/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file log_format_impls.cc */ #include #include "log_format.hh" #include "log_vtab_impl.hh" using namespace std; static pcrepp RDNS_PATTERN("^(?:com|net|org|edu|[a-z][a-z])" "(\\.\\w+)+(.+)"); /** * Attempt to scrub a reverse-DNS string. * * @param str The string to scrub. If the string looks like a reverse-DNS * string, the leading components of the name will be reduced to a single * letter. For example, "com.example.foo" will be reduced to "c.e.foo". * @return The scrubbed version of the input string or the original string * if it is not a reverse-DNS string. */ static string scrub_rdns(const string &str) { pcre_context_static<30> context; pcre_input input(str); string retval; if (RDNS_PATTERN.match(context, input)) { pcre_context::capture_t *cap; cap = context.begin(); for (int index = 0; index < cap->c_begin; index++) { if (index == 0 || str[index - 1] == '.') { if (index > 0) { retval.append(1, '.'); } retval.append(1, str[index]); } } retval += input.get_substr(cap); retval += input.get_substr(cap + 1); } else { retval = str; } return retval; } class access_log_format : public log_format { static pcrepp &value_pattern(void) { static pcrepp VALUE_PATTERN( "^([\\w\\.-]+) [\\w\\.-]+ ([\\w\\.-]+) " "\\[([^\\]]+)\\] \"(?:\\-|(\\w+) ([^ \\?]+)(\\?[^ ]+)? " "([\\w/\\.]+))\" (\\d+) " "(\\d+|-)(?: \"([^\"]+)\" \"([^\"]+)\")?.*"); return VALUE_PATTERN; }; string get_name() { return "access_log"; }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { static const char *log_fmt[] = { "%*s %*s %*s [%63[^]]] \"%*[^\"]\" %d", NULL }; bool retval = false; struct tm log_time; int http_code = 0; char timestr[64]; time_t line_time; if (this->log_scanf(prefix, log_fmt, 2, NULL, timestr, &log_time, line_time, timestr, &http_code)) { logline::level_t ll = logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN; if (http_code < 400) { ll = logline::LEVEL_INFO; } else { ll = logline::LEVEL_ERROR; } dst.push_back(logline(offset, line_time, 0, ll)); retval = true; } return retval; }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *)new access_log_format(*this)); return retval; }; void annotate(const std::string &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { pcre_context_static<30> pc; pcre_input pi(line); if (value_pattern().match(pc, pi)) { static struct { const char * name; logline_value::kind_t kind; } columns[] = { { "c_ip", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "cs_username", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "", }, { "cs_method", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "cs_uri_stem", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "cs_uri_query", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "cs_version", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "sc_status", logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER }, { "sc_bytes", logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER }, { "cs_referer", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "cs_user_agent", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { NULL }, }; pcre_context::iterator iter; struct line_range lr; iter = pc.begin() + 3; lr.lr_start = iter->c_begin; lr.lr_end = iter->c_end; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("timestamp", 0)); lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = line.length(); lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); for (int lpc = 0; columns[lpc].name; lpc++) { if (columns[lpc].name[0] == '\0') { continue; } values.push_back(logline_value(columns[lpc].name, columns[lpc].kind, pi.get_substr(pc.begin() + lpc))); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "bad match! %s\n", line.c_str()); } }; }; log_format::register_root_format access_log_instance; class syslog_log_format : public log_format { static const int TIMESTAMP_LENGTH = 16; static pcrepp &repeated_pattern(void) { static pcrepp REPEATED_PATTERN("last message repeated \\d+ times"); return REPEATED_PATTERN; } static pcrepp &scrub_pattern(void) { static pcrepp SCRUB_PATTERN( "(\\w+\\s[\\s\\d]\\d \\d+:\\d+:\\d+) [\\.