/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include #include #include "logfile_sub_source.hh" #include #include "base/ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "base/ansi_vars.hh" #include "base/itertools.hh" #include "base/string_util.hh" #include "bound_tags.hh" #include "command_executor.hh" #include "config.h" #include "k_merge_tree.h" #include "log_accel.hh" #include "logfile_sub_source.cfg.hh" #include "md2attr_line.hh" #include "readline_highlighters.hh" #include "relative_time.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "vtab_module.hh" #include "yajlpp/yajlpp.hh" const bookmark_type_t logfile_sub_source::BM_ERRORS("error"); const bookmark_type_t logfile_sub_source::BM_WARNINGS("warning"); const bookmark_type_t logfile_sub_source::BM_FILES("file"); static int pretty_sql_callback(exec_context& ec, sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { if (!sqlite3_stmt_busy(stmt)) { return 0; } int ncols = sqlite3_column_count(stmt); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < ncols; lpc++) { if (!ec.ec_accumulator->empty()) { ec.ec_accumulator->append(", "); } const char* res = (const char*) sqlite3_column_text(stmt, lpc); if (res == nullptr) { continue; } ec.ec_accumulator->append(res); } return 0; } static std::future pretty_pipe_callback(exec_context& ec, const std::string& cmdline, auto_fd& fd) { auto retval = std::async(std::launch::async, [&]() { char buffer[1024]; std::ostringstream ss; ssize_t rc; while ((rc = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer))) > 0) { ss.write(buffer, rc); } auto retval = ss.str(); if (endswith(retval, "\n")) { retval.resize(retval.length() - 1); } return retval; }); return retval; } logfile_sub_source::logfile_sub_source() : text_sub_source(1), lss_meta_grepper(*this), lss_location_history(*this) { this->tss_supports_filtering = true; this->clear_line_size_cache(); this->clear_min_max_log_times(); } std::shared_ptr logfile_sub_source::find(const char* fn, content_line_t& line_base) { iterator iter; std::shared_ptr retval = nullptr; line_base = content_line_t(0); for (iter = this->lss_files.begin(); iter != this->lss_files.end() && retval == nullptr; iter++) { auto& ld = *(*iter); auto* lf = ld.get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } if (strcmp(lf->get_filename().c_str(), fn) == 0) { retval = ld.get_file(); } else { line_base += content_line_t(MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); } } return retval; } struct filtered_logline_cmp { filtered_logline_cmp(const logfile_sub_source& lc) : llss_controller(lc) {} bool operator()(const uint32_t& lhs, const uint32_t& rhs) const { content_line_t cl_lhs = (content_line_t) llss_controller.lss_index[lhs]; content_line_t cl_rhs = (content_line_t) llss_controller.lss_index[rhs]; logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(cl_lhs); logline* ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(cl_rhs); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); } bool operator()(const uint32_t& lhs, const struct timeval& rhs) const { content_line_t cl_lhs = (content_line_t) llss_controller.lss_index[lhs]; logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(cl_lhs); return (*ll_lhs) < rhs; } const logfile_sub_source& llss_controller; }; nonstd::optional logfile_sub_source::find_from_time(const struct timeval& start) const { auto lb = lower_bound(this->lss_filtered_index.begin(), this->lss_filtered_index.end(), start, filtered_logline_cmp(*this)); if (lb != this->lss_filtered_index.end()) { return vis_line_t(lb - this->lss_filtered_index.begin()); } return nonstd::nullopt; } void logfile_sub_source::text_value_for_line(textview_curses& tc, int row, std::string& value_out, line_flags_t flags) { content_line_t line(0); require_ge(row, 0); require_lt((size_t) row, this->lss_filtered_index.size()); line = this->at(vis_line_t(row)); if (flags & RF_RAW) { auto lf = this->find(line); value_out = lf->read_line(lf->begin() + line) .map([](auto sbr) { return to_string(sbr); }) .unwrapOr({}); return; } require_false(this->lss_in_value_for_line); this->lss_in_value_for_line = true; this->lss_token_flags = flags; this->lss_token_file_data = this->find_data(line); this->lss_token_file = (*this->lss_token_file_data)->get_file(); this->lss_token_line = this->lss_token_file->begin() + line; this->lss_token_attrs.clear(); this->lss_token_values.clear(); this->lss_share_manager.invalidate_refs(); if (flags & text_sub_source::RF_FULL) { shared_buffer_ref sbr; this->lss_token_file->read_full_message(this->lss_token_line, sbr); this->lss_token_value = to_string(sbr); if (sbr.get_metadata().m_has_ansi) { scrub_ansi_string(this->lss_token_value, &this->lss_token_attrs); sbr.get_metadata().m_has_ansi = false; } } else { this->lss_token_value = this->lss_token_file->read_line(this->lss_token_line) .map([](auto sbr) { return to_string(sbr); }) .unwrapOr({}); if (this->lss_token_line->has_ansi()) { scrub_ansi_string(this->lss_token_value, &this->lss_token_attrs); } } this->lss_token_shift_start = 0; this->lss_token_shift_size = 0; auto format = this->lss_token_file->get_format(); value_out = this->lss_token_value; if (this->lss_flags & F_SCRUB) { format->scrub(value_out); } auto& sbr = this->lss_token_values.lvv_sbr; sbr.share(this->lss_share_manager, (char*) this->lss_token_value.c_str(), this->lss_token_value.size()); format->annotate(line, this->lss_token_attrs, this->lss_token_values); if (flags & RF_REWRITE) { exec_context ec( &this->lss_token_values, pretty_sql_callback, pretty_pipe_callback); std::string rewritten_line; ec.with_perms(exec_context::perm_t::READ_ONLY); ec.ec_local_vars.push(std::map()); ec.ec_top_line = vis_line_t(row); add_ansi_vars(ec.ec_global_vars); add_global_vars(ec); format->rewrite(ec, sbr, this->lss_token_attrs, rewritten_line); this->lss_token_value.assign(rewritten_line); value_out = this->lss_token_value; } if ((this->lss_token_file->is_time_adjusted() || format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_MACHINE_ORIENTED || !(format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_DAY_SET) || !(format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_MONTH_SET)) && format->lf_date_time.dts_fmt_lock != -1) { auto time_attr = find_string_attr(this->lss_token_attrs, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP); if (time_attr != this->lss_token_attrs.end()) { const struct line_range time_range = time_attr->sa_range; struct timeval adjusted_time; struct exttm adjusted_tm; char buffer[128]; const char* fmt; ssize_t len; if (format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_MACHINE_ORIENTED || !(format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_DAY_SET) || !(format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_MONTH_SET)) { adjusted_time = this->lss_token_line->get_timeval(); fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"; if (format->lf_timestamp_flags & ETF_MICROS_SET) { struct timeval actual_tv; struct exttm tm; if (format->lf_date_time.scan( this->lss_token_value.data() + time_range.lr_start, time_range.length(), format->get_timestamp_formats(), &tm, actual_tv, false)) { adjusted_time.tv_usec = actual_tv.tv_usec; } } gmtime_r(&adjusted_time.tv_sec, &adjusted_tm.et_tm); adjusted_tm.et_nsec = std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::microseconds{adjusted_time.tv_usec}) .count(); len = ftime_fmt(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, adjusted_tm); } else { adjusted_time = this->lss_token_line->get_timeval(); gmtime_r(&adjusted_time.tv_sec, &adjusted_tm.et_tm); adjusted_tm.et_nsec = std::chrono::duration_cast( std::chrono::microseconds{adjusted_time.tv_usec}) .count(); len = format->lf_date_time.ftime( buffer, sizeof(buffer), format->get_timestamp_formats(), adjusted_tm); } value_out.replace( time_range.lr_start, time_range.length(), buffer, len); this->lss_token_shift_start = time_range.lr_start; this->lss_token_shift_size = len - time_range.length(); } } if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME || this->lss_flags & F_BASENAME) { size_t file_offset_end; std::string name; if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME) { file_offset_end = this->lss_filename_width; name = this->lss_token_file->get_filename(); if (file_offset_end < name.size()) { file_offset_end = name.size(); this->lss_filename_width = name.size(); } } else { file_offset_end = this->lss_basename_width; name = this->lss_token_file->get_unique_path(); if (file_offset_end < name.size()) { file_offset_end = name.size(); this->lss_basename_width = name.size(); } } value_out.insert(0, 1, '|'); value_out.insert(0, file_offset_end - name.size(), ' '); value_out.insert(0, name); } else { // Insert space for the file/search-hit markers. value_out.insert(0, 1, ' '); } if (this->tas_display_time_offset) { auto row_vl = vis_line_t(row); auto relstr = this->get_time_offset_for_line(tc, row_vl); value_out = fmt::format(FMT_STRING("{: >12}|{}"), relstr, value_out); } this->lss_in_value_for_line = false; } void logfile_sub_source::text_attrs_for_line(textview_curses& lv, int row, string_attrs_t& value_out) { view_colors& vc = view_colors::singleton(); logline* next_line = nullptr; struct line_range lr; int time_offset_end = 0; text_attrs attrs; value_out = this->lss_token_attrs; if ((row + 1) < (int) this->lss_filtered_index.size()) { next_line = this->find_line(this->at(vis_line_t(row + 1))); } if (next_line != nullptr && (day_num(next_line->get_time()) > day_num(this->lss_token_line->get_time()))) { attrs.ta_attrs |= A_UNDERLINE; } const auto& line_values = this->lss_token_values; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = this->lss_token_value.length(); value_out.emplace_back(lr, SA_ORIGINAL_LINE.value()); value_out.emplace_back( lr, SA_LEVEL.value(this->lss_token_line->get_msg_level())); lr.lr_start = time_offset_end; lr.lr_end = -1; if (!attrs.empty()) { value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(attrs)); } if (this->lss_token_line->get_msg_level() == log_level_t::LEVEL_INVALID) { for (auto& token_attr : this->lss_token_attrs) { if (token_attr.sa_type != &SA_INVALID) { continue; } value_out.emplace_back(token_attr.sa_range, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_INVALID_MSG)); } } for (const auto& line_value : line_values.lvv_values) { if ((!(this->lss_token_flags & RF_FULL) && line_value.lv_sub_offset != this->lss_token_line->get_sub_offset()) || !line_value.lv_origin.is_valid()) { continue; } if (line_value.lv_meta.is_hidden()) { value_out.emplace_back(line_value.lv_origin, SA_HIDDEN.value()); } if (!line_value.lv_meta.lvm_identifier || !line_value.lv_origin.is_valid()) { continue; } value_out.emplace_back(line_value.lv_origin, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_IDENTIFIER)); } if (this->lss_token_shift_size) { shift_string_attrs(value_out, this->lss_token_shift_start + 1, this->lss_token_shift_size); } shift_string_attrs(value_out, 0, 1); lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = 1; { auto& bm = lv.get_bookmarks(); const auto& bv = bm[&BM_FILES]; bool is_first_for_file = binary_search(bv.begin(), bv.end(), vis_line_t(row)); bool is_last_for_file = binary_search(bv.begin(), bv.end(), vis_line_t(row + 1)); chtype graph = ACS_VLINE; if (is_first_for_file) { if (is_last_for_file) { graph = ACS_HLINE; } else { graph = ACS_ULCORNER; } } else if (is_last_for_file) { graph = ACS_LLCORNER; } value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_GRAPHIC.value(graph)); if (!(this->lss_token_flags & RF_FULL)) { bookmark_vector& bv_search = bm[&textview_curses::BM_SEARCH]; if (binary_search(std::begin(bv_search), std::end(bv_search), vis_line_t(row))) { lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = 1; value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_REVERSE})); } } } value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident( this->lss_token_file->get_filename()))); if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME || this->lss_flags & F_BASENAME) { size_t file_offset_end = (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME) ? this->lss_filename_width : this->lss_basename_width; shift_string_attrs(value_out, 0, file_offset_end); lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = file_offset_end + 1; value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_STYLE.value(vc.attrs_for_ident( this->lss_token_file->get_filename()))); } if (this->tas_display_time_offset) { time_offset_end = 13; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = time_offset_end; shift_string_attrs(value_out, 0, time_offset_end); value_out.emplace_back(lr, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_OFFSET_TIME)); value_out.emplace_back(line_range(12, 13), VC_GRAPHIC.value(ACS_VLINE)); role_t bar_role = role_t::VCR_NONE; switch (this->get_line_accel_direction(vis_line_t(row))) { case log_accel::A_STEADY: break; case log_accel::A_DECEL: bar_role = role_t::VCR_DIFF_DELETE; break; case log_accel::A_ACCEL: bar_role = role_t::VCR_DIFF_ADD; break; } if (bar_role != role_t::VCR_NONE) { value_out.emplace_back(line_range(12, 13), VC_ROLE.value(bar_role)); } } lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = -1; value_out.emplace_back(lr, logline::L_FILE.value(this->lss_token_file)); value_out.emplace_back( lr, SA_FORMAT.value(this->lss_token_file->get_format()->get_name())); { const auto& bv = lv.get_bookmarks()[&textview_curses::BM_META]; bookmark_vector::const_iterator bv_iter; bv_iter = lower_bound(bv.begin(), bv.end(), vis_line_t(row + 1)); if (bv_iter != bv.begin()) { --bv_iter; auto line_meta_opt = this->find_bookmark_metadata(*bv_iter); if (line_meta_opt && !line_meta_opt.value()->bm_name.empty()) { lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = -1; value_out.emplace_back( lr, logline::L_PARTITION.value(line_meta_opt.value())); } } auto line_meta_opt = this->find_bookmark_metadata(vis_line_t(row)); if (line_meta_opt) { lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = -1; value_out.emplace_back( lr, logline::L_META.value(line_meta_opt.value())); } } if (this->lss_token_file->is_time_adjusted()) { struct line_range time_range = find_string_attr_range(value_out, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP); if (time_range.lr_end != -1) { value_out.emplace_back(time_range, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_ADJUSTED_TIME)); } } if (this->lss_token_line->is_time_skewed()) { struct line_range time_range = find_string_attr_range(value_out, &logline::L_TIMESTAMP); if (time_range.lr_end != -1) { value_out.emplace_back(time_range, VC_ROLE.value(role_t::VCR_SKEWED_TIME)); } } if (!this->lss_token_line->is_continued()) { if (this->lss_preview_filter_stmt != nullptr) { int color; auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(this->lss_preview_filter_stmt.in(), this->lss_token_file_data, this->lss_token_line); if (eval_res.isErr()) { color = COLOR_YELLOW; value_out.emplace_back( line_range{0, -1}, SA_ERROR.value( eval_res.unwrapErr().to_attr_line().get_string())); } else { auto matched = eval_res.unwrap(); if (matched) { color = COLOR_GREEN; } else { color = COLOR_RED; value_out.emplace_back(line_range{0, 1}, VC_STYLE.value(text_attrs{A_BLINK})); } } value_out.emplace_back(line_range{0, 1}, VC_BACKGROUND.value(color)); } auto sql_filter_opt = this->get_sql_filter(); if (sql_filter_opt) { auto* sf = (sql_filter*) sql_filter_opt.value().get(); auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(sf->sf_filter_stmt.in(), this->lss_token_file_data, this->lss_token_line); if (eval_res.isErr()) { auto msg = fmt::format( FMT_STRING( "filter expression evaluation failed with -- {}"), eval_res.unwrapErr().to_attr_line().get_string()); auto color = COLOR_YELLOW; value_out.emplace_back(line_range{0, -1}, SA_ERROR.value(msg)); value_out.emplace_back(line_range{0, 1}, VC_BACKGROUND.value(color)); } } } } struct logline_cmp { logline_cmp(logfile_sub_source& lc) : llss_controller(lc) {} bool operator()(const content_line_t& lhs, const