/** * Copyright (c) 2013, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file sqlite-extension-func.c */ #include "sqlite-extension-func.hh" #include "auto_mem.hh" #include "base/lnav_log.hh" #include "base/string_util.hh" #include "config.h" #include "sql_help.hh" extern "C" { struct sqlite3_api_routines; int sqlite3_series_init(sqlite3* db, char** pzErrMsg, const sqlite3_api_routines* pApi); } sqlite_registration_func_t sqlite_registration_funcs[] = {common_extension_functions, state_extension_functions, string_extension_functions, network_extension_functions, fs_extension_functions, json_extension_functions, time_extension_functions, nullptr}; int register_sqlite_funcs(sqlite3* db, sqlite_registration_func_t* reg_funcs) { int lpc; require(db != nullptr); require(reg_funcs != nullptr); { auto_mem errmsg(sqlite3_free); sqlite3_series_init(db, errmsg.out(), nullptr); } for (lpc = 0; reg_funcs[lpc]; lpc++) { struct FuncDef* basic_funcs = nullptr; struct FuncDefAgg* agg_funcs = nullptr; int i; reg_funcs[lpc](&basic_funcs, &agg_funcs); for (i = 0; basic_funcs && basic_funcs[i].zName; i++) { struct FuncDef& fd = basic_funcs[i]; // sqlite3CreateFunc /* LMH no error checking */ sqlite3_create_function(db, basic_funcs[i].zName, basic_funcs[i].nArg, basic_funcs[i].eTextRep, (void*) &fd, basic_funcs[i].xFunc, nullptr, nullptr); if (fd.fd_help.ht_context != help_context_t::HC_NONE) { help_text& ht = fd.fd_help; sqlite_function_help.insert(std::make_pair(ht.ht_name, &ht)); ht.index_tags(); } } for (i = 0; agg_funcs && agg_funcs[i].zName; i++) { struct FuncDefAgg& fda = agg_funcs[i]; // sqlite3CreateFunc sqlite3_create_function(db, agg_funcs[i].zName, agg_funcs[i].nArg, SQLITE_UTF8, (void*) &agg_funcs[i], nullptr, agg_funcs[i].xStep, agg_funcs[i].xFinalize); if (fda.fda_help.ht_context != help_context_t::HC_NONE) { help_text& ht = fda.fda_help; sqlite_function_help.insert(std::make_pair(ht.ht_name, &ht)); ht.index_tags(); } } } static help_text builtin_funcs[] = { help_text("abs", "Return the absolute value of the argument") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"x", "The number to convert"}) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example( {"To get the absolute value of -1", "SELECT abs(-1)"}), help_text("changes", "The number of database rows that were changed, inserted, or " "deleted by the most recent statement.") .sql_function(), help_text("char", "Returns a string composed of characters having the given " "unicode code point values") .sql_function() .with_parameter( help_text("X", "The unicode code point values").zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To get a string with the code points 0x48 and 0x49", "SELECT char(0x48, 0x49)"}), help_text("coalesce", "Returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or NULL if " "all arguments are NULL") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "A value to check for NULL-ness"}) .with_parameter( help_text("Y", "A value to check for NULL-ness").one_or_more()) .with_example( {"To get the first non-null value from three parameters", "SELECT coalesce(null, 0, null)"}), help_text("glob", "Match a string against Unix glob pattern") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"pattern", "The glob pattern"}) .with_parameter({"str", "The string to match"}) .with_example({"To test if the string 'abc' matches the glob 'a*'", "SELECT glob('a*', 'abc')"}), help_text("hex", "Returns a string which is the upper-case hexadecimal " "rendering of the content of its argument.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The blob to convert to hexadecimal"}) .with_example( {"To get the hexadecimal rendering of the string 'abc'", "SELECT hex('abc')"}), help_text("ifnull", "Returns a copy of its first non-NULL argument, or NULL if " "both arguments are NULL") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "A value to check for NULL-ness"}) .with_parameter({"Y", "A value to check for NULL-ness"}) .with_example( {"To get the first non-null value between null and zero", "SELECT ifnull(null, 0)"}), help_text("instr", "Finds the first occurrence of the needle within the " "haystack and returns the number of prior characters plus 1, " "or 0 if the needle was not found") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"haystack", "The string to search within"}) .with_parameter( {"needle", "The string to look for in the haystack"}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To test get the position of 'b' in the string 'abc'", "SELECT instr('abc', 'b')"}), help_text("last_insert_rowid", "Returns the ROWID of the last row insert from the database " "connection which invoked the function") .sql_function(), help_text("length", "Returns the number of characters (not bytes) in the given " "string prior to the first NUL character") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to determine the length of"}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To get the length of the string 'abc'", "SELECT length('abc')"}), help_text("like", "Match a string against a pattern") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"pattern", "The pattern to match. " "A percent symbol (%) will match zero or more characters " "and an underscore (_) will match a single character."