Join for Reader

Chris Allen 10 years ago
parent bed7387341
commit 77d4cea6d5

@ -1097,3 +1097,25 @@ to produce any part of their result).
23:34 < Cale> So for instance, when you're repeatedly updating the contents of an IORef, or recursively updating an
accumulating parameter without matching on it, you want to be careful there.
## Join for Reader
18:51 < OscarZ> about join... im wondering about join (+) 7 = 14
19:14 < pjdelport> OscarZ: join for Reader becomes even more Intuitive when you pronounce Reader e a as "function
from an environment e to a"
19:15 < pjdelport> Then "Reader e (Reader e a)" is just "function from an environment e to function from an
environment e to a"
19:16 < pjdelport> And joining means turning that into just one "function from an environment e to a"
19:16 < pjdelport> And saying it like that should (hopefully) make the implementation and what it does more obvious
19:23 < pjdelport> I still think just pondering "type Reader e a = e -> a" is a great way to to get that "a ha"
λ> join (+) 7
λ> join (*) 7
