/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "base/time_util.hh" #include "shlex.hh" #include "fmt/format.h" #include "data_parser.hh" #include "ansi_scrubber.hh" #include "log_format.hh" #include "textview_curses.hh" #include "view_curses.hh" #include "lnav_config.hh" using namespace std; const auto REVERSE_SEARCH_OFFSET = 2000_vl; void text_filter::revert_to_last(logfile_filter_state &lfs, size_t rollback_size) { require(lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] == 0); lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index] = lfs.tfs_last_message_matched[this->lf_index]; lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] = lfs.tfs_last_lines_for_message[this->lf_index]; for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index]; lpc++) { if (lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index]) { lfs.tfs_filter_hits[this->lf_index] -= 1; } lfs.tfs_filter_count[this->lf_index] -= 1; size_t line_number = lfs.tfs_filter_count[this->lf_index]; lfs.tfs_mask[line_number] &= ~(((uint32_t) 1) << this->lf_index); } if (lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] > 0) { require(lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] >= rollback_size); lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] -= rollback_size; } if (lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] == 0) { lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index] = false; } } void text_filter::add_line( logfile_filter_state &lfs, logfile::const_iterator ll, shared_buffer_ref &line) { bool match_state = this->matches(*lfs.tfs_logfile, ll, line); if (!ll->is_continued()) { this->end_of_message(lfs); } lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index] = lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index] || match_state; lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] += 1; } void text_filter::end_of_message(logfile_filter_state &lfs) { uint32_t mask = 0; mask = ((uint32_t) 1U << this->lf_index); for (size_t lpc = 0; lpc < lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index]; lpc++) { require(lfs.tfs_filter_count[this->lf_index] <= lfs.tfs_logfile->size()); size_t line_number = lfs.tfs_filter_count[this->lf_index]; if (lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index]) { lfs.tfs_mask[line_number] |= mask; } else { lfs.tfs_mask[line_number] &= ~mask; } lfs.tfs_filter_count[this->lf_index] += 1; if (lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index]) { lfs.tfs_filter_hits[this->lf_index] += 1; } } lfs.tfs_last_message_matched[this->lf_index] = lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index]; lfs.tfs_last_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] = lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index]; lfs.tfs_message_matched[this->lf_index] = false; lfs.tfs_lines_for_message[this->lf_index] = 0; } bookmark_type_t textview_curses::BM_USER("user"); bookmark_type_t textview_curses::BM_SEARCH("search"); bookmark_type_t textview_curses::BM_META("meta"); textview_curses::textview_curses() : tc_search_action(noop_func{}) { this->set_data_source(this); } void textview_curses::reload_config(error_reporter &reporter) { static auto DEFAULT_THEME_NAME = string("default"); for (auto iter = this->tc_highlights.begin(); iter != this->tc_highlights.end();) { if (iter->first.first != highlight_source_t::THEME) { ++iter; continue; } iter = this->tc_highlights.erase(iter); } for (const auto& theme_name : {DEFAULT_THEME_NAME, lnav_config.lc_ui_theme}) { auto theme_iter = lnav_config.lc_ui_theme_defs.find(theme_name); if (theme_iter == lnav_config.lc_ui_theme_defs.end()) { continue; } for (const auto &hl_pair : theme_iter->second.lt_highlights) { if (hl_pair.second.hc_regex.empty()) { continue; } const char *errptr; pcre *code; int eoff; if ((code = pcre_compile(hl_pair.second.hc_regex.c_str(), 0, &errptr, &eoff, nullptr)) == nullptr) { reporter(&hl_pair.second.hc_regex, fmt::format("invalid