\\-\\w]+( .*)"); return SCRUB_PATTERN; } static pcrepp &error_pattern(void) { static pcrepp ERROR_PATTERN("(?:failed|failure|error)", PCRE_CASELESS); return ERROR_PATTERN; } static pcrepp &warning_pattern(void) { static pcrepp WARNING_PATTERN( "(?:warn|not responding|init: cannot execute)", PCRE_CASELESS); return WARNING_PATTERN; } string get_name() { return "syslog_log"; }; void scrub(string &line) { pcre_context_static<30> context; pcre_input pi(line); string new_line = ""; if (scrub_pattern().match(context, pi)) { pcre_context::capture_t *cap; for (cap = context.begin(); cap != context.end(); cap++) { new_line += pi.get_substr(cap); } line = new_line; } }; void annotate(const string &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { bool found_hostname = false, found_procname = false, found_prefix = false; struct line_range lr, hostname_range = { 0, 0 }; struct line_range procname_range = { 0, 0 }; int log_pid = -1; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = TIMESTAMP_LENGTH; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("timestamp", 0)); for (size_t lpc = TIMESTAMP_LENGTH; lpc < line.size(); lpc++) { if (line[lpc] == ' ' && !found_hostname) { hostname_range.lr_start = TIMESTAMP_LENGTH; hostname_range.lr_end = lpc; sa[hostname_range].insert(make_string_attr("log_hostname", 0)); found_hostname = true; } if (line[lpc] == ' ' && found_hostname && !found_procname) { bool done = false; procname_range.lr_start = procname_range.lr_end = lpc + 1; while (!done) { switch (line[lpc]) { case '\0': done = true; break; case ':': case '[': procname_range.lr_end = lpc; done = true; break; default: lpc += 1; break; } } sa[procname_range].insert(make_string_attr("log_procname", 0)); found_procname = true; } if (line[lpc] == '[' && log_pid == -1) { const char *line_c_str = line.c_str(); sscanf(&line_c_str[lpc + 1], "%d", &log_pid); } if (line[lpc] == ':') { lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = lpc + 1; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = lpc + 1; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); found_prefix = true; break; } } if (!found_prefix) { lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = line.length(); lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); hostname_range.lr_start = 0; hostname_range.lr_end = 0; } values.push_back(logline_value("log_hostname", line.substr(hostname_range.lr_start, hostname_range.length()))); values.push_back(logline_value("log_procname", line.substr(procname_range.lr_start, procname_range.length()))); values.push_back(logline_value("log_pid", (int64_t)log_pid)); }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { bool retval = false; struct tm log_time; short millis = 0; time_t now; char * rest; now = time(NULL); localtime_r(&now, &log_time); log_time.tm_isdst = 0; if ((rest = strptime(prefix, "%b %d %H:%M:%S", &log_time)) != NULL) { pcre_context_static<20> context; pcre_input pi(prefix, 0, len); logline::level_t ll = logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN; time_t log_gmt; if (repeated_pattern().match(context, pi)) { ll = logline::LEVEL_CONTINUED; } else if (error_pattern().match(context, pi)) { ll = logline::LEVEL_ERROR; } else if (warning_pattern().match(context, pi)) { ll = logline::LEVEL_WARNING; } log_gmt = tm2sec(&log_time); if (!dst.empty() && ((dst.back().get_time() - log_gmt) > (24 * 60 * 60))) { vector::iterator iter; for (iter = dst.begin(); iter != dst.end(); iter++) { time_t ot = iter->get_time(); struct tm *otm; otm = gmtime(&ot); otm->tm_year -= 1; iter->set_time(tm2sec(otm)); } } dst.push_back(logline(offset, log_gmt, millis, ll)); retval = true; } return retval; }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *)new syslog_log_format(*this)); return retval; }; }; log_format::register_root_format syslog_instance; class tcsh_history_format : public log_format { string get_name() { return "tcsh_history"; }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { bool retval = false; time_t log_time; int log_time_int; if (sscanf(prefix, "#+%d", &log_time_int) == 1) { struct tm log_tm; log_time = log_time_int; /* * NB: We convert any displayed dates to gm time, so we need to * convert this time to local and then back to gmt. */ memset(&log_tm, 0, sizeof(log_tm)); log_tm = *localtime(&log_time); log_tm.tm_zone = NULL; log_tm.tm_isdst = 0; dst.push_back(logline(offset, tm2sec(&log_tm), 0, logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN)); retval = true; } return retval; }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *) new tcsh_history_format(*this)); return retval; }; }; log_format::register_root_format tcsh_instance; class generic_log_format : public log_format { static pcrepp &scrub_pattern(void) { static pcrepp SCRUB_PATTERN( "\\d+-(\\d+-\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+(?:,\\d+)?:)\\w+:(.*)"); return SCRUB_PATTERN; } static const char **get_log_formats() { static const char *log_fmt[] = { "%63[0-9TZ: ,.-]%63[^:]%n", "%63[a-zA-Z0-9:-+/.] [%*x %63[^\n]%n", "%63[a-zA-Z0-9:.,-] %63[^\n]%n", "%63[a-zA-Z0-9: .,-] [%*[^]]]%63[^:]%n", "%63[a-zA-Z0-9: .,-] %63[^\n]%n", "[%63[0-9: .-] %*s %63[^\n]%n", "[%63[a-zA-Z0-9: -+/]] %63[^\n]%n", "[%63[a-zA-Z0-9: -+/]] [%63[a-zA-Z]]%n", "[%63[a-zA-Z0-9: .-+/] %*s %63[^\n]%n", "[%63[a-zA-Z0-9: -+/]] (%*d) %63[^\n]%n", NULL }; return log_fmt; }; string get_name() { return "generic_log"; }; void scrub(string &line) { pcre_context_static<30> context; pcre_input pi(line); string new_line = ""; if (scrub_pattern().match(context, pi)) { pcre_context::capture_t *cap; for (cap = context.begin(); cap != context.end(); cap++) { new_line += scrub_rdns(pi.get_substr(cap)); } line = new_line; } }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { bool retval = false; struct tm log_time; char timestr[64 + 32]; time_t line_time; char level[64]; char * last_pos; int prefix_len; if ((last_pos = this->log_scanf(prefix, get_log_formats(), 2, NULL, timestr, &log_time, line_time, timestr, level, &prefix_len)) != NULL) { uint16_t millis = 0; /* Try to pull out the milliseconds value. */ if (last_pos[0] == ',' || last_pos[0] == '.') { sscanf(last_pos + 1, "%hd", &millis); if (millis >= 1000) { millis = 0; } } dst.push_back(logline(offset, line_time, millis, logline::string2level(level))); retval = true; } return retval; }; void annotate(const string &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { const char * fmt = get_log_formats()[this->lf_fmt_lock]; char timestr[64 + 32] = ""; char level[64] = ""; struct line_range lr; int prefix_len = 0; sscanf(line.c_str(), fmt, timestr, level, &prefix_len); lr.lr_start = fmt[0] == '%' ? 0 : 1; lr.lr_end = lr.lr_start + this->lf_time_fmt_len; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("timestamp", 0)); for (int lpc = 0; level[lpc]; lpc++) { if (!isalpha(level[lpc])) { level[lpc] = '\0'; prefix_len = strlen(timestr) + lpc; break; } } if (logline::string2level(level, true) == logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN) { prefix_len = lr.lr_end; } lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = prefix_len; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = prefix_len; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *) new generic_log_format(*this)); return retval; }; }; log_format::register_root_format generic_log_instance; class glog_log_format : public log_format { static pcrepp &value_pattern(void) { static pcrepp VALUE_PATTERN( "\\s*(?:[IWECF])\\d+ \\d+:\\d+:\\d+\\.(\\d+)" /* level, date */ "\\s*([0-9]*)" /* thread */ "\\s*(.*):(\\d*)\\]" /* filename:number */ "\\s*(.*)"); return VALUE_PATTERN; }; string get_name() { return "glog_log"; }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { bool retval = false; struct tm log_time; short millis = 0; time_t now; char * rest; now = time(NULL); localtime_r(&now, &log_time); log_time.tm_isdst = 0; if ((rest = strptime(prefix + 1, "%m%d %H:%M:%S.", &log_time)) != NULL) { logline::level_t ll = logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN; time_t log_gmt; millis = atoi(rest) / 1000; switch (*prefix) { case 'I': /* info */ ll = logline::LEVEL_INFO; break; case 'W': /* warning */ ll = logline::LEVEL_WARNING; break; case 'E': /* error */ ll = logline::LEVEL_ERROR; break; case 'C': /* critical */ ll = logline::LEVEL_CRITICAL; break; case 'F': /* fatal */ ll = logline::LEVEL_FATAL; break; } log_gmt = tm2sec(&log_time); dst.push_back(logline(offset, log_gmt, millis, ll)); retval = true; } return retval; }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *)new glog_log_format(*this)); return retval; }; void annotate(const std::string &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { pcre_context_static<30> pc; pcre_input pi(line); if (value_pattern().match(pc, pi)) { static struct { const char * name; logline_value::kind_t kind; } columns[] = { { "micros", logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER }, { "thread", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "src_file", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "src_line", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "message", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { NULL } }; pcre_context::iterator iter; struct line_range lr; lr.lr_start = 1; lr.lr_end = 21; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("timestamp", 0)); iter = pc.begin() + 4; lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = iter->c_begin; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = iter->c_begin; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); for (int lpc = 0; columns[lpc].name; lpc++) { if (columns[lpc].name[0] == '\0') { continue; } values.push_back(logline_value(columns[lpc].name, columns[lpc].kind, pi.get_substr(pc.begin() + lpc))); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "bad match! %s\n", line.c_str()); } }; }; log_format::register_root_format glog_instance; class strace_log_format : public log_format { static pcrepp &value_pattern(void) { static pcrepp VALUE_PATTERN( "[0-9:.]* ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)\\(" "(.*)\\)" "\\s+= ([-xa-fA-F\\d\\?]+).*(?:<(\\d+\\.\\d+)>)?"); return VALUE_PATTERN; }; string get_name() { return "strace_log"; }; bool scan(vector &dst, off_t offset, char *prefix, int len) { static const char *log_fmt[] = { "%63[0-9:].%d", NULL }; static const char *time_fmt[] = { "%H:%M:%S", NULL }; bool retval = false; struct tm log_time; char timestr[64]; time_t line_time; int usecs; if (this->log_scanf(prefix, log_fmt, 2, time_fmt, timestr, &log_time, line_time, timestr, &usecs)) { logline::level_t level = logline::LEVEL_UNKNOWN; const char * eq; if ((eq = strrchr(prefix, '=')) != NULL) { int rc; if (sscanf(eq, "= %d", &rc) == 1 && rc < 0) { level = logline::LEVEL_ERROR; } } if (!dst.empty() && (line_time < dst.back().get_time())) { line_time += (24 * 60 * 60); } dst.push_back(logline(offset, line_time, usecs / 1000, level)); retval = true; } return retval; }; auto_ptr specialized() { auto_ptr retval((log_format *) new strace_log_format(*this)); return retval; }; void annotate(const std::string &line, string_attrs_t &sa, std::vector &values) const { pcre_context_static<30> pc; pcre_input pi(line); if (value_pattern().match(pc, pi)) { static struct { const char * name; logline_value::kind_t kind; } columns[] = { { "funcname", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "args", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "result", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { "duration", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT }, { NULL }, }; pcre_context::iterator iter; struct line_range lr; iter = pc.begin() + 3; lr.lr_start = iter->c_begin; lr.lr_end = iter->c_end; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("timestamp", 0)); lr.lr_start = 0; lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("prefix", 0)); lr.lr_start = line.length(); lr.lr_end = line.length(); sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("body", 0)); for (int lpc = 0; columns[lpc].name; lpc++) { if (columns[lpc].name[0] == '\0') { continue; } values.push_back(logline_value(columns[lpc].name, columns[lpc].kind, pi.get_substr(pc.begin() + lpc))); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "bad match! %s\n", line.c_str()); } }; }; log_format::register_root_format strace_log_instance;