}) .with_parameter({"str", "The string to match"}) .with_parameter( help_text("escape", "The escape character that can be used to prefix a " "literal percent or underscore in the pattern.") .optional()) .with_example( {"To test if the string 'aabcc' contains the letter 'b'", "SELECT like('%b%', 'aabcc')"}) .with_example({"To test if the string 'aab%' ends with 'b%'", "SELECT like('%b:%', 'aab%', ':')"}), help_text( "likelihood", "Provides a hint to the query planner that the first argument is a " "boolean that is true with the given probability") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"value", "The boolean value to return"}) .with_parameter({"probability", "A floating point constant between 0.0 and 1.0"}), help_text("likely", "Short-hand for likelihood(X,0.9375)") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"value", "The boolean value to return"}), help_text("load_extension", "Loads SQLite extensions out of the given shared library " "file using the given entry point.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"path", "The path to the shared library containing the extension."}) .with_parameter(help_text("entry-point", "").optional()), help_text("lower", "Returns a copy of the given string with all ASCII " "characters converted to lower case.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to convert."}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To lowercase the string 'AbC'", "SELECT lower('AbC')"}), help_text( "ltrim", "Returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that " "appear in the second argument from the left side of the first.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"str", "The string to trim characters from the left side"}) .with_parameter( help_text("chars", "The characters to trim. Defaults to spaces.") .optional()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To trim the leading whitespace from the string ' abc'", "SELECT ltrim(' abc')"}) .with_example({"To trim the characters 'a' or 'b' from the left " "side of the string 'aaaabbbc'", "SELECT ltrim('aaaabbbc', 'ab')"}), help_text("max", "Returns the argument with the maximum value, or return NULL " "if any argument is NULL.") .sql_function() .with_parameter(help_text("X", "The numbers to find the maximum of. " "If only one argument is given, this " "function operates as an aggregate.") .one_or_more()) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({"To get the largest value from the parameters", "SELECT max(2, 1, 3)"}) .with_example({"To get the largest value from an aggregate", "SELECT max(status) FROM http_status_codes"}), help_text("min", "Returns the argument with the minimum value, or return NULL " "if any argument is NULL.") .sql_function() .with_parameter(help_text("X", "The numbers to find the minimum of. " "If only one argument is given, this " "function operates as an aggregate.") .one_or_more()) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({"To get the smallest value from the parameters", "SELECT min(2, 1, 3)"}) .with_example({"To get the smallest value from an aggregate", "SELECT min(status) FROM http_status_codes"}), help_text("nullif", "Returns its first argument if the arguments are different " "and NULL if the arguments are the same.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The first argument to compare."}) .with_parameter({"Y", "The argument to compare against the first."}) .with_example( {"To test if 1 is different from 1", "SELECT nullif(1, 1)"}) .with_example( {"To test if 1 is different from 2", "SELECT nullif(1, 2)"}), help_text("printf", "Returns a string with this functions arguments substituted " "into the given format. " "Substitution points are specified using percent (%) " "options, much like the standard C printf() function.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"format", "The format of the string to return."}) .with_parameter(help_text("X", "The argument to substitute at a given " "position in the format.")) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To substitute 'World' into the string 'Hello, %s!'", "SELECT printf('Hello, %s!', 'World')"}) .with_example({"To right-align 'small' in the string 'align:' with " "a column width of 10", "SELECT printf('align: % 10s', 'small')"}) .with_example({"To format 11 with a width of five characters and " "leading zeroes", "SELECT printf('value: %05d', 11)"}), help_text("quote", "Returns the text of an SQL literal which is the value of " "its argument suitable for inclusion into an SQL statement.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The string to quote."}) .with_example({"To quote the string 'abc'", "SELECT quote('abc')"}) .with_example( {"To quote the string 'abc'123'", "SELECT quote('abc''123')"}), help_text("random", "Returns a pseudo-random integer between " "-9223372036854775808 and +9223372036854775807.") .sql_function(), help_text("randomblob", "Return an N-byte blob containing pseudo-random bytes.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"N", "The size of the blob in bytes."}), help_text( "replace", "Returns a string formed by substituting the replacement string " "for every occurrence of the old string in the given string.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to perform substitutions on."}) .with_parameter({"old", "The string to be replaced."