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(window.webpackJsonp=window.webpackJsonp||[]).push([[27],{268:function(e,t,s){"use strict";s.r(t);var o=s(10),r=Object(o.a)({},(function(){var e=this,t=e.$createElement,s=e._self._c||t;return s("ContentSlotsDistributor",{attrs:{"slot-key":e.$parent.slotKey}},[s("h1",{attrs:{id:"foreward"}},[s("a",{staticClass:"header-anchor",attrs:{href:"#foreward"}},[e._v("#")]),e._v(" Foreward")]),e._v(" "),s("p",[e._v("The articles in this section are not meant to be tutorials. They are showcases of the various things you can do with "),s("code",[e._v("wgpu")]),e._v(". I won't go over specifics of creating "),s("code",[e._v("wgpu")]),e._v(" resources, as those will be covered elsewhere. The code for these examples is still available however, and will be accessible on Github.")])])}),[],!1,null,null,null);t.default=r.exports}}]);