/** * Copyright (c) 2015, Timothy Stack * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Timothy Stack nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE REGENTS AND CONTRIBUTORS ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE REGENTS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON * ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #include "config.h" #include "lnav.hh" #include "lnav_util.hh" #include "sysclip.hh" #include "vtab_module.hh" #include "plain_text_source.hh" #include "command_executor.hh" #include "readline_curses.hh" #include "readline_highlighters.hh" #include "log_search_table.hh" #include "log_format_loader.hh" #include "help_text_formatter.hh" #include "sqlite-extension-func.hh" using namespace std; #define ABORT_MSG "(Press " ANSI_BOLD("CTRL+]") " to abort)" #define STR_HELPER(x) #x #define STR(x) STR_HELPER(x) #define ANSI_RE(msg) ANSI_CSI "1;3" STR(COLOR_CYAN) "m" msg ANSI_NORM #define ANSI_CLS(msg) ANSI_CSI "1;3" STR(COLOR_MAGENTA) "m" msg ANSI_NORM #define ANSI_KW(msg) ANSI_CSI "3" STR(COLOR_BLUE) "m" msg ANSI_NORM #define ANSI_REV(msg) ANSI_CSI "7m" msg ANSI_NORM #define ANSI_STR(msg) ANSI_CSI "32m" msg ANSI_NORM const char *RE_HELP = " " ANSI_RE(".") " Any character " " " "a" ANSI_RE("|") "b a or b " " " ANSI_RE("^") " Start of string\n" " " ANSI_CLS("\\w") " Word character " " " "a" ANSI_RE("?") " 0 or 1 a's " " " ANSI_RE("$") " End of string\n" " " ANSI_CLS("\\d") " Digit " " " "a" ANSI_RE("*") " 0 or more a's " " " ANSI_RE("(") "..." ANSI_RE(")") " Capture\n" " " ANSI_RE("\\") " Escape character " " " "a" ANSI_RE("+") " 1 or more a's " " " ANSI_RE("[") "ab" ANSI_RE("-") "d" ANSI_RE("]") " Any of a, b, c, or d" ; const char *RE_EXAMPLE = ANSI_UNDERLINE("Examples") "\n" " abc" ANSI_RE("*") " matches " ANSI_STR("'ab'") ", " ANSI_STR("'abc'") ", " ANSI_STR("'abccc'") "\n" " key=" ANSI_RE("(\\w+)") " matches key=" ANSI_REV("123") ", key=" ANSI_REV("abc") " and captures 123 and abc\n" " " ANSI_RE("\\") "[abc" ANSI_RE("\\") "] matches " ANSI_STR("'[abc]'") ; const char *SQL_HELP = " " ANSI_KW("SELECT") " Select rows from a table " " " ANSI_KW("DELETE") " Delete rows from a table\n" " " ANSI_KW("INSERT") " Insert rows into a table " " " ANSI_KW("UPDATE") " Update rows in a table\n" " " ANSI_KW("CREATE") " Create a table/index " " " ANSI_KW("DROP") " Drop a table/index\n" " " ANSI_KW("ATTACH") " Attach a SQLite database file " " " ANSI_KW("DETACH") " Detach a SQLite database" ; const char *SQL_EXAMPLE = ANSI_UNDERLINE("Examples") "\n" " SELECT * FROM %s WHERE log_level >= 'warning' LIMIT 10\n" " UPDATE %s SET log_mark = 1 WHERE log_line = log_top_line()\n" " SELECT * FROM logline LIMIT 10" ; static const char *LNAV_CMD_PROMPT = "Enter an lnav command: " ABORT_MSG; void rl_set_help() { switch (lnav_data.ld_mode) { case LNM_SEARCH: { lnav_data.ld_doc_source.replace_with(RE_HELP); lnav_data.ld_example_source.replace_with(RE_EXAMPLE); break; } case LNM_SQL: { textview_curses &log_view = lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_LOG]; auto lss = (logfile_sub_source *) log_view.get_sub_source(); char example_txt[1024]; attr_line_t example_al; if (log_view.get_inner_height() > 0) { auto cl = lss->at(log_view.get_top()); auto lf = lss->find(cl); auto format_name = lf->get_format()->get_name().get(); snprintf(example_txt, sizeof(example_txt), SQL_EXAMPLE, format_name, format_name); example_al.with_ansi_string(example_txt); readline_sqlite_highlighter(example_al, 0); } lnav_data.ld_doc_source.replace_with(SQL_HELP); lnav_data.ld_example_source.replace_with(example_al); break; } default: break; } } void rl_change(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "bodypreview"}); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description().clear(); switch (lnav_data.ld_mode) { case LNM_COMMAND: { static string last_command; static int generation = 0; string line = rc->get_line_buffer(); vector args; auto iter = lnav_commands.end(); split_ws(line, args); if (args.empty()) { generation = 0; } else if (args[0] != last_command) { last_command = args[0]; generation = 0; } else { generation += 1; } if (!args.empty()) { iter = lnav_commands.find(args[0]); } if (iter == lnav_commands.end()) { lnav_data.ld_doc_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_example_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description().clear(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(LNAV_CMD_PROMPT); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } else if (args[0] == "config" && args.size() > 1) { yajlpp_parse_context ypc("input", &lnav_config_handlers); ypc.set_path(args[1]) .with_obj(lnav_config); ypc.update_callbacks(); if (ypc.ypc_current_handler != NULL) { const json_path_handler_base *jph = ypc.ypc_current_handler; char help_text[1024]; snprintf(help_text, sizeof(help_text), ANSI_BOLD("%s %s") " -- %s " ABORT_MSG, jph->jph_property.c_str(), jph->jph_synopsis, jph->jph_description); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(help_text); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } else { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error( "Unknown configuration option: " + args[1]); } } else { readline_context::command_t &cmd = *iter->second; const help_text &ht = cmd.c_help; if (ht.ht_name) { textview_curses &dtc = lnav_data.ld_doc_view; textview_curses &etc = lnav_data.ld_example_view; unsigned long width; vis_line_t height; attr_line_t al; dtc.get_dimensions(height, width); format_help_text_for_term(ht, min(70UL, width), al); lnav_data.ld_doc_source.replace_with(al); al.clear(); etc.get_dimensions(height, width); format_example_text_for_term(ht, eval_example, width, al); lnav_data.ld_example_source.replace_with(al); } if (cmd.c_prompt != nullptr && generation == 0 && trim(line) == args[0]) { string new_prompt = cmd.c_prompt( lnav_data.ld_exec_context, line); if (!new_prompt.empty()) { rc->rewrite_line(line.length(), new_prompt); } } lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); lnav_data.ld_status[LNS_BOTTOM].window_change(); } break; } case LNM_EXEC: { string line = rc->get_line_buffer(); size_t name_end = line.find(' '); string script_name = line.substr(0, name_end); map > &scripts = lnav_data.ld_scripts; map >::iterator iter; if ((iter = scripts.find(script_name)) == scripts.end() || iter->second[0].sm_description.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt( "Enter a script to execute: " ABORT_MSG); } else { struct script_metadata &meta = iter->second[0]; char help_text[1024]; snprintf(help_text, sizeof(help_text), ANSI_BOLD("%s") " -- %s " ABORT_MSG, meta.sm_synopsis.c_str(), meta.sm_description.c_str()); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(help_text); } break; } default: break; } } static void rl_search_internal(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc, bool complete = false) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); string term_val; string name; tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "bodypreview"}); tc->reload_data(); switch (lnav_data.ld_mode) { case LNM_SEARCH: name = "$search"; break; case LNM_CAPTURE: require(0); name = "$capture"; break; case LNM_COMMAND: { lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_dry_run = true; lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description().clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); string result = execute_command(lnav_data.ld_exec_context, rc->get_value()) .orElse(err_to_ok).unwrap(); if (result.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(LNAV_CMD_PROMPT); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } else if (startswith(result, "error:")) { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(""); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(result); } else { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(result); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } lnav_data.ld_preview_view.reload_data(); lnav_data.ld_exec_context.ec_dry_run = false; return; } case LNM_SQL: { term_val = trim(rc->get_value() + ";"); if (!term_val.empty() && term_val[0] == '.') { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } else if (!sqlite3_complete(term_val.c_str())) { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source. grep_error("sql error: incomplete statement"); } else { auto_mem stmt(sqlite3_finalize); int retcode; retcode = sqlite3_prepare_v2(lnav_data.ld_db, rc->get_value().c_str(), -1, stmt.out(), NULL); if (retcode != SQLITE_OK) { const char *errmsg = sqlite3_errmsg(lnav_data.ld_db); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source. grep_error(string("sql