}) .with_parameter({"replacement", "The string to replace any occurrences of the old " "string with."}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To replace the string 'x' with 'z' in 'abc'", "SELECT replace('abc', 'x', 'z')"}) .with_example({"To replace the string 'a' with 'z' in 'abc'", "SELECT replace('abc', 'a', 'z')"}), help_text("round", "Returns a floating-point value rounded to the given number " "of digits to the right of the decimal point.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"num", "The value to round."}) .with_parameter(help_text("digits", "The number of digits to the right of " "the decimal to round to.") .optional()) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({"To round the number 123.456 to an integer", "SELECT round(123.456)"}) .with_example({"To round the number 123.456 to a precision of 1", "SELECT round(123.456, 1)"}) .with_example({"To round the number 123.456 to a precision of 5", "SELECT round(123.456, 5)"}), help_text( "rtrim", "Returns a string formed by removing any and all characters that " "appear in the second argument from the right side of the first.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"str", "The string to trim characters from the right side"}) .with_parameter( help_text("chars", "The characters to trim. Defaults to spaces.") .optional()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To trim the whitespace from the end of the string 'abc '", "SELECT rtrim('abc ')"}) .with_example({"To trim the characters 'b' and 'c' from the string " "'abbbbcccc'", "SELECT rtrim('abbbbcccc', 'bc')"}), help_text("sqlite_compileoption_get", "Returns the N-th compile-time option used to build SQLite " "or NULL if N is out of range.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"N", "The option number to get"}), help_text("sqlite_compileoption_used", "Returns true (1) or false (0) depending on whether or not " "that compile-time option was used during the build.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"option", "The name of the compile-time option."}) .with_example( {"To check if the SQLite library was compiled with ENABLE_FTS3", "SELECT sqlite_compileoption_used('ENABLE_FTS3')"}), help_text("sqlite_source_id", "Returns a string that identifies the specific version of " "the source code that was used to build the SQLite library.") .sql_function(), help_text("sqlite_version", "Returns the version string for the SQLite library that is " "running.") .sql_function(), help_text("substr", "Returns a substring of input string X that begins with the " "Y-th character and which is Z characters long.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to extract a substring from."}) .with_parameter( {"start", "The index within 'str' that is the start of the substring. " "Indexes begin at 1. " "A negative value means that the substring is found by " "counting from the right rather than the left. "}) .with_parameter( help_text("size", "The size of the substring. " "If not given, then all characters through the end " "of the string are returned. " "If the value is negative, then the characters " "before the start are returned.") .optional()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To get the substring starting at the second " "character until the end of the string 'abc'", "SELECT substr('abc', 2)"}) .with_example({"To get the substring of size one starting at the " "second character of the string 'abc'", "SELECT substr('abc', 2, 1)"}) .with_example({"To get the substring starting at the last " "character until the end of the string 'abc'", "SELECT substr('abc', -1)"}) .with_example( {"To get the substring starting at the last character and " "going backwards one step of the string 'abc'", "SELECT substr('abc', -1, -1)"}), help_text("total_changes", "Returns the number of row changes caused by INSERT, UPDATE " "or DELETE statements since the current database connection " "was opened.") .sql_function(), help_text("trim", "Returns a string formed by removing any and all characters " "that appear in the second argument from the left and right " "sides of the first.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to trim characters from the left and " "right sides."}) .with_parameter( help_text("chars", "The characters to trim. Defaults to spaces.") .optional()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To trim whitespace from the start and end of the " "string ' abc '", "SELECT trim(' abc ')"}) .with_example( {"To trim the characters '-' and '+' from the string '-+abc+-'", "SELECT trim('-+abc+-', '-+')"}), help_text( "typeof", "Returns a string that indicates the datatype of the expression X: " "\"null\", \"integer\", \"real\", \"text\", or \"blob\".") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The expression to check."}) .with_example( {"To get the type of the number 1", "SELECT typeof(1)"}) .with_example({"To get the type of the string 'abc'", "SELECT typeof('abc')"}), help_text("unicode", "Returns the numeric unicode code point corresponding to the " "first character of the string X.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The string to examine."