content_line_t& rhs) const { logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); logline* ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(rhs); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); } bool operator()(const uint32_t& lhs, const uint32_t& rhs) const { content_line_t cl_lhs = (content_line_t) llss_controller.lss_index[lhs]; content_line_t cl_rhs = (content_line_t) llss_controller.lss_index[rhs]; logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(cl_lhs); logline* ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(cl_rhs); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); } #if 0 bool operator()(const indexed_content &lhs, const indexed_content &rhs) { logline *ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs.ic_value); logline *ll_rhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(rhs.ic_value); return (*ll_lhs) < (*ll_rhs); } #endif bool operator()(const content_line_t& lhs, const time_t& rhs) const { logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); return *ll_lhs < rhs; } bool operator()(const content_line_t& lhs, const struct timeval& rhs) const { logline* ll_lhs = this->llss_controller.find_line(lhs); return *ll_lhs < rhs; } logfile_sub_source& llss_controller; }; logfile_sub_source::rebuild_result logfile_sub_source::rebuild_index( nonstd::optional deadline) { if (this->tss_view == nullptr) { return rebuild_result::rr_no_change; } iterator iter; size_t total_lines = 0; bool full_sort = false; int file_count = 0; bool force = this->lss_force_rebuild; auto retval = rebuild_result::rr_no_change; nonstd::optional lowest_tv = nonstd::nullopt; vis_line_t search_start = 0_vl; this->lss_force_rebuild = false; if (force) { log_debug("forced to full rebuild"); retval = rebuild_result::rr_full_rebuild; } std::vector file_order(this->lss_files.size()); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < file_order.size(); lpc++) { file_order[lpc] = lpc; } if (!this->lss_index.empty()) { std::stable_sort(file_order.begin(), file_order.end(), [this](const auto& left, const auto& right) { const auto& left_ld = this->lss_files[left]; const auto& right_ld = this->lss_files[right]; if (left_ld->get_file_ptr() == nullptr) { return true; } if (right_ld->get_file_ptr() == nullptr) { return false; } return left_ld->get_file_ptr()->back() < right_ld->get_file_ptr()->back(); }); } bool time_left = true; for (const auto file_index : file_order) { auto& ld = *(this->lss_files[file_index]); auto* lf = ld.get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { if (ld.ld_lines_indexed > 0) { log_debug("%d: file closed, doing full rebuild", ld.ld_file_index); force = true; retval = rebuild_result::rr_full_rebuild; } } else { if (time_left && deadline && ui_clock::now() > deadline.value()) { log_debug("no time left, skipping %s", lf->get_filename().c_str()); time_left = false; } if (!this->tss_view->is_paused() && time_left) { switch (lf->rebuild_index(deadline)) { case logfile::rebuild_result_t::NO_NEW_LINES: // No changes break; case logfile::rebuild_result_t::NEW_LINES: if (retval == rebuild_result::rr_no_change) { retval = rebuild_result::rr_appended_lines; } log_debug("new lines for %s:%d", lf->get_filename().c_str(), lf->size()); if (!this->lss_index.empty() && lf->size() > ld.ld_lines_indexed) { logline& new_file_line = (*lf)[ld.ld_lines_indexed]; content_line_t cl = this->lss_index.back(); logline* last_indexed_line = this->find_line(cl); // If there are new lines that are older than what // we have in the index, we need to resort. if (last_indexed_line == nullptr || new_file_line < last_indexed_line->get_timeval()) { log_debug( "%s:%ld: found older lines, full " "rebuild: %p %lld < %lld", lf->get_filename().c_str(), ld.ld_lines_indexed, last_indexed_line, new_file_line.get_time_in_millis(), last_indexed_line == nullptr ? (uint64_t) -1 : last_indexed_line ->get_time_in_millis()); if (retval <= rebuild_result::rr_partial_rebuild) { retval = rebuild_result::rr_partial_rebuild; if (!lowest_tv) { lowest_tv = new_file_line.get_timeval(); } else if (new_file_line.get_timeval() < lowest_tv.value()) { lowest_tv = new_file_line.get_timeval(); } } } } break; case logfile::rebuild_result_t::INVALID: case logfile::rebuild_result_t::NEW_ORDER: log_debug("%s: log file has a new order, full rebuild", lf->get_filename().c_str()); retval = rebuild_result::rr_full_rebuild; force = true; full_sort = true; break; } } file_count += 1; total_lines += lf->size(); } } if (this->lss_index.empty() && !time_left) { return rebuild_result::rr_appended_lines; } if (this->lss_index.reserve(total_lines)) { force = true; retval = rebuild_result::rr_full_rebuild; } auto& vis_bm = this->tss_view->get_bookmarks(); if (force) { for (iter = this->lss_files.begin(); iter != this->lss_files.end(); iter++) { (*iter)->ld_lines_indexed = 0; } this->lss_index.clear(); this->lss_filtered_index.clear(); this->lss_longest_line = 0; this->lss_basename_width = 0; this->lss_filename_width = 0; vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].clear(); } else if (retval == rebuild_result::rr_partial_rebuild) { size_t remaining = 0; log_debug("partial rebuild with lowest time: %ld", lowest_tv.value().tv_sec); for (iter = this->lss_files.begin(); iter != this->lss_files.end(); iter++) { logfile_data& ld = *(*iter); auto* lf = ld.get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } auto line_iter = lf->find_from_time(lowest_tv.value()); if (line_iter) { log_debug("%s: lowest line time %ld; line %ld; size %ld", lf->get_filename().c_str(), line_iter.value()->get_timeval().tv_sec, std::distance(lf->cbegin(), line_iter.value()), lf->size()); } ld.ld_lines_indexed = std::distance(lf->cbegin(), line_iter.value_or(lf->cend())); remaining += lf->size() - ld.ld_lines_indexed; } auto row_iter = std::lower_bound(this->lss_index.begin(), this->lss_index.end(), *lowest_tv, logline_cmp(*this)); this->lss_index.shrink_to( std::distance(this->lss_index.begin(), row_iter)); log_debug("new index size %ld/%ld; remain %ld", this->lss_index.ba_size, this->lss_index.ba_capacity, remaining); auto filt_row_iter = lower_bound(this->lss_filtered_index.begin(), this->lss_filtered_index.end(), *lowest_tv, filtered_logline_cmp(*this)); this->lss_filtered_index.resize( std::distance(this->lss_filtered_index.begin(), filt_row_iter)); search_start = vis_line_t(this->lss_filtered_index.size()); auto bm_range = vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].equal_range( search_start, -1_vl); auto bm_new_size = std::distance( vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].begin(), bm_range.first); vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].resize(bm_new_size); if (this->lss_index_delegate) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_start(*this); for (const auto row_in_full_index : this->lss_filtered_index) { auto cl = this->lss_index[row_in_full_index]; uint64_t line_number; auto ld_iter = this->find_data(cl, line_number); auto& ld = *ld_iter; auto line_iter = ld->get_file_ptr()->begin() + line_number; this->lss_index_delegate->index_line( *this, ld->get_file_ptr(), line_iter); } } } if (retval != rebuild_result::rr_no_change || force) { size_t index_size = 0, start_size = this->lss_index.size(); logline_cmp line_cmper(*this); for (auto& ld : this->lss_files) { auto* lf = ld->get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } this->lss_longest_line = std::max(this->lss_longest_line, lf->get_longest_line_length()); this->lss_basename_width = std::max(this->lss_basename_width, lf->get_unique_path().size()); this->lss_filename_width = std::max(this->lss_filename_width, lf->get_filename().size()); } if (full_sort) { for (auto& ld : this->lss_files) { auto* lf = ld->get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } for (size_t line_index = 0; line_index < lf->size(); line_index++) { if ((*lf)[line_index].is_ignored()) { continue; } content_line_t con_line( ld->ld_file_index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE + line_index); this->lss_index.push_back(con_line); } } // XXX get rid of this full sort on the initial run, it's not // needed unless the file is not in time-order if (this->lss_sorting_observer) { this->lss_sorting_observer(*this, 0, this->lss_index.size()); } std::sort( this->lss_index.begin(), this->lss_index.end(), line_cmper); if (this->lss_sorting_observer) { this->lss_sorting_observer( *this, this->lss_index.size(), this->lss_index.size()); } } else { kmerge_tree_c merge( file_count); for (iter = this->lss_files.begin(); iter != this->lss_files.end(); iter++) { auto* ld = iter->get(); auto* lf = ld->get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } merge.add(ld, lf->begin() + ld->ld_lines_indexed, lf->end()); index_size += lf->size(); } file_off_t index_off = 0; merge.execute(); if (this->lss_sorting_observer) { this->lss_sorting_observer(*this, index_off, index_size); } for (;;) { logfile::iterator lf_iter; logfile_data* ld; if (!merge.get_top(ld, lf_iter)) { break; } if (!lf_iter->is_ignored()) { int file_index = ld->ld_file_index; int line_index = lf_iter - ld->get_file_ptr()->begin(); content_line_t con_line(file_index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE + line_index); if (lf_iter->is_marked()) { auto start_iter = lf_iter; while (start_iter->is_continued()) { --start_iter; } int start_index = start_iter - ld->get_file_ptr()->begin(); content_line_t start_con_line( file_index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE + start_index); this->lss_user_marks[&textview_curses::BM_META] .insert_once(start_con_line); lf_iter->set_mark(false); } this->lss_index.push_back(con_line); } merge.next(); index_off += 1; if (index_off % 10000 == 0 && this->lss_sorting_observer) { this->lss_sorting_observer(*this, index_off, index_size); } } if (this->lss_sorting_observer) { this->lss_sorting_observer(*this, index_size, index_size); } } for (iter = this->lss_files.begin(); iter != this->lss_files.end(); iter++) { auto* lf = (*iter)->get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } (*iter)->ld_lines_indexed = lf->size(); } this->lss_filtered_index.reserve(this->lss_index.size()); uint32_t filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask; this->get_filters().get_enabled_mask(filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask); if (start_size == 0 && this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_start(*this); } for (size_t index_index = start_size; index_index < this->lss_index.size(); index_index++) { content_line_t cl = (content_line_t) this->lss_index[index_index]; uint64_t line_number; auto ld = this->find_data(cl, line_number); if (!(*ld)->is_visible()) { continue; } auto* lf = (*ld)->get_file_ptr(); auto line_iter = lf->begin() + line_number; if (line_iter->is_ignored()) { continue; } if (!this->tss_apply_filters || (!(*ld)->ld_filter_state.excluded( filter_in_mask, filter_out_mask, line_number) && this->check_extra_filters(ld, line_iter))) { auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter( this->lss_marker_stmt.in(), ld, line_iter); if (eval_res.isErr()) { line_iter->set_expr_mark(false); } else { auto matched = eval_res.unwrap(); if (matched) { line_iter->set_expr_mark(true); vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].insert_once( vis_line_t(this->lss_filtered_index.size())); } else { line_iter->set_expr_mark(false); } } this->lss_filtered_index.push_back(index_index); if (this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_line( *this, lf, lf->begin() + line_number); } } } if (this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_complete(*this); } } switch (retval) { case rebuild_result::rr_no_change: break; case rebuild_result::rr_full_rebuild: log_debug("redoing search"); this->lss_index_generation += 1; this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->redo_search(); break; case rebuild_result::rr_partial_rebuild: log_debug("redoing search from: %d", (int) search_start); this->lss_index_generation += 1; this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->search_new_data(search_start); break; case rebuild_result::rr_appended_lines: this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->search_new_data(); break; } return retval; } void logfile_sub_source::text_update_marks(vis_bookmarks& bm) { std::shared_ptr last_file; vis_line_t vl; bm[&BM_WARNINGS].clear(); bm[&BM_ERRORS].clear(); bm[&BM_FILES].clear(); for (auto& lss_user_mark : this->lss_user_marks) { bm[lss_user_mark.first].clear(); } for (; vl < (int) this->lss_filtered_index.size(); ++vl) { const content_line_t orig_cl = this->at(vl); content_line_t cl = orig_cl; auto lf = this->find(cl); for (auto& lss_user_mark : this->lss_user_marks) { if (binary_search(lss_user_mark.second.begin(), lss_user_mark.second.end(), orig_cl)) { bm[lss_user_mark.first].insert_once(vl); if (lss_user_mark.first == &textview_curses::BM_USER) { auto ll = lf->begin() + cl; ll->set_mark(true); } } } if (lf != last_file) { bm[&BM_FILES].insert_once(vl); } auto line_iter = lf->begin() + cl; if (line_iter->is_message()) { switch (line_iter->get_msg_level()) { case LEVEL_WARNING: bm[&BM_WARNINGS].insert_once(vl); break; case LEVEL_FATAL: case LEVEL_ERROR: case LEVEL_CRITICAL: bm[&BM_ERRORS].insert_once(vl); break; default: break; } } last_file = lf; } } void logfile_sub_source::text_filters_changed() { this->lss_index_generation += 1; if (this->lss_line_meta_changed) { this->invalidate_sql_filter(); this->lss_line_meta_changed = false; } for (auto& ld : *this) { auto* lf = ld->get_file_ptr(); if (lf != nullptr) { ld->ld_filter_state.clear_deleted_filter_state(); lf->reobserve_from(lf->begin() + ld->ld_filter_state.get_min_count(lf->size())); } } auto& vis_bm = this->tss_view->get_bookmarks(); uint32_t filtered_in_mask, filtered_out_mask; this->get_filters().get_enabled_mask(filtered_in_mask, filtered_out_mask); if (this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_start(*this); } vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].clear(); this->lss_filtered_index.clear(); for (size_t index_index = 0; index_index < this->lss_index.size(); index_index++) { content_line_t cl = (content_line_t) this->lss_index[index_index]; uint64_t line_number; auto ld = this->find_data(cl, line_number); if (!(*ld)->is_visible()) { continue; } auto lf = (*ld)->get_file_ptr(); auto line_iter = lf->begin() + line_number; if (!this->tss_apply_filters || (!(*ld)->ld_filter_state.excluded( filtered_in_mask, filtered_out_mask, line_number) && this->check_extra_filters(ld, line_iter))) { auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter( this->lss_marker_stmt.in(), ld, line_iter); if (eval_res.isErr()) { line_iter->set_expr_mark(false); } else { auto matched = eval_res.unwrap(); if (matched) { line_iter->set_expr_mark(true); vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR].insert_once( vis_line_t(this->lss_filtered_index.size())); } else { line_iter->set_expr_mark(false); } } this->lss_filtered_index.push_back(index_index); if (this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_line(*this, lf, line_iter); } } } if (this->lss_index_delegate != nullptr) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_complete(*this); } if (this->tss_view != nullptr) { this->tss_view->reload_data(); this->tss_view->redo_search(); } } bool logfile_sub_source::list_input_handle_key(listview_curses& lv, int ch) { switch (ch) { case 'h': case 'H': case KEY_SLEFT: case KEY_LEFT: if (lv.get_left() == 0) { this->increase_line_context(); lv.set_needs_update(); return true; } break; case 'l': case 'L': case KEY_SRIGHT: case KEY_RIGHT: if (this->decrease_line_context()) { lv.set_needs_update(); return true; } break; } return false; } nonstd::optional< std::pair*, grep_proc_sink*>> logfile_sub_source::get_grepper() { return std::make_pair( (grep_proc_source*) &this->lss_meta_grepper, (grep_proc_sink*) &this->lss_meta_grepper); } /** * Functor for comparing the ld_file field of the logfile_data struct. */ struct logfile_data_eq { explicit