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struct Camera {
u_view_position: vec3<f32>,
u_view_proj: mat4x4<f32>,
struct Light {
light_position: vec3<f32>,
light_color: vec3<f32>,
struct VertexOutput {
@location(0) v_tex_coords: vec2<f32>,
@location(1) v_position: vec3<f32>,
@location(2) v_light_position: vec3<f32>,
@location(3) v_view_position: vec3<f32>,
@builtin(position) member: vec4<f32>,
var<private> a_position_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> a_tex_coords_1: vec2<f32>;
var<private> a_normal_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> a_tangent_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> a_bitangent_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> v_tex_coords: vec2<f32>;
var<private> v_position: vec3<f32>;
var<private> v_light_position: vec3<f32>;
var<private> v_view_position: vec3<f32>;
@group(1) @binding(0)
var<uniform> global: Camera;
var<private> model_matrix_0_1: vec4<f32>;
var<private> model_matrix_1_1: vec4<f32>;
var<private> model_matrix_2_1: vec4<f32>;
var<private> model_matrix_3_1: vec4<f32>;
var<private> normal_matrix_0_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> normal_matrix_1_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> normal_matrix_2_1: vec3<f32>;
@group(2) @binding(0)
var<uniform> global_1: Light;
var<private> gl_Position: vec4<f32>;
fn main_1() {
var model_matrix: mat4x4<f32>;
var normal_matrix: mat3x3<f32>;
var normal: vec3<f32>;
var tangent: vec3<f32>;
var bitangent: vec3<f32>;
var tangent_matrix: mat3x3<f32>;
var model_space: vec4<f32>;
_ = (&global_1.light_color);
let _e24 = model_matrix_0_1;
let _e25 = model_matrix_1_1;
let _e26 = model_matrix_2_1;
let _e27 = model_matrix_3_1;
model_matrix = mat4x4<f32>(vec4<f32>(_e24.x, _e24.y, _e24.z, _e24.w), vec4<f32>(_e25.x, _e25.y, _e25.z, _e25.w), vec4<f32>(_e26.x, _e26.y, _e26.z, _e26.w), vec4<f32>(_e27.x, _e27.y, _e27.z, _e27.w));
let _e50 = a_tex_coords_1;
v_tex_coords = _e50;
let _e51 = normal_matrix_0_1;
let _e52 = normal_matrix_1_1;
let _e53 = normal_matrix_2_1;
normal_matrix = mat3x3<f32>(vec3<f32>(_e51.x, _e51.y, _e51.z), vec3<f32>(_e52.x, _e52.y, _e52.z), vec3<f32>(_e53.x, _e53.y, _e53.z));
let _e68 = normal_matrix;
let _e69 = a_normal_1;
_ = (_e68 * _e69);
let _e71 = normal_matrix;
let _e72 = a_normal_1;
normal = normalize((_e71 * _e72));
let _e76 = normal_matrix;
let _e77 = a_tangent_1;
_ = (_e76 * _e77);
let _e79 = normal_matrix;
let _e80 = a_tangent_1;
tangent = normalize((_e79 * _e80));
let _e84 = normal_matrix;
let _e85 = a_bitangent_1;
_ = (_e84 * _e85);
let _e87 = normal_matrix;
let _e88 = a_bitangent_1;
bitangent = normalize((_e87 * _e88));
let _e92 = tangent;
let _e93 = bitangent;
let _e94 = normal;
_ = mat3x3<f32>(vec3<f32>(_e92.x, _e92.y, _e92.z), vec3<f32>(_e93.x, _e93.y, _e93.z), vec3<f32>(_e94.x, _e94.y, _e94.z));
let _e108 = tangent;
let _e109 = bitangent;
let _e110 = normal;
tangent_matrix = transpose(mat3x3<f32>(vec3<f32>(_e108.x, _e108.y, _e108.z), vec3<f32>(_e109.x, _e109.y, _e109.z), vec3<f32>(_e110.x, _e110.y, _e110.z)));
let _e126 = model_matrix;
let _e127 = a_position_1;
model_space = (_e126 * vec4<f32>(_e127.x, _e127.y, _e127.z, 1.0));
let _e135 = tangent_matrix;
let _e136 = model_space;
v_position = (_e135 *;
let _e139 = tangent_matrix;
let _e140 = global_1.light_position;
v_light_position = (_e139 * _e140);
let _e142 = tangent_matrix;
let _e143 = global.u_view_position;
v_view_position = (_e142 * _e143);
let _e146 = global.u_view_proj;
let _e147 = model_space;
gl_Position = (_e146 * _e147);
fn main(@location(0) a_position: vec3<f32>, @location(1) a_tex_coords: vec2<f32>, @location(2) a_normal: vec3<f32>, @location(3) a_tangent: vec3<f32>, @location(4) a_bitangent: vec3<f32>, @location(5) model_matrix_0_: vec4<f32>, @location(6) model_matrix_1_: vec4<f32>, @location(7) model_matrix_2_: vec4<f32>, @location(8) model_matrix_3_: vec4<f32>, @location(9) normal_matrix_0_: vec3<f32>, @location(10) normal_matrix_1_: vec3<f32>, @location(11) normal_matrix_2_: vec3<f32>) -> VertexOutput {
a_position_1 = a_position;
a_tex_coords_1 = a_tex_coords;
a_normal_1 = a_normal;
a_tangent_1 = a_tangent;
a_bitangent_1 = a_bitangent;
model_matrix_0_1 = model_matrix_0_;
model_matrix_1_1 = model_matrix_1_;
model_matrix_2_1 = model_matrix_2_;
model_matrix_3_1 = model_matrix_3_;
normal_matrix_0_1 = normal_matrix_0_;
normal_matrix_1_1 = normal_matrix_1_;
normal_matrix_2_1 = normal_matrix_2_;
_ = (&global.u_view_position);
_ = (&global.u_view_proj);
_ = (&global_1.light_position);
let _e65 = v_tex_coords;
let _e67 = v_position;
let _e69 = v_light_position;
let _e71 = v_view_position;
let _e73 = gl_Position;
return VertexOutput(_e65, _e67, _e69, _e71, _e73);