}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example({"To get the unicode code point for the first " "character of 'abc'", "SELECT unicode('abc')"}), help_text("unlikely", "Short-hand for likelihood(X, 0.0625)") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"value", "The boolean value to return"}), help_text("upper", "Returns a copy of the given string with all ASCII " "characters converted to upper case.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"str", "The string to convert."}) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To uppercase the string 'aBc'", "SELECT upper('aBc')"}), help_text("zeroblob", "Returns a BLOB consisting of N bytes of 0x00.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"N", "The size of the BLOB."}), help_text("date", "Returns the date in this format: YYYY-MM-DD.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"timestring", "The string to convert to a date."}) .with_parameter(help_text("modifier", "A transformation that is applied to the " "value to the left.") .zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"datetime"}) .with_example({"To get the date portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05'", "SELECT date('2017-01-02T03:04:05')"}) .with_example({"To get the date portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05' plus one day", "SELECT date('2017-01-02T03:04:05', '+1 day')"}) .with_example( {"To get the date portion of the epoch timestamp 1491341842", "SELECT date(1491341842, 'unixepoch')"}), help_text("time", "Returns the time in this format: HH:MM:SS.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"timestring", "The string to convert to a time."}) .with_parameter(help_text("modifier", "A transformation that is applied to the " "value to the left.") .zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"datetime"}) .with_example({"To get the time portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05'", "SELECT time('2017-01-02T03:04:05')"}) .with_example({"To get the time portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05' plus one minute", "SELECT time('2017-01-02T03:04:05', '+1 minute')"}) .with_example( {"To get the time portion of the epoch timestamp 1491341842", "SELECT time(1491341842, 'unixepoch')"}), help_text( "datetime", "Returns the date and time in this format: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"timestring", "The string to convert to a date with time."}) .with_parameter(help_text("modifier", "A transformation that is applied to the " "value to the left.") .zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"datetime"}) .with_example({"To get the date and time portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05'", "SELECT datetime('2017-01-02T03:04:05')"}) .with_example( {"To get the date and time portion of the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05' plus one minute", "SELECT datetime('2017-01-02T03:04:05', '+1 minute')"}) .with_example({"To get the date and time portion of the epoch " "timestamp 1491341842", "SELECT datetime(1491341842, 'unixepoch')"}), help_text("julianday", "Returns the number of days since noon in Greenwich on " "November 24, 4714 B.C.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"timestring", "The string to convert to a date with time."}) .with_parameter(help_text("modifier", "A transformation that is applied to the " "value to the left.") .zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"datetime"}) .with_example({"To get the julian day from the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05'", "SELECT julianday('2017-01-02T03:04:05')"}) .with_example( {"To get the julian day from the timestamp " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05' plus one minute", "SELECT julianday('2017-01-02T03:04:05', '+1 minute')"}) .with_example( {"To get the julian day from the timestamp 1491341842", "SELECT julianday(1491341842, 'unixepoch')"}), help_text("strftime", "Returns the date formatted according to the format string " "specified as the first argument.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"format", "A format string with substitutions similar to those found in " "the strftime() standard C library."}) .with_parameter( {"timestring", "The string to convert to a date with time."}) .with_parameter(help_text("modifier", "A transformation that is applied to the " "value to the left.") .zero_or_more()) .with_tags({"datetime"}) .with_example( {"To get the year from the timestamp '2017-01-02T03:04:05'", "SELECT strftime('%Y', '2017-01-02T03:04:05')"}) .with_example({"To create a string with the time from the " "timestamp '2017-01-02T03:04:05' plus one minute", "SELECT strftime('The time is: %H:%M:%S', " "'2017-01-02T03:04:05', '+1 minute')"}) .with_example( {"To create a string with the Julian day from the epoch " "timestamp 1491341842", "SELECT strftime('Julian day: %J', 1491341842, 'unixepoch')"}), help_text( "avg", "Returns the average value of all non-NULL numbers within a group.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The value to compute the average of."}) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({"To get the average of the column 'ex_duration' " "from the table 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT avg(ex_duration) FROM lnav_example_log"}) .with_example( {"To get the average of the column 'ex_duration' from the " "table 'lnav_example_log' when grouped by 'ex_procname'", "SELECT ex_procname, avg(ex_duration) FROM lnav_example_log " "GROUP BY ex_procname"}), help_text("count", "If the argument is '*', the total number of rows in the " "group is returned. " "Otherwise, the number of times the argument is non-NULL.