/** * Copyright (c) 2007-2012, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file listview_curses.cc */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "base/lnav_log.hh" #include "listview_curses.hh" using namespace std; list_gutter_source listview_curses::DEFAULT_GUTTER_SOURCE; listview_curses::listview_curses() : lv_scroll(noop_func{}) { } void listview_curses::reload_data() { if (this->lv_source == nullptr) { this->lv_top = 0_vl; this->lv_left = 0; } else { if (this->lv_top >= this->get_inner_height()) { this->lv_top = max(0_vl, vis_line_t(this->get_inner_height() - 1)); } if (this->get_inner_height() == 0) { this->lv_selection = 0_vl; } else if (this->lv_selection >= this->get_inner_height()) { this->lv_selection = this->get_inner_height() - 1_vl; } } this->vc_needs_update = true; } bool listview_curses::handle_key(int ch) { for (auto &lv_input_delegate : this->lv_input_delegates) { if (lv_input_delegate->list_input_handle_key(*this, ch)) { return true; } } auto height = 0_vl; unsigned long width; bool retval = true; this->get_dimensions(height, width); switch (ch) { case 'l': case KEY_RIGHT: this->shift_left(width / 2); break; case 'h': case KEY_LEFT: this->shift_left(-(width / 2)); break; case 'L': case KEY_SRIGHT: this->shift_left(10); break; case 'H': case KEY_SLEFT: this->shift_left(-10); break; case '\r': case 'j': case KEY_DOWN: if (this->is_selectable()) { this->shift_selection(1); } else { this->shift_top(1_vl); } break; case 'k': case KEY_UP: if (this->is_selectable()) { this->shift_selection(-1); } else { this->shift_top(-1_vl); } break; case 'b': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_PPAGE: this->shift_top(-(this->rows_available(this->lv_top, RD_UP) - 1_vl)); break; case ' ': case KEY_NPAGE: this->shift_top(this->rows_available(this->lv_top, RD_DOWN) - 1_vl); break; case 'g': case KEY_HOME: this->set_top(0_vl); break; case 'G': case KEY_END: { vis_line_t last_line(this->get_inner_height() - 1); vis_line_t tail_bottom(this->get_top_for_last_row()); if (this->is_selectable()) { this->set_selection(last_line); } else if (this->get_top() == last_line) { this->set_top(tail_bottom); } else if (tail_bottom <= this->get_top()) { this->set_top(last_line); } else { this->set_top(tail_bottom); } } break; case ']': { double tenth = ((double)this->get_inner_height()) / 10.0; this->shift_top(vis_line_t((int)tenth)); } break; case '[': case 'B': { double tenth = ((double)this->get_inner_height()) / 10.0; this->shift_top(vis_line_t((int)-tenth)); } break; default: retval = false; break; } return retval; } void listview_curses::do_update() { if (this->lv_window == nullptr || this->lv_height == 0) { view_curses::do_update(); return; } if (this->vc_needs_update) { view_colors &vc = view_colors::singleton(); vis_line_t height, row; attr_line_t overlay_line; struct line_range lr; unsigned long width, wrap_width; size_t row_count; int y = this->lv_y, bottom; attr_t role_attrs = vc.attrs_for_role(this->vc_default_role); this->get_dimensions(height, width); if (this->vc_width > 0) { width = std::min((unsigned long) this->vc_width, width); } wrap_width = width - (this->lv_word_wrap ? 1 : this->lv_show_scrollbar ? 1 : 0); row_count = this->get_inner_height(); row = this->lv_top; bottom = y + height; vector rows(min((size_t) height, row_count - (int) this->lv_top)); this->lv_source->listview_value_for_rows(*this, row, rows); while (y < bottom) { lr.lr_start = this->lv_left; lr.lr_end = this->lv_left + wrap_width; if (this->lv_overlay_source != nullptr && this->lv_overlay_source->list_value_for_overlay( *this, y - this->lv_y, bottom - this->lv_y, row, overlay_line)) { mvwattrline(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, overlay_line, lr); overlay_line.clear(); ++y; } else if (row < (int)row_count) { attr_line_t &al = rows[row - this->lv_top]; do { mvwattrline(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, al, lr, this->vc_default_role); if (this->lv_word_wrap) { mvwhline(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x + wrap_width, ' ', width - wrap_width); } lr.lr_start += wrap_width; lr.lr_end += wrap_width; ++y; } while (this->lv_word_wrap && y < bottom && lr.lr_start < (int)al.length()); ++row; } else { wattron(this->lv_window, role_attrs); mvwhline(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, ' ', width); wattroff(this->lv_window, role_attrs); ++y; } } if (this->lv_show_scrollbar) { double progress = 1.0; double coverage = 1.0; double adjusted_height = (double)row_count / (double)height; vis_line_t lines; if (row_count > 0) { progress = (double)this->lv_top / (double)row_count; coverage = (double)height / (double)row_count; } y = this->lv_y + (int)(progress * (double)height); lines = vis_line_t(y + min((int) height, (int)(coverage * (double)height))); for (unsigned int gutter_y = this->lv_y; gutter_y < (this->lv_y + height); gutter_y++) { int range_start = 0, range_end; view_colors::role_t role = this->vc_default_role; view_colors::role_t bar_role = view_colors::VCR_SCROLLBAR; int attrs; chtype ch = ACS_VLINE; if (row_count > 0) { range_start = (double)(gutter_y - this->lv_y) * adjusted_height; } range_end = range_start + adjusted_height; this->lv_gutter_source->listview_gutter_value_for_range( *this, range_start, range_end, ch, role, bar_role); if (gutter_y >= (unsigned int)y && gutter_y <= (unsigned int)lines) { role = bar_role; } attrs = vc.attrs_for_role(role); wattron(this->lv_window, attrs); mvwaddch(this->lv_window, gutter_y, this->lv_x + width - 1, ch); wattroff(this->lv_window, attrs); } wmove(this->lv_window, this->lv_y + height - 1, this->lv_x); } if (this->lv_show_bottom_border) { cchar_t row_ch[width]; int y = this->lv_y + height - 1; mvwin_wchnstr(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, row_ch, width - 1); for (unsigned long lpc = 0; lpc < width - 1; lpc++) { row_ch[lpc].attr |= A_UNDERLINE; } mvwadd_wchnstr(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, row_ch, width - 1); } this->vc_needs_update = false; } view_curses::do_update(); #if 0 else if (this->lv_overlay_needs_update && this->lv_overlay_source != NULL) { vis_line_t y(this->lv_y), height, bottom; attr_line_t overlay_line; unsigned long width, wrap_width; struct line_range lr; this->lv_overlay_source->list_overlay_count(*this); this->get_dimensions(height, width); wrap_width = width - (this->lv_word_wrap ? 1 : this->lv_show_scrollbar ? 1 : 0); lr.lr_start = this->lv_left; lr.lr_end = this->lv_left + wrap_width; bottom = y + height; while (y < bottom) { if (this->lv_overlay_source->list_value_for_overlay( *this, y - vis_line_t(this->lv_y), overlay_line)) { this->mvwattrline(this->lv_window, y, this->lv_x, overlay_line, lr); overlay_line.clear(); } ++y; } } #endif } void listview_curses::shift_selection(int offset) { vis_line_t new_selection = this->lv_selection + vis_line_t(offset); if (new_selection >= 0_vl && new_selection < this->get_inner_height()) { this->set_selection(new_selection); this->scroll_selection_into_view(); } else if (!alerter::singleton().chime()) { // XXX Disabling for now... // this->delegate_scroll_out(); } } static int scroll_polarity(mouse_button_t button) { return button == mouse_button_t::BUTTON_SCROLL_UP ? -1 : 1; } bool listview_curses::handle_mouse(mouse_event &me) { vis_line_t inner_height, height; struct timeval diff; unsigned long width; timersub(&me.me_time, &this->lv_mouse_time, &diff); this->get_dimensions(height, width); inner_height = this->get_inner_height(); switch (me.me_button) { case mouse_button_t::BUTTON_SCROLL_UP: case mouse_button_t::BUTTON_SCROLL_DOWN: if (diff.tv_sec > 0 || diff.tv_usec > 80000) { this->lv_scroll_accel = 1; this->lv_scroll_velo = 0; } else { this->lv_scroll_accel += 2; } this->lv_scroll_velo += this->lv_scroll_accel; this->shift_top(vis_line_t(scroll_polarity(me.me_button) * this->lv_scroll_velo), true); break; default: break; } this->lv_mouse_time = me.me_time; if (me.me_button != mouse_button_t::BUTTON_LEFT || inner_height == 0 || (this->lv_mouse_mode != LV_MODE_DRAG && me.me_x < (int)(width - 2))) { return false; } if (me.me_state == mouse_button_state_t::BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED) { this->lv_mouse_y = -1; this->lv_mouse_mode = LV_MODE_NONE; return true; } int scroll_top, scroll_bottom, shift_amount = 0, new_top = 0; double top_pct, bot_pct, pct; top_pct = (double)this->get_top() / (double)inner_height; bot_pct = (double)this->get_bottom() / (double)inner_height; scroll_top = (this->get_y() + (int)(top_pct * (double)height)); scroll_bottom = (this->get_y() + (int)(bot_pct * (double)height)); if (this->lv_mouse_mode == LV_MODE_NONE) { if ((scroll_top - 1) <= me.me_y && me.me_y <= (scroll_bottom + 1)) { this->lv_mouse_mode = LV_MODE_DRAG; this->lv_mouse_y = me.me_y - scroll_top; } else if (me.me_y < scroll_top) { this->lv_mouse_mode = LV_MODE_UP; } else { this->lv_mouse_mode = LV_MODE_DOWN; } } switch (this->lv_mouse_mode) { case LV_MODE_NONE: require(0); break; case LV_MODE_UP: if (me.me_y < scroll_top) { shift_amount = -1 * height; } break; case LV_MODE_DOWN: if (me.me_y > scroll_bottom) { shift_amount = height; } break; case LV_MODE_DRAG: pct = (double)inner_height / (double)height; new_top = me.me_y - this->get_y() - this->lv_mouse_y; new_top = (int)floor(((double)new_top * pct) + 0.5); this->set_top(vis_line_t(new_top)); break; } if (shift_amount != 0) { this->shift_top(vis_line_t(shift_amount)); } return true; }