use crate::{ activities::WithPublished, activity_lists::SharedInboxActivities, fetcher::user_or_community::UserOrCommunity, }; use activitypub_federation::{ actix_web::inbox::{receive_activity, receive_activity_parts}, config::Data, }; use actix_web::{http::header::HeaderMap, web::Bytes, HttpRequest, HttpResponse}; use chrono::{DateTime, Local, TimeDelta, Utc}; use http::{Method, Uri}; use lemmy_api_common::context::LemmyContext; use lemmy_db_schema::{newtypes::InstanceId, source::instance::Instance}; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyResult; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use rand::seq::IteratorRandom; use serde::Deserialize; use std::{ cmp::Ordering, collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap}, sync::{Arc, RwLock}, thread::available_parallelism, time::Duration, }; use tokio::{spawn, task::JoinHandle, time::sleep}; use tracing::info; use url::Url; /// Handle incoming activities. pub async fn shared_inbox( request: HttpRequest, bytes: Bytes, data: Data, ) -> LemmyResult { match serde_json::from_slice::>(&bytes)?.published { Some(published) => { // includes published timestamp, insert to queue to ensure that activities are processed // in correct order even when delivered out of order. let request_parts = ( request.headers().clone(), request.method().clone(), request.uri().clone(), ); #[derive(Deserialize)] struct Id { id: Url, } let activity_id = serde_json::from_slice::(&bytes)?.id; let domain = activity_id.domain().unwrap().to_string(); let instance = Instance::read_or_create(&mut data.pool(), domain) .await .unwrap(); let mut lock = ACTIVITY_QUEUE.write().unwrap(); let instance_queue = lock.entry(; while instance_queue.len() > 5 { // TODO: must not hold lock here sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; } instance_queue.push(InboxActivity { request_parts, bytes, published, }); Ok(HttpResponse::Ok().finish()) } None => { // no timestamp included, process immediately receive_activity::( request, bytes, &data, ) .await } } } /// Queue of incoming activities, ordered by oldest published first static ACTIVITY_QUEUE: Lazy>>>> = Lazy::new(|| Arc::new(RwLock::new(HashMap::new()))); /// Minimum age of an activity before it gets processed. This ensures that an activity which was /// delayed still gets processed in correct order. const RECEIVE_DELAY: Option = TimeDelta::try_seconds(1); pub fn handle_received_activities( context: &Data, ) -> LemmyResult>> { // launch one task per cpu core let parallelism = available_parallelism()?.into(); let workers = (0..parallelism) .map(|_| { let context = context.reset_request_count(); spawn(async move { loop { let now = Local::now(); let instance_id = { let lock =; lock.keys().choose(&mut rand::thread_rng()).unwrap().clone() }; if let Some(latest_timestamp) = peek_queue_timestamp(&instance_id) { if latest_timestamp < now - RECEIVE_DELAY.unwrap() { if let Some(a) = pop_queue(&instance_id) { let parts = (&a.request_parts.0, &a.request_parts.1, &a.request_parts.2); receive_activity_parts::( parts, a.bytes, &context, ) .await .inspect_err(|e| info!("Error receiving activity: {e}")) .ok(); } } } // TODO: could sleep based on remaining time until head activity reaches 1s // or simply use `WORK_FINISHED_RECHECK_DELAY` from lemmy_federate sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await; // TODO: need cancel? lemmy seems to shutdown just fine } }) }) .collect(); Ok(workers) } fn peek_queue_timestamp(instance_id: &InstanceId) -> Option> { ACTIVITY_QUEUE .read() .unwrap() .get(instance_id) .unwrap() .peek() .map(|i| i.published) } fn pop_queue<'a>(instance_id: &InstanceId) -> Option { let mut lock = ACTIVITY_QUEUE.write().unwrap(); let res = lock.get_mut(instance_id).unwrap().pop(); if lock.is_empty() { lock.remove(instance_id); } res } #[derive(Clone, Debug)] struct InboxActivity { // Need to store like this because HttpRequest is not Sync request_parts: (HeaderMap, Method, Uri), bytes: Bytes, published: DateTime, } impl PartialOrd for InboxActivity { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option { other.published.partial_cmp(&self.published) } } impl Ord for InboxActivity { fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering { other.published.cmp(&self.published) } } impl PartialEq for InboxActivity { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { self.bytes.eq(&other.bytes) } } impl Eq for InboxActivity {} #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; #[test] fn activity_queue_order() { let activity1 = InboxActivity { request_parts: Default::default(), bytes: Default::default(), published: Local::now().into(), }; let activity2 = InboxActivity { request_parts: Default::default(), bytes: Default::default(), published: Local::now().into(), }; let activity3 = InboxActivity { request_parts: Default::default(), bytes: Default::default(), published: Local::now().into(), }; let mut lock = ACTIVITY_QUEUE.write().unwrap(); // insert in wrong order lock.push(activity3.clone()); lock.push(activity1.clone()); lock.push(activity2.clone()); // should be popped in correct order assert_eq!(activity1.published, lock.pop().unwrap().published); assert_eq!(activity2.published, lock.pop().unwrap().published); assert_eq!(activity3.published, lock.pop().unwrap().published); } }