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use failure::bail;
use image::GenericImageView;
use std::path::Path;
use crate::pipeline;
pub struct Texture {
pub texture: wgpu::Texture,
pub view: wgpu::TextureView,
pub sampler: wgpu::Sampler,
impl Texture {
pub const DEPTH_FORMAT: wgpu::TextureFormat = wgpu::TextureFormat::Depth32Float;
pub fn load<P: AsRef<Path>>(
device: &wgpu::Device,
path: P,
is_normal_map: bool,
) -> Result<(Self, wgpu::CommandBuffer), failure::Error> {
let path_copy = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();
// The label currently can only be 64 characters, so we'll need
// to use just the file name for the label.
let label = path_copy.file_name().unwrap().to_str();
let img = image::open(path)?;
Self::from_image(device, &img, label, is_normal_map)
pub fn create_depth_texture(
device: &wgpu::Device,
sc_desc: &wgpu::SwapChainDescriptor,
label: &str,
) -> Self {
let size = wgpu::Extent3d {
width: sc_desc.width,
height: sc_desc.height,
depth: 1,
let desc = wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
label: Some(label),
array_layer_count: 1,
mip_level_count: 1,
sample_count: 1,
dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
format: Self::DEPTH_FORMAT,
usage: wgpu::TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT
| wgpu::TextureUsage::SAMPLED
| wgpu::TextureUsage::COPY_SRC,
let texture = device.create_texture(&desc);
let view = texture.create_default_view();
let sampler = device.create_sampler(&wgpu::SamplerDescriptor {
address_mode_u: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_v: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_w: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
mag_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
min_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
mipmap_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
lod_min_clamp: 0.0,
lod_max_clamp: 100.0,
compare: wgpu::CompareFunction::LessEqual,
Self {
pub fn from_bytes(
device: &wgpu::Device,
bytes: &[u8],
label: &str,
is_normal_map: bool,
) -> Result<(Self, wgpu::CommandBuffer), failure::Error> {
let img = image::load_from_memory(bytes)?;
Self::from_image(device, &img, Some(label), is_normal_map)
pub fn from_image(
device: &wgpu::Device,
img: &image::DynamicImage,
label: Option<&str>,
is_normal_map: bool,
) -> Result<(Self, wgpu::CommandBuffer), failure::Error> {
let rgba = img.to_rgba();
let dimensions = img.dimensions();
if dimensions.0 == 0 || dimensions.1 == 0 {
"Image {} has invalid dimensions! {:?}",
let size = wgpu::Extent3d {
width: dimensions.0,
height: dimensions.1,
depth: 1,
// Get the number of mip maps from the images width
let mip_level_count = (size.width as f32).log2().round() as u32;
let texture_desc = wgpu::TextureDescriptor {
array_layer_count: 1,
mip_level_count, // UPDATED!
sample_count: 1,
dimension: wgpu::TextureDimension::D2,
format: if is_normal_map {
} else {
usage: wgpu::TextureUsage::SAMPLED
| wgpu::TextureUsage::COPY_DST
// Needed for to make the mip maps.
| wgpu::TextureUsage::OUTPUT_ATTACHMENT,
let texture = device.create_texture(&texture_desc);
let buffer = device.create_buffer_with_data(&rgba, wgpu::BufferUsage::COPY_SRC);
let mut encoder = device.create_command_encoder(&wgpu::CommandEncoderDescriptor {
label: Some("texture_buffer_copy_encoder"),
wgpu::BufferCopyView {
buffer: &buffer,
offset: 0,
bytes_per_row: 4 * dimensions.0,
rows_per_image: dimensions.1,
wgpu::TextureCopyView {
texture: &texture,
mip_level: 0,
array_layer: 0,
origin: wgpu::Origin3d::ZERO,
// Make sure to do this after you've copied the buffer
// to the texture, other wise your mipmaps will be black.
&mut encoder,
let cmd_buffer = encoder.finish();
let view = texture.create_default_view();
let sampler = device.create_sampler(&wgpu::SamplerDescriptor {
address_mode_u: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_v: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_w: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
mag_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
min_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
mipmap_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
lod_min_clamp: -100.0,
lod_max_clamp: 100.0,
compare: wgpu::CompareFunction::LessEqual,
Self {
pub fn generate_mipmaps(
encoder: &mut wgpu::CommandEncoder,
device: &wgpu::Device,
texture: &wgpu::Texture,
texture_desc: &wgpu::TextureDescriptor,
mip_count: u32,
) {
let bind_group_layout = device.create_bind_group_layout(&wgpu::BindGroupLayoutDescriptor {
bindings: &[
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 0,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::SampledTexture {
multisampled: false,
component_type: wgpu::TextureComponentType::Float,
dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
wgpu::BindGroupLayoutEntry {
binding: 1,
visibility: wgpu::ShaderStage::FRAGMENT,
ty: wgpu::BindingType::Sampler { comparison: false },
label: None,
let pipeline_layout = device.create_pipeline_layout(&wgpu::PipelineLayoutDescriptor {
bind_group_layouts: &[&bind_group_layout],
// This pipeline will render out a texture to another texture.
// We create the mipmaps by rendering to increasingly smaller
// textures.
let blit_pipeline = pipeline::RenderPipelineBuilder::new()
// Using wgpu::TriangleStrip makes our lives easier in the shader.
// This sampler ensures that the smaller textures get the right
// color data.
let sampler = device.create_sampler(&wgpu::SamplerDescriptor {
address_mode_u: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_v: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
address_mode_w: wgpu::AddressMode::ClampToEdge,
mag_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Linear,
min_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
mipmap_filter: wgpu::FilterMode::Nearest,
// Since we are using this sampler to generate mipmaps,
// we don't need it the use level of detail values.
lod_min_clamp: 0.0,
lod_max_clamp: 0.0,
compare: wgpu::CompareFunction::Always,
// Create a view for every mip level.
let views = (0..mip_count)
.map(|mip| {
texture.create_view(&wgpu::TextureViewDescriptor {
format: texture_desc.format,
dimension: wgpu::TextureViewDimension::D2,
aspect: wgpu::TextureAspect::All,
base_mip_level: mip,
level_count: 1,
base_array_layer: 0,
array_layer_count: 1,
// Skip the first view, as that is the base one
for target_mip in 1..mip_count as usize {
let bind_group = device.create_bind_group(&wgpu::BindGroupDescriptor {
layout: &bind_group_layout,
bindings: &[
wgpu::Binding {
binding: 0,
// Bind to the view before this one
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::TextureView(&views[target_mip - 1]),
wgpu::Binding {
binding: 1,
resource: wgpu::BindingResource::Sampler(&sampler),
label: None,
let mut pass = encoder.begin_render_pass(&wgpu::RenderPassDescriptor {
color_attachments: &[wgpu::RenderPassColorAttachmentDescriptor {
attachment: &views[target_mip],
resolve_target: None,
clear_color: wgpu::Color::WHITE,
load_op: wgpu::LoadOp::Clear,
store_op: wgpu::StoreOp::Store,
depth_stencil_attachment: None,
pass.set_bind_group(0, &bind_group, &[]);
pass.draw(0..4, 0..1);