/** * Copyright (c) 2013-2016, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * @file log_format_loader.cc */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "yajlpp.hh" #include "lnav_config.hh" #include "log_format.hh" #include "auto_fd.hh" #include "sql_util.hh" #include "format-text-files.hh" #include "default-log-formats-json.hh" #include "log_format_loader.hh" #ifndef SYSCONFDIR #define SYSCONFDIR "/usr/etc" #endif using namespace std; static void extract_metadata(const char *contents, size_t len, struct script_metadata &meta_out); typedef map log_formats_map_t; static log_formats_map_t LOG_FORMATS; struct userdata { std::string ud_format_path; vector *ud_format_names; std::vector *ud_errors; }; static external_log_format *ensure_format(const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, userdata *ud) { const intern_string_t name = ypc.get_substr_i(0); vector *formats = ud->ud_format_names; external_log_format *retval; retval = LOG_FORMATS[name]; if (retval == NULL) { LOG_FORMATS[name] = retval = new external_log_format(name); log_debug("Loading format -- %s", name.get()); } retval->elf_source_path.insert(ud->ud_format_path.substr(0, ud->ud_format_path.rfind('/'))); if (find(formats->begin(), formats->end(), name) == formats->end()) { formats->push_back(name); } if (ud->ud_format_path.empty()) { retval->elf_builtin_format = true; } return retval; } static external_log_format::pattern *pattern_provider(const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, external_log_format *elf) { string regex_name = ypc.get_substr(0); auto &pat = elf->elf_patterns[regex_name]; if (pat.get() == nullptr) { pat = make_shared(); } if (pat->p_config_path.empty()) { pat->p_config_path = elf->get_name().to_string() + "/regex/" + regex_name; } return pat.get(); } static external_log_format::value_def *value_def_provider(const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, external_log_format *elf) { const intern_string_t value_name = ypc.get_substr_i(0); auto &retval = elf->elf_value_defs[value_name]; if (retval.get() == nullptr) { retval = make_shared(); } retval->vd_name = value_name; return retval.get(); } static scaling_factor *scaling_factor_provider(const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, external_log_format::value_def *value_def) { string scale_spec = ypc.get_substr(0); const intern_string_t scale_name = intern_string::lookup(scale_spec.substr(1)); scaling_factor &retval = value_def->vd_unit_scaling[scale_name]; if (scale_spec[0] == '/') { retval.sf_op = SO_DIVIDE; } else if (scale_spec[0] == '*') { retval.sf_op = SO_MULTIPLY; } return &retval; } static external_log_format::json_format_element & ensure_json_format_element(external_log_format *elf, int index) { elf->jlf_line_format.resize(index + 1); return elf->jlf_line_format[index]; } static external_log_format::json_format_element *line_format_provider( const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, external_log_format *elf) { int index = ypc.ypc_index; external_log_format::json_format_element &jfe = ensure_json_format_element(elf, index); jfe.jfe_type = external_log_format::JLF_VARIABLE; return &jfe; } static int read_format_bool(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, int val) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(1); if (field_name == "convert-to-local-time") elf->lf_date_time.dts_local_time = val; else if (field_name == "json") elf->jlf_json = val; else if (field_name == "hide-extra") elf->jlf_hide_extra = val; else if (field_name == "multiline") elf->elf_multiline = val; return 1; } static int read_format_double(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, double val) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(1); if (field_name == "timestamp-divisor") { if (val <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error:%s: timestamp-divisor cannot be less " "than or equal to zero\n", ypc->get_path_fragment(0).c_str()); return 0; } elf->elf_timestamp_divisor = val; } return 1; } static int read_format_int(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, long long val) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(1); if (field_name == "timestamp-divisor") { if (val <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error:%s: timestamp-divisor cannot be less " "than or equal to zero\n", ypc->get_path_fragment(0).c_str()); return 0; } elf->elf_timestamp_divisor = val; } return 1; } static int read_format_field(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string value = string((const char *)str, len); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(1); if (field_name == "file-pattern") elf->elf_file_pattern = value; else if (field_name == "level-field") elf->elf_level_field = intern_string::lookup(value); else if (field_name == "timestamp-field") elf->lf_timestamp_field = intern_string::lookup(value); else if (field_name == "body-field") elf->elf_body_field = intern_string::lookup(value); else if (field_name == "timestamp-format") elf->lf_timestamp_format.push_back(intern_string::lookup(value)->get()); else if (field_name == "module-field") { elf->elf_module_id_field = intern_string::lookup(value); elf->elf_container = true; } else if (field_name == "opid-field") { elf->elf_opid_field = intern_string::lookup(value); } return 1; } static int read_levels(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string regex = string((const char *)str, len); string level_name_or_number = ypc->get_path_fragment(2); logline::level_t level = logline::string2level(level_name_or_number.c_str()); elf->elf_level_patterns[level].lp_regex = regex; return 1; } static int read_level_int(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, long long val) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string level_name_or_number = ypc->get_path_fragment(2); logline::level_t level = logline::string2level(level_name_or_number.c_str()); elf->elf_level_pairs.push_back(make_pair(val, level)); return 1; } static int read_action_def(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string action_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(2); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(3); string val = string((const char *)str, len); elf->lf_action_defs[action_name].ad_name = action_name; if (field_name == "label") elf->lf_action_defs[action_name].ad_label = val; return 1; } static int read_action_bool(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, int val) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string action_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(2); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(3); elf->lf_action_defs[action_name].ad_capture_output = val; return 1; } static int read_action_cmd(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string action_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(2); string field_name = ypc->get_path_fragment(3); string val = string((const char *)str, len); elf->lf_action_defs[action_name].ad_name = action_name; elf->lf_action_defs[action_name].ad_cmdline.push_back(val); return 1; } static external_log_format::sample &ensure_sample(external_log_format *elf, int index) { elf->elf_samples.resize(index + 1); return elf->elf_samples[index]; } static external_log_format::sample *sample_provider(const yajlpp_provider_context &ypc, external_log_format *elf) { external_log_format::sample &sample = ensure_sample(elf, ypc.ypc_index); return &sample; } static int read_json_constant(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); string val = string((const char *)str, len); ypc->ypc_array_index.back() += 1; int index = ypc->ypc_array_index.back(); external_log_format::json_format_element &jfe = ensure_json_format_element(elf, index); jfe.jfe_type = external_log_format::JLF_CONSTANT; jfe.jfe_default_value = val; return 1; } static int create_search_table(yajlpp_parse_context *ypc, const unsigned char *str, size_t len) { external_log_format *elf = (external_log_format *)ypc->ypc_obj_stack.top(); const intern_string_t table_name = ypc->get_path_fragment_i(2); string regex = string((const char *) str, len); elf->elf_search_tables.push_back(make_pair(table_name, regex)); return 1; } static struct json_path_handler pattern_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("pattern") .with_synopsis("") .with_description( "The regular expression to match a log message and capture fields.") .with_min_length(1) .for_field(&nullobj()->p_string), json_path_handler("module-format") .with_synopsis("") .with_description( "If true, this pattern will only be used to parse message bodies " "of container formats, like syslog") .for_field(&nullobj()->p_module_format), json_path_handler() }; static const json_path_handler_base::enum_value_t ALIGN_ENUM[] = { make_pair("left", external_log_format::json_format_element::LEFT), make_pair("right", external_log_format::json_format_element::RIGHT), json_path_handler_base::ENUM_TERMINATOR }; static const json_path_handler_base::enum_value_t OVERFLOW_ENUM[] = { make_pair("abbrev", external_log_format::json_format_element::ABBREV), make_pair("truncate", external_log_format::json_format_element::TRUNCATE), make_pair("dot-dot", external_log_format::json_format_element::DOTDOT), json_path_handler_base::ENUM_TERMINATOR }; static struct json_path_handler line_format_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("field") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The name of the field to substitute at this position") .with_min_length(1) .for_field(&nullobj()->jfe_value), json_path_handler("default-value") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The default value for this position if the field is null") .for_field(&nullobj()->jfe_default_value), json_path_handler("timestamp-format") .with_synopsis("") .with_min_length(1) .with_description("The strftime(3) format for this field") .for_field(&nullobj()->jfe_ts_format), json_path_handler("min-width") .with_min_value(0) .