error: ") + string(errmsg)); } else { lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); } } attr_line_t al(rc->get_line_buffer()); const string_attrs_t &sa = al.get_attrs(); size_t x = rc->get_x() - 1; bool has_doc = false; annotate_sql_statement(al); if (x > 0 && (int)x >= al.length()) { x -= 1; } while (x > 0 && isspace(al.get_string()[x])) { x -= 1; } vector kw; auto iter = rfind_string_attr_if(sa, x, [&al, &name, &kw, x](auto sa) { if (sa.sa_type != &SQL_FUNCTION_ATTR && sa.sa_type != &SQL_KEYWORD_ATTR) { return false; } const string &str = al.get_string(); const line_range &lr = sa.sa_range; int lpc; if (sa.sa_type == &SQL_FUNCTION_ATTR) { if (!sa.sa_range.contains(x)) { return false; } } for (lpc = lr.lr_start; lpc < lr.lr_end; lpc++) { if (!isalnum(str[lpc]) && str[lpc] != '_') { break; } } string tmp_name = str.substr(lr.lr_start, lpc - lr.lr_start); if (sa.sa_type == &SQL_KEYWORD_ATTR) { tmp_name = toupper(tmp_name); } bool retval = sqlite_function_help.count(tmp_name) > 0; if (retval) { kw.push_back(tmp_name); name = tmp_name; } return retval; }); if (iter != sa.end()) { auto func_pair = sqlite_function_help.equal_range(name); size_t help_count = distance(func_pair.first, func_pair.second); textview_curses &dtc = lnav_data.ld_doc_view; textview_curses &etc = lnav_data.ld_example_view; unsigned long doc_width, ex_width; vis_line_t doc_height, ex_height; attr_line_t doc_al, ex_al; dtc.get_dimensions(doc_height, doc_width); etc.get_dimensions(ex_height, ex_width); if (help_count > 1 && name != func_pair.first->second->ht_name) { while (func_pair.first != func_pair.second) { if (find(kw.begin(), kw.end(), func_pair.first->second->ht_name) == kw.end()) { ++func_pair.first; } else { func_pair.second = next(func_pair.first); break; } } help_count = distance(func_pair.first, func_pair.second); } for (auto func_iter = func_pair.first; func_iter != func_pair.second; ++func_iter) { const help_text &ht = *func_iter->second; format_help_text_for_term(ht, min(70UL, doc_width), doc_al, help_count > 1); if (help_count == 1) { format_example_text_for_term(ht, eval_example, ex_width, ex_al); } } if (!doc_al.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_doc_source.replace_with(doc_al); dtc.reload_data(); if (!ex_al.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_example_source.replace_with(ex_al); etc.reload_data(); } has_doc = true; } } auto ident_iter = find_string_attr_containing(sa, &SQL_IDENTIFIER_ATTR, x); if (ident_iter != sa.end()) { string ident = al.get_substring(ident_iter->sa_range); intern_string_t intern_ident = intern_string::lookup(ident); auto vtab = lnav_data.ld_vtab_manager->lookup_impl(intern_ident); auto vtab_module_iter = vtab_module_ddls.find(intern_ident); string ddl; if (vtab != nullptr) { ddl = trim(vtab->get_table_statement()); } else if (vtab_module_iter != vtab_module_ddls.end()) { ddl = vtab_module_iter->second; } else { auto table_ddl_iter = lnav_data.ld_table_ddl.find(ident); if (table_ddl_iter != lnav_data.ld_table_ddl.end()) { ddl = table_ddl_iter->second; } } if (!ddl.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_preview_source.replace_with(ddl) .set_text_format(text_format_t::TF_SQL) .truncate_to(30); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description() .set_value("Definition for table -- %s", ident.c_str()); } } if (!has_doc) { rl_set_help(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); } return; } case LNM_EXEC: return; default: require(0); break; } if (!complete) { tc->set_top(lnav_data.ld_search_start_line); } tc->execute_search(rc->get_value()); } void rl_search(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); rl_search_internal(dummy, rc); tc->set_follow_search_for(0); } void rl_abort(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(""); lnav_data.ld_example_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_doc_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description().clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "bodypreview"}); vector errors; lnav_config = rollback_lnav_config; reload_config(errors); lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.grep_error(""); switch (lnav_data.ld_mode) { case LNM_SEARCH: tc->set_top(lnav_data.ld_search_start_line); tc->execute_search(lnav_data.ld_previous_search); break; case