logfile_data_eq(std::shared_ptr lf) : lde_file(std::move(lf)) { } bool operator()( const std::unique_ptr& ld) const { return this->lde_file == ld->get_file(); } std::shared_ptr lde_file; }; bool logfile_sub_source::insert_file(const std::shared_ptr& lf) { iterator existing; require_lt(lf->size(), MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); existing = std::find_if(this->lss_files.begin(), this->lss_files.end(), logfile_data_eq(nullptr)); if (existing == this->lss_files.end()) { if (this->lss_files.size() >= MAX_FILES) { return false; } auto ld = std::make_unique( this->lss_files.size(), this->get_filters(), lf); ld->set_visibility(lf->get_open_options().loo_is_visible); this->lss_files.push_back(std::move(ld)); } else { (*existing)->set_file(lf); } this->lss_force_rebuild = true; return true; } Result logfile_sub_source::set_sql_filter(std::string stmt_str, sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { for (auto& filt : this->tss_filters) { log_debug("set filt %p %d", filt.get(), filt->lf_deleted); } if (stmt != nullptr && !this->lss_filtered_index.empty()) { auto top_cl = this->at(0_vl); auto ld = this->find_data(top_cl); auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(stmt, ld, (*ld)->get_file_ptr()->begin()); if (eval_res.isErr()) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return Err(eval_res.unwrapErr()); } } for (auto& ld : *this) { ld->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state.clear_filter_state(0); } auto old_filter = this->get_sql_filter(); if (stmt != nullptr) { auto new_filter = std::make_shared(*this, std::move(stmt_str), stmt); log_debug("fstack %p new %p", &this->tss_filters, new_filter.get()); if (old_filter) { auto existing_iter = std::find(this->tss_filters.begin(), this->tss_filters.end(), old_filter.value()); *existing_iter = new_filter; } else { this->tss_filters.add_filter(new_filter); } } else if (old_filter) { this->tss_filters.delete_filter(old_filter.value()->get_id()); } return Ok(); } Result logfile_sub_source::set_sql_marker(std::string stmt_str, sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { if (stmt != nullptr && !this->lss_filtered_index.empty()) { auto top_cl = this->at(0_vl); auto ld = this->find_data(top_cl); auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(stmt, ld, (*ld)->get_file_ptr()->begin()); if (eval_res.isErr()) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return Err(eval_res.unwrapErr()); } } this->lss_marker_stmt_text = std::move(stmt_str); this->lss_marker_stmt = stmt; if (this->tss_view == nullptr) { return Ok(); } auto& vis_bm = this->tss_view->get_bookmarks(); auto& expr_marks_bv = vis_bm[&textview_curses::BM_USER_EXPR]; expr_marks_bv.clear(); if (this->lss_index_delegate) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_start(*this); } for (auto row = 0_vl; row < vis_line_t(this->lss_filtered_index.size()); row += 1_vl) { auto cl = this->at(row); auto ld = this->find_data(cl); auto ll = (*ld)->get_file()->begin() + cl; auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(this->lss_marker_stmt.in(), ld, ll); if (eval_res.isErr()) { ll->set_expr_mark(false); } else { auto matched = eval_res.unwrap(); if (matched) { ll->set_expr_mark(true); expr_marks_bv.insert_once(row); } else { ll->set_expr_mark(false); } } if (this->lss_index_delegate) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_line( *this, (*ld)->get_file_ptr(), ll); } } if (this->lss_index_delegate) { this->lss_index_delegate->index_complete(*this); } return Ok(); } Result logfile_sub_source::set_preview_sql_filter(sqlite3_stmt* stmt) { if (stmt != nullptr && !this->lss_filtered_index.empty()) { auto top_cl = this->at(0_vl); auto ld = this->find_data(top_cl); auto eval_res = this->eval_sql_filter(stmt, ld, (*ld)->get_file_ptr()->begin()); if (eval_res.isErr()) { sqlite3_finalize(stmt); return Err(eval_res.unwrapErr()); } } this->lss_preview_filter_stmt = stmt; return Ok(); } Result logfile_sub_source::eval_sql_filter(sqlite3_stmt* stmt, iterator ld, logfile::const_iterator ll) { if (stmt == nullptr) { return Ok(false); } auto* lf = (*ld)->get_file_ptr(); char timestamp_buffer[64]; shared_buffer_ref raw_sbr; logline_value_vector values; auto& sbr = values.lvv_sbr; lf->read_full_message(ll, sbr); sbr.erase_ansi(); auto format = lf->get_format(); string_attrs_t sa; auto line_number = std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll); format->annotate(line_number, sa, values); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); auto count = sqlite3_bind_parameter_count(stmt); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < count; lpc++) { const auto* name = sqlite3_bind_parameter_name(stmt, lpc + 1); if (name[0] == '$') { const char* env_value; if ((env_value = getenv(&name[1])) != nullptr) { sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, env_value, -1, SQLITE_STATIC); } continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_level") == 0) { sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, lpc + 1, ll->get_level_name(), -1, SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_time") == 0) { auto len = sql_strftime(timestamp_buffer, sizeof(timestamp_buffer), ll->get_timeval(), 'T'); sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, lpc + 1, timestamp_buffer, len, SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_time_msecs") == 0) { sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, lpc + 1, ll->get_time_in_millis()); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_mark") == 0) { sqlite3_bind_int(stmt, lpc + 1, ll->is_marked()); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_comment") == 0) { const auto& bm = lf->get_bookmark_metadata(); auto line_number = static_cast(std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll)); auto bm_iter = bm.find(line_number); if (bm_iter != bm.end() && !bm_iter->second.bm_comment.empty()) { const auto& meta = bm_iter->second; sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, meta.bm_comment.c_str(), meta.bm_comment.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_tags") == 0) { const auto& bm = lf->get_bookmark_metadata(); auto line_number = static_cast(std::distance(lf->cbegin(), ll)); auto bm_iter = bm.find(line_number); if (bm_iter != bm.end() && !bm_iter->second.bm_tags.empty()) { const auto& meta = bm_iter->second; yajlpp_gen gen; yajl_gen_config(gen, yajl_gen_beautify, false); { yajlpp_array arr(gen); for (const auto& str : meta.bm_tags) { arr.gen(str); } } string_fragment sf = gen.to_string_fragment(); sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, lpc + 1, sf.data(), sf.length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); } continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_format") == 0) { const auto format_name = format->get_name(); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, format_name.get(), format_name.size(), SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_format_regex") == 0) { const auto pat_name = format->get_pattern_name(line_number); sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, lpc + 1, pat_name.get(), pat_name.size(), SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_path") == 0) { const auto& filename = lf->get_filename(); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, filename.c_str(), filename.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_unique_path") == 0) { const auto& filename = lf->get_unique_path(); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, filename.c_str(), filename.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_text") == 0) { sqlite3_bind_text( stmt, lpc + 1, sbr.get_data(), sbr.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_body") == 0) { auto body_attr_opt = get_string_attr(sa, SA_BODY); if (body_attr_opt) { const auto& sar = body_attr_opt.value().saw_string_attr->sa_range; sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, sbr.get_data_at(sar.lr_start), sar.