin(); json_iter != this->fos_log_helper.ldh_json_pairs.end(); ++json_iter) { json_ptr_walk::walk_list_t& jpairs = json_iter->second; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < jpairs.size(); lpc++) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back( " " + this->fos_log_helper.format_json_getter(json_iter->first, lpc) + " = " + jpairs[lpc].wt_value); this->add_key_line_attrs(0); } } if (!this->fos_log_helper.ldh_xml_pairs.empty()) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(" XML fields:"); } for (const auto& xml_pair : this->fos_log_helper.ldh_xml_pairs) { auto_mem qname; auto_mem xp_call; qname = sql_quote_ident(xml_pair.first.first.get()); xp_call = sqlite3_mprintf( "xpath(%Q, %s)", xml_pair.first.second.c_str(), qname.in()); this->fos_lines.emplace_back(fmt::format( FMT_STRING(" {} = {}"), xp_call.in(), xml_pair.second)); this->add_key_line_attrs(0); } if (!this->fos_contexts.empty() && !this->fos_contexts.top().c_show_discovered) { return; } if (this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.empty()) { this->fos_lines.emplace_back(" No discovered message fields"); } else { this->fos_lines.emplace_back( " Discovered fields for logline table from message format: "); this->fos_lines.back().with_attr( string_attr(line_range(23, 23 + 7), VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident("logline")))); auto& al = this->fos_lines.back(); auto& disc_str = al.get_string(); al.with_attr(string_attr(line_range(disc_str.length(), -1), VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD}))); disc_str.append(this->fos_log_helper.ldh_msg_format); } auto iter = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.begin(); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.size(); lpc++, ++iter) { auto name = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_namer->cn_names[lpc]; auto val = this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->get_element_string( iter->e_sub_elements->back()); attr_line_t al(fmt::format(FMT_STRING(" {} = {}"), name, val)); al.with_attr( string_attr(line_range(3, 3 + name.length()), VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident(name.to_string())))); this->fos_lines.emplace_back(al); this->add_key_line_attrs( this->fos_unknown_key_size, lpc == (this->fos_log_helper.ldh_parser->dp_pairs.size() - 1)); } } void field_overlay_source::build_meta_line(const listview_curses& lv, std::vector& dst, vis_line_t row) { auto line_meta_opt = this->fos_lss.find_bookmark_metadata(row); auto file_and_line = this->fos_lss.find_line_with_file(row); if (file_and_line && !file_and_line->second->is_continued()) { auto applicable_anno = lnav::log::annotate::applicable(row); if (!applicable_anno.empty() && (!line_meta_opt || line_meta_opt.value()->bm_annotations.la_pairs.empty())) { auto anno_msg = attr_line_t(" ") .append(":memo:"_emoji) .append(" Annotations available, use ") .append(":annotate"_quoted_code) .append(" to apply them to this line"); dst.emplace_back(anno_msg); } } if (!line_meta_opt) { return; } auto& vc = view_colors::singleton(); const auto& line_meta = *(line_meta_opt.value()); size_t filename_width = this->fos_lss.get_filename_offset(); const auto* tc = dynamic_cast(&lv); if (!line_meta.bm_comment.empty()) { const auto* lead = line_meta.bm_tags.empty() ? " \u2514 " : " \u251c "; md2attr_line mdal; attr_line_t al; auto parse_res = md4cpp::parse(line_meta.bm_comment, mdal); if (parse_res.isOk()) { al = parse_res.unwrap(); } else { log_error("%d: cannot convert comment to markdown: %s", (int) row, parse_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); al = line_meta.bm_comment; } auto comment_lines = al.rtrim().split_lines(); if (comment_lines.back().empty()) { comment_lines.pop_back(); } for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < comment_lines.size(); lpc++) { auto& comment_line = comment_lines[lpc]; if (lpc == 0 && comment_line.empty()) { continue; } comment_line.with_attr_for_all(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_COMMENT)); comment_line.insert( 0, lpc == comment_lines.size() - 1 ? lead : " \u2502 "); comment_line.insert(0, filename_width, ' '); if (tc != nullptr) { auto hl = tc->get_highlights(); auto hl_iter = hl.find({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}); if (hl_iter != hl.end()) { hl_iter->second.annotate(comment_line, filename_width); } } dst.emplace_back(comment_line); } } if (!line_meta.bm_tags.empty()) { attr_line_t al; al.with_string(" \u2514"); for (const auto& str : line_meta.bm_tags) { al.append(1, ' ').append(str, VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident(str))); } if (tc != nullptr) { const auto& hm = tc->get_highlights(); auto hl_iter = hm.find({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}); if (hl_iter != hm.end()) { hl_iter->second.annotate(al, 2); } } al.insert(0, filename_width, ' '); if (tc != nullptr) { auto hl = tc->get_highlights(); auto hl_iter = hl.find({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}); if (hl_iter != hl.end()) { hl_iter->second.annotate(al, filename_width); } } dst.emplace_back(al); } if (!line_meta.bm_annotations.la_pairs.empty()) { for (const auto& anno_pair : line_meta.bm_annotations.la_pairs) { attr_line_t al; md2attr_line mdal; dst.push_back( attr_line_t() .append(filename_width, ' ') .appendf(FMT_STRING(" \u251c {}:"), anno_pair.first) .with_attr_for_all(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_COMMENT))); auto parse_res = md4cpp::parse(anno_pair.second, mdal); if (parse_res.isOk()) { al.append(parse_res.unwrap()); } else { log_error("%d: cannot convert annotation to markdown: %s", (int) row, parse_res.unwrapErr().c_str()); al.append(anno_pair.second); } auto anno_lines = al.rtrim().split_lines(); if (anno_lines.back().empty()) { anno_lines.pop_back(); } for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < anno_lines.size(); lpc++) { auto& anno_line = anno_lines[lpc]; if (lpc == 0 && anno_line.empty()) { continue; } // anno_line.with_attr_for_all(VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_COMMENT)); anno_line.insert(0, lpc == anno_lines.size() - 1 ? " \u2570 "_comment : " \u2502 "_comment); anno_line.insert(0, filename_width, ' '); if (tc != nullptr) { auto hl = tc->get_highlights(); auto hl_iter = hl.find({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}); if (hl_iter != hl.end()) { hl_iter->second.annotate(anno_line, filename_width); } } dst.emplace_back(anno_line); } } } if (dst.size() > 30) { dst.resize(30); } } void field_overlay_source::add_key_line_attrs(int key_size, bool last_line) { string_attrs_t& sa = this->fos_lines.back().get_attrs(); struct line_range lr(1, 2); int64_t graphic = (int64_t) (last_line ? ACS_LLCORNER : ACS_LTEE); sa.emplace_back(lr, VC_GRAPHIC.value(graphic)); lr.lr_start = 3 + key_size + 3; lr.lr_end = -1; sa.emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BOLD})); } bool field_overlay_source::list_value_for_overlay(const listview_curses& lv, int y, int bottom, vis_line_t row, attr_line_t& value_out) { if (y == 0) { this->fos_meta_lines.clear(); this->fos_meta_lines_row = -1_vl; this->build_field_lines(lv, row); return false; } if (1 <= y && y <= (int) this->fos_lines.size()) { value_out = this->fos_lines[y - 1]; return true; } if (!this->fos_meta_lines.empty() && this->fos_meta_lines_row == row - 1_vl) { value_out = this->fos_meta_lines.front(); this->fos_meta_lines.erase(this->fos_meta_lines.begin()); return true; } if (row < lv.get_inner_height()) { this->fos_meta_lines.clear(); this->build_meta_line(lv, this->fos_meta_lines, row); this->fos_meta_lines_row = row; } return false; }