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The value to count."}) .with_example( {"To get the count of the non-NULL rows of 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT count(*) FROM lnav_example_log"}) .with_example({"To get the count of the non-NULL values of " "'log_part' from 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT count(log_part) FROM lnav_example_log"}), help_text("group_concat", "Returns a string which is the concatenation of all non-NULL " "values of X separated by a comma or the given separator.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The value to concatenate."}) .with_parameter( help_text("sep", "The separator to place between the values.") .optional()) .with_tags({"string"}) .with_example( {"To concatenate the values of the column 'ex_procname' from " "the table 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT group_concat(ex_procname) FROM lnav_example_log"}) .with_example({"To join the values of the column 'ex_procname' " "using the string ', '", "SELECT group_concat(ex_procname, ', ') FROM " "lnav_example_log"}) .with_example({"To concatenate the distinct values of the column " "'ex_procname' from the table 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT group_concat(DISTINCT ex_procname) FROM " "lnav_example_log"}), help_text("sum", "Returns the sum of the values in the group as an integer.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The values to add."}) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({ "To sum all of the values in the column " "'ex_duration' from the table 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT sum(ex_duration) FROM lnav_example_log", }), help_text( "total", "Returns the sum of the values in the group as a floating-point.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"X", "The values to add."}) .with_tags({"math"}) .with_example({ "To total all of the values in the column " "'ex_duration' from the table 'lnav_example_log'", "SELECT total(ex_duration) FROM lnav_example_log", }), help_text("generate_series", "A table-valued-function that returns the whole numbers " "between a lower and upper bound, inclusive") .sql_table_valued_function() .with_parameter({"start", "The starting point of the series"}) .with_parameter({"stop", "The stopping point of the series"}) .with_parameter( help_text("step", "The increment between each value") .optional()) .with_result({"value", "The number in the series"}) .with_example({ "To generate the numbers in the range [10, 14]", "SELECT value FROM generate_series(10, 14)", }) .with_example({ "To generate every other number in the range [10, 14]", "SELECT value FROM generate_series(10, 14, 2)", }) .with_example({"To count down from five to 1", "SELECT value FROM generate_series(1, 5, -1)"})}; for (auto& ht : builtin_funcs) { sqlite_function_help.insert(std::make_pair(ht.ht_name, &ht)); ht.index_tags(); } static help_text builtin_win_funcs[] = { help_text("row_number", "Returns the number of the row within the current partition, " "starting from 1.") .sql_function() .with_tags({"window"}) .with_example({"To number messages from a process", "SELECT row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY ex_procname " "ORDER BY log_line) AS msg_num, ex_procname, " "log_body FROM lnav_example_log"}), help_text("rank", "Returns the row_number() of the first peer in each group " "with gaps") .sql_function() .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("dense_rank", "Returns the row_number() of the first peer in each group " "without gaps") .sql_function() .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("percent_rank", "Returns (rank - 1) / (partition-rows - 1)") .sql_function() .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("cume_dist", "Returns the cumulative distribution") .sql_function() .with_tags({"window"}), help_text( "ntile", "Returns the number of the group that the current row is a part of") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"groups", "The number of groups"}) .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("lag", "Returns the result of evaluating the expression against the " "previous row in the partition.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"expr", "The expression to execute over the previous row"}) .with_parameter( help_text("offset", "The offset from the current row in the partition") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("default", "The default value if the previous row " "does not exist instead of NULL") .optional()) .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("lead", "Returns the result of evaluating the expression against the " "next row in the partition.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"expr", "The expression to execute over the next row"}) .with_parameter( help_text("offset", "The offset from the current row in the partition") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("default", "The default value if the next row does " "not exist instead of NULL") .optional()) .