2020-03-29 20:04:37 -06:00
README.md updated news to include gifs 2020-03-29 20:04:37 -06:00


Added GIF showcase

Creating GIFs

Updated texture tutorials

Up to this point, we created textures manually everytime. I've pulled out the texture creation code into a new texture.rs file and included it every tutorial from the textures tutorial onward.

Fixed panics do to not specifying the correct usage

Wgpu has become more strict about what BufferUsages and TextureUsages are required when performing certain operations. For example int the Wgpu without a window example, the texture_desc only specified the usage to by COPY_SRC. This caused a crash when the texture was used as a render target. Adding OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT fixed the issue.

Updating Winit from 0.20.0-alpha5 to 0.20

There were a lot of small changes to how the dpi stuff works. You can see all the changes in the changelog. That means that some of the tutorials had to change.

  • I've removed hidpi_factor from State entirely. They removed the hidpi_factor() method from winit::window::Window, and changed inner_size() to return PhysicalSize instead of LogicalSize, so we don't need to store the hidpi_factor anymore.
  • update_hidpi_and_resize is no more. Since ScaleFactorChanged passes in the windows new PhysicalSize, we can simply use resize().
  • State::size is now PhysicalSize<u32> instead of the pre 0.20 LogicalSize.
  • EventsCleared is now MainEventsCleared.

I may have missed a change, but I made sure that all the examples compile an run, so if you have trouble with your code you can use them as a reference.

Changed tutorial examples to use a src directory

I wasn't using the traditional cargo binary folder setup. I've changed it to the standardized form now.

Updating to 0.4 from 0.3

There are a few things that have changed:

  1. The use of Instance has been removed. Creating a Surface and requesting an Adapter are done as follows.
let surface = wgpu::Surface::create(window);
let adapter = wgpu::Adapter::request(&wgpu::RequestAdapterOptions {
}).unwrap(); // needs to be unwrapped
  1. The request_device method now returns a (Device, Queue) tuple. This means that you can borrow the Queue mutably while using the Device immutably. Because of this change, submitting CommandBuffers to the queue uses the submit method on the Queue directly.
  1. The create method on Surface takes in any struct that implements the HasRawWindow trait, instead of a RawWindowHandle. This means that the raw-window-handle = "0.3" line in Cargo.toml is no longer needed.

I don't know if this is a change from 0.4, but you use wgpu = "0.4" line in dependencies instead of the [dependencies.wgpu] as wgpu will determine the best back end for you.

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