{ "@context": [ "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams", "https://w3id.org/security/v1", { "vcard": "http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#", "dfrn": "http://purl.org/macgirvin/dfrn/1.0/", "diaspora": "https://diasporafoundation.org/ns/", "litepub": "http://litepub.social/ns#", "toot": "http://joinmastodon.org/ns#", "schema": "http://schema.org#", "manuallyApprovesFollowers": "as:manuallyApprovesFollowers", "sensitive": "as:sensitive", "Hashtag": "as:Hashtag", "directMessage": "litepub:directMessage", "discoverable": "toot:discoverable", "PropertyValue": "schema:PropertyValue", "value": "schema:value" } ], "id": "https://nerdica.net/objects/a85d7459-7262-66e9-f901-f05552414769", "type": "Note", "summary": "", "inReplyTo": "https://lemmy.ml/comment/167904", "diaspora:guid": "a85d7459-7262-66e9-f901-f05552414769", "published": "2022-04-25T18:35:37Z", "url": "https://nerdica.net/display/a85d7459-7262-66e9-f901-f05552414769", "attributedTo": "https://nerdica.net/profile/liwott", "sensitive": false, "context": "https://lemmy.ml/post/243881#context", "content": "Note that on #Friendica we canquote-share, and we can also do it in comments. As I discovered recently by playing in the below post

Do your commenting tests here.

While posting tests can obsviously be made on this community without further precision, commenting requires a post to comment on. This is what this post is for.
\nthese make it through to #Lemmy when we do it in a comment, but not in a top-level post (which is already a great start !). So, in Friendica, all that's missing is the backlink !
Also the Linked Data nature of the underlying data would make it possible to create all different kinds of associations, not just a plain cross-ref link.
This seems interesting, but I must say I don't directly see an application of this in the context of microblogging/commenting. Maybe you can inspire us here? 😀", "contentMap": { "en": "Note that on #Friendica we can quote-share, and we can also do it in comments. As I discovered recently by playing in the below post



\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t2022-04-23 14:34:19\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


Do your commenting tests here.

While posting tests can obsviously be made on this community without further precision, commenting requires a post to comment on. This is what this post is for.
\nthese make it through to #Lemmy when we do it in a comment, but not in a top-level post (which is already a great start !). So, in Friendica, all that's missing is the backlink !
Also the Linked Data nature of the underlying data would make it possible to createall different kinds of associations, not just a plain cross-ref link.
This seems interesting, but I must say I don't directly see an application of this in the context of microblogging/commenting. Maybe you can inspire us here? 😀" }, "source": { "content": "Note that on #[url=https://nerdica.net/search?tag=Friendica]Friendica[/url] we can quote-share, and we can also do it in comments. As I discovered recently by playing in the below post\n[share author='Liwott' profile='https://lemmy.ml/u/Liwott' avatar='' link='https://lemmy.ml/post/241819' posted='2022-04-23 14:34:19' guid='44b525e5-4101b003e005e70a-d472d963'][h3]Do your commenting tests here.[/h3]\nWhile posting tests can obsviously bemade on this community without further precision, commenting requires a post to comment on. This is what this post is for.[/share]\nthese make it through to #[url=https://nerdica.net/search?tag=Lemmy]Lemmy[/url] when we do it in a comment, but not in a top-level post (which is already a great start !).So, in Friendica, all that's missing is the backlink !\n[quote]Also the Linked Data nature of the underlying data would make it possible to create all different kinds of associations, not just a plain cross-ref link.[/quote]\nThis seems interesting, but I must say I don't directly see an application ofthis in the context of microblogging/commenting. Maybe you can inspire us here? :)", "mediaType": "text/bbcode" }, "diaspora:comment": "{\"author\":\"liwott@nerdica.net\",\"guid\":\"a85d7459-7262-66e9-f901-f05552414769\",\"created_at\":\"2022-04-25T18:35:37Z\",\"edited_at\":\"2022-04-25T18:35:37Z\",\"parent_guid\":\"44b525e5-532e8d03ea8f5dff-c45ad734\",\"text\":\"Note that on #Friendica we can quote-share, and we can also do it in comments. As I discovered recently by playing in the below post\\n\\n- - - - - -\\n\\n**\\u2672 [Liwott](https:\\/\\/lemmy.ml\\/u\\/Liwott)** - [2022-04-23 14:34:19 GMT](https:\\/\\/lemmy.ml\\/post\\/241819)\\n\\n> ### Do your commenting tests here.\\n> \\n> \\n> While posting tests can obsviously be made on this community without further precision, commenting requires a post to comment on. This is what this post is for.\\n\\nthese make it through to #Lemmy when we do it in a comment, but not in a top-level post (which is already a great start !). So, in Friendica, all that's missingis the backlink !> Also the Linked Data nature of the underlying data would make it possible to create all different kinds of associations, not just a plain cross-ref link.\\n\\nThis seems interesting, but I must say I don't directly see an application of this in the context of microblogging\\/commenting. Maybe you can inspire us here? \\ud83d\\ude00\",\"author_signature\":\"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\",\"thread_parent_guid\":\"44b525e5-cb6ed8649810a557-1ccd7106\"}", "attachment": [], "tag": [ { "type": "Hashtag", "href": "https://nerdica.net/search?tag=Friendica", "name": "#Friendica" }, { "type": "Hashtag", "href": "https://nerdica.net/search?tag=Lemmy", "name": "#Lemmy" }, { "type": "Mention", "href": "https://lemmy.ml/u/Liwott", "name": "@Liwott@lemmy.ml" } ], "to": [ "https://lemmy.ml/u/humanetech", "https://www.w3.org/ns/activitystreams#Public", "https://lemmy.ml/c/fediversefutures" ], "cc": [ "https://lemmy.ml/u/Liwott", "https://nerdica.net/followers/liwott", "https://lemmy.ml/u/poVoq", "https://mastodon.social/users/humanetech", "https://lemmy.ml/u/KelsonV" ] }