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The minimum width of the field") .for_field(&nullobj()->jfe_min_width), json_path_handler("max-width") .with_min_value(0) .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The maximum width of the field") .for_field(&nullobj()->jfe_max_width), json_path_handler("align") .with_synopsis("left|right") .with_description("Align the text in the column to the left or right side") .with_enum_values(ALIGN_ENUM) .for_enum(&nullobj()->jfe_align), json_path_handler("overflow") .with_synopsis("abbrev|truncate|dot-dot") .with_description("Overflow style") .with_enum_values(OVERFLOW_ENUM) .for_enum(&nullobj()->jfe_overflow), json_path_handler() }; static const json_path_handler_base::enum_value_t KIND_ENUM[] = { {"string", logline_value::VALUE_TEXT}, {"integer", logline_value::VALUE_INTEGER}, {"float", logline_value::VALUE_FLOAT}, {"boolean", logline_value::VALUE_BOOLEAN}, {"json", logline_value::VALUE_JSON}, {"quoted", logline_value::VALUE_QUOTED}, json_path_handler_base::ENUM_TERMINATOR }; static struct json_path_handler unit_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("field") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The name of the field that contains the units for this field") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_unit_field), json_path_handler("scaling-factor/(?.*)$") .with_synopsis("[*,/]") .with_obj_provider(scaling_factor_provider) .for_field(&nullobj()->sf_value), json_path_handler() }; static struct json_path_handler value_def_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("kind") .with_synopsis("string|integer|float|boolean|json|quoted") .with_description("The type of data in the field") .with_enum_values(KIND_ENUM) .for_enum(&nullobj()->vd_kind), json_path_handler("collate") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The collating function to use for this column") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_collate), json_path_handler("unit/") .with_children(unit_handlers), json_path_handler("identifier") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("Indicates whether or not this field contains an identifier that should be highlighted") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_identifier), json_path_handler("foreign-key") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("Indicates whether or not this field should be treated as a foreign key for row in another table") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_foreign_key), json_path_handler("hidden") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("Indicates whether or not this field should be hidden") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_hidden), json_path_handler("action-list#") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("Actions to execute when this field is clicked on") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_action_list), json_path_handler("rewriter") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("A command that will rewrite this field when pretty-printing") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_rewriter), json_path_handler("description") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("A description of the field") .for_field(&nullobj()->vd_description), json_path_handler() }; static const json_path_handler_base::enum_value_t LEVEL_ENUM[] = { make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_TRACE], logline::LEVEL_TRACE), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_DEBUG5], logline::LEVEL_DEBUG5), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_DEBUG4], logline::LEVEL_DEBUG4), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_DEBUG3], logline::LEVEL_DEBUG3), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_DEBUG2], logline::LEVEL_DEBUG2), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_DEBUG], logline::LEVEL_DEBUG), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_INFO], logline::LEVEL_INFO), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_STATS], logline::LEVEL_STATS), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_WARNING], logline::LEVEL_WARNING), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_ERROR], logline::LEVEL_ERROR), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_CRITICAL], logline::LEVEL_CRITICAL), make_pair(logline::level_names[logline::LEVEL_FATAL], logline::LEVEL_FATAL), json_path_handler_base::ENUM_TERMINATOR }; struct json_path_handler sample_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("line") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("A sample log line that should match a pattern in this format.") .for_field(&nullobj()->s_line), json_path_handler("level") .with_enum_values(LEVEL_ENUM) .with_description("The expected level for this sample log line.") .for_enum(&nullobj()->s_level), json_path_handler() }; struct json_path_handler format_handlers[] = { json_path_handler("regex/(?[^/]+)/") .with_obj_provider(pattern_provider) .with_children(pattern_handlers), // TODO convert the rest of these json_path_handler("(json|convert-to-local-time|" "hide-extra|multiline)", read_format_bool), json_path_handler("timestamp-divisor", read_format_double) .add_cb(read_format_int) .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The value to divide a numeric timestamp by in a JSON log."), json_path_handler("(file-pattern|level-field|timestamp-field|" "body-field|url|url#|title|description|" "timestamp-format#|module-field|opid-field)$", read_format_field), json_path_handler("level/" "(trace|debug\\d*|info|stats|warning|error|critical|fatal)") .add_cb(read_levels) .add_cb(read_level_int) .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The regular expression used to match the log text for this level. " "For JSON logs with numeric levels, this should be the number for the corresponding level."), json_path_handler("value/(?[^/]+)/") .with_obj_provider(value_def_provider) .with_children(value_def_handlers), json_path_handler("action/(?[^/]+)/label", read_action_def), json_path_handler("action/(?[^/]+)/capture-output", read_action_bool), json_path_handler("action/(?[^/]+)/cmd#", read_action_cmd), json_path_handler("sample#/") .with_obj_provider(sample_provider) .with_children(sample_handlers), json_path_handler("line-format#/") .with_obj_provider(line_format_provider) .with_children(line_format_handlers), json_path_handler("line-format#", read_json_constant), json_path_handler("search-table/.+/pattern", create_search_table) .with_synopsis("") .with_description("The regular expression for this search table."), json_path_handler("highlights#") .with_synopsis("") .with_description("A regular expression to highlight in logs of this format.") .for_field(&nullobj()->elf_highlighter_patterns), json_path_handler() }; struct json_path_handler root_format_handler[] = { json_path_handler("/(?\\w+)/") .with_obj_provider(ensure_format) .with_children(format_handlers), json_path_handler() }; static void write_sample_file(void) { string sample_path = dotlnav_path("formats/default/default-formats.json.sample"); auto_fd sample_fd; if ((sample_fd = open(sample_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0644)) == -1 || (write(sample_fd.get(), default_log_formats_json, strlen(default_log_formats_json)) == -1)) { perror("error: unable to write default format file"); } string sh_path = dotlnav_path("formats/default/dump-pid.sh"); auto_fd sh_fd; if ((sh_fd = open(sh_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0755)) == -1 || write(sh_fd.get(), dump_pid_sh, strlen(dump_pid_sh)) == -1) { perror("error: unable to write default text file"); } static const char *SCRIPTS[] = { partition_by_boot_lnav, dhclient_summary_lnav, lnav_pop_view_lnav, search_for_lnav, NULL }; for (int lpc = 0; SCRIPTS[lpc]; lpc++) { struct script_metadata meta; const char *script_content = SCRIPTS[lpc]; string script_path; auto_fd script_fd; char path[2048]; size_t script_len; struct stat st; script_len = strlen(script_content); extract_metadata(script_content, script_len, meta); snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "formats/default/%s.lnav", meta.sm_name.c_str()); script_path = dotlnav_path(path); if (stat(script_path.c_str(), &st) == 0 && (size_t) st.st_size == script_len) { // Assume it's the right contents and move on... continue; } if ((script_fd = open(script_path.c_str(), O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC|O_CREAT, 0755)) == -1 || write(script_fd.get(), script_content, script_len) == -1) { perror("error: unable to write default text file"); } } } static void format_error_reporter(const yajlpp_parse_context &ypc, const char *msg) { struct userdata *ud = (userdata *) ypc.ypc_userdata; ud->ud_errors->push_back(msg); } std::vector load_format_file(const string &filename, std::vector &errors) { std::vector retval; struct userdata ud; auto_fd fd; log_info("loading