CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS http_status_codes ( status INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, message TEXT, FOREIGN KEY (status) REFERENCES access_log (sc_status) ); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (100, 'Continue'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (101, 'Switching Protocols'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (102, 'Processing'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (200, 'OK'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (201, 'Created'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (202, 'Accepted'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (203, 'Non-Authoritative Information'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (204, 'No Content'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (205, 'Reset Content'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (206, 'Partial Content'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (207, 'Multi-Status'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (208, 'Already Reported'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (226, 'IM Used'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (300, 'Multiple Choices'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (301, 'Moved Permanently'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (302, 'Found'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (303, 'See Other'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (304, 'Not Modified'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (305, 'Use Proxy'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (306, '(Unused)'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (307, 'Temporary Redirect'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (308, 'Permanent Redirect'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (400, 'Bad Request'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (401, 'Unauthorized'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (402, 'Payment Required'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (403, 'Forbidden'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (404, 'Not Found'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (405, 'Method Not Allowed'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (406, 'Not Acceptable'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (407, 'Proxy Authentication Required'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (408, 'Request Timeout'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (409, 'Conflict'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (410, 'Gone'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (411, 'Length Required'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (412, 'Precondition Failed'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (413, 'Payload Too Large'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (414, 'URI Too Long'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (415, 'Unsupported Media Type'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (416, 'Range Not Satisfiable'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (417, 'Expectation Failed'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (421, 'Misdirected Request'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (422, 'Unprocessable Entity'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (423, 'Locked'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (424, 'Failed Dependency'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (426, 'Upgrade Required'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (428, 'Precondition Required'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (429, 'Too Many Requests'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (431, 'Request Header Fields Too Large'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (500, 'Internal Server Error'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (501, 'Not Implemented'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (502, 'Bad Gateway'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (503, 'Service Unavailable'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (504, 'Gateway Timeout'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (505, 'HTTP Version Not Supported'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (506, 'Variant Also Negotiates'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (507, 'Insufficient Storage'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (508, 'Loop Detected'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (510, 'Not Extended'); INSERT INTO http_status_codes VALUES (511, 'Network Authentication Required'); CREATE TABLE lnav_example_log ( log_line INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, log_part TEXT COLLATE naturalnocase, log_time DATETIME, log_actual_time DATETIME hidden, log_idle_msecs int, log_level TEXT collate loglevel, log_mark boolean, log_comment TEXT, log_tags TEXT, log_filters TEXT, ex_procname TEXT collate 'BINARY', ex_duration INTEGER, log_time_msecs int hidden, log_path TEXT hidden collate naturalnocase, log_text TEXT hidden, log_body TEXT hidden ); CREATE VIEW lnav_top_view AS SELECT * FROM lnav_views WHERE name = (SELECT name FROM lnav_view_stack ORDER BY rowid DESC LIMIT 1); INSERT INTO lnav_example_log VALUES (0, NULL, '2017-02-03T04:05:06.100', '2017-02-03T04:05:06.100', 0, 'info', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'hw', 2, 1486094706000, '/tmp/log', '2017-02-03T04:05:06.100 hw(2): Hello, World!', 'Hello, World!'), (1, NULL, '2017-02-03T04:05:06.200', '2017-02-03T04:05:06.200', 100, 'error', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'gw', 4, 1486094706000, '/tmp/log', '2017-02-03T04:05:06.200 gw(4): Goodbye, World!', 'Goodbye, World!'), (2, 'new', '2017-02-03T04:25:06.200', '2017-02-03T04:25:06.200', 1200000, 'warn', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'gw', 1, 1486095906000, '/tmp/log', '2017-02-03T04:25:06.200 gw(1): Goodbye, World!', 'Goodbye, World!'), (3, 'new', '2017-02-03T04:55:06.200', '2017-02-03T04:55:06.200', 1800000, 'debug', 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'gw', 10, 1486097706000, '/tmp/log', '2017-02-03T04:55:06.200 gw(10): Goodbye, World!', 'Goodbye, World!'); CREATE TABLE lnav_user_notifications ( -- A unique identifier for the notification. id TEXT NOT NULL DEFAULT 'org.lnav.user' PRIMARY KEY, -- The priority of this message relative to others, the highest priority -- message will be shown in the top-right corner. priority INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, -- The time when this notification was created. created DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, -- The time when this notification is no longer applicable. expiration DATETIME DEFAULT NULL, -- A JSON array with the names of the views where this notification is -- applicable. Use NULL to show it in all views. views JSON, -- The message to display, can be null to clear the message. message TEXT, CHECK (views IS NULL OR json_type(views) = 'array') ); INSERT INTO lnav_user_notifications (id, priority, expiration, message) VALUES ('org.lnav.breadcrumb.focus', -1, DATETIME('now', '+1 minute'), 'Press ` to focus on the breadcrumb bar'); CREATE TABLE lnav_views_echo AS SELECT name, top, "left", height, inner_height, top_time, search FROM lnav_views; CREATE UNIQUE INDEX lnav_views_echo_index ON lnav_views_echo (name);