highlight regex: {} at {}", errptr, eoff)); continue; } const auto &sc = hl_pair.second.hc_style; string fg1, bg1, fg_color, bg_color, errmsg; rgb_color fg, bg; int attrs = 0; fg1 = sc.sc_color; bg1 = sc.sc_background_color; shlex(fg1).eval(fg_color, theme_iter->second.lt_vars); shlex(bg1).eval(bg_color, theme_iter->second.lt_vars); if (!rgb_color::from_str(fg_color, fg, errmsg)) { reporter(&sc.sc_color, errmsg); continue; } if (!rgb_color::from_str(bg_color, bg, errmsg)) { reporter(&sc.sc_background_color, errmsg); continue; } if (sc.sc_bold) { attrs |= A_BOLD; } if (sc.sc_underline) { attrs |= A_UNDERLINE; } this->tc_highlights[{highlight_source_t::THEME, hl_pair.first}] = highlighter(code) .with_pattern(hl_pair.second.hc_regex) .with_attrs(attrs != 0 ? attrs : -1) .with_color(fg, bg) .with_semantic(sc.sc_semantic); } } } void textview_curses::reload_data() { if (this->tc_sub_source != nullptr) { this->tc_sub_source->text_update_marks(this->tc_bookmarks); } listview_curses::reload_data(); if (this->tc_sub_source != nullptr) { auto ttt = dynamic_cast(this->tc_sub_source); if (ttt != nullptr) { ttt->data_reloaded(this); } } } void textview_curses::grep_begin(grep_proc &gp, vis_line_t start, vis_line_t stop) { require(this->tc_searching >= 0); this->tc_searching += 1; this->tc_search_action(this); bookmark_vector &search_bv = this->tc_bookmarks[&BM_SEARCH]; if (start != -1) { auto pair = search_bv.equal_range(vis_line_t(start), vis_line_t(stop)); for (auto mark_iter = pair.first; mark_iter != pair.second; ++mark_iter) { this->set_user_mark(&BM_SEARCH, *mark_iter, false); } } listview_curses::reload_data(); } void textview_curses::grep_end_batch(grep_proc &gp) { if (this->tc_follow_deadline.tv_sec && this->tc_follow_top == this->get_top()) { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, nullptr); if (this->tc_follow_deadline < now) { } else { if (this->tc_follow_func) { if (this->tc_follow_func()) { this->tc_follow_deadline = {0}; } } else { this->tc_follow_deadline = {0}; } } } this->tc_search_action(this); } void textview_curses::grep_end(grep_proc &gp) { this->tc_searching -= 1; this->grep_end_batch(gp); ensure(this->tc_searching >= 0); } void textview_curses::grep_match(grep_proc &gp, vis_line_t line, int start, int end) { this->tc_bookmarks[&BM_SEARCH].insert_once(vis_line_t(line)); if (this->tc_sub_source != nullptr) { this->tc_sub_source->text_mark(&BM_SEARCH, line, true); } if (this->get_top() <= line && line <= this->get_bottom()) { listview_curses::reload_data(); } } void textview_curses::listview_value_for_rows(const listview_curses &lv, vis_line_t row, vector &rows_out) { for (auto &al : rows_out) { this->textview_value_for_row(row, al); ++row; } } bool textview_curses::handle_mouse(mouse_event &me) { unsigned long width; vis_line_t height; if (this->tc_selection_start == -1_vl && listview_curses::handle_mouse(me)) { return true; } if (this->tc_delegate != nullptr && this->tc_delegate->text_handle_mouse(*this, me)) { return true; } if (me.me_button != mouse_button_t::BUTTON_LEFT) { return false; } vis_line_t mouse_line(this->get_top() + me.me_y); if (mouse_line > this->get_bottom()) { mouse_line = this->get_bottom(); } this->get_dimensions(height, width); switch (me.me_state) { case mouse_button_state_t::BUTTON_STATE_PRESSED: this->tc_selection_start = mouse_line; this->tc_selection_last = -1_vl; this->tc_selection_cleared = false; break; case mouse_button_state_t::BUTTON_STATE_DRAGGED: if (me.me_y <= 0) { this->shift_top(-1_vl); me.me_y = 0; mouse_line = this->get_top(); } if (me.me_y >= height && this->get_top() < this->get_top_for_last_row()) { this->shift_top(1_vl); me.me_y = height; mouse_line = this->get_bottom(); } if (this->tc_selection_last == mouse_line) break; if (this->tc_selection_last != -1) { this->toggle_user_mark(&textview_curses::BM_USER, this->tc_selection_start, this->tc_selection_last); } if (this->tc_selection_start == mouse_line) { this->tc_selection_last = -1_vl; } else { if (!this->tc_selection_cleared) { if (this->tc_sub_source != nullptr) { this->tc_sub_source->text_clear_marks(&BM_USER); } this->tc_bookmarks[&BM_USER].clear(); this->tc_selection_cleared = true; } this->toggle_user_mark(&BM_USER, this->tc_selection_start, mouse_line); this->tc_selection_last = mouse_line; } this->reload_data(); break; case mouse_button_state_t::BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED: this->tc_selection_start = -1_vl; this->tc_selection_last = -1_vl; this->tc_selection_cleared = false; break; } return true; } void textview_curses::textview_value_for_row(vis_line_t row, attr_line_t &value_out) { view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); bookmark_vector &user_marks = this->tc_bookmarks[&BM_USER]; string_attrs_t &sa = value_out.get_attrs(); string &str = value_out.get_string(); text_format_t source_format = this->tc_sub_source->get_text_format(); intern_string_t format_name; this->tc_sub_source->text_value_for_line(*this, row, str); this->tc_sub_source->text_attrs_for_line(*this, row, sa); scrub_ansi_string(str, sa); struct line_range body, orig_line; body = find_string_attr_range(sa, &SA_BODY); if (body.lr_start == -1) { body.lr_start = 0; body.lr_end = str.size(); } orig_line = find_string_attr_range(sa, &SA_ORIGINAL_LINE); if (!orig_line.is_valid()) { orig_line.lr_start = 0; orig_line.lr_end = str.size(); } auto sa_iter = find_string_attr(sa, &SA_FORMAT); if (sa_iter != sa.end()) { format_name = sa_iter->to_string(); } for (auto &tc_highlight : this->tc_highlights) { bool internal_hl = tc_highlight.first.first == highlight_source_t::INTERNAL || tc_highlight.first.first == highlight_source_t::THEME; if (tc_highlight.second.h_text_format != text_format_t::TF_UNKNOWN && source_format != tc_highlight.second.h_text_format) { continue; } if (!tc_highlight.second.h_format_name.empty() && tc_highlight.second.h_format_name != format_name) { continue; } // Internal highlights should only apply to the log message body so // that we don't start highlighting other fields. User-provided // highlights should apply only to the line itself and not any of the // surrounding decorations that are added (for example, the file lines // that are inserted at the beginning of the log view). int start_pos = internal_hl ? body.lr_start : orig_line.lr_start; tc_highlight.second.annotate(value_out, start_pos); } if (this->tc_hide_fields) { for (auto &sattr : sa) { if (sattr.sa_type == &SA_HIDDEN && sattr.sa_range.length() > 3) { struct line_range &lr = sattr.sa_range; str.replace(lr.lr_start, lr.length(), "\xE2\x8B\xAE"); shift_string_attrs(sa, lr.lr_start + 1, -(lr.length() - 3)); sattr.sa_type = &VC_STYLE; sattr.sa_value.sav_int = vc.attrs_for_role(view_colors::VCR_HIDDEN); lr.lr_end = lr.lr_start + 3; for_each(sa.begin(), sa.end(), [&] (string_attr &attr) { if (attr.sa_type == &VC_STYLE && attr.sa_range.lr_start == lr.lr_start) { attr.sa_type = &SA_REMOVED; } }); } } } #if 0 typedef std::map key_map_t; static key_map_t key_roles; data_scanner ds(str); data_parser dp(&ds); dp.parse(); for (list::iterator iter = dp.dp_stack.begin(); iter != dp.dp_stack.end(); ++iter) { view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); if (iter->e_token == DNT_PAIR) { list::iterator pair_iter; key_map_t::iterator km_iter; data_token_t value_token; struct line_range lr; string key; value_token = iter->e_sub_elements->back().e_sub_elements->front().e_token; if (value_token == DT_STRING) { continue; } lr.lr_start = iter->e_capture.c_begin; lr.lr_end = iter->e_capture.c_end; key = ds.get_input().get_substr( &iter->e_sub_elements->front().e_capture); if ((km_iter = key_roles.find(key)) == key_roles.end()) { key_roles[key] = vc.next_highlight(); } /* fprintf(stderr, "key = %s\n", key.c_str()); */ sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("style", vc.attrs_for_role(key_roles[key]))); pair_iter = iter->e_sub_elements->begin(); ++pair_iter; lr.lr_start = pair_iter->e_capture.c_begin; lr.lr_end = pair_iter->e_capture.c_end; sa[lr].insert(make_string_attr("style", COLOR_PAIR(view_colors::VC_WHITE) | A_BOLD)); } } #endif if (binary_search(user_marks.begin(), user_marks.end(), row)) { sa.emplace_back(line_range{orig_line.lr_start, -1}, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_REVERSE); } } void textview_curses::execute_search(const std::string ®ex_orig) { std::string regex = regex_orig; pcre *code = nullptr; if ((this->tc_search_child == nullptr) || (regex != this->tc_last_search)) { const char *errptr; int eoff; this->match_reset(); this->tc_search_child.reset(); this->tc_source_search_child.reset(); log_debug("start search for: '%s'", regex.c_str()); if (regex.empty()) { } else if ((code = pcre_compile(regex.c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &errptr, &eoff, nullptr)) == nullptr) { string errmsg = string(errptr); regex = pcrecpp::RE::QuoteMeta(regex); log_info("invalid search regex, using quoted: %s", regex.c_str()); if ((code = pcre_compile(regex.c_str(), PCRE_CASELESS, &errptr, &eoff, nullptr)) == nullptr) { log_error("Unable to compile quoted regex: %s", regex.c_str()); } } if (code != nullptr) { highlighter hl(code); hl.with_role(view_colors::VCR_SEARCH); highlight_map_t &hm = this->get_highlights(); hm[{highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}] = hl; unique_ptr> gp = make_unique>(code, *this); gp->set_sink(this); auto top = this->get_top(); if (top < REVERSE_SEARCH_OFFSET) { top = 0_vl; } else { top -= REVERSE_SEARCH_OFFSET; } gp->queue_request(top); if (top > 0) { gp->queue_request(0_vl, top); } gp->start(); this->tc_search_child = std::make_unique( gp, highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search", hm); if (this->tc_sub_source != nullptr) { this->tc_sub_source->get_grepper() | [this, code] (auto pair) { shared_ptr> sgp = make_shared>(code, *pair.first); sgp->set_sink(pair.second); sgp->queue_request(0_vl); sgp->start(); this->tc_source_search_child = sgp; }; } } } this->tc_last_search = regex; if (this->tc_state_event_handler) { this->tc_state_event_handler(*this); } } void textview_curses::horiz_shift(vis_line_t start, vis_line_t end, int off_start, pair &range_out) { highlighter &hl = this->tc_highlights[{highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "search"}]; int prev_hit = -1, next_hit = INT_MAX; for (; start < end; ++start) { std::vector rows(1); int off; this->listview_value_for_rows(*this, start, rows); const std::string &str = rows[0].get_string(); for (off = 0; off < (int)str.size(); ) { int rc, matches[128]; rc = pcre_exec(hl.h_code, hl.h_code_extra, str.c_str(), str.size(), off, 0, matches, 128); if (rc > 0) { struct line_range lr; if (rc == 2) { lr.lr_start = matches[2]; lr.lr_end = matches[3]; } else { lr.lr_start = matches[0]; lr.lr_end = matches[1]; } if (lr.lr_start < off_start) { prev_hit = std::max(prev_hit, lr.lr_start); } else if (lr.lr_start > off_start) { next_hit = std::min(next_hit, lr.lr_start); } if (lr.lr_end > lr.lr_start) { off = matches[1]; } else { off += 1; } } else { off = str.size(); } } } range_out = std::make_pair(prev_hit, next_hit); } void text_time_translator::scroll_invoked(textview_curses *tc) { if (tc->get_inner_height() > 0) { this->ttt_top_time = this->time_for_row((int) tc->get_top()); } } void text_time_translator::data_reloaded(textview_curses *tc) { if (tc->get_inner_height() > 0) { struct timeval top_time = this->time_for_row((int) tc->get_top()); if (top_time != this->ttt_top_time) { if (this->ttt_top_time.tv_sec != 0) { vis_line_t new_top(this->row_for_time(this->ttt_top_time)); if (new_top >= 0) { tc->set_top(new_top); } } this->ttt_top_time = this->time_for_row((int) tc->get_top()); } } } template class bookmark_vector; bool empty_filter::matches(const logfile &lf, logfile::const_iterator ll, shared_buffer_ref &line) { return false; } string empty_filter::to_command() { return ""; }