LNM_SQL: tc->reload_data(); break; default: break; } lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_value(""); lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_PAGING; } void rl_callback(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { textview_curses *tc = *lnav_data.ld_view_stack.top(); exec_context &ec = lnav_data.ld_exec_context; string alt_msg; lnav_data.ld_bottom_source.set_prompt(""); lnav_data.ld_doc_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_example_source.clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_status_source.get_description().clear(); lnav_data.ld_preview_source.clear(); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "preview"}); tc->get_highlights().erase({highlight_source_t::PREVIEW, "bodypreview"}); switch (lnav_data.ld_mode) { case LNM_PAGING: case LNM_FILTER: require(0); break; case LNM_COMMAND: rc->set_alt_value(""); rc->set_value(execute_command(ec, rc->get_value()) .orElse(err_to_ok).unwrap()); break; case LNM_SEARCH: case LNM_CAPTURE: rl_search_internal(dummy, rc, true); if (rc->get_value().size() > 0) { auto_mem pfile(pclose); vis_bookmarks &bm = tc->get_bookmarks(); const auto &bv = bm[&textview_curses::BM_SEARCH]; vis_line_t vl = bv.next(tc->get_top()); pfile = open_clipboard(CT_FIND); if (pfile.in() != nullptr) { fprintf(pfile, "%s", rc->get_value().c_str()); } if (vl != -1_vl) { tc->set_top(vl); } else { tc->set_follow_search_for(750); } rc->set_value("search: " + rc->get_value()); rc->set_alt_value(HELP_MSG_2( n, N, "to move forward/backward through search results")); } break; case LNM_SQL: { string result = execute_sql(ec, rc->get_value(), alt_msg) .orElse(err_to_ok).unwrap(); db_label_source &dls = lnav_data.ld_db_row_source; if (!result.empty()) { result = "SQL Result: " + result; if (dls.dls_rows.size() > 1) { ensure_view(&lnav_data.ld_views[LNV_DB]); } } rc->set_value(result); rc->set_alt_value(alt_msg); break; } case LNM_EXEC: { auto_mem tmpout(fclose); tmpout = std::tmpfile(); if (!tmpout) { rc->set_value("Unable to open temporary output file: " + string(strerror(errno))); } else { auto_fd fd(fileno(tmpout)); auto_fd fd_copy((const auto_fd &) fd); char desc[256], timestamp[32]; time_t current_time = time(NULL); string path_and_args = rc->get_value(); ec.ec_output_stack.back() = tmpout.in(); string result = execute_file(ec, path_and_args) .orElse(err_to_ok).unwrap(); string::size_type lf_index = result.find('\n'); if (lf_index != string::npos) { result = result.substr(0, lf_index); } rc->set_value(result); ec.ec_output_stack.back() = nonstd::nullopt; struct stat st; if (fstat(fd_copy, &st) != -1 && st.st_size > 0) { strftime(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime(¤t_time)); snprintf(desc, sizeof(desc), "Output of %s (%s)", path_and_args.c_str(), timestamp); lnav_data.ld_file_names[desc] .with_fd(fd_copy) .with_include_in_session(false) .with_detect_format(false); lnav_data.ld_files_to_front.emplace_back(desc, 0); if (lnav_data.ld_rl_view != NULL) { lnav_data.ld_rl_view->set_alt_value( HELP_MSG_1(X, "to close the file")); } } } break; } } lnav_data.ld_mode = LNM_PAGING; } void rl_display_matches(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { const std::vector &matches = rc->get_matches(); textview_curses &tc = lnav_data.ld_match_view; unsigned long width; __attribute((unused)) unsigned long height; int max_len, cols; getmaxyx(lnav_data.ld_window, height, width); max_len = rc->get_max_match_length() + 2; cols = max(1UL, width / max_len); if (matches.empty()) { lnav_data.ld_match_source.clear(); } else { string current_match = rc->get_match_string(); int curr_col = 0; attr_line_t al; bool add_nl = false; for (const auto &match : matches) { if (add_nl) { al.append(1, '\n'); add_nl = false; } if (match == current_match) { al.append(match, &view_curses::VC_STYLE, A_REVERSE); } else { al.append(match); } curr_col += 1; if (curr_col < cols) { int padding = max_len - match.size(); al.append(padding, ' '); } else { curr_col = 0; add_nl = true; } } lnav_data.ld_match_source.replace_with(al); } tc.reload_data(); } void rl_display_next(void *dummy, readline_curses *rc) { textview_curses &tc = lnav_data.ld_match_view; if (tc.get_top() >= (tc.get_top_for_last_row() - 1)) { tc.set_top(0_vl); } else { tc.shift_top(tc.get_height()); } }