/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file listview_curses.hh */ #ifndef __listview_curses_hh #define __listview_curses_hh #include #include #include #include #include "strong_int.hh" #include "view_curses.hh" /** Strongly-typed integer for visible lines. */ STRONG_INT_TYPE(int, vis_line); class listview_curses; /** * Data source for lines to be displayed by the listview_curses object. */ class list_data_source { public: virtual ~list_data_source() { }; /** @return The number of rows in the list. */ virtual size_t listview_rows(const listview_curses &lv) = 0; /** * Get the string value for a row in the list. * * @param row The row number. * @param value_out The destination for the string value. */ virtual void listview_value_for_row(const listview_curses &lv, vis_line_t row, attr_line_t &value_out) = 0; virtual size_t listview_size_for_row(const listview_curses &lv, vis_line_t row) = 0; virtual std::string listview_source_name(const listview_curses &lv) { return ""; }; }; class list_gutter_source { public: virtual ~list_gutter_source() { }; virtual void listview_gutter_value_for_range(const listview_curses &lv, int start, int end, int &ch_out, int &fg_out) { ch_out = ACS_VLINE; fg_out = COLOR_WHITE; }; }; struct listview_overlay { listview_overlay(int y, const attr_line_t &al) : lo_y(y), lo_line(al) { }; int get_absolute_y(int height) const { if (this->lo_y >= 0) { return this->lo_y; } return height + this->lo_y; }; int lo_y; attr_line_t lo_line; }; class list_overlay_source { public: virtual ~list_overlay_source() { }; virtual size_t list_overlay_count(const listview_curses &lv) = 0; virtual bool list_value_for_overlay(const listview_curses &lv, vis_line_t y, attr_line_t &value_out) = 0; }; /** * View that displays a list of lines that can optionally contain highlighting. */ class listview_curses : public view_curses { public: typedef view_action action; /** Construct an empty list view. */ listview_curses(); virtual ~listview_curses(); void set_title(const std::string &title) { this->lv_title = title; }; const std::string &get_title() const { return this->lv_title; }; /** @param src The data source delegate. */ void set_data_source(list_data_source *src) { this->lv_source = src; this->reload_data(); }; /** @return The data source delegate. */ list_data_source *get_data_source() const { return this->lv_source; }; void set_gutter_source(list_gutter_source *src) { this->lv_gutter_source = src; }; /** @param src The data source delegate. */ void set_overlay_source(list_overlay_source *src) { this->lv_overlay_source = src; this->reload_data(); }; /** @return The overlay source delegate. */ list_overlay_source *get_overlay_source() { return this->lv_overlay_source; }; /** * @param va The action to invoke when the view is scrolled. * @todo Allow multiple observers. */ void set_scroll_action(action va) { this->lv_scroll = va; }; template void set_scroll_action(action::mem_functor_t<_Receiver> *mf) { this->lv_scroll = action(mf); }; void set_show_scrollbar(bool ss) { this->lv_show_scrollbar = ss; }; bool get_show_scrollbar() const { return this->lv_show_scrollbar; }; void set_word_wrap(bool ww) { bool scroll_down = this->lv_top >= this->get_top_for_last_row(); this->lv_word_wrap = ww; if (ww && scroll_down && this->lv_top < this->get_top_for_last_row()) { this->lv_top = this->get_top_for_last_row(); } if (ww) { this->lv_left = 0; } this->set_needs_update(); }; bool get_word_wrap() const { return this->lv_word_wrap; }; enum row_direction_t { RD_UP = -1, RD_DOWN = 1, }; vis_line_t rows_available(vis_line_t line, row_direction_t dir) { unsigned long width; vis_line_t height; vis_line_t retval(0); this->get_dimensions(height, width); if (this->lv_word_wrap) { size_t row_count = this->lv_source->listview_rows(*this); width -= 1; while ((height > 0) && (line >= 0) && ((size_t)line < row_count)) { size_t len = this->lv_source->listview_size_for_row(*this, line); do { len -= std::min((size_t)width, len); --height; } while (len > 0); line += vis_line_t(dir); if (height >= 0) { ++retval; } } } else { switch (dir) { case RD_UP: retval = std::min(height, line + vis_line_t(1)); break; case RD_DOWN: retval = std::min(height, vis_line_t(this->lv_source->listview_rows(*this) - line)); break; } } return retval; }; /** @param win The curses window this view is attached to. */ void set_window(WINDOW *win) { this->lv_window = win; }; /** @return The curses window this view is attached to. */ WINDOW *get_window() const { return this->lv_window; }; void set_y(unsigned int y) { if (y != this->lv_y) { this->lv_y = y; this->lv_needs_update = true; } }; unsigned int get_y() const { return this->lv_y; }; /** * Set the line number to be displayed at the top of the view. If the * value is invalid, flash() will be called. If the value is valid, the * new value will be set and the scroll action called. * * @param top The new value for top. * @param suppress_flash Don't call flash() if the top is out-of-bounds. */ void set_top(vis_line_t top, bool suppress_flash = false) { if (this->get_inner_height() > 0 && top >= this->get_inner_height()) { top = vis_line_t(this->get_inner_height() - 1); } if (top < 0 || (top > 0 && top >= this->get_inner_height())) { if (suppress_flash == false) { alerter::singleton().chime(); } } else if (this->lv_top != top) { this->lv_top = top; this->lv_scroll.invoke(this); this->lv_needs_update = true; } }; /** @return The line number that is displayed at the top. */ vis_line_t get_top() const { return this->lv_top; }; /** @return The line number that is displayed at the bottom. */ vis_line_t get_bottom() { vis_line_t retval = this->lv_top; retval += vis_line_t(this->rows_available(retval, RD_DOWN) - 1); return retval; }; vis_line_t get_top_for_last_row() { vis_line_t retval(0); if (this->get_inner_height() > 0) { vis_line_t last_line(this->get_inner_height() - 1); retval = last_line - vis_line_t(this->rows_available(last_line, RD_UP) - 1); if ((retval + 1) < this->get_inner_height()) { ++retval; } } return retval; }; /** @return True if the given line is visible. */ bool is_visible(vis_line_t line) { return this->get_top() <= line && line <= this->get_bottom(); }; /** * Shift the value of top by the given value. * * @param offset The amount to change top by. * @param suppress_flash Don't call flash() if the offset is out-of-bounds. * @return The final value of top. */ vis_line_t shift_top(vis_line_t offset, bool suppress_flash = false) { if (offset < 0 && this->lv_top == 0) { if (suppress_flash == false) { alerter::singleton().chime(); } } else { this->set_top(std::max(vis_line_t(0), this->lv_top + offset), suppress_flash); } return this->lv_top; }; /** * Set the column number to be displayed at the left of the view. If the * value is invalid, flash() will be called. If the value is valid, the * new value will be set and the scroll action called. * * @param left The new value for left. */ void set_left(unsigned int left) { if (this->lv_left != left) { this->lv_left = left; this->lv_scroll.invoke(this); this->lv_needs_update = true; } }; /** @return The column number that is displayed at the left. */ unsigned int get_left() const { return this->lv_left; }; /** * Shift the value of left by the given value. * * @param offset The amount to change top by. * @return The final value of top. */ unsigned int shift_left(int offset) { if (this->lv_word_wrap) { alerter::singleton().chime(); } else if (offset < 0 && this->lv_left < (unsigned int)-offset) { this->set_left(0); } else { this->set_left(this->lv_left + offset); } return this->lv_left; }; /** * Set the height of the view. A value greater than one is considered to * be an absolute size. A value less than or equal to zero makes the * height relative to the size of the enclosing window. * * @height The new height. */ void set_height(vis_line_t height) { if (this->lv_height != height) { this->lv_height = height; this->lv_needs_update = true; } }; /** @return The absolute or relative height of the window. */ vis_line_t get_height() const { return this->lv_height; }; /** @return The number of rows of data in this view's source data. */ vis_line_t get_inner_height() const { return vis_line_t(this->lv_source == NULL ? 0 : this->lv_source->listview_rows(*this)); }; void set_needs_update() { this->lv_needs_update = true; }; /** * Get the actual dimensions of the view. * * @param height_out The actual height of the view in lines. * @param width_out The actual width of the view in columns. */ void get_dimensions(vis_line_t &height_out, unsigned long &width_out) { unsigned long height; getmaxyx(this->lv_window, height, width_out); if (this->lv_height < 1) { height_out = vis_line_t(height) + this->lv_height - vis_line_t(this->lv_y); } else { height_out = this->lv_height; } }; /** This method should be called when the data source has changed. */ void reload_data(void); /** * @param ch The input to be handled. * @return True if the key was eaten by this view. */ bool handle_key(int ch); /** * Query the data source and draw the visible lines on the display. */ virtual void do_update(void); bool handle_mouse(mouse_event &me); protected: enum lv_mode_t { LV_MODE_NONE, LV_MODE_DOWN, LV_MODE_UP, LV_MODE_DRAG }; static list_gutter_source DEFAULT_GUTTER_SOURCE; std::string lv_title; list_data_source * lv_source; /*< The data source delegate. */ list_overlay_source *lv_overlay_source; action lv_scroll; /*< The scroll action. */ WINDOW * lv_window; /*< The window that contains this view. */ unsigned int lv_y; /*< The y offset of this view. */ vis_line_t lv_top; /*< The line at the top of the view. */ unsigned int lv_left; /*< The column at the left of the view. */ vis_line_t lv_height; /*< The abs/rel height of the view. */ bool lv_needs_update; /*< Flag to indicate if a display update * is needed. */ bool lv_show_scrollbar; /*< Draw the scrollbar in the view. */ list_gutter_source *lv_gutter_source; bool lv_word_wrap; struct timeval lv_mouse_time; int lv_scroll_accel; int lv_scroll_velo; int lv_mouse_y; lv_mode_t lv_mouse_mode; }; #endif