/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file view_curses.cc */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "lnav_log.hh" #include "view_curses.hh" using namespace std; string_attr_type view_curses::VC_STYLE; string_attr_type view_curses::VC_GRAPHIC; const struct itimerval ui_periodic_timer::INTERVAL = { { 0, 350 * 1000 }, { 0, 350 * 1000 } }; ui_periodic_timer::ui_periodic_timer() { struct sigaction sa; sa.sa_handler = ui_periodic_timer::sigalrm; sa.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGALRM, &sa, NULL); if (setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &INTERVAL, NULL) == -1) { perror("setitimer"); } } ui_periodic_timer &ui_periodic_timer::singleton() { static ui_periodic_timer retval; return retval; } void ui_periodic_timer::sigalrm(int sig) { singleton().upt_counter += 1; } alerter &alerter::singleton() { static alerter retval; return retval; } void view_curses::mvwattrline(WINDOW *window, int y, int x, attr_line_t &al, const struct line_range &lr, view_colors::role_t base_role) { int text_attrs, attrs, line_width; string_attrs_t & sa = al.get_attrs(); string & line = al.get_string(); string_attrs_t::iterator iter; std::map > tab_list; int tab_count = 0; char *expanded_line; size_t exp_index = 0; string full_line; require(lr.lr_end >= 0); line_width = lr.length(); tab_count = count(line.begin(), line.end(), '\t'); expanded_line = (char *)alloca(line.size() + tab_count * 8 + 1); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < line.size(); lpc++) { switch (line[lpc]) { case '\t': do { expanded_line[exp_index] = ' '; exp_index += 1; } while (exp_index % 8); tab_list[lpc] = exp_index; break; case '\r': /* exp_index = -1; */ break; case '\n': expanded_line[exp_index] = ' '; exp_index += 1; break; default: expanded_line[exp_index] = line[lpc]; exp_index += 1; break; } } expanded_line[exp_index] = '\0'; full_line = string(expanded_line); text_attrs = view_colors::singleton().attrs_for_role(base_role); attrs = text_attrs; wmove(window, y, x); wattron(window, attrs); if (lr.lr_start < (int)full_line.size()) { waddnstr(window, &full_line.c_str()[lr.lr_start], line_width); } if (lr.lr_end > (int)full_line.size()) { whline(window, ' ', lr.lr_end - full_line.size()); } wattroff(window, attrs); std::vector graphic_range; std::vector graphic_in; stable_sort(sa.begin(), sa.end()); for (iter = sa.begin(); iter != sa.end(); ++iter) { struct line_range attr_range = iter->sa_range; std::map::iterator tab_iter; require(attr_range.lr_start >= 0); require(attr_range.lr_end >= -1); tab_iter = tab_list.lower_bound(attr_range.lr_start); if (tab_iter != tab_list.end()) { if ((size_t)attr_range.lr_start > tab_iter->first) { attr_range.lr_start += (tab_iter->second - tab_iter->first) - 1; } } if (attr_range.lr_end != -1) { tab_iter = tab_list.lower_bound(attr_range.lr_end); if (tab_iter != tab_list.end()) { if ((size_t)attr_range.lr_end > tab_iter->first) { attr_range.lr_end += ( tab_iter->second - tab_iter->first) - 1; } } } attr_range.lr_start = max(0, attr_range.lr_start - lr.lr_start); if (attr_range.lr_end == -1) { attr_range.lr_end = lr.lr_start + line_width; } attr_range.lr_end = min((int)line_width, attr_range.lr_end - lr.lr_start); if (attr_range.lr_end > attr_range.lr_start) { string_attrs_t::iterator range_iter; int awidth = attr_range.length(); int color_pair = -1; attrs = 0; for (range_iter = iter; range_iter != sa.end() && range_iter->sa_range == iter->sa_range; ++range_iter) { if (range_iter->sa_type == &VC_STYLE) { if (color_pair <= 0) { color_pair = PAIR_NUMBER(range_iter->sa_value.sav_int); } attrs |= range_iter->sa_value.sav_int; } } if (attrs != 0) { int x_pos = x + attr_range.lr_start; int ch_width = min(awidth, (line_width - attr_range.lr_start)); chtype row_ch[ch_width + 1]; mvwinchnstr(window, y, x_pos, row_ch, ch_width); for (int lpc = 0; lpc < ch_width; lpc++) { if (color_pair > 0) { row_ch[lpc] &= ~A_COLOR; row_ch[lpc] |= (attrs & ~A_COLOR) | COLOR_PAIR(color_pair); } else { row_ch[lpc] |= (attrs); } } mvwaddchnstr(window, y, x_pos, row_ch, ch_width); } for (range_iter = iter; range_iter != sa.end() && range_iter->sa_range == iter->sa_range; ++range_iter) { if (range_iter->sa_type == &VC_GRAPHIC) { graphic_range.push_back(attr_range); graphic_in.push_back(range_iter->sa_value.sav_int | attrs); } } } } for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < graphic_range.size(); lpc++) { for (int lpc2 = graphic_range[lpc].lr_start; lpc2 < graphic_range[lpc].lr_end; lpc2++) { mvwaddch(window, y, lpc2, graphic_in[lpc]); } } } view_colors &view_colors::singleton(void) { static view_colors s_vc; return s_vc; } view_colors::view_colors() : vc_next_highlight(0), vc_next_plain_highlight(0) { } void view_colors::init(void) { if (has_colors()) { static int ansi_colors_to_curses[] = { COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_WHITE, }; start_color(); /* use_default_colors(); */ for (int fg = 0; fg < 8; fg++) { for (int bg = 0; bg < 8; bg++) { if (fg == 0 && bg == 0) continue; init_pair(ansi_color_pair_index(fg, bg), ansi_colors_to_curses[fg], ansi_colors_to_curses[bg]); } } if (COLORS == 256) { int color_pair_base = VC_ANSI_END; for (int z = 0; z < 6; z++) { for (int x = 1; x < 6; x += 2) { for (int y = 1; y < 6; y += 2) { int fg = 16 + x + (y * 6) + (z * 6 * 6); init_pair(color_pair_base, fg, COLOR_BLACK); init_pair(color_pair_base + HL_COLOR_COUNT, COLOR_BLACK, fg); color_pair_base += 1; } } } } } singleton().init_roles(); } void view_colors::init_roles(void) { int lpc; /* Setup the mappings from roles to actual colors. */ this->vc_role_colors[VCR_TEXT] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_DIM; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_SEARCH] = this->vc_role_colors[VCR_TEXT] | A_REVERSE; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_OK] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ERROR] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_WARNING] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ALT_ROW] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ADJUSTED_TIME] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_STATUS] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_WARN_STATUS] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_WHITE) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ALERT_STATUS] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_WHITE); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ACTIVE_STATUS] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_ACTIVE_STATUS2] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_BOLD_STATUS] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLACK, COLOR_WHITE) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_KEYWORD] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_STRING] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK) | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_COMMENT] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_VARIABLE] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_DIFF_DELETE] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_DIFF_ADD] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK); this->vc_role_colors[VCR_DIFF_SECTION] = ansi_color_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK); for (lpc = 0; lpc < VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START; lpc++) { this->vc_role_reverse_colors[lpc] = this->vc_role_colors[lpc] | A_REVERSE; } static int basic_hl_pairs[HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT] = { ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLACK), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_BLACK), }; static int basic_rev_hl_pairs[HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT] = { ansi_color_pair(COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_WHITE), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_CYAN, COLOR_BLACK), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_WHITE), ansi_color_pair(COLOR_MAGENTA, COLOR_WHITE), }; for (lpc = 0; lpc < HL_COLOR_COUNT / 2; lpc++) { this->vc_role_colors[VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + (lpc * 2)] = basic_hl_pairs[ lpc % HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT]; this->vc_role_colors[VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + (lpc * 2) + 1] = basic_hl_pairs[ lpc % HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT] | A_BOLD; this->vc_role_reverse_colors[VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + (lpc * 2)] = basic_rev_hl_pairs[ lpc % HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT] | A_REVERSE; this->vc_role_reverse_colors[VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + (lpc * 2) + 1] = basic_rev_hl_pairs[ lpc % HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT] | A_BOLD | A_REVERSE; } if (COLORS >= 256) { int color_pair_base = VC_ANSI_END; /* * Prime the highlight vector. The first HL_COLOR_COUNT color * pairs are assumed to be the highlight colors. */ for (lpc = VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + HL_BASIC_COLOR_COUNT * 2; lpc < VCR__MAX; lpc++) { this->vc_role_colors[lpc] = COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_base); this->vc_role_reverse_colors[lpc] = COLOR_PAIR(color_pair_base) | A_REVERSE; color_pair_base += 1; } } } view_colors::role_t view_colors::next_highlight() { role_t retval = (role_t)(VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + this->vc_next_highlight); this->vc_next_highlight = (this->vc_next_highlight + 1) % HL_COLOR_COUNT; return retval; } view_colors::role_t view_colors::next_plain_highlight() { role_t retval = (role_t)(VCR_HIGHLIGHT_START + this->vc_next_plain_highlight); this->vc_next_plain_highlight = (this->vc_next_plain_highlight + 2) % (HL_COLOR_COUNT); return retval; }