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, lpc + 1); } continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_opid") == 0) { auto opid_attr_opt = get_string_attr(sa, logline::L_OPID); if (opid_attr_opt) { const auto& sar = opid_attr_opt.value().saw_string_attr->sa_range; sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, sbr.get_data_at(sar.lr_start), sar.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } else { sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, lpc + 1); } continue; } if (strcmp(name, ":log_raw_text") == 0) { auto res = lf->read_raw_message(ll); if (res.isOk()) { raw_sbr = res.unwrap(); sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, raw_sbr.get_data(), raw_sbr.length(), SQLITE_STATIC); } continue; } for (const auto& lv : values.lvv_values) { if (lv.lv_meta.lvm_name != &name[1]) { continue; } switch (lv.lv_meta.lvm_kind) { case value_kind_t::VALUE_BOOLEAN: sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.i); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_FLOAT: sqlite3_bind_double(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.d); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_INTEGER: sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.lv_value.i); break; case value_kind_t::VALUE_NULL: sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, lpc + 1); break; default: sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, lpc + 1, lv.text_value(), lv.text_length(), SQLITE_TRANSIENT); break; } break; } } auto step_res = sqlite3_step(stmt); sqlite3_reset(stmt); sqlite3_clear_bindings(stmt); switch (step_res) { case SQLITE_OK: case SQLITE_DONE: return Ok(false); case SQLITE_ROW: return Ok(true); default: return Err(sqlite3_error_to_user_message(sqlite3_db_handle(stmt))); } return Ok(true); } bool logfile_sub_source::check_extra_filters(iterator ld, logfile::iterator ll) { if (this->lss_marked_only && !(ll->is_marked() || ll->is_expr_marked())) { return false; } if (ll->get_msg_level() < this->lss_min_log_level) { return false; } if (*ll < this->lss_min_log_time) { return false; } if (!(*ll <= this->lss_max_log_time)) { return false; } return true; } void logfile_sub_source::invalidate_sql_filter() { for (auto& ld : *this) { ld->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state.clear_filter_state(0); } } void logfile_sub_source::text_mark(const bookmark_type_t* bm, vis_line_t line, bool added) { if (line >= (int) this->lss_index.size()) { return; } content_line_t cl = this->at(line); std::vector::iterator lb; if (bm == &textview_curses::BM_USER) { logline* ll = this->find_line(cl); ll->set_mark(added); } lb = std::lower_bound( this->lss_user_marks[bm].begin(), this->lss_user_marks[bm].end(), cl); if (added) { if (lb == this->lss_user_marks[bm].end() || *lb != cl) { this->lss_user_marks[bm].insert(lb, cl); } } else if (lb != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end() && *lb == cl) { require(lb != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end()); this->lss_user_marks[bm].erase(lb); } if (bm == &textview_curses::BM_META && this->lss_meta_grepper.gps_proc != nullptr) { this->tss_view->search_range(line, line + 1_vl); this->tss_view->search_new_data(); } } void logfile_sub_source::text_clear_marks(const bookmark_type_t* bm) { std::vector::iterator iter; if (bm == &textview_curses::BM_USER) { for (iter = this->lss_user_marks[bm].begin(); iter != this->lss_user_marks[bm].end();) { auto line_meta_opt = this->find_bookmark_metadata(*iter); if (line_meta_opt) { ++iter; continue; } this->find_line(*iter)->set_mark(false); iter = this->lss_user_marks[bm].erase(iter); } } else { this->lss_user_marks[bm].clear(); } } void logfile_sub_source::remove_file(std::shared_ptr lf) { iterator iter; iter = std::find_if( this->lss_files.begin(), this->lss_files.end(), logfile_data_eq(lf)); if (iter != this->lss_files.end()) { bookmarks::type::iterator mark_iter; int file_index = iter - this->lss_files.begin(); (*iter)->clear(); for (mark_iter = this->lss_user_marks.begin(); mark_iter != this->lss_user_marks.end(); ++mark_iter) { auto mark_curr = content_line_t(file_index * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); auto mark_end = content_line_t((file_index + 1) * MAX_LINES_PER_FILE); auto& bv = mark_iter->second; auto file_range = bv.equal_range(mark_curr, mark_end); if (file_range.first != file_range.second) { bv.erase(file_range.first, file_range.second); } } this->lss_force_rebuild = true; } } nonstd::optional logfile_sub_source::find_from_content(content_line_t cl) { content_line_t line = cl; std::shared_ptr lf = this->find(line); if (lf != nullptr) { auto ll_iter = lf->begin() + line; auto& ll = *ll_iter; auto vis_start_opt = this->find_from_time(ll.get_timeval()); if (!vis_start_opt) { return nonstd::nullopt; } auto vis_start = *vis_start_opt; while (vis_start < vis_line_t(this->text_line_count())) { content_line_t guess_cl = this->at(vis_start); if (cl == guess_cl) { return vis_start; } auto guess_line = this->find_line(guess_cl); if (!guess_line || ll < *guess_line) { return nonstd::nullopt; } ++vis_start; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } void logfile_sub_source::reload_index_delegate() { if (this->lss_index_delegate == nullptr) { return; } this->lss_index_delegate->index_start(*this); for (unsigned int index : this->lss_filtered_index) { content_line_t cl = (content_line_t) this->lss_index[index]; uint64_t line_number; auto ld = this->find_data(cl, line_number); std::shared_ptr lf = (*ld)->get_file(); this->lss_index_delegate->index_line( *this, lf.get(), lf->begin() + line_number); } this->lss_index_delegate->index_complete(*this); } nonstd::optional> logfile_sub_source::get_sql_filter() { return this->tss_filters | lnav::itertools::find_if([](const auto& filt) { return filt->get_index() == 0; }) | lnav::itertools::deref(); } void log_location_history::loc_history_append(vis_line_t top) { if (top >= vis_line_t(this->llh_log_source.text_line_count())) { return; } content_line_t cl = this->llh_log_source.at(top); auto iter = this->llh_history.begin(); iter += this->llh_history.size() - this->lh_history_position; this->llh_history.erase_from(iter); this->lh_history_position = 0; this->llh_history.push_back(cl); } nonstd::optional log_location_history::loc_history_back(vis_line_t current_top) { while (this->lh_history_position < this->llh_history.size()) { auto iter = this->llh_history.rbegin(); auto vis_for_pos = this->llh_log_source.find_from_content(*iter); if (this->lh_history_position == 0 && vis_for_pos != current_top) { return vis_for_pos; } if ((this->lh_history_position + 1) >= this->llh_history.size()) { break; } this->lh_history_position += 1; iter += this->lh_history_position; vis_for_pos = this->llh_log_source.find_from_content(*iter); if (vis_for_pos) { return vis_for_pos; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } nonstd::optional log_location_history::loc_history_forward(vis_line_t current_top) { while (this->lh_history_position > 0) { this->lh_history_position -= 1; auto iter = this->llh_history.rbegin(); iter += this->lh_history_position; auto vis_for_pos = this->llh_log_source.find_from_content(*iter); if (vis_for_pos) { return vis_for_pos; } } return nonstd::nullopt; } bool sql_filter::matches(const logfile& lf, logfile::const_iterator ll, const shared_buffer_ref& line) { if (!ll->is_message()) { return false; } if (this->sf_filter_stmt == nullptr) { return false; } auto lfp = lf.shared_from_this(); auto ld = this->sf_log_source.find_data_i(lfp); if (ld == this->sf_log_source.end()) { return false; } auto eval_res = this->sf_log_source.eval_sql_filter(this->sf_filter_stmt, ld, ll); if (eval_res.unwrapOr(true)) { return false; } return true; } std::string sql_filter::to_command() const { return fmt::format(FMT_STRING("filter-expr {}"), this->lf_id); } bool logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_value_for_line(vis_line_t line, std::string& value_out) { auto line_meta_opt = this->lmg_source.find_bookmark_metadata(line); if (!line_meta_opt) { value_out.clear(); } else { auto& bm = *(line_meta_opt.value()); { md2attr_line mdal; auto parse_res = md4cpp::parse(bm.bm_comment, mdal); if (parse_res.isOk()) { value_out.append(parse_res.unwrap().get_string()); } else { value_out.append(bm.bm_comment); } } value_out.append("\x1c"); for (const auto& tag : bm.bm_tags) { value_out.append(tag); value_out.append("\x1c"); } } return !this->lmg_done; } vis_line_t logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_initial_line(vis_line_t start, vis_line_t highest) { vis_bookmarks& bm = this->lmg_source.tss_view->get_bookmarks(); bookmark_vector& bv = bm[&textview_curses::BM_META]; if (bv.empty()) { return -1_vl; } return *bv.begin(); } void logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_next_line(vis_line_t& line) { vis_bookmarks& bm = this->lmg_source.tss_view->get_bookmarks(); bookmark_vector& bv = bm[&textview_curses::BM_META]; auto line_opt = bv.next(vis_line_t(line)); if (!line_opt) { this->lmg_done = true; } line = line_opt.value_or(-1_vl); } void logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_begin(grep_proc& gp, vis_line_t start, vis_line_t stop) { this->lmg_source.quiesce(); this->lmg_source.tss_view->grep_begin(gp, start, stop); } void logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_end(grep_proc& gp) { this->lmg_source.tss_view->grep_end(gp); } void logfile_sub_source::meta_grepper::grep_match(grep_proc& gp, vis_line_t line, int start, int end) { this->lmg_source.tss_view->grep_match(gp, line, start, end); } logline_window::iterator logline_window::begin() { if (this->lw_start_line < 0_vl) { return this->end(); } return {this->lw_source, this->lw_start_line}; } logline_window::iterator logline_window::end() { return {this->lw_source, this->lw_end_line}; } logline_window::logmsg_info::logmsg_info(logfile_sub_source& lss, vis_line_t vl) : li_source(lss), li_line(vl) { if (this->li_line < vis_line_t(this->li_source.text_line_count())) { while (true) { auto pair_opt = this->li_source.find_line_with_file(vl); if (!pair_opt) { break; } auto line_pair = pair_opt.value(); if (line_pair.second->is_message()) { this->li_file = line_pair.first.get(); this->li_logline = line_pair.second; break; } else { --vl; } } } } void logline_window::logmsg_info::next_msg() { this->li_file = nullptr; this->li_logline = logfile::iterator{}; this->li_string_attrs.clear(); this->li_line_values.clear(); ++this->li_line; while (this->li_line < vis_line_t(this->li_source.text_line_count())) { auto pair_opt = this->li_source.find_line_with_file(this->li_line); if (!pair_opt) { break; } auto line_pair = pair_opt.value(); if (line_pair.second->is_message()) { this->li_file = line_pair.first.get(); this->li_logline = line_pair.second; break; } else { ++this->li_line; } } } void logline_window::logmsg_info::load_msg() const { if (!this->li_string_attrs.empty()) { return; } auto format = this->li_file->get_format(); this->li_file->read_full_message(this->li_logline, this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr); if (this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr.get_metadata().m_has_ansi) { auto* writable_data = this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr.get_writable_data(); auto str = std::string{writable_data, this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr.length()}; scrub_ansi_string(str, &this->li_string_attrs); this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr.get_metadata().m_has_ansi = false; } format->annotate(std::distance(this->li_file->cbegin(), this->li_logline), this->li_string_attrs, this->li_line_values, false); } std::string logline_window::logmsg_info::to_string(const struct line_range& lr) const { this->load_msg(); return this->li_line_values.lvv_sbr .to_string_fragment(lr.lr_start, lr.length()) .to_string(); } logline_window::iterator& logline_window::iterator::operator++() { this->i_info.next_msg(); return *this; } static std::vector timestamp_poss() { const static std::vector retval = { breadcrumb::possibility{"-1 day"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"-1h"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"-30m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"-15m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"-5m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"-1m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+1m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+5m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+15m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+30m"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+1h"}, breadcrumb::possibility{"+1 day"}, }; return retval; } void logfile_sub_source::text_crumbs_for_line(int line, std::vector& crumbs) { text_sub_source::text_crumbs_for_line(line, crumbs); if (this->lss_filtered_index.empty()) { return; } auto line_pair_opt = this->find_line_with_file(vis_line_t(line)); if (!line_pair_opt) { return; } auto line_pair = line_pair_opt.value(); auto& lf = line_pair.first; auto format = lf->get_format(); char ts[64]; sql_strftime(ts, sizeof(ts), line_pair.second->get_timeval(), 'T'); crumbs.emplace_back( std::string(ts), timestamp_poss, [ec = this->lss_exec_context](const auto& ts) { ec->execute(fmt::format(FMT_STRING(":goto {}"), ts.template get())); }); crumbs.back().c_expected_input = breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::anything; crumbs.back().c_search_placeholder = "(Enter an absolute or relative time)"; auto format_name = format->get_name().to_string(); crumbs.emplace_back( format_name, attr_line_t().append(format_name), [this]() -> std::vector { return this->lss_files | lnav::itertools::filter_in([](const auto& file_data) { return file_data->is_visible(); }) | lnav::itertools::map(&logfile_data::get_file_ptr) | lnav::itertools::map(&logfile::get_format_name) | lnav::itertools::unique() | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto& elem) { return breadcrumb::possibility{ elem.to_string(), }; }); }, [ec = this->lss_exec_context](const auto& format_name) { static const std::string MOVE_STMT = R"(;UPDATE lnav_views SET selection = ifnull((SELECT log_line FROM all_logs WHERE log_format = $format_name LIMIT 1), top) WHERE name = 'log' )"; ec->execute_with( MOVE_STMT, std::make_pair("format_name", format_name.template get())); }); auto msg_start_iter = lf->message_start(line_pair.second); auto file_line_number = std::distance(lf->begin(), msg_start_iter); crumbs.emplace_back( lf->get_unique_path(), attr_line_t() .append(lf->get_unique_path()) .appendf(FMT_STRING("[{:L}]"), file_line_number), [this]() -> std::vector { return this->lss_files | lnav::itertools::filter_in([](const auto& file_data) { return file_data->is_visible(); }) | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto& file_data) { return breadcrumb::possibility{ file_data->get_file_ptr()->get_unique_path(), attr_line_t( file_data->get_file_ptr()->get_unique_path()), }; }); }, [ec = this->lss_exec_context](const auto& uniq_path) { static const std::string MOVE_STMT = R"(;UPDATE lnav_views SET selection = ifnull((SELECT log_line FROM all_logs WHERE log_unique_path = $uniq_path LIMIT 1), top) WHERE name = 'log' )"; ec->execute_with( MOVE_STMT, std::make_pair("uniq_path", uniq_path.template get())); }); logline_value_vector values; auto& sbr = values.lvv_sbr; lf->read_full_message(msg_start_iter, sbr); attr_line_t al(to_string(sbr)); if (sbr.get_metadata().m_has_ansi) { // bleh scrub_ansi_string(al.get_string(), &al.al_attrs); sbr.erase_ansi(); } format->annotate(file_line_number, al.get_attrs(), values); auto opid_opt = get_string_attr(al.get_attrs(), logline::L_OPID); if (opid_opt && !opid_opt.value().saw_string_attr->sa_range.empty()) { const auto& opid_range = opid_opt.value().saw_string_attr->sa_range; const auto opid_str = sbr.to_string_fragment(opid_range.lr_start, opid_range.length()) .to_string(); crumbs.emplace_back( opid_str, attr_line_t().append(lnav::roles::identifier(opid_str)), [this]() -> std::vector { std::vector retval; for (const