2022-09-12 14:18:26 +00:00
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: '[1mbad[0m' is not a supported configuration $schema version
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/formats/invalid-config/config.bad-schema.json[0m:2
[36m | [0m[37m[40m "$schema": "bad" [0m
[36m =[0m [36mnote[0m: expecting one of the following $schema values:
[1m https://lnav.org/schemas/config-v1.schema.json[0m
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mProperty Synopsis[0m
[1m/$schema[0m [4m<schema-uri>[0m
The URI that specifies the schema that describes this type of file
[33m⚠ warning[0m: unexpected value for property “[1m/ui[0m”
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/formats/invalid-config/config.malformed.json[0m:2
[36m | [0m[37m[40m "ui": "theme", [0m
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mAvailable Properties[0m
[1m$schema[0m [4m<schema-uri>[0m
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: invalid JSON
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/formats/invalid-config/config.malformed.json[0m:3
[36m | [0mparse error: object key and value must be separated by a colon (':')
[36m | [0m "ui": "theme", "abc", "def": "" }
[36m | [0m (right here) ------^
[36m | [0m
[33m⚠ warning[0m: unexpected value for property “[1m/ui[0m”
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/formats/invalid-config/config.truncated.json[0m:2
[36m | [0m[37m[40m "ui": "theme" [0m
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mAvailable Properties[0m
[1m$schema[0m [4m<schema-uri>[0m
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: invalid JSON
[1m[31mreason[0m: parse error: premature EOF
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/formats/invalid-config/config.truncated.json[0m:3
2023-07-09 17:06:21 +00:00
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: invalid value for property “[1m/tuning/file-format/application~1vnd.example.com/header/expr/default[0m”
[1m[31mreason[0m: SQL expression is invalid
[1m[31m | [0m [1m[31mreason[0m: unrecognized token: "'foobar"
[1m[31m | [0m [36m --> [0m[1m/tuning/file-formats/application~1vnd.example.com/header/expr/default[0m
[1m[31m | [0m [36m | [0m[37m[40m:header[0m[37m[40m [0m[1m[36m[40mREGEXP[0m[37m[40m [0m[1m[7m[31m[40m'[0m[37m[40mfoobar [0m
[36m --> [0m[1m{test_dir}/bad-config2/configs/invalid-file-format/config.json[0m:9
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mProperty Synopsis[0m
SQLite expression
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: missing value for property “[1m/tuning/file-format/application~1vnd.example.com/converter[0m”
[1m[31mreason[0m: A converter is required for a file format
[1m[31m | [0m [1m[31mreason[0m: The converter script transforms the file into a format that can be consumed by lnav
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mProperty Synopsis[0m
The script used to convert the file
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: missing value for property “[1m/tuning/file-format/application~1vnd.example2.com/header/expr/[0m”
[1m[31mreason[0m: At least one header expression is required for a file format
[1m[31m | [0m [1m[31mreason[0m: Header expressions are used to detect a format
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mProperty Synopsis[0m
SQLite expression
[1m[31m✘ error[0m: missing value for property “[1m/tuning/file-format/application~1vnd.example2.com/converter[0m”
[1m[31mreason[0m: A converter is required for a file format
[1m[31m | [0m [1m[31mreason[0m: The converter script transforms the file into a format that can be consumed by lnav
[36m =[0m [36mhelp[0m: [1mProperty Synopsis[0m
The script used to convert the file