formats from file: %s", filename.c_str()); ud.ud_format_path = filename; ud.ud_format_names = &retval; ud.ud_errors = &errors; yajlpp_parse_context ypc(filename, root_format_handler); ypc.ypc_userdata = &ud; ypc.with_obj(ud); if ((fd = open(filename.c_str(), O_RDONLY)) == -1) { char errmsg[1024]; snprintf(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg), "error: unable to open format file -- %s", filename.c_str()); errors.push_back(errmsg); } else { auto_mem handle(yajl_free); char buffer[2048]; off_t offset = 0; ssize_t rc = -1; handle = yajl_alloc(&ypc.ypc_callbacks, NULL, &ypc); ypc.with_handle(handle) .with_error_reporter(format_error_reporter); yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_comments, 1); while (true) { rc = read(fd, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); if (rc == 0) { break; } else if (rc == -1) { errors.push_back(filename + ":unable to read file -- " + string(strerror(errno))); break; } if (offset == 0 && (rc > 2) && (buffer[0] == '#') && (buffer[1] == '!')) { // Turn it into a JavaScript comment. buffer[0] = buffer[1] = '/'; } if (ypc.parse((const unsigned char *)buffer, rc) != yajl_status_ok) { errors.push_back(filename + ": invalid json -- " + string((char *)yajl_get_error(handle, 1, (unsigned char *)buffer, rc))); break; } offset += rc; } if (rc == 0) { if (ypc.complete_parse() != yajl_status_ok) { errors.push_back(filename + ": invalid json -- " + string((char *)yajl_get_error(handle, 0, NULL, 0))); } } } return retval; } static void load_from_path(const string &path, std::vector &errors) { string format_path = path + "/formats/*/*.json"; static_root_mem gl; log_info("loading formats from path: %s", format_path.c_str()); if (glob(format_path.c_str(), 0, NULL, gl.inout()) == 0) { for (int lpc = 0; lpc < (int)gl->gl_pathc; lpc++) { string filename(gl->gl_pathv[lpc]); vector format_list; format_list = load_format_file(filename, errors); if (format_list.empty()) { log_warning("Empty format file: %s", filename.c_str()); } else { for (vector::iterator iter = format_list.begin(); iter != format_list.end(); ++iter) { log_info(" found format: %s", iter->get()); } } } } } void load_formats(const std::vector &extra_paths, std::vector &errors) { string default_source = string(dotlnav_path("formats") + "/default/"); yajlpp_parse_context ypc_builtin(default_source, root_format_handler); std::vector retval; struct userdata ud; yajl_handle handle; write_sample_file(); log_debug("Loading default formats"); handle = yajl_alloc(&ypc_builtin.ypc_callbacks, NULL, &ypc_builtin); ud.ud_format_names = &retval; ud.ud_errors = &errors; ypc_builtin .with_obj(ud) .with_handle(handle) .with_error_reporter(format_error_reporter) .ypc_userdata = &ud; yajl_config(handle, yajl_allow_comments, 1); if (ypc_builtin.parse((const unsigned char *)default_log_formats_json, strlen(default_log_formats_json)) != yajl_status_ok) { errors.push_back("builtin: invalid json -- " + string((char *)yajl_get_error(handle, 1, (unsigned char *)default_log_formats_json, strlen(default_log_formats_json)))); } ypc_builtin.complete_parse(); yajl_free(handle); load_from_path("/etc/lnav", errors); load_from_path(SYSCONFDIR "/lnav", errors); load_from_path(dotlnav_path(""), errors); for (vector::const_iterator path_iter = extra_paths.begin(); path_iter != extra_paths.end(); ++path_iter) { load_from_path(*path_iter, errors); } uint8_t mod_counter = 0; vector alpha_ordered_formats; for (map::iterator iter = LOG_FORMATS.begin(); iter != LOG_FORMATS.end(); ++iter) { external_log_format *elf = iter->second; elf->build(errors); if (elf->elf_has_module_format) { mod_counter += 1; elf->lf_mod_index = mod_counter; } for (map::iterator check_iter = LOG_FORMATS.begin(); check_iter != LOG_FORMATS.end(); ++check_iter) { if (iter->first == check_iter->first) { continue; } external_log_format *check_elf = check_iter->second; if (elf->match_samples(check_elf->elf_samples)) { log_warning("Format collision, format '%s' matches sample from '%s'", elf->get_name().get(), check_elf->get_name().get()); elf->elf_collision.push_back(check_elf->get_name()); } } if (errors.empty()) { alpha_ordered_formats.push_back(elf); } } vector &graph_ordered_formats = external_log_format::GRAPH_ORDERED_FORMATS; while (!alpha_ordered_formats.empty()) { vector popped_formats; for (vector::iterator iter = alpha_ordered_formats.begin(); iter != alpha_ordered_formats.end();) { external_log_format *elf = *iter; if (elf->elf_collision.empty()) { iter = alpha_ordered_formats.erase(iter); popped_formats.push_back(elf->get_name()); graph_ordered_formats.push_back(elf); } else { ++iter; } } if (popped_formats.empty() && !alpha_ordered_formats.empty()) { bool broke_cycle = false; log_warning("Detected a cycle..."); for (vector::iterator iter = alpha_ordered_formats.begin(); iter != alpha_ordered_formats.end(); ++iter) { external_log_format *elf = *iter; if (elf->elf_builtin_format) { log_warning(" Skipping builtin format -- %s", elf->get_name().get()); } else { log_warning(" Breaking cycle by picking -- %s", elf->get_name().get()); elf->elf_collision.clear(); broke_cycle = true; break; } } if (!broke_cycle) { alpha_ordered_formats.front()->elf_collision.clear(); } } for (vector::iterator iter = alpha_ordered_formats.begin(); iter != alpha_ordered_formats.end(); ++iter) { external_log_format *elf = *iter; for (vector::iterator pop_iter = popped_formats.begin(); pop_iter != popped_formats.end(); ++pop_iter) { elf->elf_collision.remove(*pop_iter); } } } log_info("Format order:") for (vector::iterator iter = graph_ordered_formats.begin(); iter != graph_ordered_formats.end(); ++iter) { log_info(" %s", (*iter)->get_name().get()); } vector &roots = log_format::get_root_formats(); roots.insert(roots.begin(), graph_ordered_formats.begin(), graph_ordered_formats.end()); } static void exec_sql_in_path(sqlite3 *db, const string &path, std::vector &errors) { string format_path = path + "/formats/*/*.sql"; static_root_mem gl; log_info("executing SQL files in path: %s", format_path.c_str()); if (glob(format_path.c_str(), 0, NULL, gl.inout()) == 0) { for (int lpc = 0; lpc < (int)gl->gl_pathc; lpc++) { string filename(gl->gl_pathv[lpc]); string content; if (read_file(filename.c_str(), content)) { log_info("Executing SQL file: %s", filename.c_str()); sql_execute_script(db, filename.c_str(), content.c_str(), errors); } else { errors.push_back("Unable to read file: " + filename); } } } } void load_format_extra(sqlite3 *db, const std::vector &extra_paths, std::vector &errors) { exec_sql_in_path(db, "/etc/lnav", errors); exec_sql_in_path(db, SYSCONFDIR "/lnav", errors); exec_sql_in_path(db, dotlnav_path(""), errors); for (vector::const_iterator path_iter = extra_paths.begin(); path_iter != extra_paths.end(); ++path_iter) { exec_sql_in_path(db, *path_iter, errors); } } static void extract_metadata(const char *contents, size_t len, struct script_metadata &meta_out) { static const pcrepp SYNO_RE("^#\\s+@synopsis:(.*)$", PCRE_MULTILINE); static const pcrepp DESC_RE("^#\\s+@description:(.*)$", PCRE_MULTILINE); pcre_input pi(contents, 0, len); pcre_context_static<16> pc; pi.reset(contents, 0, len); if (SYNO_RE.match(pc, pi)) { meta_out.sm_synopsis = trim(pi.get_substr(pc[0])); } pi.reset(contents, 0, len); if (DESC_RE.match(pc, pi)) { meta_out.sm_description = trim(pi.get_substr(pc[0])); } if (!meta_out.sm_synopsis.empty()) { size_t space = meta_out.sm_synopsis.find(' '); if (space == string::npos) { space = meta_out.sm_synopsis.size(); } meta_out.sm_name = meta_out.sm_synopsis.substr(0, space); } } void extract_metadata_from_file(struct script_metadata &meta_inout) { char buffer[8 * 1024]; auto_mem fp(fclose); struct stat st; if (stat(meta_inout.sm_path.c_str(), &st) == -1) { log_warning("unable to open script -- %s", meta_inout.sm_path.c_str()); } else if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) { log_warning("not a regular file -- %s", meta_inout.sm_path.c_str()); } else if ((fp = fopen(meta_inout.sm_path.c_str(), "r")) != NULL) { size_t len; len = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), fp.in()); extract_metadata(buffer, len, meta_inout); } } static void find_format_in_path(const string &path, map > &scripts) { string format_path = path + "/formats/*/*.lnav"; static_root_mem gl; log_debug("Searching for script in path: %s", format_path.c_str()); if (glob(format_path.c_str(), 0, NULL, gl.inout()) == 0) { for (int lpc = 0; lpc < (int)gl->gl_pathc; lpc++) { const char *filename = basename(gl->gl_pathv[lpc]); string script_name = string(filename, strlen(filename) - 5); struct script_metadata meta; meta.sm_path = gl->gl_pathv[lpc]; meta.sm_name = script_name; extract_metadata_from_file(meta); scripts[script_name].push_back(meta); log_debug(" found script: %s", meta.sm_path.c_str()); } } } void find_format_scripts(const vector &extra_paths, map > &scripts) { find_format_in_path("/etc/lnav", scripts); find_format_in_path(SYSCONFDIR "/lnav", scripts); find_format_in_path(dotlnav_path(""), scripts); for (vector::const_iterator path_iter = extra_paths.begin(); path_iter != extra_paths.end(); ++path_iter) { find_format_in_path(*path_iter, scripts); } } void load_format_vtabs(log_vtab_manager *vtab_manager, std::vector &errors) { map &root_formats = LOG_FORMATS; for (map::iterator iter = root_formats.begin(); iter != root_formats.end(); ++iter) { iter->second->register_vtabs(vtab_manager, errors); } }