You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

93 lines
4.0 KiB

"$schema": "",
"syslog_log": {
"title": "Syslog",
"description": "The system logger format found on most posix systems.",
"url": "",
"regex": {
"std": {
"pattern": "^(?<timestamp>(?:\\S{3,8}\\s+\\d{1,2} \\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}|\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d{3,6})?(?:Z|(?:\\+|-)\\d{2}:\\d{2})))(?: (?<log_hostname>[a-zA-Z0-9:][^ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9]))?(?: \\[CLOUDINIT\\])?(?:(?: (?<log_syslog_tag>(?<log_procname>(?:[^\\[: ]+|[^ :]+))(?:\\[(?<log_pid>\\d+)\\])?):\\s*(?<body>.*))$|:?(?:(?: ---)? last message repeated \\d+ times?(?: ---)?))"
"rfc5424": {
"pattern": "^<(?<log_pri>\\d+)>(?<syslog_version>\\d+) (?<timestamp>\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}T\\d{2}:\\d{2}:\\d{2}(?:\\.\\d{6})?(?:[^ ]+)?) (?<log_hostname>[^ ]+|-) (?<log_syslog_tag>(?<log_procname>[^ ]+|-) (?<log_pid>[^ ]+|-) (?<log_msgid>[^ ]+|-)) (?<log_struct>\\[(?:[^\\]\"]|\"(?:\\.|[^\"])+\")*\\]|-|)\\s+(?<body>.*)"
"level-field": "body",
"level": {
"error": "(?:(?:(?<![a-zA-Z]))(?:(?i)error(?:s)?)(?:(?![a-zA-Z]))|failed|failure)",
"warning": "(?:(?:(?i)warn)|not responding|init: cannot execute)"
"opid-field": "log_syslog_tag",
"multiline": true,
"module-field": "log_procname",
"value": {
"log_pri": {
"kind": "integer",
"foreign-key": true,
"description": "The priority level of the message"
"syslog_version": {
"kind": "integer",
"foreign-key": true,
"description": "The version of the syslog format used for this message"
"log_hostname": {
"kind": "string",
"collate": "ipaddress",
"identifier": true,
"description": "The name of the host that generated the message"
"log_procname": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true,
"description": "The name of the process that generated the message"
"log_pid": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true,
"action-list": [
"description": "The ID of the process that generated the message"
"log_syslog_tag": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true,
"description": "The combination of the procname and pid"
"log_msgid": {
"kind": "string",
"identifier": true
"log_struct": {
"kind": "struct"
"action": {
"dump_pid": {
"label": "Show Process Info",
"capture-output": true,
"cmd": [
"sample": [
"line": "Jun 27 01:47:20 Tims-MacBook-Air.local configd[17]: network changed: v4(en0-: DNS- Proxy- SMB"
"line": "Jun 20 17:26:13 ip-10-188-149-5 [CLOUDINIT][DEBUG]: Restoring selinux mode for /var/lib/cloud (recursive=False)"
"line": "<46>1 2017-04-27T07:50:47.381967+02:00 logserver rsyslogd - - [origin software=\"rsyslogd\" swVersion=\"8.4.2\" x-pid=\"900\" x-info=\"\"] start"
"line": "<30>1 2017-04-27T07:59:12+02:00 nextcloud dhclient - - - DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67"
"line": "<78>1 2017-04-27T08:09:01+02:00 nextcloud CRON 1472 - - (root) CMD ( [ -x /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean ] && /usr/lib/php5/sessionclean)"