Useful links ======================== Linux boot ------------------------ * [Linux/x86 boot protocol]( * [Linux kernel parameters]( Protected mode ------------------------ * [64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-vol-3a-part-1-manual.pdf]( Memory management in the Linux kernel -------------------------------------- * [Notes on the linux kernel VM subsystem by @lorenzo-stoakes]( Serial programming ------------------------ * [8250 UART Programming]( * [Serial ports on OSDEV]( VGA ------------------------ * [Video Graphics Array (VGA)]( IO ------------------------ * [IO port programming]( GCC and GAS ------------------------ * [GCC type attributes]( * [Assembler Directives]( Important data structures -------------------------- * [task_struct definition]( Other architectures ------------------------ * [PowerPC and Linux Kernel Inside]( Memory management ------------------------ * [NUMA Deep Dive Series]( Useful links ------------------------ * [Linux x86 Program Start Up]( * [Memory Layout in Program Execution (32 bits)](