use crate::{ activity_lists::AnnouncableActivities, collections::CommunityContext, objects::post::ApubPost, protocol::{ activities::{ community::announce::AnnounceActivity, create_or_update::page::CreateOrUpdatePage, CreateOrUpdateType, }, collections::group_outbox::GroupOutbox, }, }; use activitypub_federation::{ data::Data, traits::{ActivityHandler, ApubObject}, utils::verify_domains_match, }; use activitystreams_kinds::collection::OrderedCollectionType; use chrono::NaiveDateTime; use futures::future::join_all; use lemmy_api_common::generate_outbox_url; use lemmy_db_schema::{ source::{person::Person, post::Post}, traits::Crud, }; use lemmy_utils::error::LemmyError; use url::Url; #[derive(Clone, Debug)] pub(crate) struct ApubCommunityOutbox(Vec); #[async_trait::async_trait(?Send)] impl ApubObject for ApubCommunityOutbox { type DataType = CommunityContext; type ApubType = GroupOutbox; type Error = LemmyError; fn last_refreshed_at(&self) -> Option { None } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn read_from_apub_id( _object_id: Url, data: &Self::DataType, ) -> Result, LemmyError> { // Only read from database if its a local community, otherwise fetch over http if data.0.local { let community_id =; let post_list: Vec = Post::list_for_community(data.1.pool(), community_id) .await? .into_iter() .map(Into::into) .collect(); Ok(Some(ApubCommunityOutbox(post_list))) } else { Ok(None) } } async fn delete(self, _data: &Self::DataType) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { // do nothing (it gets deleted automatically with the community) Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn into_apub(self, data: &Self::DataType) -> Result { let mut ordered_items = vec![]; for post in self.0 { let person = Person::read(data.1.pool(), post.creator_id).await?.into(); let create = CreateOrUpdatePage::new(post, &person, &data.0, CreateOrUpdateType::Create, &data.1) .await?; let announcable = AnnouncableActivities::CreateOrUpdatePost(create); let announce = AnnounceActivity::new(announcable.try_into()?, &data.0, &data.1)?; ordered_items.push(announce); } Ok(GroupOutbox { r#type: OrderedCollectionType::OrderedCollection, id: generate_outbox_url(&data.0.actor_id)?.into(), total_items: ordered_items.len() as i32, ordered_items, }) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn verify( group_outbox: &GroupOutbox, expected_domain: &Url, _context: &CommunityContext, _request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result<(), LemmyError> { verify_domains_match(expected_domain, &; Ok(()) } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] async fn from_apub( apub: Self::ApubType, data: &Self::DataType, _request_counter: &mut i32, ) -> Result { let mut outbox_activities = apub.ordered_items; if outbox_activities.len() > 20 { outbox_activities = outbox_activities[0..20].to_vec(); } // We intentionally ignore errors here. This is because the outbox might contain posts from old // Lemmy versions, or from other software which we cant parse. In that case, we simply skip the // item and only parse the ones that work. let data = Data::new(data.1.clone()); // process items in parallel, to avoid long delay from fetch_site_metadata() and other processing join_all(outbox_activities.into_iter().map(|activity| { async { // use separate request counter for each item, otherwise there will be problems with // parallel processing let request_counter = &mut 0; let verify = activity.verify(&data, request_counter).await; if verify.is_ok() { activity.receive(&data, request_counter).await.ok(); } } })) .await; // This return value is unused, so just set an empty vec Ok(ApubCommunityOutbox(Vec::new())) } type DbType = (); }