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("first_value", "Returns the result of evaluating the expression against the " "first row in the window frame.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"expr", "The expression to execute over the first row"}) .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("last_value", "Returns the result of evaluating the expression against the " "last row in the window frame.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"expr", "The expression to execute over the last row"}) .with_tags({"window"}), help_text("nth_value", "Returns the result of evaluating the expression against the " "nth row in the window frame.") .sql_function() .with_parameter( {"expr", "The expression to execute over the nth row"}) .with_parameter({"N", "The row number"}) .with_tags({"window"}), }; for (auto& ht : builtin_win_funcs) { sqlite_function_help.insert(std::make_pair(ht.ht_name, &ht)); ht.index_tags(); } static help_text idents[] = { help_text("ATTACH", "Attach a database file to the current connection.") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter( help_text("filename", "The path to the database file.") .with_flag_name("DATABASE")) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name", "The prefix for tables in this database.") .with_flag_name("AS")) .with_example({"To attach the database file '/tmp/customers.db' " "with the name customers", "ATTACH DATABASE '/tmp/customers.db' AS customers"}), help_text("DETACH", "Detach a database from the current connection.") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name", "The prefix for tables in this database.") .with_flag_name("DATABASE")) .with_example({"To detach the database named 'customers'", "DETACH DATABASE customers"}), help_text("CREATE", "Assign a name to a SELECT statement") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("TEMP").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("VIEW")) .with_parameter( help_text("IF NOT EXISTS", "Do not create the view if it already exists") .optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("schema-name.", "The database to create the view in") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("view-name", "The name of the view")) .with_parameter( help_text("select-stmt", "The SELECT statement the view represents") .with_flag_name("AS")), help_text("CREATE", "Create a table") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("TEMP").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("TABLE")) .with_parameter(help_text("IF NOT EXISTS").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("table-name")) .with_parameter(help_text("select-stmt").with_flag_name("AS")), help_text("DELETE", "Delete rows from a table") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("table-name", "The name of the table") .with_flag_name("FROM")) .with_parameter( help_text("cond", "The conditions used to delete the rows.") .with_flag_name("WHERE") .optional()), help_text("DROP", "Drop an index") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("INDEX")) .with_parameter(help_text("IF EXISTS").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("index-name")), help_text("DROP", "Drop a table") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("TABLE")) .with_parameter(help_text("IF EXISTS").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("table-name")), help_text("DROP", "Drop a view") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("VIEW")) .with_parameter(help_text("IF EXISTS").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("view-name")), help_text("DROP", "Drop a trigger") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("TRIGGER")) .with_parameter(help_text("IF EXISTS").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("trigger-name")), help_text("INSERT", "Insert rows into a table") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("INTO")) .with_parameter(help_text("schema-name.").optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("table-name")) .with_parameter( help_text("column-name").with_grouping("(", ")").zero_or_more()) .with_parameter(help_text("expr") .with_flag_name("VALUES") .with_grouping("(", ")") .one_or_more()) .with_example( {"To insert the pair containing 'MSG' and 'HELLO, WORLD!' into " "the 'environ' table", "INSERT INTO environ VALUES ('MSG', 'HELLO, WORLD!')"}), help_text("SELECT", "Query the database and return zero or more rows of data.") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("result-column", "").one_or_more()) .with_parameter(help_text("table", "The table(s) to query for data") .with_flag_name("FROM") .zero_or_more()) .with_parameter( help_text("cond", "The conditions used to select the rows to return.") .with_flag_name("WHERE") .optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("grouping-expr", "The expression to use when grouping rows.") .with_flag_name("GROUP BY") .zero_or_more()) .with_parameter( help_text("ordering-term", "The values to use when ordering the result set.") .with_flag_name("ORDER BY") .zero_or_more()) .with_parameter( help_text("limit-expr", "The maximum number of rows to return") .with_flag_name("LIMIT") .zero_or_more()) .with_example( {"To select all of the columns from the table 'syslog_log'", "SELECT * FROM syslog_log"}), help_text("WITH", "Create a temporary view that exists only for the duration " "of a SQL statement.") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter( help_text("").with_flag_name("RECURSIVE").optional()) .with_parameter( {"cte-table-name", "The name for the temporary table."}) .with_parameter(help_text("select-stmt", "The SELECT statement used to populate " "the temporary table.") .with_flag_name("AS")), help_text( "UPDATE", "Modify a subset of values in zero or more rows of the given table") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("table", "The table to update")) .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("SET")) .with_parameter( help_text("column-name", "The columns in the table to update.") .with_parameter( help_text("expr", "The values to place into the column.") .with_flag_name("=")) .one_or_more()) .with_parameter(help_text("cond", "The condition used to determine whether " "a row should be updated.") .with_flag_name("WHERE") .optional()) .with_example({ "To mark the syslog message at line 40", "UPDATE syslog_log SET log_mark = 1 WHERE log_line = 40", }), help_text("CASE", "Evaluate a series of expressions in order until one " "evaluates to true and then return it's result. " "Similar to an IF-THEN-ELSE construct in other languages.") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter(help_text("base-expr", "The base expression that is used for " "comparison in the branches") .optional()) .with_parameter( help_text( "cmp-expr", "The expression to test if this branch should be taken") .with_flag_name("WHEN") .one_or_more() .with_parameter( help_text("then-expr", "The result for this branch.") .with_flag_name("THEN"))) .with_parameter( help_text("else-expr", "The result of this CASE if no branches matched.") .with_flag_name("ELSE") .optional()) .with_parameter(help_text("").with_flag_name("END")) .with_example({ "To evaluate the number one and return the string 'one'", "SELECT CASE 1 WHEN 0 THEN 'zero' WHEN 1 THEN 'one' END", }), help_text("CAST", "Convert the value of the given expression to a different " "storage class specified by type-name.") .sql_function() .with_parameter({"expr", "The value to convert."}) .with_parameter( help_text("type-name", "The name of the type to convert to.") .with_flag_name("AS")) .with_example({ "To cast the value 1.23 as an integer", "SELECT CAST(1.23 AS INTEGER)", }), help_text("expr", "Match an expression against a glob pattern.") .sql_infix() .with_parameter(help_text("NOT").optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("pattern", "The glob pattern to match against.") .with_flag_name("GLOB")) .with_example({ "To check if a value matches the pattern '*.log'", "SELECT 'foobar.log' GLOB '*.log'", }), help_text("expr", "Match an expression against a text pattern.") .sql_infix() .with_parameter(help_text("NOT").optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("pattern", "The pattern to match against.") .with_flag_name("LIKE")) .with_example({ "To check if a value matches the pattern 'Hello, %!'", "SELECT 'Hello, World!' LIKE 'Hello, %!'", }), help_text("expr", "Match an expression against a regular expression.") .sql_infix() .with_parameter(help_text("NOT").optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("pattern", "The regular expression to match against.") .with_flag_name("REGEXP")) .with_example({ "To check if a value matches the pattern 'file-\\d+'", "SELECT 'file-23' REGEXP 'file-\\d+'", }), help_text("expr", "Assign a collating sequence to the expression.") .sql_infix() .with_parameter( help_text("collation-name", "The name of the collator.") .with_flag_name("COLLATE")) .with_example({ "To change the collation method for string comparisons", "SELECT ('a2' < 'a10'), ('a2' < 'a10' COLLATE " "naturalnocase)", }), help_text("expr", "Test if an expression is between two values.") .sql_infix() .with_parameter(help_text("NOT").optional()) .with_parameter( help_text("low", "The low point").with_flag_name("BETWEEN")) .with_parameter( help_text("hi", "The high point").with_flag_name("AND")) .with_example({ "To check if 3 is between 5 and 10", "SELECT 3 BETWEEN 5 AND 10", }) .with_example({ "To check if 10 is between 5 and 10", "SELECT 10 BETWEEN 5 AND 10", }), help_text("OVER", "Executes the preceding function over a window") .sql_keyword() .with_parameter( {"window-name", "The name of the window definition"}), help_text("OVER", "Executes the preceding function over a window") .sql_function() .with_parameter(help_text{ "base-window-name", "The name of the window definition", } .optional()) .with_parameter( help_text{"expr", "The values to use for partitioning"} .with_flag_name("PARTITION BY") .zero_or_more()) .with_parameter(help_text{ "expr", "The values used to order the rows in the window"} .with_flag_name("ORDER BY") .zero_or_more()) .with_parameter(help_text{ "frame-spec", "Determines which output rows are read " "by an aggregate window function", } .optional()), }; for (auto& ht : idents) { sqlite_function_help.insert(make_pair(toupper(ht.ht_name), &ht)); for (const auto& param : ht.ht_parameters) { if (!param.ht_flag_name) { continue; } sqlite_function_help.insert( make_pair(toupper(param.ht_flag_name), &ht)); } } return 0; }