added code

Chris Allen 10 years ago
parent 441ca47c3f
commit a23c312042

@ -100,3 +100,30 @@ doubleEveryOther list = reverse .doubleEveryOtherForward . reverse $ list
05:16 < ReinH> No, it's probably not.
05:16 < ReinH> But other things are pretty much generalizations of that
type Variable = String
data Expression = Reference Variable
| Lambda Variable Expression
| Combination Expression Expression
type Kvariable = String
data Uatom = Procedure Variable Kvariable Call
| Ureference Variable
data Katom = Continuation Variable Call
| Kreference Variable
| Absorb
data Call = Application Uatom Uatom Katom
| Invocation Katom Uatom
cpsTransform :: Expression -> Katom -> Call
cpsTransform (Reference r) k = Invocation k $ Ureference r
cpsTransform (Lambda p b) k = Invocation k $ Procedure p
"k" $
cpsTransform b $ Kreference "k"
cpsTransform (Combination a b) k = cpsTransform a $ Continuation "v" $ cpsTransform b k