auto& file_data : this->lss_files) { if (file_data->get_file_ptr() == nullptr) { continue; } safe::ReadAccess r_opid_map( file_data->get_file_ptr()->get_opids()); for (const auto& pair : *r_opid_map) { retval.emplace_back(pair.first.to_string()); } } return retval; }, [ec = this->lss_exec_context](const auto& opid) { static const std::string MOVE_STMT = R"(;UPDATE lnav_views SET selection = ifnull((SELECT log_line FROM all_logs WHERE log_opid = $opid LIMIT 1), top) WHERE name = 'log' )"; ec->execute_with( MOVE_STMT, std::make_pair("opid", opid.template get())); }); } auto sf = sbr.to_string_fragment(); auto body_opt = get_string_attr(al.get_attrs(), SA_BODY); auto nl_pos_opt = sf.find('\n'); auto msg_line_number = std::distance(msg_start_iter, line_pair.second); auto line_from_top = line - msg_line_number; if (body_opt && nl_pos_opt) { if (this->lss_token_meta_line != file_line_number || this->lss_token_meta_size != sf.length()) { this->lss_token_meta = lnav::document::discover_structure( al, body_opt.value().saw_string_attr->sa_range); this->lss_token_meta_line = file_line_number; this->lss_token_meta_size = sf.length(); } const auto initial_size = crumbs.size(); auto sf_body = sf.sub_range(body_opt->saw_string_attr->sa_range.lr_start, body_opt->saw_string_attr->sa_range.lr_end); file_off_t line_offset = 0; file_off_t line_end_offset = sf.length(); size_t line_number = 0; for (const auto& sf_line : sf_body.split_lines()) { if (line_number >= msg_line_number) { line_end_offset = line_offset + sf_line.length(); break; } line_number += 1; line_offset += sf_line.length(); } this->lss_token_meta.m_sections_tree.visit_overlapping( line_offset, line_end_offset, [this, initial_size, meta = &this->lss_token_meta, &crumbs, line_from_top](const auto& iv) { auto path = crumbs | lnav::itertools::skip(initial_size) | lnav::itertools::map(&breadcrumb::crumb::c_key) | lnav::itertools::append(iv.value); auto curr_node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta->m_sections_root.get(), path); crumbs.template emplace_back( iv.value, [meta, path]() { return meta->possibility_provider(path); }, [this, curr_node, path, line_from_top](const auto& key) { if (!curr_node) { return; } auto* parent_node = curr_node.value()->hn_parent; if (parent_node == nullptr) { return; } key.template match( [parent_node](const std::string& str) { return parent_node->find_line_number(str); }, [parent_node](size_t index) { return parent_node->find_line_number(index); }) | [this, line_from_top](auto line_number) { this->tss_view->set_selection( vis_line_t(line_from_top + line_number)); }; }); if (curr_node && !curr_node.value()->hn_parent->is_named_only()) { auto node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( meta->m_sections_root.get(), path); crumbs.back().c_expected_input = curr_node.value() ->hn_parent->hn_named_children.empty() ? breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index : breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index_or_exact; crumbs.back().with_possible_range( node | lnav::itertools::map([](const auto hn) { return hn->hn_parent->hn_children.size(); }) | lnav::itertools::unwrap_or(size_t{0})); } }); auto path = crumbs | lnav::itertools::skip(initial_size) | lnav::itertools::map(&breadcrumb::crumb::c_key); auto node = lnav::document::hier_node::lookup_path( this->lss_token_meta.m_sections_root.get(), path); if (node && !node.value()->hn_children.empty()) { auto poss_provider = [curr_node = node.value()]() { std::vector retval; for (const auto& child : curr_node->hn_named_children) { retval.template emplace_back(child.first); } return retval; }; auto path_performer = [this, curr_node = node.value(), line_from_top]( const breadcrumb::crumb::key_t& value) { value.template match( [curr_node](const std::string& str) { return curr_node->find_line_number(str); }, [curr_node](size_t index) { return curr_node->find_line_number(index); }) | [this, line_from_top](size_t line_number) { this->tss_view->set_selection( vis_line_t(line_from_top + line_number)); }; }; crumbs.emplace_back("", "\u22ef", poss_provider, path_performer); crumbs.back().c_expected_input = node.value()->hn_named_children.empty() ? breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index : breadcrumb::crumb::expected_input_t::index_or_exact; } } } void logfile_sub_source::quiesce() { for (auto& ld : this->lss_files) { auto* lf = ld->get_file_ptr(); if (lf == nullptr) { continue; } lf->quiesce(); } } bookmark_metadata& logfile_sub_source::get_bookmark_metadata(content_line_t cl) { auto line_pair = this->find_line_with_file(cl).value(); auto line_number = static_cast( std::distance(line_pair.first->begin(), line_pair.second)); return line_pair.first->get_bookmark_metadata()[line_number]; } nonstd::optional logfile_sub_source::find_bookmark_metadata(content_line_t cl) { auto line_pair = this->find_line_with_file(cl).value(); auto line_number = static_cast( std::distance(line_pair.first->begin(), line_pair.second)); auto& bm = line_pair.first->get_bookmark_metadata(); auto bm_iter = bm.find(line_number); if (bm_iter == bm.end()) { return nonstd::nullopt; } return &bm_iter->second; } void logfile_sub_source::erase_bookmark_metadata(content_line_t cl) { auto line_pair = this->find_line_with_file(cl).value(); auto line_number = static_cast( std::distance(line_pair.first->begin(), line_pair.second)); auto& bm = line_pair.first->get_bookmark_metadata(); auto bm_iter = bm.find(line_number); if (bm_iter != bm.end()) { bm.erase(bm_iter); } } void logfile_sub_source::clear_bookmark_metadata() { for (auto& ld : *this) { if (ld->get_file_ptr() == nullptr) { continue; } ld->get_file_ptr()->get_bookmark_metadata().clear(); } } void logfile_sub_source::increase_line_context() { auto old_flags = this->lss_flags; if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME) { // Nothing to do } else if (this->lss_flags & F_BASENAME) { this->lss_flags &= ~F_NAME_MASK; this->lss_flags |= F_FILENAME; } else { this->lss_flags |= F_BASENAME; } if (old_flags != this->lss_flags) { this->clear_line_size_cache(); } } bool logfile_sub_source::decrease_line_context() { auto old_flags = this->lss_flags; if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME) { this->lss_flags &= ~F_NAME_MASK; this->lss_flags |= F_BASENAME; } else if (this->lss_flags & F_BASENAME) { this->lss_flags &= ~F_NAME_MASK; } if (old_flags != this->lss_flags) { this->clear_line_size_cache(); return true; } return false; } size_t logfile_sub_source::get_filename_offset() const { if (this->lss_flags & F_FILENAME) { return this->lss_filename_width; } else if (this->lss_flags & F_BASENAME) { return this->lss_basename_width; } return 0; } void logfile_sub_source::clear_min_max_log_times() { if (this->lss_min_log_time.tv_sec != 0 || this->lss_min_log_time.tv_usec != 0 || this->lss_max_log_time.tv_sec != std::numeric_limits::max() || this->lss_max_log_time.tv_usec != 0) { memset(&this->lss_min_log_time, 0, sizeof(this->lss_min_log_time)); this->lss_max_log_time.tv_sec = std::numeric_limits::max(); this->lss_max_log_time.tv_usec = 0; this->text_filters_changed(); } } size_t logfile_sub_source::file_count() const { size_t retval = 0; const_iterator iter; for (iter = this->cbegin(); iter != this->cend(); ++iter) { if (*iter != nullptr && (*iter)->get_file() != nullptr) { retval += 1; } } return retval; } size_t logfile_sub_source::text_size_for_line(textview_curses& tc, int row, text_sub_source::line_flags_t flags) { size_t index = row % LINE_SIZE_CACHE_SIZE; if (this->lss_line_size_cache[index].first != row) { std::string value; this->text_value_for_line(tc, row, value, flags); this->lss_line_size_cache[index].second = value.size(); this->lss_line_size_cache[index].first = row; } return this->lss_line_size_cache[index].second; } int logfile_sub_source::get_filtered_count_for(size_t filter_index) const { int retval = 0; for (const auto& ld : this->lss_files) { retval += ld->ld_filter_state.lfo_filter_state .tfs_filter_hits[filter_index]; } return retval; }