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struct Light {
light_position: vec3<f32>,
light_color: vec3<f32>,
struct FragmentOutput {
@location(0) f_color: vec4<f32>,
var<private> v_tex_coords_1: vec2<f32>;
var<private> v_position_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> v_light_position_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> v_view_position_1: vec3<f32>;
var<private> f_color: vec4<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(0)
var t_diffuse: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(1)
var s_diffuse: sampler;
@group(0) @binding(2)
var t_normal: texture_2d<f32>;
@group(0) @binding(3)
var s_normal: sampler;
@group(2) @binding(0)
var<uniform> global: Light;
fn main_1() {
var object_color: vec4<f32>;
var object_normal: vec4<f32>;
var ambient_strength: f32 = 0.10000000149011612;
var ambient_color: vec3<f32>;
var normal: vec3<f32>;
var light_dir: vec3<f32>;
var diffuse_strength: f32;
var diffuse_color: vec3<f32>;
var view_dir: vec3<f32>;
var half_dir: vec3<f32>;
var specular_strength: f32;
var specular_color: vec3<f32>;
var result: vec3<f32>;
_ = (&global.light_position);
_ = v_tex_coords_1;
let _e14 = v_tex_coords_1;
let _e15 = textureSample(t_diffuse, s_diffuse, _e14);
object_color = _e15;
_ = v_tex_coords_1;
let _e18 = v_tex_coords_1;
let _e19 = textureSample(t_normal, s_normal, _e18);
object_normal = _e19;
let _e23 = global.light_color;
let _e24 = ambient_strength;
ambient_color = (_e23 * _e24);
let _e27 = object_normal;
_ = (( * 2.0) - vec3<f32>(1.0));
let _e34 = object_normal;
normal = normalize((( * 2.0) - vec3<f32>(1.0)));
let _e43 = v_light_position_1;
let _e44 = v_position_1;
_ = (_e43 - _e44);
let _e46 = v_light_position_1;
let _e47 = v_position_1;
light_dir = normalize((_e46 - _e47));
_ = normal;
_ = light_dir;
let _e53 = normal;
let _e54 = light_dir;
_ = dot(_e53, _e54);
_ = normal;
_ = light_dir;
let _e59 = normal;
let _e60 = light_dir;
diffuse_strength = max(dot(_e59, _e60), 0.0);
let _e65 = global.light_color;
let _e66 = diffuse_strength;
diffuse_color = (_e65 * _e66);
let _e69 = v_view_position_1;
let _e70 = v_position_1;
_ = (_e69 - _e70);
let _e72 = v_view_position_1;
let _e73 = v_position_1;
view_dir = normalize((_e72 - _e73));
let _e77 = view_dir;
let _e78 = light_dir;
_ = (_e77 + _e78);
let _e80 = view_dir;
let _e81 = light_dir;
half_dir = normalize((_e80 + _e81));
_ = normal;
_ = half_dir;
let _e87 = normal;
let _e88 = half_dir;
_ = dot(_e87, _e88);
_ = normal;
_ = half_dir;
let _e93 = normal;
let _e94 = half_dir;
_ = max(dot(_e93, _e94), 0.0);
_ = normal;
_ = half_dir;
let _e101 = normal;
let _e102 = half_dir;
_ = dot(_e101, _e102);
_ = normal;
_ = half_dir;
let _e107 = normal;
let _e108 = half_dir;
specular_strength = pow(max(dot(_e107, _e108), 0.0), f32(32));
let _e116 = specular_strength;
let _e117 = global.light_color;
specular_color = (_e116 * _e117);
let _e120 = ambient_color;
let _e121 = diffuse_color;
let _e123 = specular_color;
let _e125 = object_color;
result = (((_e120 + _e121) + _e123) *;
let _e129 = result;
let _e130 = object_color;
f_color = vec4<f32>(_e129.x, _e129.y, _e129.z, _e130.w);
fn main(@location(0) v_tex_coords: vec2<f32>, @location(1) v_position: vec3<f32>, @location(2) v_light_position: vec3<f32>, @location(3) v_view_position: vec3<f32>) -> FragmentOutput {
v_tex_coords_1 = v_tex_coords;
v_position_1 = v_position;
v_light_position_1 = v_light_position;
v_view_position_1 = v_view_position;
_ = (&global.light_position);
let _e31 = f_color;
return FragmentOutput(_e31);